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Ballard’s “quadruplets”... the draft plan.


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  We have Ryan KELLY. (Provided he, and Q, will leave Disney World.

  We have Chad KELLY, waiting for his shot at destiny.

 What if Ballard is targeting rb Joshua KELLEY (ucla),  and (forgive me). wr KJ Hamler (psu).... better known to his mother as KAHLEE Jacoby (ironic) Hamler.


  Ballard figures the Ryan one worked well, why not look for more.

  Also expect anyone with Nelson or the letter Q In their name to have a distinct advantage.

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2 hours ago, LockeDown said:

OMG.  He’s found the “WIN” algorithm. We must create a formula. 
     W= K(4) + Q + AL


Darn it! We needed Andrew Luck for this one to work.

When i was doing my graduate studies, we had a business simulation in a marketing class.  The “products” i “created” Based on over a dozen stimuli eventually gained our “company” about 85% market share 3/4 of the way thru.  There were discussions  about “re-starting” the simulation as most were convinced i had a “secret” formula.  I was a bit of a celebrity for several semesters as students in later classes tried to bribe me for the “secret.” 
  Even the prof called me in to try to get some insight and he asked that i don't assist anyone in his classes as it would not be fair.  I was losing it!

  It was all there in the numbers.  I never told anyone, but regression analysis was a key part.

  Some of my co-grad students knick-named me “Smoke and Mirrors”. I had the last laugh tho with the 3.92 from Bucknell.

1 - A minus!  It still haunts me to this day.

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1 hour ago, WoolMagnet said:

I had the last laugh tho with the 3.92 from Bucknell.

Hey, my dad went to Bucknell!  I’m sure he didn’t have a 3.92, but he was way cooler than you - spent 26 years flying fighter jets in the USAF....

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21 minutes ago, Archer said:

Hey, my dad went to Bucknell!  I’m sure he didn’t have a 3.92, but he was way cooler than you - spent 26 years flying fighter jets in the USAF....

My fraternity nickname may say different.....


jokes aside, my undergrad was at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.  So, we have the aircraft thing in common too.

The airforce would “weed out” the cream of the crop at my school.  Lots of ex-military were in classes too.  My first roomate was in the Marine Corps.  He flew with vice president Bush (under Reagan) all the time.  He was the guy that stood at the base of the steps to the helicopter. He was  the best grocery coupon shopper i’ve ever seen too.  

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1 hour ago, WoolMagnet said:

My fraternity nickname may say different.....


jokes aside, my undergrad was at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.  So, we have the aircraft thing in common too.

The airforce would “weed out” the cream of the crop at my school.  Lots of ex-military were in classes too.  My first roomate was in the Marine Corps.  He flew with vice president Bush (under Reagan) all the time.  He was the guy that stood at the base of the steps to the helicopter. He was  the best grocery coupon shopper i’ve ever seen too.  

Yeah, my dad was from a small coal-mining town there in Schuylkill County.  Took a flying class (light aircraft) while at Bucknell, and it scared the hell out of him.  So he knew he had to conquer that.  Took summer classes to get his degree and was flying fighters by age 23.   Went to Korea when the Pueblo was taken, flew over the Caribbean during the missile crisis, and volunteered for a year in Vietnam.  Always sounded way more fulfilling than my job...

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6 hours ago, WoolMagnet said:

When i was doing my graduate studies, we had a business simulation in a marketing class.  The “products” i “created” Based on over a dozen stimuli eventually gained our “company” about 85% market share 3/4 of the way thru.  There were discussions  about “re-starting” the simulation as most were convinced i had a “secret” formula.  I was a bit of a celebrity for several semesters as students in later classes tried to bribe me for the “secret.” 
  Even the prof called me in to try to get some insight and he asked that i don't assist anyone in his classes as it would not be fair.  I was losing it!

  It was all there in the numbers.  I never told anyone, but regression analysis was a key part.

  Some of my co-grad students knick-named me “Smoke and Mirrors”. I had the last laugh tho with the 3.92 from Bucknell.

1 - A minus!  It still haunts me to this day.

If it makes you feel any better, we have a different nickname for you on these boards. Lol  jk. Cool story but we still need to find a substitute for AL in the WIN formula.

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5 hours ago, Archer said:

Yeah, my dad was from a small coal-mining town there in Schuylkill County.  Took a flying class (light aircraft) while at Bucknell, and it scared the hell out of him.  So he knew he had to conquer that.  Took summer classes to get his degree and was flying fighters by age 23.   Went to Korea when the Pueblo was taken, flew over the Caribbean during the missile crisis, and volunteered for a year in Vietnam.  Always sounded way more fulfilling than my job...

Way cool.

Sounds like a “real man.”

Gotta Respect that.


One of my favorite professors flew F4 Phantoms in Korea. 

Btw, i live smack-dab in the middle of coal country.  Well, what used to be coal country.

The coal industry seems to have transitioned to a Heroin market.  Really bad in some of those run-down , job-depleted towns.

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15 hours ago, WoolMagnet said:

  We have Ryan KELLY. (Provided he, and Q, will leave Disney World.

  We have Chad KELLY, waiting for his shot at destiny.

 What if Ballard is targeting rb Joshua KELLEY (ucla),  and (forgive me). wr KJ Hamler (psu).... better known to his mother as KAHLEE Jacoby (ironic) Hamler.


  Ballard figures the Ryan one worked well, why not look for more.

  Also expect anyone with Nelson or the letter Q In their name to have a distinct advantage.

With that logic, Quincy Wilson should be All Pro?!?

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1 hour ago, LockeDown said:

If it makes you feel any better, we have a different nickname for you on these boards. Lol  jk. Cool story but we still need to find a substitute for AL in the WIN formula.

All my exes have names for me too.  Fortunately, there ain’t no rearview mirrors on the sides of my head.

  Yes we do need to find a suitable replacement for AL.  I hope Ballard pulls a “rabbit” of of his hat....... or anywhere else for  that matter.

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