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pep, throw the ball


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Yes, let's forget the power running game...even though it was effective.

Tom Brady would have ESPN on their knees if he had our weapons ... I'm willing to wait for more results but ill admit its frustrating to watch

This together is what we need. Clock control pass always dominant offense with the ability to run. Cheers to us being closer at the bye.

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actually if you look back, when we were up 14-0 pep was staright run game short pass, trying to milk the clock, its not college anymore pep, when the raiders began storming back then he scrambled and yah we threw most of the time very insufficiently, because pep was not prepared, this guy better hit a learning curve. im honestly worried about the dolphins, if pep calls it like he did last week we might get blown out.

We never had the ball up 14-0 to do the things you said pep did, because when Allen scored to go up 14-0 the Raiders came right back and McFadden scored 14-7, you telling me he tried to milk the clock with a 7 point lead? Never heard of that
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The amount of crying and whining about an offense after one week of play and 7 possessions is just amazing!

It's a sprint not a marathon for crying out loud.  The offense looked explosive as I don't know what for the first 

2 drives of that games.  Problems are bound to happen, and especially with the blocking when you have a new

offense that everyone is learning other than the tight end and the quarterback. 


Trust me this offense has plenty of punch!  It may have been college, but Luck and Co. scored 40 plus points

a game using this same power running game concept at Stanford.  The bulk of it can be transferred into the NFL.

Pep certainly didn't use the entire playbook all in 1 game.  Stop crying and let them make whatever tweaks they 

need to make to adjust to the pros and you will see that we'll be just fine.  Jeeeeeeesh!

yaya everyone does it, I even posted a topic about it called "living room gm's if anyone remembers, but if u cant beat em, join em, so don't tell me your not guilty of a little arm chair general managing cause you probably are

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Yes, let's forget the power running game...even though it was effective.




We looked good running it against the Raiders with Ballard blasting it up the middle.


I'm not sure whether we can continue that with any of our remaining backs but to just forget about the entire concept because VB is out for the season would be silly.

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We witnessed 14 years of that and it yielded limited success because "pass-first" became the etched in stone philosophy of our offense, our roster make-up and ultimately became a very key reason we puked our way out of all those playoff berths.


Assuming we're in this to "hoist Lombardis"....we have to build AND use a credible run game.

Finally a relative comment. The Colts are building the Beast as they say, it's not built yet. The 11-5 record last season has way too many thinking this team is ready to win a super bowl. As you stated we had seen first hand how far a team can go when it is put on the QBs back and carried. Yes Manning did carry the Colts and the playoff record speaks for itself. Way too many playoff loses were due to less than average running game, defense and special teams play. The QB is only one player out of a 53 man roster. He can't do it alone and it takes a total team to win super bowls. 

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As Pep said in his press conference the right proportion of run pass is always 50% of each. He thinks some kind of offensive magic exists in being able to do both things equally well. It's not true (IMO) but the dye for his tenure as O.C. is cast and we all better learn to live with it cause I doubt he'll change his idea.

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As Pep said in his press conference the right proportion of run pass is always 50% of each. He thinks some kind of offensive magic exists in being able to do both things equally well. It's not true (IMO) but the dye for his tenure as O.C. is cast and we all better learn to live with it cause I doubt he'll change his idea.

Except Pep didn't call a 50-50 game. And god forbid if he he wants balance...kinda like the the team that was #1 in offense last year, the Patriots, who had a 55-45 split.

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2 of those 4 sacks was on Luck himself, He did not see a WIDE OPEN Fleener out in the right flat, we also went deep 4-5 times...2 of those were to Hilton


1st time  1st quarter 4:25 Reggie Wayne 25 yards complete

2nd time 2nd Quarter 1:19 to DHB incomplete but it went 26 yards

3rd time 3rd Quarter 13:16 25 yards to Dwayne Allen incomplete

4th time 4th Quarter 8:00 48 yards to Hilton incomplete

5th time 4th Quarter 7:27 49 yards to Hilton incomplete


their was plays for Coby to make to, Luck just did not see him


He looked right at him on several of those with FleenEr wide open and Andrew Chose to throw elsewhere. Like into coverage to Allen getting Allen blasted and injured.

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Are you really blaming Luck for Allen's injury lol?


Allen wouldn`t have been hit if Luck threw the ball to the OPEN receiver to just to Allens right. Take it as you want.


Reggie got blasted Many times last season on forced deep throws when there were wide open receivers underneath.

Arians was on him for not looking underneath. Miked up and in print.

We were very fortunate he stayed healthy.

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Allen wouldn`t have been hit if Luck threw the ball to the OPEN receiver to just to Allens right. Take it as you want.

Reggie got blasted Many times last season on forced deep throws when there were wide open receivers underneath.

Arians was on him for not looking underneath. Miked up and in print.

We were very fortunate he stayed healthy.

If Luck has a reciever he can get the ball to and get a TD. That's the pass he needs to make. Maybe it's the same result if he hits Coby, maybe Coby drops the ball, all we know is the play Luck saw resulted in 7.

Allen is there to go over the middle and bang bodies. Injuries happen. It's not Andrew's fault that he threw a TD pass and the defender hit Allen in a way that injuried him. I'm sure Allen would tell you the same.

Guys get blown up. It's the nature of the sport. It's not Kurt Warner's fault Boldin got blown up and almost ended his career. It's not Peyton's fault Collie got blown up and starting getting reoccurring concussions.

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Allen wouldn`t have been hit if Luck threw the ball to the OPEN receiver to just to Allens right. Take it as you want.


Reggie got blasted Many times last season on forced deep throws when there were wide open receivers underneath.

Arians was on him for not looking underneath. Miked up and in print.

We were very fortunate he stayed healthy.

Arians covering his butt for getting his QB beat up.....like he has done everywhere he has been.

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If Luck has a reciever he can get the ball to and get a TD. That's the pass he needs to make. Maybe it's the same result if he hits Coby, maybe Coby drops the ball, all we know is the play Luck saw resulted in 7.

Allen is there to go over the middle and bang bodies. Injuries happen. It's not Andrew's fault that he threw a TD pass and the defender hit Allen in a way that injuried him. I'm sure Allen would tell you the same.

Guys get blown up. It's the nature of the sport. It's not Kurt Warner's fault Boldin got blown up and almost ended his career. It's not Peyton's fault Collie got blown up and starting getting reoccurring concussions.


Allen went down just before the half on our side of the field. About 1:25 to go.

Andrew threw the ball for what could have been about a 15 yard gain with the ball in bounds rather than take the gimme the D was GIVING him for about 8 yards and a stopped clock. DUMB!

 A poor decision, a bad throw, and a free shot on Allen.


QB`s hang their receivers out to dry all the time. Smart QB`s do it less. The receivers see the tape too and certainly would have an issue with it if it happens too often. JMO

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Allen went down just before the half on our side of the field. About 1:25 to go.

Andrew threw the ball for what could have been about a 15 yard gain with the ball in bounds rather than take the gimme the D was GIVING him for about 8 yards and a stopped clock. DUMB!

A poor decision, a bad throw, and a free shot on Allen.

QB`s hang their receivers out to dry all the time. Smart QB`s do it less. The receivers see the tape too and certainly would have an issue with it if it happens too often. JMO

Yeah hindsight a 20/20, but I was under the impression that Allen got hurt on the TD pass. Perhaps that was just hearing early speculation on my part.

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Allen went down just before the half on our side of the field. About 1:25 to go.

Andrew threw the ball for what could have been about a 15 yard gain with the ball in bounds rather than take the gimme the D was GIVING him for about 8 yards and a stopped clock. DUMB!

 A poor decision, a bad throw, and a free shot on Allen.


QB`s hang their receivers out to dry all the time. Smart QB`s do it less. The receivers see the tape too and certainly would have an issue with it if it happens too often. JMO

What are you talking about? Luck didn't even target Allen on the last drive before the half. Allen didn't even take a shot on the play where he was injured. He took more of a glancing blow that caused him to land awkwardly

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Yeah hindsight a 20/20, but I was under the impression that Allen got hurt on the TD pass. Perhaps that was just hearing early speculation on my part.

He got hurt on an incompletion with about 13:00 left in the 3rd. He landed awkwardly and automatically grabs his butt. It had nothing to do with getting hit or Luck hanging him out to dry.

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no it is the olines, fault, and if pep wants to run a power running game that cant even protect luck on playaction (which comes hand in hand with power running) then how is it going to work? and furthermore if pryor didn't throw 2 int we would have lost to Oakland KABOOOOM

But he did. KABOOOOOOM

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