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Awww....C'mon Denver, why not boo your team 1 more time for fun? 


The insolence and insufferable sense of entitlement is striking from that fanbase. Two home games in a row they boo their team while leaving the field for the half....and neither time were they down. 


There is a HUGE culture difference between Denver fans and Indy fans. HUGE.


That's disgusting. 


Maybe it's the altitude that makes them so crazy.


Denver fans need to spend some time in Tampa Bay to clear their heads and make them appreciate what a great team they have. 

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That's disgusting. 


Maybe it's the altitude that makes them so crazy.


Denver fans need to spend some time in Tampa Bay to clear their heads and make them appreciate what a great team they have. 

Well, Denver fans had high expectations and thought they were invincible. They probably thought they were going to be up 40-0 by the half.

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Well, Denver fans had high expectations and thought they were invincible. They probably thought they were going to be up 40-0 by the half.


I understand having high expectations. 


But, I would never "boo" the team I cheer for when they weren't even behind.


Heck, I didn't even "boo" the Colts during the 2-14 season. 

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There has been a ton of injuries for both teams


& they continued after u posted it


RG3 knee is OK they say, Denver not saying anything about SS Duke I & Julious Thomas ( both breakout starters this year )  getting MRI today on ankle


Getting a bye week just in time


Julius Thomas' injury status pending an ankle MRI Monday; Duke Ihenacho's status unknown




Getting a bye just in time

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Im not watchin the game.. did RG3 get hurt? Why is cousins playing?



Knighton or Vickerson , one of those big boys sacked him good and drove him into the ground and landed right on him coming right up the midle , a straight shot at him , he hurt / irritated his good knee , not the one that was hurt last year


Held out for precautionary reasons , he is ok supposedly , score was lopsided by then

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Hall has actually been playing pretty good this year....for what its worth.


DeAngello hall takes on a teams best receivers, 1st IT, DT fell, but 2nd Vs DT , DT caught the ball and Hall just took it away, played much more physical than DT, DT should learn to catch and fight to manintain to secure it

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Denver's flaws are rearing their heads the past few games.


-Peyton isn't being aware of his surroundings and is making bad decisions. Plus he doesn't/can't reliably go long anymore.


-Related to above, the O-line has looked like the 2007-2012 Colts these past two weeks. Credit the pass rush of Indy and Washington, but injuries or not it needs to improve. Manning is getting knocked and off his mark. Plus he's had a few INTs being hit as he throws.


-No defense. They're #1 VS the run only because everyone passes on them. When teams want to run, they can and do. Similar to Manning's Colts when we had a "great" pass D since everyone ran down our throats yet in reality our pass D sucked too.


-Related to the defense, the pass rush is less than impressive even with Von Miller. This will be brutal against very good QB's.


-Special teams, usually good, have been poor the past few weeks. Probably just in a slump.


-Terrible coaching/lack of adjustments by Fox and Del Rio. The Dallas game was the highlight of their ineptitude.


-Penalties. Denver rarely catches a break from the officials. Not only is their bad luck with zebras incredible, but they also flat out commit way too many boneheaded penalties. (Though often not legitimate, most of them are and are correctable with good coaching. See above.)



Denver can still win this game and will likely make the playoffs. Hell, they might even end with a #1 or #2 seed. However if this is the same team they field come January they'll be one and done. Just too many gaping flaws as is. They can improve in many aspects and there is still a trade deadline to make some moves happen, but I think they're pretty well set.



if they dont win division they can only be 5th seed  as wild cat at best correct ??  - no matter what there record is

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Awww....C'mon Denver, why not boo your team 1 more time for fun? 


The insolence and insufferable sense of entitlement is striking from that fanbase. Two home games in a row they boo their team while leaving the field for the half....and neither time were they down. 


There is a HUGE culture difference between Denver fans and Indy fans. HUGE.

Not that HUGE.... I was on there yesterday, Yes there are some negative fans, that want to flip flop after every play... but the Colts has their share of Negative Nellies too..... How soon you forget all the booing at Adam V. and calling for his release... Numerous threads on here about that... too many to count.

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Not that HUGE.... I was on there yesterday, Yes there are some negative fans, that want to flip flop after every play... but the Colts has their share of Negative Nellies too..... How soon you forget all the booing at Adam V. and calling for his release... Numerous threads on here about that... too many to count.

It's true, every fanbase has all ranges of people. 


I just cannot think of one time when we heard resounding boos at the RCA Dome or LOS when our team was either tied or winning. It hits the ear wrong. Do Denver fans truly think they're entitled to a SB championship because they have Manning? Do they really expect to be ahead by 28 points at the half....every week? 


I like the team. I want Manning to succeed there. But the fans? I sat in on their gameday thread and I'll never do that again. They're too hard and too critical as a majority. 

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It's true, every fanbase has all ranges of people. 


 Do Denver fans truly think they're entitled to a SB championship because they have Manning? Do they really expect to be ahead by 28 points at the half....every week? 


I like the team. I want Manning to succeed there. But the fans? I sat in on their gameday thread and I'll never do that again. They're too hard and too critical as a majority. 

I guess they do  :dunno:


It's got to be  "something"  as a Colts Fan, to Never hear anyone voicing any entitlement to future Super Bowls, or guaranteeing more than one more :lombardi:  :lombardi:  simply because they have  Luck.   


....  oh wait  :scratch:

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It's true, every fanbase has all ranges of people. 


I just cannot think of one time when we heard resounding boos at the RCA Dome or LOS when our team was either tied or winning. It hits the ear wrong. Do Denver fans truly think they're entitled to a SB championship because they have Manning? Do they really expect to be ahead by 28 points at the half....every week? 


I like the team. I want Manning to succeed there. But the fans? I sat in on their gameday thread and I'll never do that again. They're too hard and too critical as a majority. 


I wouldn't know about the gameday thread as I am staying away from that forum.


But, a message board is one thing.


For fans actually at the game to boo so loudly that they can be heard on TV is quite another . . . especially when the team isn't behind.

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I guess they do  :dunno:


It's got to be refreshing as a Colts Fan, to Never hear anyone voicing any entitlement to future Super Bowls, or guaranteeing more than one more :lombardi:  :lombardi:  simply because they have  Luck.   


....  oh wait  :scratch:

Being positive about your teams future is fine. Being negative is a different thing altogether. Thousands of people joining together to boo their 6-1 team going into the half for being tied.....that's negative. 


This attitude translated directly onto their message boards. "OMG this defense sucks". "PUT BROCK IN, MANNING IS BLOWING IT"


"This team is a joke".


...and here I am, a Colts fan, it's 21-7 WASH and I'm telling them "Calm down, you'll probably win by 14" (my exact words). 


Now I've sat in on at least 50 gameday threads here. Of course, when things are going badly, there's the typical assortment of Debbie Downers, but for the most part.......the fans here keep their heads on straight and not put the team on blast for being a little down. 


I'm just being honest, I was blown back by the overwhelming negativity and poor attitudes over a team that 25 or so other fanbases would LOVE to call their own. 


I wouldn't know about the gameday thread as I am staying away from that forum.


But, a message board is one thing.


For fans actually at the game to boo so loudly that they can be heard on TV is quite another . . . especially when the team isn't behind.

You should've heard what my mother had to say about the boo's 2 weeks ago against the Jaguars. She was so happy when Manning went to Denver. She called me after the JAX game "What's wrong with those people? After Peyton retires, I hope they don't win another game for 20 years". 


....and then they do it again the very next game because it's tied. 

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...and here I am, a Colts fan, it's 21-7 WASH and I'm telling them "Calm down, you'll probably win by 14" (my exact words). 


I'm just being honest, I was blown back by the overwhelming negativity and poor attitudes over a team that 25 or so other fanbases would LOVE to call their own. 




As did I,  as I'm sure you saw.   Several times  I stated they needed to have some Faith...  and I also stated that I NEVER waiver in my support, and that I Never Give up on Manning.     Told them to be patient.   


To be honest,  It was a handful of  the same people making the Negative comments.  There were plenty of others, in addition to you and I being positive.


My above comment, was really just directed at your comment saying that Denver fans seem to feel "entitled"  to a Super Bowl, and I was just pointing out that ~  that same entitlement appears on this Board for Colts fans too...    FACT.

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As did I,  as I'm sure you saw.   Several times  I stated they needed to have some Faith...  and I also stated that I NEVER waiver in my support, and that I Never Give up on Manning.     Told them to be patient.   


To be honest,  It was a handful of  the same people making the Negative comments.  There were plenty of others, in addition to you and I being positive.


My above comment, was really just directed at your comment saying that Denver fans seem to feel "entitled"  to a Super Bowl, and I was just pointing out that ~  that same entitlement appears on this Board for Colts fans too...    FACT.

I fully agree with everything but the bolded. I don't get the sense that Colts fans take a SB run for granted, not quite yet. There is a pervasive sentiment that we'll get one (or more) over the next 5 years, true. 


To be fair, what Denver fans are succumbing to is very similar to what Colts fans felt before the 2006 SB win....and then in 2007, 2008 and 2009. I think by Peyton's last active year, 2010, we had made peace with the mortality of our squad and the reality that Peyton Manning doesn't guarantee anything beyond a playoff birth. We learned to appreciate how hard it is to win it all. 


I would be quite happy if I saw Denver fans raising hell about the home crowd boos. There is a thread "I am ashamed to be a Broncos fan" regarding the boos at the JAX game. It didn't get much traction and ultimately, they decided their behavior was on par with all 32 teams, somehow making it OK to act in such a way. 

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I understand having high expectations. 


But, I would never "boo" the team I cheer for when they weren't even behind.


Heck, I didn't even "boo" the Colts during the 2-14 season. 

I agree, only remember booing Colts once, I think it was during a Jets game, I forget the circumstances, does anyone else  remember that game???

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Awww....C'mon Denver, why not boo your team 1 more time for fun? 


The insolence and insufferable sense of entitlement is striking from that fanbase. Two home games in a row they boo their team while leaving the field for the half....and neither time were they down. 


There is a HUGE culture difference between Denver fans and Indy fans. HUGE.

You can see the culture difference manifested in the way of player performance as well, ala Vickerson's play during the Colts game...

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I agree, only remember booing Colts once, I think it was during a Jets game, I forget the circumstances, does anyone else  remember that game???


Yes, "that" game would be an exception.


And, I can fully understand the fans booing during "that" game. 


My TV got a few choice words. 

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I agree, only remember booing Colts once, I think it was during a Jets game, I forget the circumstances, does anyone else  remember that game???

2006 AFCCG comes to mind. After years of 1 and done playoff results with a perennial 12+ win team, at home with a trip to the SB on the line and the Colts played with no emotion. Boo'ing seemed....appropriate under the circumstances. 



I want to add; Boo'ing a bad play by your team and just straight out boo'ing your team....two very different creatures. 

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I agree, only remember booing Colts once, I think it was during a Jets game, I forget the circumstances, does anyone else  remember that game???

I was at home........faint from the shock

so I didn't hear anything except the consoling sound of my brothers voice "I get it I understand........it's OK!:


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No game should be an exception if your truly a fan of that team.   :)


You can question my fandom if you want.  That is your prerogative. 


I'm assuming that means that you are also saying that all the Bronco fans who booed so loudly (that it could be heard on TV) at half time towards a team that was ahead/tied aren't truly fans of that team either. 

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As did I,  as I'm sure you saw.   Several times  I stated they needed to have some Faith...  and I also stated that I NEVER waiver in my support, and that I Never Give up on Manning.     Told them to be patient.   


To be honest,  It was a handful of  the same people making the Negative comments.  There were plenty of others, in addition to you and I being positive.


My above comment, was really just directed at your comment saying that Denver fans seem to feel "entitled"  to a Super Bowl, and I was just pointing out that ~  that same entitlement appears on this Board for Colts fans too...    FACT.




Me either.......but I think I was too bored to work up to it

Anyway,booing would not have helped

what an excruciating and unfun season


No game should be an exception if your truly a fan of that team.   :)



You can question my fandom if you want.  That is your prerogative. 


I'm assuming that means that you are also saying that all the Bronco fans who booed so loudly (that it could be heard on TV) at half time towards a team that was ahead/tied aren't truly fans of that team either. 


Meanwhile for a team whose fans booed them there is this  


Lost in scoring rampage...Peyton Manning tied Dan Marino for most GWD (51) in NFL history and first QB to lead 40 4QC wins.


Scott is the originator of how to categorize a "game winning drive" and "4th quarter comeback."




Have to have faith


go to link and check out how historic that 4th quarter score was

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Awww....C'mon Denver, why not boo your team 1 more time for fun? 


The insolence and insufferable sense of entitlement is striking from that fanbase. Two home games in a row they boo their team while leaving the field for the half....and neither time were they down. 


There is a HUGE culture difference between Denver fans and Indy fans. HUGE.


That's disgusting. 


Maybe it's the altitude that makes them so crazy.


Denver fans need to spend some time in Tampa Bay to clear their heads and make them appreciate what a great team they have. 


Well, Denver fans had high expectations and thought they were invincible. They probably thought they were going to be up 40-0 by the half.


I guess they do  :dunno:


It's got to be  "something"  as a Colts Fan, to Never hear anyone voicing any entitlement to future Super Bowls, or guaranteeing more than one more :lombardi:  :lombardi:  simply because they have  Luck.   


....  oh wait  :scratch:

Not trying to defend Denver fans in general, but the only halftime booing that I recall hearing was specifically and solely to express disapproval for taking a knee in a game where three points might make a big difference.


It's disapproval of a coach who's perceived as being too conservative, something that is very familiar to Colts fans.

It's also reflective of a belief in the offense and Peyton - "it doesn't take very long for them to get into scoring position". Perhaps unrealistic, but with timeouts and the sidelines they can run three plays in the 19 seconds left in the Washington game, substantially more in the 36 seconds left in the Jacksonville game. Not worth booing over to me - I tend to assume that they know what they are doing - but considering how often we've seen Peyton move the fifty yards necessary in far less than 36 seconds, I don't see the harm in trying.


The point is that I don't think it was in any way a condemnation of the teams first half performance as some seem to believe.


I've seen a bit of the same when they decide not to go for it on fourth down - it's just not as pervasive and doesn't last as long because ongoing play quickly distracts everyone. Hardly worth condemning a city for it.


There are *s everywhere. I'll never forget screaming at the tv because of the incredible number of Indy fans too busy celebrating Peyton's record breaking TD in 2004 to notice that they were distracting Peyton from his efforts to arrange the game tying two point conversion. They seemed to want the game to stop for a celebration, while Peyton was just trying to win the damn thing.

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Not trying to defend Denver fans in general, but the only halftime booing that I recall hearing was specifically and solely to express disapproval for taking a knee in a game where three points might make a big difference.


It's disapproval of a coach who's perceived as being too conservative, something that is very familiar to Colts fans.

It's also reflective of a belief in the offense and Peyton - "it doesn't take very long for them to get into scoring position". Perhaps unrealistic, but with timeouts and the sidelines they can run three plays in the 19 seconds left in the Washington game, substantially more in the 36 seconds left in the Jacksonville game. Not worth booing over to me - I tend to assume that they know what they are doing - but considering how often we've seen Peyton move the fifty yards necessary in far less than 36 seconds, I don't see the harm in trying.


The point is that I don't think it was in any way a condemnation of the teams first half performance as some seem to believe.


I've seen a bit of the same when they decide not to go for it on fourth down - it's just not as pervasive and doesn't last as long because ongoing play quickly distracts everyone. Hardly worth condemning a city for it.


There are *s everywhere. I'll never forget screaming at the tv because of the incredible number of Indy fans too busy celebrating Peyton's record breaking TD in 2004 to notice that they were distracting Peyton from his efforts to arrange the game tying two point conversion. They seemed to want the game to stop for a celebration, while Peyton was just trying to win the damn thing.



Broncos also knew they were going to get ball to start 2nd half


It was Gutzy the two 4th down plays that worked and turned what would of been 6 points to a tying 14 & loved how peyton changed the play at the goal line when Redskins called TO to regroup after seeing initial alignment of the offense

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You can question my fandom if you want.  That is your prerogative. 


I'm assuming that means that you are also saying that all the Bronco fans who booed so loudly (that it could be heard on TV) at half time towards a team that was ahead/tied aren't truly fans of that team either. 

I am not arguing with you or anyone else. I didn't say that what they did was right  but I said that no exceptions are correct.  I also didn't say anything about your fandom you just read way too much into what I replied and your being too defensive for no reason at all.

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Not trying to defend Denver fans in general, but the only halftime booing that I recall hearing was specifically and solely to express disapproval for taking a knee in a game where three points might make a big difference.



So you're saying Broncos fans aren't 'football smart'? 


 There was what.....20 or 30 seconds on the clock? Would Denver fans prefer to go in to the half down by 7? They are the most fumble prone team in the entire league. Seems to me, accepting the tie and not forcing their own errors was the smart call. 


Are they even aware that their team fumbles more than anyone else or.....? 


Or is it something else? Perhaps they bought to much into the media hype surrounding their team and their QB? Like they did with the Irsay comments. Like they did with the Manning tribute. Man they went off the deep edge on those issues, spoon-fed them by the media. 


So many smart, good fans there. I just can't understand why they aren't calling for more restraint and stop boo'ing their own team for not even losing. 


The narrative among them is pretty jacked up. Apparently, next time they play the Colts, they'll win by 3-4 scores easy. That's because, according to them, they beat themselves and the refs allowed our DB's to manhandle them, robbing them of the win. 

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I am not arguing with you or anyone else. I didn't say that what they did was right  but I said that no exceptions are correct.  I also didn't say anything about your fandom you just read way too much into what I replied and your being too defensive for no reason at all.


Let's see.  I said that I thought "that" game was an exception.


You quoted me and said that no game should be an exception if one is truly a fan of that team.


How you cannot see that as a shot at my fandom is beyond me, but whatever. 


Booing a team with a perfect record that pulls the starters is a lot different to me than booing a team that is ahead/tied at half time. 


I have been very open on this site about the fact that I still love Peyton and will cheer for the Broncos . . . except for when they play the Colts. 


So, yes, I was upset to read that Bronco's fans were booing the very same team that I was cheering for especially given the score and I will defend Peyton and the Broncos against those fans. 


I am sorry if that troubles you, but that's just how I feel. 

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Let's see.  I said that I thought "that" game was an exception.


You quoted me and said that no game should be an exception if one is truly a fan of that team.


How you cannot see that as a shot at my fandom is beyond me, but whatever. 


Booing a team with a perfect record that pulls the starters is a lot different to me than booing a team that is ahead/tied at half time. 


I have been very open on this site about the fact that I still love Peyton and will cheer for the Broncos . . . except for when they play the Colts. 


So, yes, I was upset to read that Bronco's fans were booing the very same team that I was cheering for especially given the score and I will defend Peyton and the Broncos against those fans. 


I am sorry if that troubles you, but that's just how I feel. 

If you have a personal problem with me please do what is suggested by the moderators and PM me and leave it out of the forum.

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So you're saying Broncos fans aren't 'football smart'? 


 There was what.....20 or 30 seconds on the clock? Would Denver fans prefer to go in to the half down by 7? They are the most fumble prone team in the entire league. Seems to me, accepting the tie and not forcing their own errors was the smart call. 


Are they even aware that their team fumbles more than anyone else or.....? 


Or is it something else? Perhaps they bought to much into the media hype surrounding their team and their QB? Like they did with the Irsay comments. Like they did with the Manning tribute. Man they went off the deep edge on those issues, spoon-fed them by the media. 


So many smart, good fans there. I just can't understand why they aren't calling for more restraint and stop boo'ing their own team for not even losing. 


The narrative among them is pretty jacked up. Apparently, next time they play the Colts, they'll win by 3-4 scores easy. That's because, according to them, they beat themselves and the refs allowed our DB's to manhandle them, robbing them of the win. 

I've never even visited Denver or Indy - no allegiance to or insight into the mind-set of to the residents of either city.


As I said, I'm not defending them, I was just suggesting that it was a bit of a jump to take their booing at the team being conservative and making it into something vastly largely. Are you normally capable of reading the minds of 80,000 people at the same time? :P


Personally I don't really boo at all - except in the face of something fundamentally unacceptable - cheating, intent to injure, etc. When my teams fail in any way I'm mostly disappointed. I express sympathy and support and imagine that I'm sharing their pain (just as I imagine that I'm sharing their joy when things go well). I don't understand anger and resentment at an athlete. They owe me nothing besides trying their best to entertain me.

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I've never even visited Denver or Indy - no allegiance to or insight into the mind-set of to the residents of either city.


As I said, I'm not defending them, I was just suggesting that it was a bit of a jump to take their booing at the team being conservative and making it into something vastly largely. Are you normally capable of reading the minds of 80,000 people at the same time? :P


Personally I don't really boo at all - except in the face of something fundamentally unacceptable - cheating, intent to injure, etc. When my teams fail in any way I'm mostly disappointed. I express sympathy and support and imagine that I'm sharing their pain (just as I imagine that I'm sharing their joy when things go well). I don't understand anger and resentment at an athlete. They owe me nothing besides trying their best to entertain me.

Yeah I'm probably overreacting. It's a huge pet peeve of mine....boo'ing your team. Not something I'd do unless an extreme circumstance arose. 

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Yeah I'm probably overreacting. It's a huge pet peeve of mine....boo'ing your team. Not something I'd do unless an extreme circumstance arose. 

I'm not all that interested in even booing the other team.


BIG conflict on the Mets blog when Chipper Jones (so successful against the Mets that he named his daughter after their old stadium haha) was making a retirement run through the league. Or perhaps Reggie Miller - famous Knicks torturer - is a better example.


People wanted to shower him with hot dogs or something, I advocated a long standing ovation. Sports are a beautiful thing. When the best of the best saves their best efforts for your arena, that's a sign of respect. You may hate the losing when it happens, but athletes are still human beings, and their accomplishments can still be appreciated. When they step away from the game you stand up and give them the acknowledgement that they earned.


One day I may even feel that way about Brady. -omg-

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I've never even visited Denver or Indy - no allegiance to or insight into the mind-set of to the residents of either city.


As I said, I'm not defending them, I was just suggesting that it was a bit of a jump to take their booing at the team being conservative and making it into something vastly largely. Are you normally capable of reading the minds of 80,000 people at the same time? :P


Personally I don't really boo at all - except in the face of something fundamentally unacceptable - cheating, intent to injure, etc. When my teams fail in any way I'm mostly disappointed. I express sympathy and support and imagine that I'm sharing their pain (just as I imagine that I'm sharing their joy when things go well). I don't understand anger and resentment at an athlete. They owe me nothing besides trying their best to entertain me.


 Traveled with stop over  through Denver old airport once many many years ago one thanksgiving , as  far as I am concerned thats not knowing or being in Denver but  was a great family thanksgiving , thats more than I've been in Indy though

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If you have a personal problem with me please do what is suggested by the moderators and PM me and leave it out of the forum.


If I ever have a personal problem with you, I will do just that.


And, I hope that in the future you will as well. 

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