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Do You Guys Realize?


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Vance87 and QuizBoy are 2 of my friends on here and they every right to state their opinions, which I both respect. The Colts are NOT making the Playoffs this year because of our offensive line is not strong enough to give Luck a clean pocket and protection down the stretch, the Texans defense is fantastic, and their running game is leaps and bounds above our right now, let's be honest okay. QuizBoy is not seeking validation; he simply sees where our 2 teams are at. Texans are at the top in the AFC South and the Colts are the 3rd best in the division because the Titans have a better o-line and CJ2K on the ground. QuizBoy isn't being juvenile it's called the eye test. Look, I am a huge Colts fan, but reality is reality. We won't win more than 6 games, maybe 7, and the Texans will crush us on defense alone. The Colts reclamation project will take 3 years to complete in full IMO.

I will listen to anyone's opinion, but please don't disregard QuizBoy and Vance87 just because they root for the Texans okay. Thank you. That philosophy can be very shortsighted and without merit overall.

I have to agree with your assesment Brother,6 or 7 games,our OL is not a ray of light right now,lots of room for improvement,I do believe there are things we can do to help the running game to an extent,but wont go there right now,on second thought i will,IMO we need more MM ON 3RD and more VB before,and a dose of big C on short yardage,I think we have to much DB and i think we need to give the others a chance to see if they can help us.My hat is off to AL the way he handles the pressure,this kid is deffinately the REAL DEAL !
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I have to agree with your assesment Brother,6 or 7 games,our OL is not a ray of light right now,lots of room for improvement,I do believe there are things we can do to help the running game to an extent,but wont go there right now,on second thought i will,IMO we need more MM ON 3RD and more VB before,and a dose of big C on short yardage,I think we have to much DB and i think we need to give the others a chance to see if they can help us.My hat is off to AL the way he handles the pressure,this kid is deffinately the REAL DEAL !

Yup, I can't argue with anything you said above Jay. You and I are on the exact same page. Luck is gonna be a S-T-U-D no question. Give him time to survey the field, square his shoulders, set his feet, read through his progressions, release the ball, and watch out! Great feats of football mastery will unfold before INDY's eyes. :thmup::colts:

Will GM Grigson continue to grab decent players from Canada for our o-line issues, look to the April draft, or stick with what we now have on the roster's current depth chart? Time will only tell I guess brother.

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Denver is gonna beat you, i'm sorry. Also you texans fans should reconsider your easy wins againts indy because mmmm... you have never won in LOS jajajaja

Everyone's opinion is their own. In my opinion, I don't think so...Denver's losing 20-7 right now, not very impressive.

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Here's what bugs people about them. They enter into threads involving the Texans with comments like this:

Suggesting that anyone else's opinion that differs from their own is 'buffoonery,' is inviting of a negative response to begin with. It's insulting and closed-minded at the same time. Then when people respond to his initial post with rebuttle as to why they feel the Broncos will win, they spin it as us being the closed-minded homers that lack reason, when it's actually the opposite.

Qwiz's 1st post in here was not thought-provoking or informative. It was bait to derail yet another thread and make it about the Texans. Mission accomplished...

Because I and others see him for the troll he is, and treat him as such, doesn't mean we're not open to debate or discussion with fans of opposing teams. It just means we don't like being talked down to, baited into arguments or policed in expressing our opinions on anything football related (yes, even the Texans.) That's why people say, if he has a problem with anything said about his team here, it would be wise for him to leave. No one should have to censor every post they type involving the Texans, prefacing every opinion with praise and respect for his team. If he is overly sensative and emotional about his team, I'm pretty sure they have hormones to treat that. We're not here to coddle Texans fans -- Sorry

This entire thread was inviting to a negative response, actually. Say what you will, but the Broncos are losing...badly...right now. And again, I believe the Texans have what it takes. I don't need your validation. Oh yeah...for the last time...not going anywhere.

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it's because they're trolls more than anything else. all they do is point out a few fans who have unreal expectations again...and again...and again....and again. and then turn around brag about what the texans are predicted to do or what they think they are going to do. it's just boorish

Yeah, we're the only ones who have problems with unrealistic expectations. Right.

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I really think it will be a tough game, but the texans fans think it's a lock that they will win and they are totally wrong. Between they are cocking their defense stats when they played against tanehill and gabbert. And to your argument that the texas have better skill at almost every position they are just missing the most important..... yes.... QB.

That same QB who's thrown how many picks tonight? Schaub hasn't thrown any this year, for the record.

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I've had numerous friendly discussions with Elmo lol. I've been laughing the past thirty minutes, no anger here bro. It seems the Joker has failed again.

Shhh... Don't tell people around here that. Isn't it obvious, we should have to hate each other, I mean, I'm a Colts fan, and you're a Texans fan! We can't have a legitimate conversation! /sarcasm

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Shhh... Don't tell people around here that. Isn't it obvious, we should have to hate each other, I mean, I'm a Colts fan, and you're a Texans fan! We can't have a legitimate conversation! /sarcasm

I know right? I'm gonna get you, Southwest, and Gramz arrested for being civil lol. Okay...I'll try and be more mean to you, bud! I mean, jerk! :P

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I have no idea why so many people seem to be so trigger happy with the phrase "troll" on this thread anyway. Troll-To lure or bait with a negative or derogatory intent via incite or disruptive provocation. QuizBoy does not meet this level of criteria in my estimation. I like controversial individuals myself. People who stand their ground and seldom, if ever, back down. This world has gotten "too soft" and it loves to throw around "abnormal" labels for people that don't fit into cookie cutter molds of passive, docile, conformity.

I have no problems whatsoever with QuizBoy and those who deem him a "troll" would be better served to channel their energy somewhere else IMHO. As my father always told me,"come back to me when you have a real problem okay." Thank you. QuizBoy is passionate about his Texans and perhaps that enthusiasm gets misinterpreted, but he isn't the next anti-Christ okay. Relax and take a deep breath.

You can certainly disagree with me of course, but that's how I read it anyway. Just my :2c: anyway.

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Well I'm not as enthused about our team as I was before the season. I'm actually more discouraged after the Vikings game than I was after the Bears. So many times I just looked at our Oline letting people blow them up at the snap and getting into the backfield in less than a second.......weak. It's worse than it's been in years, and that can't be easy. I do like our chances for coming in 2nd place for the division though....good thing we're in a division with the Titans and Jags.

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Well I'm not as enthused about our team as I was before the season. I'm actually more discouraged after the Vikings game than I was after the Bears. So many times I just looked at our Oline letting people blow them up at the snap and getting into the backfield in less than a second.......weak. It's worse than it's been in years, and that can't be easy. I do like our chances for coming in 2nd place for the division though....good thing we're in a division with the Titans and Jags.

Yeah, Jaguars aren't making any progress this year. The Titans and Locker have been unfortunate so far this year, having to play the Patriots and Chargers first, but if Luck keeps performing with his fire and bravado then he will definitely cruise past both the Titans and the Jaguars in the games to come.

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I know right? I'm gonna get you, Southwest, and Gramz arrested for being civil lol. Okay...I'll try and be more mean to you, bud! I mean, jerk! :P

All I ask is that you visit me and Gramz once a week while we are in the hole QuizBoy. :thmup::lol: Cue Johnny Cash please....

Finally, found the right version of the song I wanted.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 18, 2012 - personal shots
Hidden by Nadine, September 18, 2012 - personal shots

Yeah, we're the only ones who have problems with unrealistic expectations. Right.

you should spend less time drooling over brad pitt and more time on your reading comprehension

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 18, 2012 - personal shots
Hidden by Nadine, September 18, 2012 - personal shots

I have no idea why so many people seem to be so trigger happy with the phrase "troll" on this thread anyway. Troll-To lure or bait with a negative or derogatory intent via incite or disruptive provocation. QuizBoy does not meet this level of criteria in my estimation. I like controversial individuals myself. People who stand their ground and seldom, if ever, back down. This world has gotten "too soft" and it loves to throw around "abnormal" labels for people that don't fit into cookie cutter molds of passive, docile, conformity.

I have no problems whatsoever with QuizBoy and those who deem him a "troll" would be better served to channel their energy somewhere else IMHO. As my father always told me,"come back to me when you have a real problem okay." Thank you. QuizBoy is passionate about his Texans and perhaps that enthusiasm gets misinterpreted, but he isn't the next anti-Christ okay. Relax and take a deep breath.

You can certainly disagree with me of course, but that's how I read it anyway. Just my :2c: anyway.

jesus, we get it oh mustached one you have a man crush on the texan kid

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 18, 2012 - personal shots
Hidden by Nadine, September 18, 2012 - personal shots

you should spend less time drooling over brad pitt and more time on your reading comprehension

Wth are you talking about? You should work on your people skills, dude, they need a little refinement. For the record, I am an Achilles fan, not a Brad Pitt fan, even though that's not at all relevant to our discussion.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 18, 2012 - personal shots
Hidden by Nadine, September 18, 2012 - personal shots

jesus, we get it oh mustached one you have a man crush on the texan kid

No, he's not a hostile * unlike a lot of others who post here. I didn't know that translated to 'mancrush'.

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Wait a minute.....what are we fighting about?

I don't feel like reading 6 pages of thread.

I forgot, but something minimal, as usual. I think it had something to do with my opinion that the Broncos won't beat the Texans next week, which somehow escalated to another Colts v.s. Texans argument.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 18, 2012 - personal shots
Hidden by Nadine, September 18, 2012 - personal shots

Wth are you talking about? You should work on your people skills, dude, they need a little refinement. For the record, I am an Achilles fan, not a Brad Pitt fan, even though that's not at all relevant to our discussion.

you should know what i'm talking about you quoted me....dude.

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:mod: I just read through all six pages of this thread and I want those minutes of my life back

You guys it is just so boring when you have the same squabbles over and over again. :deadhorse:

:beg: PLEASE if you don't like someone put them on your ignore list

Do not use political analogies.

And most importantly


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