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You want to really know why the colts won


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I read all this other stuff...ugh.


You wanna know why the colts won those two games coming from behind and why they're winning in general?    Listen up.

Oh and coming from behind is barely in my vocabulary.



Now the credit of this philosophy goes to BB but here it is.

A game is made up of some 80 plays. More than 95% of those plays are what you expect in standard football. A 9 yd run, a 2 yd run, a no gain, some passes, maybe an int and so forth. But the game is decided on 2-3 plays, usually in the 4th qtr and usually late in the 4th qtr.


SO.... you play that whole 95-98% of the game....... and this is the kicker-    for the RIGHT to be there at the end so as to GET the OPPORTUNITY to make those 2 or 3 plays that can win the game (or lose it if you don't).  Or even one play in a close game. That is what is meant by "playing 60 minutes" .


That is exactly what the colts did- play 60 minutes. It's not like other teams take a vacation but the intensity and drive tapers off many teams. I saw it the Titans game. And LUCK is a 60 minute player. I can see it. He  doesn't quit or get dejected.


That experience, even though this colt team is rather young and flippy, showed through. And that's why you won.


It's never about who you play, what their record is, whatever other reason you think up.



Sorry to get uppity but some of this stuff irks me   (especially you folks getting down on your team in the 1st qtr.) Looks like the Titans couldn't play 60 minutes could they? :)

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I think there is a degree of truth in this which also extends to the coaching staff of a team. How often do we see teams get up some and then take their foot off the pedal.

I'd also agree we seem to make good adjustments at H/T leading to better 2nd half performance.

Finally couldn't agree more about people giving up early on this team in games, even after the deluge of 4th qtr comebacks. It's .. frustrating... seeing it week in and out in game day threads.

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Well said JJ. What also irks me is that when 'we' put up 14, 17 or 21 unanswered points it's all nice and 'high five' land on here, but when other teams do it to us, the whole world is about to end. Like other teams have no right to play well etc.

Yep, we can all be a little blind sometimes.

Ps - yet to catch The White Queen, but hope to get the DVD series soon.

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Huh & I gave my wife credit for the comeback in tennessee because @ halftime she made me go put on my Luck jersey & she did the same. Hope she reads this thread because she been walking around on her high horse cause she caused the turn around.

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Well said JJ. What also irks me is that when 'we' put up 14, 17 or 21 unanswered points it's all nice and 'high five' land on here, but when other teams do it to us, the whole world is about to end. Like other teams have no right to play well etc.

Yep, we can all be a little blind sometimes.

Ps - yet to catch The White Queen, but hope to get the DVD series soon.


Loved that series.  I'm now looking for the books.  (A little backward I know.)



And LUCK is a 60 minute player. I can see it. He  doesn't quit or get dejected.



This.  I love how he stays calm under pressure also.

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Mostly adjustments. I don't buy the crap that teams don't play 60 minutes.

And we're just flat out the better team.

I'm not sure I agree with you about the Colts being flat out better. I'm more inclined to agree with JJ... This team has moxie, grit and determination. It finds ways to struggle through large stretches of games, when things aren't clicking, and wills things to work at clutch moments.

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I'm not sure I agree with you about the Colts being flat out better. I'm more inclined to agree with JJ... This team has moxie, grit and determination. It finds ways to struggle through large stretches of games, when things aren't clicking, and wills things to work at clutch moments.

Yeah, well I would say besides the QB's the Colts and Titans are pretty even talent wise but we have the better QB, the moxie, grit and determination. But that is all part of being better than them. Also, an 11-5 record for us last year, 6-10 for them, 7-3 for us this year with wins over 3 elites, 4-6 for them. You are what your record says you are. We're a whole lot better imo. 

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Yeah, well I would say besides the QB's the Colts and Titans are pretty even talent wise but we have the better QB, the moxie, grit and determination. But that is all part of being better than them. Also, an 11-5 record for us last year, 6-10 for them, 7-3 for us this year with wins over 3 elites, 4-6 for them. You are what your record says you are. We're a whole lot better imo.

I hate that expression. Rarely do wins and losses actually denote skill level beyond good, bad, or average. Record is the only thing that matters in the standings, but beyond that its a godawful way to analyze a teams talent level.
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I hate that expression. Rarely do wins and losses actually denote skill level beyond good, bad, or average. Record is the only thing that matters in the standings, but beyond that its a godawful way to analyze a teams talent level.

"Godawful way"?. Your saying that a team's talent doesn't correlate with a team's record? Come on now. 

The only time I've ever seen that to be true is last year with the Chiefs. Lots of talent but very bad coaching and QB's that made lots of mistakes. 

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I hate that expression. Rarely do wins and losses actually denote skill level beyond good, bad, or average. Record is the only thing that matters in the standings, but beyond that its a godawful way to analyze a teams talent level.

i agree, but we did win against 49ers, Denver, and Seattle so that has to say something

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 I would give Andrews poise probably the #1 reason we succeed in the 4th Q.


 Then close behind is all the rest.

 Low turnovers, us 0 Tnn 1 (WE WON because they fumbled on our 20), low penalties, grind the opposing D with the run game so they play a TIRED 4thQ (we win the time of possesion & that helps our D in the 4th).

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Loved that series.  I'm now looking for the books.  (A little backward I know.)




This.  I love how he stays calm under pressure also.

Oh you watched that too. Wasn't it a great series! Those 2 poor boys locked in the tower. Know one knows what really happened but I read another account they were walled in the tower walls. Just because they were royal heirs. And don't forget Elizabeth Woodville is great grandmother to Elizabeth I

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Irsay did say we were modeling the Super Bowl winning Pats teams. It's starting to look like that.

I didn't know that. This years Pats team isn't great but they have that grit to the very end- hence the wins.


Also- I know there's a lot of complaining about the run game and lets see Luck sling it. Are you kidding- defenses will just tee off on it.

 I saw a post the pass has to set up the run. Well in football the run still sets up the pass. Even if you don't get the big power runs you expected you have to keep the defense honest. You have to get them to play the run too. So those 3 yard runs do count.


Perfect example. 2nd half I think it was..colts in a run formation. Even I was fooled as usually they are predictable. But a play action with a great fake hand off to the RB to the right and Luck hit a wide open Fleener to the left for a huge gain. That was all set up by the run.


Great call by Pep. They seem to stick with their plan yet adjust just enough

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i agree, but we did win against 49ers, Denver, and Seattle so that has to say something

But it doesn't mean anything more than 3 wins. The first 8 weeks of a season is entirely different than the 2nd 8 weeks where the men usually separate from the boys. 


Beating a team with a bad or good record has little to do with who you are or will determine the next game. There isn't as much that separates NFL teams as people think there is and someone has to lose. Or in other words beating 3 good teams will never entitle you to beat a under 500 team.


The exceptions always exist of course- such as the 85 Bears.

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Great points JJ. I think most of us are used to Peyton basically winning the game in the 3rd quarter.

No doubt, It will take some time to get back to normal football :)   But yeah- Peyton is the exception to the rule. There will always be exceptions.




oh and one more general point about the 80 play philosophy. How many times have you heard post game interviews with players and coaches saying we made a couple more plays or we didn't make enough plays..over and over and over.

Making plays.

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But it doesn't mean anything more than 3 wins. The first 8 weeks of a season is entirely different than the 2nd 8 weeks where the men usually separate from the boys.

Beating a team with a bad or good record has little to do with who you are or will determine the next game. There isn't as much that separates NFL teams as people think there is and someone has to lose. Or in other words beating 3 good teams will never entitle you to beat a under 500 team.

The exceptions always exist of course- such as the 85 Bears.

I tend to agree JJ. Unfortunately, Colts fans had to endure "experts" and fans of other franchises discounting the 11-5 record last year because of who we faced. It is very understandable that those same Colts fans now want to bellow from the rooftops about this year's big wins.
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But it doesn't mean anything more than 3 wins. The first 8 weeks of a season is entirely different than the 2nd 8 weeks where the men usually separate from the boys. 


Beating a team with a bad or good record has little to do with who you are or will determine the next game. There isn't as much that separates NFL teams as people think there is and someone has to lose. Or in other words beating 3 good teams will never entitle you to beat a under 500 team.


The exceptions always exist of course- such as the 85 Bears.

beating a good team is well beating a good team, granted are they going to get better in the 2nd half sure, but so are we, not saying if we go against them that we will win, but we would still give them a challenge, you merely looking at it as just a win is like beating Denver and beating Jacksonville means the same thing, which isn't true cuz Denver is SB worthy team and Jacksonville isn't, granted i know beating Jacksonville for is is considered 2 wins for us but i was trying to state a point.

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beating a good team is well beating a good team, granted are they going to get better in the 2nd half sure, but so are we, not saying if we go against them that we will win, but we would still give them a challenge, you merely looking at it as just a win is like beating Denver and beating Jacksonville means the same thing, which isn't true cuz Denver is SB worthy team and Jacksonville isn't, granted i know beating Jacksonville for is is considered 2 wins for us but i was trying to state a point.

Who says Denver is SB worthy. because of stats?  Their odds are better because of their record.

Sure there is some difference in teams and if you compare the top to the bottom it can be a wide margin. But how many make it in the NFL from all the college players. Not many. That's the point I'm making. Too many rate these teams like it's a madden game line up. That's not how they are played tho.


We always hear one game at a time from players and coaches in all sports. Myself, personally as a fan also watches each game in that same manner. I don't even know who we're playing the following week. But if say NE is playing Jax this week I count it as a guaranteed win. NO.


Of course there would be nothing much to post here as arm chair generals if we took that philosophy but that is how it is in reality. That's why they play the games. What you did last week really means nothing other than your record which is only used to get to the playoffs.

So when I hear they're no good, they're overrated (wow what an over used word) I do tend to silently laugh.


KC is overrated huh. OK. :)

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