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Colts MNF game will NOT be blacked out in So. Cal...


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Not sure how much this is talked about back in the midwest, but here in So. Cal it's been news...


The Chargers had not sold roughly 9,000 tickets by Thursday so ESPN and a group of sponsors have joined together and bought the remaining tickets for Monday's game.


That may not register much with Colts fans in the midwest, but for those of us in Southern California, San Diego to north Los Angeles,   it means a great deal.


I won't be home from work until halftime,  but I look forward to seeing the 2nd half live...  (and the first half on tape!)


Go Colts!!        :thmup:

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Not sure how much this is talked about back in the midwest, but here in So. Cal it's been news...


The Chargers had not sold roughly 9,000 tickets by Thursday so ESPN and a group of sponsors have joined together and bought the remaining tickets for Monday's game.


That may not register much with Colts fans in the midwest, but for those of us in Southern California, San Diego to north Los Angeles,   it means a great deal.


I won't be home from work until halftime,  but I look forward to seeing the 2nd half live...  (and the first half on tape!)


Go Colts!!        :thmup:


I won't be home until halftime as well, but I'm DVR'ing it. My friends/family know to not text me about the game so I can come home, watch from the beginning and catch up with no spoilers. No way can I watch the second half without seeing the first, it ain't right! :D


I am happy to hear it won't be blacked out for you westerners.

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Not sure how much this is talked about back in the midwest, but here in So. Cal it's been news...


The Chargers had not sold roughly 9,000 tickets by Thursday so ESPN and a group of sponsors have joined together and bought the remaining tickets for Monday's game.


That may not register much with Colts fans in the midwest, but for those of us in Southern California, San Diego to north Los Angeles,   it means a great deal.


I won't be home from work until halftime,  but I look forward to seeing the 2nd half live...  (and the first half on tape!)


Go Colts!!        :thmup:

The blackout rule is plain moronic, IMO. In effect, the NFL is not only punishing the fans, but also their own sponsors and the networks that pay them. They want to expand their brand to the rest of the world but won't show their product to local fans. Most who really can't afford to go to the game.

If they want to fill the stands, how about lowering ticket prices? Increase demand and you won't have a surplus of supply. Pretty simple.

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And they wonder why people "steal" games (watch illegal streams). I can never blame a fan or fans for not going to NFL games. It's downright expensive and practically unaffordable for a typical family of four. Not to mention with HDTV, some people find it more entertaining to watch from their couch. Shame on the NFL and franchises for these stupid rules.

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The blackout rule is plain moronic, IMO. In effect, the NFL is not only punishing the fans, but also their own sponsors and the networks that pay them. They want to expand their brand to the rest of the world but won't show their product to local fans. Most who really can't afford to go to the game.

If they want to fill the stands, how about lowering ticket prices? Increase demand and you won't have a surplus of supply. Pretty simple.

I'm a big fan of getting more for less $  :thmup:

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9,000 tickets seems like a bit much... what is going on in San Diego that they can't sell out a MNF game, or any other for that matter? Nice weather, fancy stadium, and a chance to see a team that has won a championship.

I'm only kidding, or am I?!?.


The weather is typically great!


The fancy stadium is ANYTHING BUT!    It's old,  it's not set-up for football all that well.    It's a nightmare getting in and out.   The team wants to a new stadium,  but everyone in California is broke, so there are no public funds for a new stadium.    And the team has been on the decline since the GM (at that time)  fired Marty Schottenheimer, replaced him with Norv Turner and the team got a little bit worse every year.   They're now fired him and brought in a rookie coach.


But the once great roster that Turner inherited from Schottenheimer is long gone....   and the Chargers are in rebuilding mode.


So.....  fans down there are skeptical at best......


But, as I said,  the weather is typically GREAT!!      (Everything else,  not so much....)

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The weather is typically great!

The fancy stadium is ANYTHING BUT! It's old, it's not set-up for football all that well. It's a nightmare getting in and out. The team wants to a new stadium, but everyone in California is broke, so there are no public funds for a new stadium. And the team has been on the decline since the GM (at that time) fired Marty Schottenheimer, replaced him with Norv Turner and the team got a little bit worse every year. They're now fired him and brought in a rookie coach.

But the once great roster that Turner inherited from Schottenheimer is long gone.... and the Chargers are in rebuilding mode.

So..... fans down there are skeptical at best......

But, as I said, the weather is typically GREAT!! (Everything else, not so much....)

The 49ers are getting a new stadium if I'm not mistaken, but not everyone can have a spiffy new one. The one thing you have to admire about Jerry Jones is that he built Dallas stadium without a lot of public funs. Lucas Oil is nice... but those of us in Indy paid out the wazoo for it.

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The 49ers are getting a new stadium if I'm not mistaken, but not everyone can have a spiffy new one. The one thing you have to admire about Jerry Jones is that he built Dallas stadium without a lot of public funs. Lucas Oil is nice... but those of us in Indy paid out the wazoo for it.


I think a fair amount of the new stadium is being paid for by private money....


I think the stadium is going to be called "Levi" stadium...   after the jeans company.     That's a chuck of change for building.


But San Francisco is a unique city in California....   it's like another world altogether....    just the way that Austin is way, way different than everywhere else in Texas....


But if LA ever gets a stadium,   and that's very doubtful in my view....   then most (all?) of it will be private money....   taxpayers here are not ready to plunk down a nickel for a rich owner.....     at least,  not now or in the foreseeable future...


Hope that clarifies...

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I won't be home until halftime as well, but I'm DVR'ing it. My friends/family know to not text me about the game so I can come home, watch from the beginning and catch up with no spoilers. No way can I watch the second half without seeing the first, it ain't right! :D


I am happy to hear it won't be blacked out for you westerners.

Whats your number so i can keep you updated....hahaha

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Glad fans in CA will get to see the game


Colts fans should be at the game...lol. As for anyone elsee, theyre most likely Raider fans...


Not sure how much this is talked about back in the midwest, but here in So. Cal it's been news...


The Chargers had not sold roughly 9,000 tickets by Thursday so ESPN and a group of sponsors have joined together and bought the remaining tickets for Monday's game.


That may not register much with Colts fans in the midwest, but for those of us in Southern California, San Diego to north Los Angeles,   it means a great deal.


I won't be home from work until halftime,  but I look forward to seeing the 2nd half live...  (and the first half on tape!)


Go Colts!!        :thmup:


What?! What are they going to do with those tickets? Give them away?

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the only championship the chargers have in the superbowl era is a 1994 afc championship. that's about as lame as the patriots claiming the 1985 afc championship

what about the 375 banner the Jags have?  (I know they don't really have one it's a joke)


On a serious note we have a banner for just about anything the Colts have done since coming to Indianapolis we have no room to criticize what other teams celebrate.

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The weather is typically great!


The fancy stadium is ANYTHING BUT!    It's old,  it's not set-up for football all that well.    It's a nightmare getting in and out.   The team wants to a new stadium,  but everyone in California is broke, so there are no public funds for a new stadium.    And the team has been on the decline since the GM (at that time)  fired Marty Schottenheimer, replaced him with Norv Turner and the team got a little bit worse every year.   They're now fired him and brought in a rookie coach.


But the once great roster that Turner inherited from Schottenheimer is long gone....   and the Chargers are in rebuilding mode.


So.....  fans down there are skeptical at best......


But, as I said,  the weather is typically GREAT!!      (Everything else,  not so much....)

If SD fans don't wake up soon, they will have to go to LA to see a game, their move could come sooner rather than later.... may have to race the Jags
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Yes,  I suspect they'll give them away....   TV does NOT like showing any empty seats....



I read somewhere that they are giving them to groups that don't have the income to attend an NFL game. I think it included a lot of armed forces people. Maybe with the base in SD ?

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