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MNF Giants vs Redskins


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is that by choice...??? haha

lol...no. I'm no John Gruden fan but I was trying to hear what was going on with that official and I just can't hear the announcers over the crowd noise. I just got this Vizio TV and the sound is screwy. Was wondering if it was just on my end or what.

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lol...no. I'm no John Gruden fan but I was trying to hear what was going on with that official and I just can't hear the announcers over the crowd noise. I just got this Vizio TV and the sound is screwy. Was wondering if it was just on my end or what.

oh, 'cause I sometimes can't hear them by (my choice) if ya get what I'm sayin' :lol:
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lol...no. I'm no John Gruden fan but I was trying to hear what was going on with that official and I just can't hear the announcers over the crowd noise. I just got this Vizio TV and the sound is screwy. Was wondering if it was just on my end or what.

I have a Vizio TV and mine is just fine but maybe I have mine set up better than yours. haha Just teasing you my friend.

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They have been that way for the last few years, great pass rush, poor run defense.

This redskins offense is a bad matchup for the Giants D in general. The Giants Dline is obviously super aggressive so the option/misdirection style of offense is great at neutralizing their front. The Giants LBs are also probably some of the worst in space in the league.

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Okay, call it now. who wins? is it mr. eli being clutch again? or does he fail to be clutch? or does rg3 steal the show and ends another eli comeback. call it people!

i've got.....redskins keeping their lead for the win (may extend it, but eli never puts the giants in front)

Redskins win, and this game seals RG3 as rookie of the year.

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Okay, call it now. who wins? is it mr. eli being clutch again? or does he fail to be clutch? or does rg3 steal the show and ends another eli comeback. call it people!

i've got.....redskins keeping their lead for the win (may extend it, but eli never puts the giants in front)

I've got the Redskins too. My pre-season prediction of them winning the division is starting to look pretty good hahaha.

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Does Gruden have a man crush on RG3 now. :funny: Thought announcers were supposed to be bias. haha

haha Gruden has a man crush on every QB in the NFL lmao. I think he likes 12 more than Griff though...I still crack up every time I think of the Spider 3 Y Banana discussion.

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Redskins win, and this game seals RG3 as rookie of the year.

I dunno if it seals anything. He didn't do anything special. 163 yards 1TD. lol

Not to mention super lucky with that fumble. Hes still getting creamed a lot too. I'm not convinced hes gonna last.

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why are they praising RG3 on that play???? he fumbled....he screwed up, he's lucky it's a td.

I agree supremecoltsfan300, 100%. If I was Coach Shanahan, that's the 1st thing I'd be covering on Monday in the film room. Do that stunt in the Playoffs & your team is usually going home.

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I dunno if it seals anything. He didn't do anything special. 163 yards 1TD. lol

Not to mention super lucky with that fumble. Hes still getting creamed a lot too. I'm not convinced hes gonna last.

It's a "signature win" late in the year.

Screams clinch to me, but that's just my opinion lol.

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wasn't impressed at all by rg3 1 wide open td pass 163 yards passing he played like a game manager I don't understand why he is so overhyped

A TD is a TD and a win is a win especially against the defending champs and people you were never expected to beat. If Griffin is a game manager then I wouldn't mind having one down here in Houston. Guy is electric, no doubt about it.

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