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Does Belichick Have Trouble With The Rulebook ?


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Thanks for your link JJ. 


"Belichick was asked if it bothers him that there’s a report that the Jets tipped the officials off about the push play.

“Well, I mean, since they were using the play themselves I don’t even know about all that,” Belichick said. “But basically, we’re just moving on here.”
So BB is basically saying the NY Jets use the same technique as a squad & therefore there is no controversy here since Rex decided to tattle tale on NE since presumably Ryan felt he probably wouldn't be able to defeat the Patriots without snitching on BB 1st.
I will also concede that the BB interview I provided & BB's stance about saying that the Rules Committee can handle this circumstance independently might mean this: Roger Goodell could issue a penalty/fine against BB or Robert Kraft's organization if the Commissioner felt like members of the Rules Committee were having their authority questioned or challenged unfairly.  [Pure speculation on SW1's part here.] I have no proof of this theory, but it is a feisable one. It's kind of like a ordinary citizen appearing in court to question the amount of the fine & the authority of a judge to sanction a fine for speeding. Don't do it. Be polite, pay the fine, & agree to follow whatever instructions that authority figure demands or suggests of you.] 
I have been around long enough to know who is top dog in the hierarchy is & who not to tick off. BB knows to play nice with Roger Goodell & the Rules Committee & not to ruffle any unnecessary feathers. Never been seen as a troublemaker or someone who refuses to follow the chain of command...Annapolis taught Bill that lesson very, very well. 
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I wish more people would pay attention to your last sentence Yehoodi. A lot of people, due to their frustration over NE winning  so many games year in; year out seem to take pleasure in painting BB as a evil Darth Vader character who can never admit he made a mistake. Too bad you didn't have the radio link to that interview. It would strengthen your case. Is it on the official website? I'd like to hear what BB said myself. I will do some searching myself.


Look, people can still hate the Pats if they want to, but when a person admits they made a mistake, they deserve credit for that humility. I have always believed that. I live by that principle myself. 


I hear it on the radio yesterday and thought it was from his weekly weei gig, but I listen to it this morning and did not hear it . . .  perhaps it was at his press conference on Monday . . . I am not sure . . .


here is an audio link to his weei gig




if he talk on Monday, then it might be on the Pats website . . .

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I don't know why anyone who has seen a Patriots injury report would question whether or not Bill basically flips the bird at the various committees within the NFL every chance he gets. The going joke is that if Abraham Lincoln was a Patriot, the day after the Ford Theater he would have been listed as, "questionable - head." 


The push rule, as originally written, had some unclear wording. But the NFL famously (infamously?) changed that on their website around an hour after the game. Belichick loves pushing buttons for whatever reason. He's a bit of a rebel that way. The Patriots definitely violated the rule as it's (now) written and got penalized for it... it's just too bad on the timing of it. Had it happened earlier in the game, I'm sure they wouldn't have bothered trying to get a good push on a FG attempt that Folk was not likely going to make anyway. The way it turned out, the entire FG block team could have stood there and done nothing, and he still would have missed it.

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I hear it on the radio yesterday and thought it was from his weekly weei gig, but I listen to it this morning and did not hear it . . .  perhaps it was at his press conference on Monday . . . I am not sure . . .


here is an audio link to his weei gig




if he talk on Monday, then it might be on the Pats website . . .

Thanks Yehoodi. I just wanna be clear. I respect you & I wasn't challenging you in any way, shape, or form my friend.


I admire BB's accomplishments & I hate to see a good man get railroaded or get vilified over continued Spygate resentment by other fanbases across the league. Yes, Bill never mentioned SpyGate, but some people just refuse to let that matter go no matter how much time passes by. 


"It went against us. They [the NY Jets] kicked an FG & won." --BB


I guess a case could be made that BB has accepted the loss & moved on to the next game. 

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I don't know why anyone who has seen a Patriots injury report would question whether or not Bill basically flips the bird at the various committees within the NFL every chance he gets. The going joke is that if Abraham Lincoln was a Patriot, the day after the Ford Theater he would have been listed as, "questionable - head." 


The push rule, as originally written, had some unclear wording. But the NFL famously (infamously?) changed that on their website around an hour after the game. Belichick loves pushing buttons for whatever reason. He's a bit of a rebel that way. The Patriots definitely violated the rule as it's (now) written and got penalized for it... it's just too bad on the timing of it. Had it happened earlier in the game, I'm sure they wouldn't have bothered trying to get a good push on a FG attempt that Folk was not likely going to make anyway. The way it turned out, the entire FG block team could have stood there and done nothing, and he still would have missed it.

Cute Abraham Lincoln joke there GoPats! Yeah, but does BB put Lincoln on the PUP list immediately or does he wait a few days to see if his condition improves 1st? Okay, maybe that joke was in poor taste. Sorry...

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Thanks Yehoodi. I just wanna be clear. I respect you & I wasn't challenging you in any way, shape, or form my friend.


I admire BB's accomplishments & I hate to see a good man get railroaded or get vilified over continued Spygate resentment by other fanbases across the league. Yes, Bill never mentioned SpyGate, but some people just refuse to let that matter go no matter how much time passes by. 


"It went against us. They [the NY Jets] kicked an FG & won." --BB


I guess a case could be made that BB has accepted the loss & moved on to the next game. 


no worries , , , I knew you were not and were just asking for a link . . . :thmsup:  . . . you can go there in the future . . .his weei gig is on Monday afternoons (Tues for MNF) and you can listen to that any week that you want . . .also Brady is on in the mornings with Dennis and Callahan and you will find his link on their page  . . .

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^ insert sense of humor here ^

You're probably right. It makes sense that the Patriot coaches are talking about last weeks game in this weeks meetings.


                                            ^ insert sense of humor here ^

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All HC's know the rules. They are paid to know the rules, and coach their players within them. Only thing Bill didn't know was whether he could justify his skirting around in the grey area to the officials, media, and fans..  Rex called him out on it (much like Mancini did earlier), and Bill explains he thought the rulee applied in a different way.  He knew, but everyone pushes to and sometimes just past the limit.  Sometimes you get away with it.  

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