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Sure feels good to see a 6-3 record, even though it's the jaguars, it was nice to whoop them on the road, poor jaguars couldn't catch a break, then again they had a break from Blaine gabbert in the 4th quarter. I saw stuff I did like and stuff I didn't. So here goes my pros and cons


-Andrew luck gets better and more in sync every week

-Reggie Wayne had ANOTHER good game, in my opinion he is tied with luck as MVP of the team, we wouldn't be one the best 3rd down teams in the league without him PERIOD, losing Wayne to the bob famine(knock on wood) would be a bigger blow then we would expect

-Dwayne Allen is showing he can make tough catches, I'm liking him more then fleener.

-Ahhh the offensive line, very nice job by the big blues, AQ Shipley has another good game at center, moving the ball like that against the likes of knighton,Alualu,Mincey, and posluzny is pretty impressive, you do not get 100+ yards rushing without good play from your center PERIOD, castonzo did a nice job with Mincey and lane, reitz had a few sloppy plays, alualu and knighton gave him a problem on some plays(I like him but I still think he needs to be moved to tackle), linkenbach did better at tackle then I thought, he gave up a sack fumble but I think luck held on to the ball a little to long.

-Vick Ballard has given us a good running back tandem, very tough and determined when he runs the ball, Donald brown was showing that he can do a little damage running up the middle and fighting for extra yards.

-nice to see some turnovers finally!

-Darius butler should start over Cassius Vaughan

-Zbikowski must be reading what we say about him on this forum cause he is improving just a LITTLE bit

-moala will continue to feel right at home playing 3-4 end, he is looking pretty good this season

-Jerry Hughes might be taking freeney's job next year


-secondary continues to struggle, giving up almost 60% of passes thrown by gabbert and henne, even early in the game we played off like 6 to 8 yards, Cassius Vaughan was dissapointing, seemed unaware and soft at times throughout the game definetly should lose his job to Gordy or butler when powers and Davis comeback

-Dwight freeney was shutdown pretty much by both tackles which is sad, I can understand Monroe but this bradfield character....I mean come on Dwight. Dwight freeney will forever be one of my favorite colts of all time, but I think his time in Indy is up, his inconsistency, lack of tackles, lack of sacks, and injuries are just no bueno, Jerry Hughes might end up taking his spot eventually.

-I know I mentioned it already but the way we played the pass having our corners 6 to 8 yards off the line on the majority of plays is unacceptable, I PRAY TO THE GODS we don't do that against the patriots cause Brady will eat us alive.

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I thought the O-Line pass blocking was a little weak. Andrew didn`t have the usual room to move in the pocket. Shipley was ok at best and showed he does not have the foot speed to get outside for his assignments.

Our YPC was low, Brown just crashed into the line, no creases to see?

Freeney had 7 games last year with nothing in his stat box. He isn`t what he once was, BUT he has a less than 100% ankle so he has some limitation.

Dwight is a Warrior and gives all he has.

Sign Butler to a long term contract! Hahaha! You never know when the light switch might turn on for a guy, how nice it would be to find a good CB on the cheap!

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Some quick thoughts:

- Who thought Reggie would have year like this? He has been absolutely amazing!

- Butler did look very good.

- I hope we upgrade this O line. Can you all imagine this QB with a legitimate run game?

- Luck's ability to avoid the rush is great and he is a real threat to run in the redzone every time.

- I feel like we always get the bad calls, it was nice to have things go our way for once!

- Luck's deep ball is improving - he probably should have taken the sack or thrown away the INT.

- TY Hilton is fast!

- Cecil Shorts is good.

- Nice to see us not throw 50 times and still win!

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What's a momkey?

Shipley looks like the white version of William the Frigerator Perry. He's slow, but he's a tank.

Luck's legs are as good as his arm.

I kept screaming for some passes out to Ballard or Brown instead of running it 6 times in a row, but whatever.

Butler played a great game. Watch Powers' toe magically heal up quickly now after that performance.

Cassius Vaughn is a liability. His only defense is his head when the ball hits it. His celebrations need to stop.

Dwayne Allen continues to impress. The kid is a stud. So glad we got him.

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What's a momkey?

Shipley looks like the white version of William the Frigerator Perry. He's slow, but he's a tank.

Luck's legs are as good as his arm.

I kept screaming for some passes out to Ballard or Brown instead of running it 6 times in a row, but whatever.

Butler played a great game. Watch Powers' toe magically heal up quickly now after that performance.

Cassius Vaughn is a liability. His only defense is his head when the ball hits it. His celebrations need to stop.

Dwayne Allen continues to impress. The kid is a stud. So glad we got him.

Meant to say monkey

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Omg dwayne allen on that hilton.reverse play! He sold the defense.so hard with his fakeout.block/spin..

Luck kept his cool all game, the kids attitude plays a huge role in the colts success this year.

I really hope butler steps it up and becomes a legit corner for us.. then powers can go back to the nickel where hes great at.

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Sure feels good to see a 6-3 record, even though it's the jaguars, it was nice to whoop them on the road, poor jaguars couldn't catch a break, then again they had a break from Blaine gabbert in the 4th quarter. I saw stuff I did like and stuff I didn't. So here goes my pros and cons


-Andrew luck gets better and more in sync every week

-Reggie Wayne had ANOTHER good game, in my opinion he is tied with luck as MVP of the team, we wouldn't be one the best 3rd down teams in the league without him PERIOD, losing Wayne to the bob famine(knock on wood) would be a bigger blow then we would expect

-Dwayne Allen is showing he can make tough catches, I'm liking him more then fleener.

-Ahhh the offensive line, very nice job by the big blues, AQ Shipley has another good game at center, moving the ball like that against the likes of knighton,Alualu,Mincey, and posluzny is pretty impressive, you do not get 100+ yards rushing without good play from your center PERIOD, castonzo did a nice job with Mincey and lane, reitz had a few sloppy plays, alualu and knighton gave him a problem on some plays(I like him but I still think he needs to be moved to tackle), linkenbach did better at tackle then I thought, he gave up a sack fumble but I think luck held on to the ball a little to long.

-Vick Ballard has given us a good running back tandem, very tough and determined when he runs the ball, Donald brown was showing that he can do a little damage running up the middle and fighting for extra yards.

-nice to see some turnovers finally!

-Darius butler should start over Cassius Vaughan

-Zbikowski must be reading what we say about him on this forum cause he is improving just a LITTLE bit

-moala will continue to feel right at home playing 3-4 end, he is looking pretty good this season

-Jerry Hughes might be taking freeney's job next year


-secondary continues to struggle, giving up almost 60% of passes thrown by gabbert and henne, even early in the game we played off like 6 to 8 yards, Cassius Vaughan was dissapointing, seemed unaware and soft at times throughout the game definetly should lose his job to Gordy or butler when powers and Davis comeback

-Dwight freeney was shutdown pretty much by both tackles which is sad, I can understand Monroe but this bradfield character....I mean come on Dwight. Dwight freeney will forever be one of my favorite colts of all time, but I think his time in Indy is up, his inconsistency, lack of tackles, lack of sacks, and injuries are just no bueno, Jerry Hughes might end up taking his spot eventually.

-I know I mentioned it already but the way we played the pass having our corners 6 to 8 yards off the line on the majority of plays is unacceptable, I PRAY TO THE GODS we don't do that against the patriots cause Brady will eat us alive.

Giving up a 60% completion rate in a game where you are leading by 17-21 poits through much of it is totally acceptable when they continue to throw 4 yard out patterns. Also Freeney is just a different player on grass. Yes , he's probably slipping but he was never the same factor on the slower surfaces.

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Some quick thoughts:

- Who thought Reggie would have year like this? He has been absolutely amazing!

- Butler did look very good.

- I hope we upgrade this O line. Can you all imagine this QB with a legitimate run game?

- Luck's ability to avoid the rush is great and he is a real threat to run in the redzone every time.

- I feel like we always get the bad calls, it was nice to have things go our way for once!

- Luck's deep ball is improving - he probably should have taken the sack or thrown away the INT.

- TY Hilton is fast!

- Cecil Shorts is good.

- Nice to see us not throw 50 times and still win!

I just with it would get healthy... you realize 2 starters were not playing?

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Giving up a 60% completion rate in a game where you are leading by 17-21 poits through much of it is totally acceptable when they continue to throw 4 yard out patterns. Also Freeney is just a different player on grass. Yes , he's probably slipping but he was never the same factor on the slower surfaces.

Mathis is to Freeney and Freeney is to Mathis...

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Mathis is to Freeney and Freeney is to Mathis...

Yes and Freeney did just fine last week at HOME after Mathis went out with a back injury. Ran circles around one of the premier LT's in the game. Like I said , he was always and still is a better player on the faster surfaces. But yes.. it is also true that both these guys are better when the other is in the game. I would think this would hold true for all great pass rushers.

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