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Arians TE Use/Stats


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Lots of talk surrounding Arians, and our new TEs. Dual TE sets, etc.

So I went and looked at how Arians has used TEs during his 8 years as an Off Cord. 3 with Clev, 5 with Pitt.

Arians off averages 58 TE receptions. Between ALL rostered TEs a season....His highest Rec total for a single TE was in 09, which was 76rec by Heath Miller....his next highest Rec total for a single TE, was 51.....

For a point of reference, Jimmy Graham alone last year had 99rec. Gronk/Herneandez had 90-79....

Based on what Arians has done in the past, and our fairly legit stable of WR, I cannot expect more than 30rec a piece between our new TEs, seeing how Arians avgs only 58, and our guys are rookies.

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It just depends on who is the open target...if the TEs are open, Luck will get the ball to them...if they're not, then he will get it to whoever IS open.

Those stats can be very misleading, because you have to take into account the TE along with the QB responsible for getting him the ball, from each of those teams.

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One thing that I heard while Luck was still at Stanford was that he was beyond his years in his use of the TE.

Now Fleener was a real weapon and he didn't have a huge WR that I can tell, but he may be very good at exploiting TE/D match ups.

I hope so, hope that wasn't a load I heard. And, if so, I hope that he can do it at the next level.

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It just depends on who is the open target...if the TEs are open, Luck will get the ball to them...if they're not, then he will get it to whoever IS open.

Those stats can be very misleading, because you have to take into account the TE along with the QB responsible for getting him the ball, from each of those teams.

Sure, to an extent.

But when yearly TE totals are 47/52/43/53/65/83/55/67 a pattern begins to emerge.

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Past performance is an important indicator of expectations - I appreciate you looking up the facts. I don't think Arians has ever had a TE of the new breed that Fleener fits, so we won't know how he'll use him until we see it - but I see him becoming more like a #2 receiver than a blocker. I believe that the utilization of both TE's will be higher than Arians has shown in the past because he is adapting to match up trends in the league and has the tools to do so.

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One thing that I heard while Luck was still at Stanford was that he was beyond his years in his use of the TE.

Now Fleener was a real weapon and he didn't have a huge WR that I can tell, but he may be very good at exploiting TE/D match ups.

I hope so, hope that wasn't a load I heard. And, if so, I hope that he can do it at the next level.

He had a 3 -Headed Monster at TE in his Stanford Days.

He has Griff Whalen & Montgomery as his best WR's who were both just Average WR's imo.

Now coming into the NFL with Wayne & Collie as his established #1 & #2 WR.... I'm sure the ball will be spread around more. Like it's posted above, it just comes down to who's open & who isn't. Luck is a Smart kid. I've seen him make one mistake & that was the pick he threw to Ike when he stared Wayne down. Other than that pick & hilton's juggling talent, he would've finished the pre-season with 0 picks

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I think what is potentially different this year compared to years past....

Arians has better tight ends to work with, and a quarterback who LOVES throwing to them.

And there are more question marks at wide receiver and with the running backs.

Based on all that, I think our TE's will enjoy considerable success. I don't think they'll have Gronk/Hernandez like success, at least not this first year.... but I think 100 receptions between the two is not a stretch. Roughly 60/40 for the two TE's.

Just a guess.... but I don't think it's unreasonable.

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I don't understand where all this TE "talent" is. They have potential, yea, but TE from college to NFL is a considerable transition. To the point I can't think of a successful year 1 TE.

With Allen blocking as much as he will be, and Fleeners apparent timidness, I just cannot see more than 30rec a piece. I'd obviously love to be proved incorrect, but I just can't see any real significance in year 1.

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I don't understand where all this TE "talent" is. They have potential, yea, but TE from college to NFL is a considerable transition. To the point I can't think of a successful year 1 TE.

With Allen blocking as much as he will be, and Fleeners apparent timidness, I just cannot see more than 30rec a piece. I'd obviously love to be proved incorrect, but I just can't see any real significance in year 1.

Don't be too Locked-Up on Allen Blocking. This is a similar System that he ran in Clemson. He may line-up in the backfield appearing to be blocking for that play, then he slips out the backfield and gets a few yards for us. It's a lot that Allen can do.

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I don't understand where all this TE "talent" is. They have potential, yea, but TE from college to NFL is a considerable transition. To the point I can't think of a successful year 1 TE.

With Allen blocking as much as he will be, and Fleeners apparent timidness, I just cannot see more than 30rec a piece. I'd obviously love to be proved incorrect, but I just can't see any real significance in year 1.

I think as Fleener and Allen continue to learn, the true nature of Arians offense will evolve. The more they show they can handle, the more they will be fed. Arians has never worked with 3 TE's with as much potential as Allen, Fleener and Jones. The past is usually used as an indicator for the future, but in this instance, I think it needs to be thrown out. Totally different circumstances

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Sure, to an extent.

But when yearly TE totals are 47/52/43/53/65/83/55/67 a pattern begins to emerge.

Good thoughts in both your posts. I'm not sold that we're going to be as tight end heavy in the passing game as others think, and certainly not as much as the Patriots. But I do think there are some variables to consider, for instance with the Steelers. They have had issues with their offensive line and have kept tight ends in to help in protection. Also, Heath Miller is not the kind of athlete Fleener is, who can be used out wide and in the slot. I could see the two rookies combining for 70 or 80 catches this season.

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This might deserve its own thread.

The topic peeked my curiosity.

The results are disappointing, and hopefully Arians does something about it. This is for only one season, and I don't anticipate the time to dig deeper into his tenure at Pittsburgh, but it is quite clear one of the reasons he was fired was that he is far too predictable.

I'll supply some totals here and then add the rest of the information below it.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 3te on the field they ran the ball 74% of the time of their 198 plays with 3 te's on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 2 te on the field they ran the ball 55.6% of the time of their 248 plays with 2 te's on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 1 te on the field they threw the ball 71.4 % of the time of their 519 plays with 1 te on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 0 TE on the field they threw the ball 100% of the time of their 50 plays without a TE on the field

In 2011 when the Steelers had 3WR on the field they threw the ball 68.9% of the time of their 466 plays with 3wr on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 4WR on the field they threw the ball 95..3% of the time of their 86 plays with 4wr on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 5WR on the field they threw the ball 100% of the time of their 24 plays with 5wr on the field.

Three Tight Ends & Zero Wide Receivers

1st Down 8 plays 6 run 2 pass

2nd Down 6 plays 4 run 2 pass

3rd Down 1 play 1 run 0 pass

4th down 2 plays 2 run 0 pass

Total 17 plays 13 run 4 pass

76.5% running plays called from the 3te 0wr set

Three Tight Ends & 1 Wide Receiver

1st Down 115 plays 90 run 25 pass

2nd Down 55 plays 38 run 17 pass

3rd Down 9 plays 5 run 4 pass

4th Down 2 plays 1 run 1 pass

Total 181 plays 134 run 47 pass

74.0% running plays called from the 3te 1wr set

Three Tight End Total

1st Down 123 plays 96 runs 27 pass 78.0%run

2nd Down 61 plays 44 runs 19 pass 72.1% run

3rd Down 10 plays 6 runs 4 pass 60.0% run

4th Down 4 plays 3 runs 1 pass 75.0% run

Total 198 plays 147 runs 51 passes 74.2% run

Two Tight Ends 0 wide receivers

1st Down 3 plays 3 runs 0 pass 100% run

2nd Down 2 plays 2 runs 0 pass 100% run

3rd Down 2 plays 2 runs 0 pass 100% run

Total 7 plays 7 runs 0 pass 100% run

Two Tight Ends 1 wide receivers

1st Down 6 plays 4 run 2 pass

2nd Down 5 plays 4 run 1 pass

3rd down 5 plays 5 run 0 pass

Total 16 plays 13 run 3 pass 81.3 % run

Two Tight Ends 2 wide receivers

1st Down 126 plays 76 run 50 pass

2nd Down 82 plays 37 run 45 pass

3rd Down 8 plays 4 run 4 pass

Total 216 plays 117 run 99 pass 54.2 % run

Two Tight Ends 3 wide receivers

1st Down 2 plays 1 run 1 pass

2nd Down no plays

3rd Down 6 plays 0 run 6 pass

4th down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

Total 9 plays 1 run 8 pass 88.9% pass

Two tight end totals

One Tight End 0 Wide receivers

2nd Down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

One Tight End 2 Wide Receivers

1st Down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

One Tight End 3 Wide Receivers

1st Down 173 plays 78 run 95 pass

2nd Down 176 plays 51 run 125 pass

3rd Down 107 play 15 run 92 pass

4th Down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

Totals 457 plays 144 runs 313 pass 68.5% pass

One Tight End 4 Wide Receivers

1st Down 17 plays 1 run 16 pass

2nd Down 13 plays 0 run 13 pass

3rd Down 30 plays 3 run 27 pass

4th Down no plays

Total 60 plays 4 runs 56 pass 93.3% pass

Zero Tight Ends 4 Wide Receivers

1st Down 4 plays 0 run 4 pass

2nd Down 3 plays 0 run 3 pass

3rd Down 19 plays 0 run 19 pass

4th Down zero plays

Total 26 plays 0 run 26 pass 100% pass

Zero Tight Ends 5 Wide Receivers

1st Down 7 plays 0 run 7 pass

2nd Down 7 plays 0 run 7 pass

3rd Down 9 plays 0 run 9 pass

4th Down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

Total 24 plays 0 run 24 passes 100% pass

First Down & 10 Summary(also not very impressive ratios.

3te0wr 1 play 1 run 0 pass

3te1wr 106 plays 85 run 21 pass

2te0wr 3 plays 3 run 0 pass

2te1wr 4 plays 3 run 0 pass

2te2wr 112 plays 63 run 49 pass

2te3wr 2 plays 1 run 1 pass

1te2wr 1 play 0 run 1 pass

1te3wr 154 plays 68 run 86 pass

1te4wr 15 plays 1 run 14 pass

0te4wr 4 plays 0 run 4 pass

0te5wr 6 plays 0 run 6 pass

Arians has to do a better job of being less predictable. On 1st down he's only someone unpredictable in 2 groupings, fortunately it is the two groupings he used the most, but at some point he has to make a conscious effort to alter these tendencies.

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Dont count out #46 Dominique Jones what I see is he brings a lot to the table. Again you dont have to be a high draft pick to do your thing now. Trust the colts have a few weapons at that spot.

I'm going to count him out unless there's a TE injury. I don't see us going with a 3TE set often, except in special circumstances (goalline?), I don't think we'd run a 3TE set without a RB ever, and I don't think he's getting Wayne/Collie off the field.

It's really an issue of opportunity to do his thing.

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This might deserve its own thread.

The topic peeked my curiosity.

The results are disappointing, and hopefully Arians does something about it. This is for only one season, and I don't anticipate the time to dig deeper into his tenure at Pittsburgh, but it is quite clear one of the reasons he was fired was that he is far too predictable.

I'll supply some totals here and then add the rest of the information below it.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 3te on the field they ran the ball 74% of the time of their 198 plays with 3 te's on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 2 te on the field they ran the ball 55.6% of the time of their 248 plays with 2 te's on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 1 te on the field they threw the ball 71.4 % of the time of their 519 plays with 1 te on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 0 TE on the field they threw the ball 100% of the time of their 50 plays without a TE on the field

In 2011 when the Steelers had 3WR on the field they threw the ball 68.9% of the time of their 466 plays with 3wr on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 4WR on the field they threw the ball 95..3% of the time of their 86 plays with 4wr on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 5WR on the field they threw the ball 100% of the time of their 24 plays with 5wr on the field.

Three Tight Ends & Zero Wide Receivers

1st Down 8 plays 6 run 2 pass

2nd Down 6 plays 4 run 2 pass

3rd Down 1 play 1 run 0 pass

4th down 2 plays 2 run 0 pass

Total 17 plays 13 run 4 pass

76.5% running plays called from the 3te 0wr set

Three Tight Ends & 1 Wide Receiver

1st Down 115 plays 90 run 25 pass

2nd Down 55 plays 38 run 17 pass

3rd Down 9 plays 5 run 4 pass

4th Down 2 plays 1 run 1 pass

Total 181 plays 134 run 47 pass

74.0% running plays called from the 3te 1wr set

Three Tight End Total

1st Down 123 plays 96 runs 27 pass 78.0%run

2nd Down 61 plays 44 runs 19 pass 72.1% run

3rd Down 10 plays 6 runs 4 pass 60.0% run

4th Down 4 plays 3 runs 1 pass 75.0% run

Total 198 plays 147 runs 51 passes 74.2% run

Two Tight Ends 0 wide receivers

1st Down 3 plays 3 runs 0 pass 100% run

2nd Down 2 plays 2 runs 0 pass 100% run

3rd Down 2 plays 2 runs 0 pass 100% run

Total 7 plays 7 runs 0 pass 100% run

Two Tight Ends 1 wide receivers

1st Down 6 plays 4 run 2 pass

2nd Down 5 plays 4 run 1 pass

3rd down 5 plays 5 run 0 pass

Total 16 plays 13 run 3 pass 81.3 % run

Two Tight Ends 2 wide receivers

1st Down 126 plays 76 run 50 pass

2nd Down 82 plays 37 run 45 pass

3rd Down 8 plays 4 run 4 pass

Total 216 plays 117 run 99 pass 54.2 % run

Two Tight Ends 3 wide receivers

1st Down 2 plays 1 run 1 pass

2nd Down no plays

3rd Down 6 plays 0 run 6 pass

4th down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

Total 9 plays 1 run 8 pass 88.9% pass

Two tight end totals

One Tight End 0 Wide receivers

2nd Down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

One Tight End 2 Wide Receivers

1st Down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

One Tight End 3 Wide Receivers

1st Down 173 plays 78 run 95 pass

2nd Down 176 plays 51 run 125 pass

3rd Down 107 play 15 run 92 pass

4th Down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

Totals 457 plays 144 runs 313 pass 68.5% pass

One Tight End 4 Wide Receivers

1st Down 17 plays 1 run 16 pass

2nd Down 13 plays 0 run 13 pass

3rd Down 30 plays 3 run 27 pass

4th Down no plays

Total 60 plays 4 runs 56 pass 93.3% pass

Zero Tight Ends 4 Wide Receivers

1st Down 4 plays 0 run 4 pass

2nd Down 3 plays 0 run 3 pass

3rd Down 19 plays 0 run 19 pass

4th Down zero plays

Total 26 plays 0 run 26 pass 100% pass

Zero Tight Ends 5 Wide Receivers

1st Down 7 plays 0 run 7 pass

2nd Down 7 plays 0 run 7 pass

3rd Down 9 plays 0 run 9 pass

4th Down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

Total 24 plays 0 run 24 passes 100% pass

First Down & 10 Summary(also not very impressive ratios.

3te0wr 1 play 1 run 0 pass

3te1wr 106 plays 85 run 21 pass

2te0wr 3 plays 3 run 0 pass

2te1wr 4 plays 3 run 0 pass

2te2wr 112 plays 63 run 49 pass

2te3wr 2 plays 1 run 1 pass

1te2wr 1 play 0 run 1 pass

1te3wr 154 plays 68 run 86 pass

1te4wr 15 plays 1 run 14 pass

0te4wr 4 plays 0 run 4 pass

0te5wr 6 plays 0 run 6 pass

Arians has to do a better job of being less predictable. On 1st down he's only someone unpredictable in 2 groupings, fortunately it is the two groupings he used the most, but at some point he has to make a conscious effort to alter these tendencies.

Such an excellent post FJC, great #s. and extremely informative.

When I get home that post will get a +1.

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In 2011 when the Steelers had 1 te on the field they threw the ball 71.4 % of the time of their 519 plays with 1 te on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 0 TE on the field they threw the ball 100% of the time of their 50 plays without a TE on the field

In 2011 when the Steelers had 3WR on the field they threw the ball 68.9% of the time of their 466 plays with 3wr on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 4WR on the field they threw the ball 95..3% of the time of their 86 plays with 4wr on the field.

This kind of encapsulates it. That represents 70% of their offensive plays, and it's incredibly predictable. They're not going to run with only one tight end, they're not going to run with three or four receivers, etc.

Compare it to how Tom Moore and Peyton Manning ran both their two tight end and three receiver sets, and how the team could run or pass out of either package. Then the threat of the play-action.

I think Arians would be well-served to decrease the amount of formations he uses, and increase his versatility within those formations.

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Good thoughts in both your posts. I'm not sold that we're going to be as tight end heavy in the passing game as others think, and certainly not as much as the Patriots. But I do think there are some variables to consider, for instance with the Steelers. They have had issues with their offensive line and have kept tight ends in to help in protection. Also, Heath Miller is not the kind of athlete Fleener is, who can be used out wide and in the slot. I could see the two rookies combining for 70 or 80 catches this season.

Oh, I agree in regards to circumstances, and who the other TEs were etc. All those are variables, that don't pertain to Fleener and Allen, whom we all HOPE are going to be world class (we just don't know yet) they very well could be Heath Miller, or worse.

And I can get on board with between 70-80, because that falls into the high area that Arians off has used TEs, albeit not the avg, but it's something they've still done.

With that being said tho, these 100rec predictions I just cannot get behind. His Off has gotten close to 100rec all of one time in his tenure, and they were still off by near 20, but generally in the 30-50range.

Factor in a suspect line (more TE blocking duties) a rookie qb, 2 rookie TE, and fairly healthy/impressive depth at WR/RB, I'm not expecting anything spectacular or even above average, in terms of production from those 2.

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Lots of talk surrounding Arians, and our new TEs. Dual TE sets, etc.

So I went and looked at how Arians has used TEs during his 8 years as an Off Cord. 3 with Clev, 5 with Pitt.

Arians off averages 58 TE receptions. Between ALL rostered TEs a season....His highest Rec total for a single TE was in 09, which was 76rec by Heath Miller....his next highest Rec total for a single TE, was 51.....

For a point of reference, Jimmy Graham alone last year had 99rec. Gronk/Herneandez had 90-79....

Based on what Arians has done in the past, and our fairly legit stable of WR, I cannot expect more than 30rec a piece between our new TEs, seeing how Arians avgs only 58, and our guys are rookies.

That's assuming he will run this offense like he has done in the past. I think he will do it in a different way with our TEs. We'll have to just wait and see.

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This kind of encapsulates it. That represents 70% of their offensive plays, and it's incredibly predictable. They're not going to run with only one tight end, they're not going to run with three or four receivers, etc.

Compare it to how Tom Moore and Peyton Manning ran both their two tight end and three receiver sets, and how the team could run or pass out of either package. Then the threat of the play-action.

I think Arians would be well-served to decrease the amount of formations he uses, and increase his versatility within those formations.

I'm sure that teams have it broken down even more than I did here.. They likely know how many times out of that 1te3wr set that they targeted Wallace or Ward, etc.

It's a different team, players, etc, so it might be different here.

So who knows..

A quick look at the preseason

3te0wr 4 plays 3 runs 1 pass

3te1wr 57 plays 43 runs14 pass

2te0wr 1 play 1 run 0 pass

2te2wr 81 plays 41 run 40 pass

1te3wr 88 plays 19 run 69 pass

0te4wr 18 plays 1 run 17 pass

0te5wr 7plays 0 run 7 pass.

So far he's a lot better on the 2te2wr set but everything else was still pretty much far too one-sided.

Of course the preseason might not be a fair reference without gameplans and holding things back, etc, but it is still a little befuddling.

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This might deserve its own thread.

The topic peeked my curiosity.

The results are disappointing, and hopefully Arians does something about it. This is for only one season, and I don't anticipate the time to dig deeper into his tenure at Pittsburgh, but it is quite clear one of the reasons he was fired was that he is far too predictable.

I'll supply some totals here and then add the rest of the information below it.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 3te on the field they ran the ball 74% of the time of their 198 plays with 3 te's on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 2 te on the field they ran the ball 55.6% of the time of their 248 plays with 2 te's on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 1 te on the field they threw the ball 71.4 % of the time of their 519 plays with 1 te on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 0 TE on the field they threw the ball 100% of the time of their 50 plays without a TE on the field

In 2011 when the Steelers had 3WR on the field they threw the ball 68.9% of the time of their 466 plays with 3wr on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 4WR on the field they threw the ball 95..3% of the time of their 86 plays with 4wr on the field.

In 2011 when the Steelers had 5WR on the field they threw the ball 100% of the time of their 24 plays with 5wr on the field.

Three Tight Ends & Zero Wide Receivers

1st Down 8 plays 6 run 2 pass

2nd Down 6 plays 4 run 2 pass

3rd Down 1 play 1 run 0 pass

4th down 2 plays 2 run 0 pass

Total 17 plays 13 run 4 pass

76.5% running plays called from the 3te 0wr set

Three Tight Ends & 1 Wide Receiver

1st Down 115 plays 90 run 25 pass

2nd Down 55 plays 38 run 17 pass

3rd Down 9 plays 5 run 4 pass

4th Down 2 plays 1 run 1 pass

Total 181 plays 134 run 47 pass

74.0% running plays called from the 3te 1wr set

Three Tight End Total

1st Down 123 plays 96 runs 27 pass 78.0%run

2nd Down 61 plays 44 runs 19 pass 72.1% run

3rd Down 10 plays 6 runs 4 pass 60.0% run

4th Down 4 plays 3 runs 1 pass 75.0% run

Total 198 plays 147 runs 51 passes 74.2% run

Two Tight Ends 0 wide receivers

1st Down 3 plays 3 runs 0 pass 100% run

2nd Down 2 plays 2 runs 0 pass 100% run

3rd Down 2 plays 2 runs 0 pass 100% run

Total 7 plays 7 runs 0 pass 100% run

Two Tight Ends 1 wide receivers

1st Down 6 plays 4 run 2 pass

2nd Down 5 plays 4 run 1 pass

3rd down 5 plays 5 run 0 pass

Total 16 plays 13 run 3 pass 81.3 % run

Two Tight Ends 2 wide receivers

1st Down 126 plays 76 run 50 pass

2nd Down 82 plays 37 run 45 pass

3rd Down 8 plays 4 run 4 pass

Total 216 plays 117 run 99 pass 54.2 % run

Two Tight Ends 3 wide receivers

1st Down 2 plays 1 run 1 pass

2nd Down no plays

3rd Down 6 plays 0 run 6 pass

4th down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

Total 9 plays 1 run 8 pass 88.9% pass

Two tight end totals

One Tight End 0 Wide receivers

2nd Down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

One Tight End 2 Wide Receivers

1st Down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

One Tight End 3 Wide Receivers

1st Down 173 plays 78 run 95 pass

2nd Down 176 plays 51 run 125 pass

3rd Down 107 play 15 run 92 pass

4th Down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

Totals 457 plays 144 runs 313 pass 68.5% pass

One Tight End 4 Wide Receivers

1st Down 17 plays 1 run 16 pass

2nd Down 13 plays 0 run 13 pass

3rd Down 30 plays 3 run 27 pass

4th Down no plays

Total 60 plays 4 runs 56 pass 93.3% pass

Zero Tight Ends 4 Wide Receivers

1st Down 4 plays 0 run 4 pass

2nd Down 3 plays 0 run 3 pass

3rd Down 19 plays 0 run 19 pass

4th Down zero plays

Total 26 plays 0 run 26 pass 100% pass

Zero Tight Ends 5 Wide Receivers

1st Down 7 plays 0 run 7 pass

2nd Down 7 plays 0 run 7 pass

3rd Down 9 plays 0 run 9 pass

4th Down 1 play 0 run 1 pass

Total 24 plays 0 run 24 passes 100% pass

First Down & 10 Summary(also not very impressive ratios.

3te0wr 1 play 1 run 0 pass

3te1wr 106 plays 85 run 21 pass

2te0wr 3 plays 3 run 0 pass

2te1wr 4 plays 3 run 0 pass

2te2wr 112 plays 63 run 49 pass

2te3wr 2 plays 1 run 1 pass

1te2wr 1 play 0 run 1 pass

1te3wr 154 plays 68 run 86 pass

1te4wr 15 plays 1 run 14 pass

0te4wr 4 plays 0 run 4 pass

0te5wr 6 plays 0 run 6 pass

Arians has to do a better job of being less predictable. On 1st down he's only someone unpredictable in 2 groupings, fortunately it is the two groupings he used the most, but at some point he has to make a conscious effort to alter these tendencies.

Eeeeeewwwwww.... This is not encouraging at all.

Just when I was starting to give Arians the benefit of the doubt

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I'm sure that teams have it broken down even more than I did here.. They likely know how many times out of that 1te3wr set that they targeted Wallace or Ward, etc.

It's a different team, players, etc, so it might be different here.

So who knows..

A quick look at the preseason

3te0wr 4 plays 3 runs 1 pass

3te1wr 57 plays 43 runs14 pass

2te0wr 1 play 1 run 0 pass

2te2wr 81 plays 41 run 40 pass

1te3wr 88 plays 19 run 69 pass

0te4wr 18 plays 1 run 17 pass

0te5wr 7plays 0 run 7 pass.

So far he's a lot better on the 2te2wr set but everything else was still pretty much far too one-sided.

Of course the preseason might not be a fair reference without gameplans and holding things back, etc, but it is still a little befuddling.

To the bolded, give me a little more running out of that package, and I'll be okay. The two tight end package should be an "anything goes" package, one that we can use to run strong, run weak, counter, play action, pass, put a tight end in the slot, etc. A 50/50 split there is encouraging.

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To the bolded, give me a little more running out of that package, and I'll be okay. The two tight end package should be an "anything goes" package, one that we can use to run strong, run weak, counter, play action, pass, put a tight end in the slot, etc. A 50/50 split there is encouraging.

Eeeeeewwwwww.... This is not encouraging at all.

Just when I was starting to give Arians the benefit of the doubt

I agree.. I'd say most teams have a heavy pass to run ratio when it's 4wr/5wr, and they likely have a higher run ratio when they go heavy with 3te.

I'd just like to see some of those 70%s vanish.

If you know over a period of time you are running or throwing out of a certain package 90% of the time you should in the very least have a couple plays each game that do the opposite. just to try to catch someone offguard.

With the versatility of AllenFleener hopefully they capitalize on those matchups.

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    • You are too self-deprecating. You are one of the most respected and bright members here. You should never feel that you are failing. I'm sure your wife and children don't feel that way.  Indiana does not pay teachers what they deserve. But money is overrated. Having good morals and good character should be valued a lot more. JMO.
    • They make a heck of a lot more money than I do. Even those on the practice squad are making life changing money.    To be completely honest, as an educator I feel more like trash nowadays. One of those moments where I feel like I’m failing as a man, a husband, a father and a teacher. I would absolutely never consider an honest working NFL player as trash. 
    • Food for thought… Once again, you continue to be your own worst enemy.     The Colts overall TE room is loaded with young players most of whom have had very little playing time for a variety of reasons.   So if you want to say the room might not be ranked high, that’s fair.    But you don’t say that.  You call them “trash”.  Why you feel that’s appropriate is a mystery.   Whenever you try the internet tough guy approach it typically blows up on you.     No one is trash.     You ignore the last three years and the QB and HC carousel the Colts have dealt with.  All of which has impacted the Colts weapons, especially the TE’s.   Ballard has publicly talked about how promising he thinks his TE room might be.   Woods, Granson, Ogletree, Mallory and MAC.    Only MAC is questionable and that’s because the salary hasn’t matched expectations.  But the first four?   All are promising.   They’re just young and looking for opportunity.  But they are NOT trash.     There’s a difference.     
    • Some of the coaches?   That sounds plural to me.   To the best of my knowledge the focus in this community has only been on one coach who may not be maximizing the players the Colts have.   And that’s the defensive coordinator.  He’s been a hot topic of conversation.  But I’m not aware of any other coach being viewed in a negative light. 
    • Insane that this has been going on since 2015. From what I gather it’s due to the NFL making Sunday Ticket too expensive on purpose so only a select amount of people can purchase it, forcing most to use CBS and Fox. 
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