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Painter Will Start Monday At Tampa (Merge)


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I still don't think the colts will get the win this Monday. I hate to say it but I just don't think they can compete on the road with Painter starting at QB (or Collins, or Orlovsky). The Bucs are completing 68% of their passes and averaging 4+ yards per carry. I've been a supporter of Painter up until THIS SEASON, because I really liked what I saw from him when he first stepped on the field in preseason for us his first year..but since that day it's been mostly dismal to say the least.

All I can say is I am looking for Painter to compete (along with the rest of the team). If they steal the win GREAT, but I would expect this to be the building block to a first win of the season over the Chiefs @ home next game. If we lose to the chiefs man we really have some issues, especially if we lose this upcoming game.

OYE! Time to get the beer goggles on :)


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I think it'll take Painter a game or two to get comfortable

if we don't win this week I could definitely see us winning against the Chiefs or Bengals

but boy how nice would it be to beat the bucs chiefs and bengals and be 3-3 but then heading into New Orleans :(

After that we face the Titans who we could beat, the Falcons who honestly haven't looked that great so far, and then the Panthers bye and Jags

coming into the NE game we could be 6-5 and pray for Manning to be healthy by then

Ok at this point I'm dreaming

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I still don't think the colts will get the win this Monday. I hate to say it but I just don't think they can compete on the road with Painter starting at QB (or Collins, or Orlovsky). The Bucs are completing 68% of their passes and averaging 4+ yards per carry. I've been a supporter of Painter up until THIS SEASON, because I really liked what I saw from him when he first stepped on the field in preseason for us his first year..but since that day it's been mostly dismal to say the least.

All I can say is I am looking for Painter to compete (along with the rest of the team). If they steal the win GREAT, but I would expect this to be the building block to a first win of the season over the Chiefs @ home next game. If we lose to the chiefs man we really have some issues, especially if we lose this upcoming game.

OYE! Time to get the beer goggles on :)


beer goggles for sure! good luck to curtis i hope he does well. he deserves a break or two to go his way. at

least he has a chance to be prepaired. as opposed to coming in to booing fans, or no time to warm up against blitzburg. go painter!!!!

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It’s official: Curtis Painter is the Indianapolis Colts’ starting quarterback.


Colts coach Jim Caldwell confirmed today that with Kerry Collins still out of practice after suffering a concussion on Sunday, Painter will start Monday night’s game at Tampa Bay

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I still don't think the colts will get the win this Monday. I hate to say it but I just don't think they can compete on the road with Painter starting at QB (or Collins, or Orlovsky). The Bucs are completing 68% of their passes and averaging 4+ yards per carry. I've been a supporter of Painter up until THIS SEASON, because I really liked what I saw from him when he first stepped on the field in preseason for us his first year..but since that day it's been mostly dismal to say the least.

All I can say is I am looking for Painter to compete (along with the rest of the team). If they steal the win GREAT, but I would expect this to be the building block to a first win of the season over the Chiefs @ home next game. If we lose to the chiefs man we really have some issues, especially if we lose this upcoming game.

OYE! Time to get the beer goggles on :)


we'll see but you cant play Ciollins after the concussion..and the team needs a little hope..

I agree..Curtis has done nothing so far...

But now its all on him...and he knows at least some of the vets are behind him..

..and he isnt facing the Steelers..

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Coach Jim Caldwell confirmed Friday that Curtis Painter will make his first NFL start against the Bucs on Monday Night Football.

Can someone please explain why, KNOWING Peyton's injury was going to be a longer term problem than week 1, the management for the Colts didn't JUMP at the chance to pick up David Garrard when Jacksonville let him go? He's a better option than both Collins and Painter! I'm totally stumped as to why they are ignoring him.

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I think it'll take Painter a game or two to get comfortable

if we don't win this week I could definitely see us winning against the Chiefs or Bengals

but boy how nice would it be to beat the bucs chiefs and bengals and be 3-3 but then heading into New Orleans :(

After that we face the Titans who we could beat, the Falcons who honestly haven't looked that great so far, and then the Panthers bye and Jags

coming into the NE game we could be 6-5 and pray for Manning to be healthy by then

Ok at this point I'm dreaming

It's pretty sad when we have to rely on the lowly Chiefs or Bengals to squeeze out a first win!

I'll say it over and over until I get a solid answer: where is David Garrard?? Jacksonville let him go for the sake of rebuilding for the future - giving the Colts a GOLDEN opportunity for a quality Manning back-up, and yet we're lloking at Collins, Painter, and Orlovsky??? Really??? Those are all better choices than Garrard??? Seriously???

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It's pretty sad when we have to rely on the lowly Chiefs or Bengals to squeeze out a first win!

I'll say it over and over until I get a solid answer: where is David Garrard?? Jacksonville let him go for the sake of rebuilding for the future - giving the Colts a GOLDEN opportunity for a quality Manning back-up, and yet we're lloking at Collins, Painter, and Orlovsky??? Really??? Those are all better choices than Garrard??? Seriously???

From what I read the Colts tried to get Garrard but Garrards agent came out and said Garrard wants to be a real starter somewhere and not just a back up or take a 'filling in' role

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It's pretty sad when we have to rely on the lowly Chiefs or Bengals to squeeze out a first win!

I'll say it over and over until I get a solid answer: where is David Garrard?? Jacksonville let him go for the sake of rebuilding for the future - giving the Colts a GOLDEN opportunity for a quality Manning back-up, and yet we're lloking at Collins, Painter, and Orlovsky??? Really??? Those are all better choices than Garrard??? Seriously???

would say it is two fold, money and he is not that much better than what we have. when would he be ready week

8 why bother. i don't get the garrard hype he is not that great.

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It's pretty sad when we have to rely on the lowly Chiefs or Bengals to squeeze out a first win!

I'll say it over and over until I get a solid answer: where is David Garrard?? Jacksonville let him go for the sake of rebuilding for the future - giving the Colts a GOLDEN opportunity for a quality Manning back-up, and yet we're lloking at Collins, Painter, and Orlovsky??? Really??? Those are all better choices than Garrard??? Seriously???

Do you understand that it took our best WR, Reggie Wayne, 2 years to learn this offense? Do you really think that Garrard, who has never be known as the most cerebral quarterback, could learn it fast enough to make an impact before we are eliminated from the playoffs? I don't.

Get behind your man. I'm actually upset Colts fans didn't rise up and support Painter at the beginning of the year. Why because the guy was thrown in tough situations with the 2nd team and got beat up on by NFL first team defenses? One game was a blizzard. We have never seen this guy with our excellent timing offense and our improved O-line and running game. The guy has never sniffed the field with the first teamers until SNF against Pittsburgh. And after a rookie O-lineman got burnt he got big hitted and fumbled, which 90 percent of NFL QBs would have done. Then against all odds against the vaunted Steeler's D on an NBC game, he lead us on a Manning esque touchdown drive. The timing routes on the drive were flawless.

I support Painter 100 percent! Lead us to the victory my man! You have the talent, it's your time to shine boy! If Painter started from day 1 we could easily be 2-1 right now. We have dug him a deep hole. 3 wins in a row and we could start seeing daylight again. We're going to "Paint" TB blue Monday Night! Can't wait to see coach Manning in the booth again coaching up Painter on the phone! As weird as it seems, I loved every minute of Peyton in that booth!

Painter is the only dude other than Manning who knows this offense and he can make all the throws. No other QB will be able to learn it fast enough.

In Painter we trust!

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Smitto is right...

We can ruin the ball on them and not ask Painter to throw 30 times...

..I know it feels like we're in the basement...but look at the schedule AFTER Tampa...

2 games where we have at least a 50-50 chance to win..we'll be favored at home

...I know how crazy it sounds but we are one Tampa Bay upset away from being 3-3..

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From what I read the Colts tried to get Garrard but Garrards agent came out and said Garrard wants to be a real starter somewhere and not just a back up or take a 'filling in' role

If Collins could not pick up our offense in a month...

it would take Garrard at least a month...and he's not an above average player anyway..

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I think it'll take Painter a game or two to get comfortable

if we don't win this week I could definitely see us winning against the Chiefs or Bengals

but boy how nice would it be to beat the bucs chiefs and bengals and be 3-3 but then heading into New Orleans :(

After that we face the Titans who we could beat, the Falcons who honestly haven't looked that great so far, and then the Panthers bye and Jags

coming into the NE game we could be 6-5 and pray for Manning to be healthy by then

Ok at this point I'm dreaming

listen to P4P

He's not as crazy as he sounds...

It could happen..

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I don't understand all this Garrard junk...

Let me take you inside a day in the life of my brain (in relation to this Colts situation). Let M# represent the issue and B# represent the response of my brain to that particular issue.

M1) Speculation that Manning will miss the first game

B1) There is no possible way that Manning will miss a game. Stupid media just wish they'd quit reporting stupid crap

M2) Colts sign veteran Quarterback Kerry Collins

B2) Holy *!@*~! I think Peyton might actually miss a game or two, CRAZY, I just can't believe it.

M3) Team confirms that Manning will indeed miss the season opener

B3) Holy *!*@*! I didn't see that coming! Well no worries, a week or two out and we'll hold our own and Manning will come back and things will go great. I'll support Kerry Collins because he is a decent QB and I really think we have a great shot with him.

M4) Team announces Manning had fusion surgery on neck and status for the 2011-2012 season uncertain.

B4) Mother *!@*@%*#@*%. wth! We are screwed now, Manning will miss significant time and anyone who believes THIS (particular team with these particular players we currently have) even stand a chance of making the playoffs is tick a*!*@ drunk. Well I guess this season is lost, let's see what happens for the draft.

M5) The headlines that the Texans blew the Colts out of the water after Week 1's game. (The Manningless Effect)

B5) Holy *!*@! that was a hard game to watch, we stunk everywhere..the breath and life of the team disappeared when Manning did. Well...give Collins another week to prepare and now he's had a start so we should be A-OK after that.

M6) The headlines that the Colts lose again to the Browns.

B6) dang! Kerry Collins blows! Our team defense looked good but our offense can't give our defense long enough to wipe their a** before getting back on the field. I guess this season is going to suck all the bitter way to the end. The positive side is I still love my Colts and I hope they now can see how Manning has been relied upon to do WAY TO MUCH and thus we can't win Superbowls because of that.

M7) The headlines that the Steelers win by a field goal over the Colts

B7) FO*!*@ Well we sure did well in this game, I mean I can't believe we were only 3 points less than the Steelers! We got our butts kicked by Texans and Browns yet we hold our own on the Steelers pretty well? wth!?? Well Painter did a great job (minus the freaking fumble shiz!). I still was satisfied after this game and still want to see my Colts play.. Give Painter a try and let it roll! I look forward to Painter getting his shot!

M8) People still want Garrard

B8) Freak sticks...wth? Why would we sign a QB at this point? We already wasted money on Collins who was on a rocking chair a few months ago and now people want to waste money on Garrard and they REALLY believe he gives us the best chance to win games this season at THIS point? Why not let those rookie and young players step in, the faster people (fans and the team) realize this season is lost the better we get to becoming a good team again. The young players need experience and that is really the only way for them to get better. Let's look forward to the draft with a top 5 pick and see just what we can do when Manning is hopefully back next year and hopefully the colts address this backup/future QB situation (but not with Luck come on, seriously? We don't want Luck...we want a Kellen Moore or other 2nd round/3rd round QB who will become the darkhorse steal of the draft for his draft position).

Come on folks, Garrard seriously? Support the team, but not Garrard as a part of it sheesh! Let's let our rookies play, put in all the rookies and younger players we can and let them figure this crap out and then we are better off for knowing who's worth a dang and who's not!


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I think it'll take Painter a game or two to get comfortable

if we don't win this week I could definitely see us winning against the Chiefs or Bengals

but boy how nice would it be to beat the bucs chiefs and bengals and be 3-3 but then heading into New Orleans :(

After that we face the Titans who we could beat, the Falcons who honestly haven't looked that great so far, and then the Panthers bye and Jags

coming into the NE game we could be 6-5 and pray for Manning to be healthy by then

Ok at this point I'm dreaming

No offense but Manning would be putting himself in a position to be crippled with 1 devastating hit if he comes back this year save for a few last game series the colts may try to see what he has for next year but hope not, its only 1 medical opinion & havent practiced since 88 but just how I feel, I'd love to be wrong but.... also I do feel Peyton would be willing to possibly try if was last year, now with 2 new babies he really knows priorities I hope

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Do you understand that it took our best WR, Reggie Wayne, 2 years to learn this offense? Do you really think that Garrard, who has never be known as the most cerebral quarterback, could learn it fast enough to make an impact before we are eliminated from the playoffs? I don't.

Get behind your man. I'm actually upset Colts fans didn't rise up and support Painter at the beginning of the year. Why because the guy was thrown in tough situations with the 2nd team and got beat up on by NFL first team defenses? One game was a blizzard. We have never seen this guy with our excellent timing offense and our improved O-line and running game. The guy has never sniffed the field with the first teamers until SNF against Pittsburgh. And after a rookie O-lineman got burnt he got big hitted and fumbled, which 90 percent of NFL QBs would have done. Then against all odds against the vaunted Steeler's D on an NBC game, he lead us on a Manning esque touchdown drive. The timing routes on the drive were flawless.

I support Painter 100 percent! Lead us to the victory my man! You have the talent, it's your time to shine boy! If Painter started from day 1 we could easily be 2-1 right now. We have dug him a deep hole. 3 wins in a row and we could start seeing daylight again. We're going to "Paint" TB blue Monday Night! Can't wait to see coach Manning in the booth again coaching up Painter on the phone! As weird as it seems, I loved every minute of Peyton in that booth!

Painter is the only dude other than Manning who knows this offense and he can make all the throws. No other QB will be able to learn it fast enough.

In Painter we trust!

I understand the problem of learning the offense, but they asked Collins to do it - so I'm not ultimately buying it as an excuse. If Colts asked and Garrard refused, fine. I'd like to be all behind Painter. He was at Purdue when my son was attending. He CAN be good ... but he has been historically erratic. I hope he brings his "A" game to the quarterback starting role!

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I understand the problem of learning the offense, but they asked Collins to do it - so I'm not ultimately buying it as an excuse. If Colts asked and Garrard refused, fine. I'd like to be all behind Painter. He was at Purdue when my son was attending. He CAN be good ... but he has been historically erratic. I hope he brings his "A" game to the quarterback starting role!

Gerrard is down right terrible, ask yourself why Jacksonville cut him.....there is your answer.

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Can someone please explain why, KNOWING Peyton's injury was going to be a longer term problem than week 1, the management for the Colts didn't JUMP at the chance to pick up David Garrard when Jacksonville let him go? He's a better option than both Collins and Painter! I'm totally stumped as to why they are ignoring him.

because based on what was reported the Colts expected Manning to be back as late as the last day of cuts. That's when they found out it was really bad and by then they had already brought in Kerry Collins just in case Manning wouldn't be ready but don't forget up to that point Manning had been cleared to return to practice.

As for why we didn't brng in Garrard, aside from the fact he doesn't fit our system in any shape or form Jim Irsay tweeted earlier this week we could not afford him. Also frankly Garrard is boardline starter/high end back up. We already brought that guy in, his name is Kerry Collins and it's not working so well.

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i think Painter gets our first win, However I think he will also try to squeeze a few passes in reggies direction which will turn into at least 1 pick by Talib. Probably on his first drive. I seen that Michael Fabiano Tweeted " Painter gets to start for the Colts, Grab Bucs D if you need one"

Did he not see Painter have the only successful drive of our loss last sunday against the Steelers D...I mean If we had put painter in earlier last week we could have won the game and be 1-2 right now...

Painter wins this game for us and gets the confidence back in indy!

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It's pretty sad when we have to rely on the lowly Chiefs or Bengals to squeeze out a first win!

I'll say it over and over until I get a solid answer: where is David Garrard?? Jacksonville let him go for the sake of rebuilding for the future - giving the Colts a GOLDEN opportunity for a quality Manning back-up, and yet we're lloking at Collins, Painter, and Orlovsky??? Really??? Those are all better choices than Garrard??? Seriously???

Perhaps you should change your name to "praying4garrard"!

Others have answered your question, but I will also add that frankly I've seen Garrard play enough times to know that I would much prefer Painter or Collins. Ignoring all other facts or issues, he's just not a good pocket passer.

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