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How Free Agents View The Colts


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"1. The way the "Peyton thing" went down and removing him from team. (the "circus" atmosphere)."

If Colts Nation views the Peyton departure as a "Circus Atmosphere," they are sadly mistaken. That whole episode was a walk in the park next to the Brett Favre flip flop, cry baby media circus. I lived through that entire madness in Wisconsin.

Believe me, Peyton Manning handled that entire dilemma with dignity & class. Indianapolis citizens have no idea what real anarchy looks like. Consider yourselves very, very fortunate. You have absolutely nothing to complain about as a fan base at all. I laugh when you refer to it as a circus.

You have no idea what an insane circus/master of ceremonies actually looks like okay. No disrespect intended here just a healthy dose of logical perspective that's all.

Perhaps, a better way to phrase your #1 point would be this: The Colts front office inability to structure cap friendly player contracts in a deliberate effort to keep Manning in the team plans & player fold.


I wasn't thinking of the favre thing.

By 'circus', I meant more around the SB time not at "the end".

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First of all, I never denied that a significant amount of money wasn't an integral factor to free agency players in the NFL. Second of all, I never proclaimed myself "a real student of the game." I was referring to Combine athletes or coaches kids trying to make a name for themselves who have studied former NFL idols & athletes growing up. With Championship hardware comes, money, national recognition, & a prosperous broadcasting career after football. Real Combine athletes comprehend this operative difference. Work hard for Lombardi Greatness & everything else will naturally fall into place & take care of itself.

Why do some many people on Colts Forum believe their perspective is the only one that matters? Just because a person can rattle of names, statistical data, & empirical evidence at nausea...That doesn't make you an NFL guru alright...Thank you for playing.

I haven't suggested others can't have a different perspective, and where I've suggested I think you are incorrect, I've given you specific examples to show why I believe what I do. You have ample opportunity to prove me wrong, but so far, all I see are vague ambiguities like "real students of the game" or "real combine athletes" with no substance to back it up. Furthermore, you proclaim your ambiguities as absolute truth, where I don't see them as such. You also talk about "students of the history of the NFL", but want to criticize me for knowing some of said history that might counter what you've claimed? How does that work?

I am open to being shown the light, but please don't insist without showing me hard evidence to sway my opinion. Apparently, actual "ad nauseam" facts bother you, though.

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Where have you heard that guys want to go play with RG3? I'd be shocked to see anyone take less to go play with him. You see if Vincent Jackson takes less in washington. I bet he does not and Washington still overpays.

It was Clark (the DB from Pitt) and an NFL analyst (i think rich eisen). It was on NFL network.

They were saying guys are excited to play for that type of playmaker, meaning RG3. (very similar to mike Vick situation last year)

basically said some guys will take less to be with some QBs, ie, Manning, Brady, etc.

Thats all good in an interview I guess, but there is some truth to it, especially for vets who have made some money.

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I honeslty dont see why a big name player would want to come here and rebuild, specially one that was mid to late in their career. HEck we have dropped 85%+ of our offensive production.

Not sure we want "Big Names" mid to late in their career, so I don't really care if we don't get any. Think about it... we just jettisoned a few that fit that description.

I think we want up-and-coming guys who've shown talent in their rookie contracts, but no longer fit with their team's identity/direction. I think we want guys who have something to prove, but are already a somewhat known commodity. Guys in their mid 20's who may have been poorly coached, mis-used, undervalued... whatever. Grigson - show us your mad talent eval skills!

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Not sure we want "Big Names" mid to late in their career, so I don't really care if we don't get any. Think about it... we just jettisoned a few that fit that description.

I think we want up-and-coming guys who've show talent in their rookie contracts, but no longer fit with their team's identity/direction. I think we want guys who have something to prove, but are already a somewhat known commodity. Guys in their mid 20's who may have been poorly coached, mis-used, undervalued... whatever. Grigson - show us your mad talent eval skills!

LOL :disco:

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I haven't suggested others can't have a different perspective, and where I've suggested I think you are incorrect, I've given you specific examples to show why I believe what I do. You have ample opportunity to prove me wrong, but so far, all I see are vague ambiguities like "real students of the game" or "real combine athletes" with no substance to back it up. Furthermore, you proclaim your ambiguities as absolute truth, where I don't see them as such. You also talk about "students of the history of the NFL", but want to criticize me for knowing some of said history that might counter what you've claimed? How does that work?

I am open to being shown the light, but please don't insist without showing me hard evidence to sway my opinion.


Is this the Divine Right of Kings or something? "Furthermore, you proclaim your ambiguities as absolute truth." Where in the world did you pull that piece of conjecture & exaggeration from? Do you have ESP? Can you read my thoughts now? Can you tell me the winning MegaBucks Lottery numbers too? Wow, you've got some supernatural powers there...AMAZING!!!

Sure Schwamm, "Apparently, actual "ad nauseam" facts bother you, though." If that helps you sleep more soundly tonight, you go ahead & believe that okay. Charles Woodson had no idea the Green Bay Packers would revitalize his NFL career that was on life support let alone win a ring either by the way.

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Where have you heard that guys want to go play with RG3? I'd be shocked to see anyone take less to go play with him. You see if Vincent Jackson takes less in washington. I bet he does not and Washington still overpays.

Eddie Royal and Garcon to Washington....a solid report.
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Is this the Divine Right of Kings or something? "Furthermore, you proclaim your ambiguities as absolute truth." Where in the world did you pull that piece of conjecture & exaggeration from? Do you have ESP? Can you read my thoughts now?

I was referring to Combine athletes or coaches kids trying to make a name for themselves who have studied former NFL idols & athletes growing up. With Championship hardware comes, money, national recognition, & a prosperous broadcasting career after football. Real Combine athletes comprehend this operative difference. Work hard for Lombardi Greatness & everything else will naturally fall into place & take care of itself.

When you say something like this, with no insertion stating it is an opinion on your part, I read as if you actually believe what you are saying to be hard truth. Fine... if it is, please back it up with facts. If you can't, I continue to believe it to be wild conjecture

Sure Schwamm, "Apparently, actual "ad nauseam" facts bother you, though." If that helps you sleep more soundly tonight, you go ahead & believe that okay. Charles Woodson had no idea the Green Bay Packers would revitalize his NFL career that was on life support let alone win a ring either by the way.

You are simply trying to insult me instead of actually providing the facts to support your arguement, so I'll just ignore that... Your previous point never included any mention of what the standing of the free agent was, just the standing of the team. Woodson still chose to go to a Packers team that was awful the previous year, and that goes against your assertion that free agents wouldn't want to agree to terms with the Colts.Besides, isn't that more about the abilities of the Packers' FO to see that Woodson still had something to offer?

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Look, you are always going to have players who want the money and want to come in just for those reasons, regardless of what shape the team is in.

You also have to realize that some players could see that in a few years (primarily middle-aged to younger players) we will be a half-way decent team with a great QB.

2 sides to the coin.

I don't think there is much money to entice these quality FAs to come play for the Colts this year. Next year will be a different story.

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When you say something like this, with no insertion stating it is an opinion on your part, I read as if you actually believe what you are saying to be hard truth. Fine... if it is, please back it up with facts. If you can't, I continue to believe it to be wild conjecture

You are simply trying to insult me instead of actually providing the facts to support your arguement, so I'll just ignore that... Your previous point never included any mention of what the standing of the free agent was, just the standing of the team. Woodson still chose to go to a Packers team that was awful the previous year, and that goes against your assertion that free agents wouldn't want to agree to terms with the Colts.Besides, isn't that more about the abilities of the Packers' FO to see that Woodson still had something to offer?

Guys, this one can be argued from every angle. Dre Brees actually ended up being lucky for New Orleans. Brees had a shoulder that was mince-meat, and was never expected to play again. Charles Woodson woould have made any defense better....Rod Woodson is a Hall of Famer...Do not get mad.....but we could argeu about money playing time and winning til the cows come home...we aint got no cows....
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When you say something like this, with no insertion stating it is an opinion on your part, I read as if you actually believe what you are saying to be hard truth. Fine... if it is, please back it up with facts. If you can't, I continue to believe it to be wild conjecture

You are simply trying to insult me instead of actually providing the facts to support your arguement, so I'll just ignore that... Your previous point never included any mention of what the standing of the free agent was, just the standing of the team. Woodson still chose to go to a Packers team that was awful the previous year, and that goes against your assertion that free agents wouldn't want to agree to terms with the Colts.Besides, isn't that more about the abilities of the Packers' FO to see that Woodson still had something to offer?

Woodson didn't have a lot of intrust coming out of Oakland. He restructured his career in GB. We would have to find guys like that!

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When you say something like this, with no insertion stating it is an opinion on your part, I read as if you actually believe what you are saying to be hard truth. Fine... if it is, please back it up with facts. If you can't, I continue to believe it to be wild conjecture

You are simply trying to insult me instead of actually providing the facts to support your arguement, so I'll just ignore that... Your previous point never included any mention of what the standing of the free agent was, just the standing of the team. Woodson still chose to go to a Packers team that was awful the previous year, and that goes against your assertion that free agents wouldn't want to agree to terms with the Colts.Besides, isn't that more about the abilities of the Packers' FO to see that Woodson still had something to offer?


Is your self esteem that fragile? Really? I never said your points weren't valid ones. Take a deep breath & relax okay. Believe what you want to believe. I frankly could care less okay. It's called sarcasm...not insults by the way.

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Guys, this one can be argued from every angle. Dre Brees actually ended up being lucky for New Orleans. Brees had a shoulder that was mince-meat, and was never expected to play again. Charles Woodson woould have made any defense better....Rod Woodson is a Hall of Famer...Do not get mad.....but we could argeu about money playing time and winning til the cows come home...we aint got no cows....

Fair enough.

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I am going to go on record as saying that every player is a different person, and some one each piece of the pie. I you are drafted say like a Victor Cruz? What is his expectation? Playing time. Making the team. Proving myself...wow we won the Super Bowl in my first year.His came Playing time first 1, winning 2nd, and money NOW...3rd(yes a rookie)

Marino will tell you.Ring, money, playing time. (I realize never a free agent)

Garcon wanted Money, winning, playing time....

Not gonna argue because every player has his mind set.....What did Randy Moss want as he came back? In what order?

The age of the free agent also makes a huge difference. How long have I been in the league and not won? (Reminds me of Archie Manning) If a free agent it would be Winning, money, playing time......I will leave with...it just depends on a player's ideas and mentality..

I have to agree with this. You can't put every player in one category. I agree age probably has a lot to do with it. I just don't know why any of it really matters right now. We don't have the money to give anybody a lot of money. We will have to make some good deals with guys. I don't know how they are going to do it with the little money there is. I expect our next year to be rocky. Probably not a lot of wins but I think a lot of exciting things are going to happen in the future with this team. I would rather be excited and talk about what could happen then to argue about anything. We could end up getting someone cheap and they turn out amazing! lol. You never know right?

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I'm a little behind, but I would agree with mvbighead and southwest1 on the Ring, Money, Play Time topic.

mvbighead makes a very good and valid point regarding players coming off of a rookie contract and looking for the right opportunity. Young players want the chance to become the next household, big name player. Plain and simple, they want to become the next Freeney or Lewis or Wayne or LT or MJD or Manning. They want the chance to shine first and foremost b/c these players realize with capitalizing on a golden opportunity they will then get the payday they desire. They also want the SB ring. Come on! What Pro Football player didn't grow up with visions of hoisting the Lombardi Trophy and saying "I'm going to Disney World!"? IF you were to ask me I'd rank the three as follows: Ring, Opportunity/Play Time, Money.

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One last thought from me tonight. Those that are saying that no FA will look at or come to the Colts this year--I have to strongly disagree (this is just my opinion by the way). I would think that we would be appealing to a FA for the following reasons:

  • An owner that has a vision and a drive to continue to be a winning team that is among the best in the league, and to do what needs to be done to do it.
  • OPPORTUNITY, OPPORTUNITY, OPPORTUNITY. If I were a FA looking for a place to land to become a "big name" and to shine, INDY would look pretty good to me right now...
  • Chuck Pagano--especially if I am a defensive player. This man gets respect from his players. If you doubt this, all you need to do is go read quotes from players like Ray Lewis (as well as his fellow D players in Baltimore...I could list them, but do I really need too????). This to me says a lot about Coach Pagano's coaching style. Someone who demands respect and gets it, but also has the ability to take a veteran player and make him even better has to appeal to players. I know I would be excited at the thought of playing for him.
  • Lucas Oil Stadium. Enough said.
  • Andrew Luck--whereever he goes attention will follow. Where attention (like the media) is, is a chance for me (if I'm a FA) to get air time and gain recognition.
  • Finally, we are willing to pay players that are worth it. If you are a young FA that proves to be great, you will get paid simply b/c we are looking for our new generation Wayne, Clark, Freeney, etc.

As I said, these are all my opinion, but I'd say if I'm a FA, Indy looks pretty good to me.,,

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Not sure we want "Big Names" mid to late in their career, so I don't really care if we don't get any. Think about it... we just jettisoned a few that fit that description.

I think we want up-and-coming guys who've shown talent in their rookie contracts, but no longer fit with their team's identity/direction. I think we want guys who have something to prove, but are already a somewhat known commodity. Guys in their mid 20's who may have been poorly coached, mis-used, undervalued... whatever. Grigson - show us your mad talent eval skills!

I'd be willing to bet that we take a big name or two at the right price. Heck, we've already inked Wayne.

Basically, if they can find guys that fit the system that want to play here, I suspect they'll make a go at them. One name that comes to mind is Aubrayo Franklin. He was a highly regarded defensive tackle leaving San Francisco, and after a year in New Orleans, his stock is way down (if I recall). If he could find a team with the right defensive scheme to re-validate his skills, he could possibly find the big deal he's looking for in a year or two.

He could be a Colts type of player, and, at 31, he is the downward side of his career.

In any case, my guess is that the Colts will avoid high dollar deals, but they'll bring in anyone who can contribute. If they can find a McKinney or Franklin type of guy for a fair price, I'd guess they do. At this point, they don't have a lot of options. And whether the guy was once a household name, or is still looking to prove himself, if he is willing to come here, I'd bet they consider it.

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So far so good, on the signing (Redding) and re-signing (Wayne) by Grigson, I like it.

Hopefully Jeff Saturday is next. Can we get Cedric Benson for cheap? Will he fit the Arians offense better?

Do we need Cedric Benson? I think if Carter can hold onto the ball he is a BEAST in a smash-mouth...Steeler/Raven style. Donald Brown will benefit also from sweet 'swing' passes from Luck. I envision a roll to the right....misdirection throw to Brown....Brown needs to seek his inner Sproles.
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Brown needs to seek his inner Sproles.

Let me first see Donald Brown make his first man miss after catching a pass two times in a row. H-e-ll will freeze over before that happens.

For as slow as Mike Hart was, he was more elusive and made the first man miss after a catch. DB will get open and generate separation vs an LB to catch a ball but that is about it. Screen passes will be a disaster with DB, not even the same class as Sproles :).

That is why I want Cyrus Gray in the draft.

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Do we need Cedric Benson? I think if Carter can hold onto the ball he is a BEAST in a smash-mouth...Steeler/Raven style. Donald Brown will benefit also from sweet 'swing' passes from Luck. I envision a roll to the right....misdirection throw to Brown....Brown needs to seek his inner Sproles.

Well said Brent. No State Penn Bengals applicants needed. [sarcastic checkered past, criminal record Bengals player likelihood reference] Forget Cederic Benson. Besides, Carter & Brown as our running backs will be perfectly fine to carry the rock next season.

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Let me first see Donald Brown make his first man miss after catching a pass two times in a row. H-e-ll will freeze over before that happens.

For as slow as Mike Hart was, he was more elusive and made the first man miss after a catch. DB will get open and generate separation vs an LB to catch a ball but that is about it. Screen passes will be a disaster with DB, not even the same class as Sproles :).

That is why I want Cyrus Gray in the draft.

I would rather go new than old...and Benson has had some nagging injuries. I like the smile at the end btw...I just wish DB would reach his supposed potential. He did show glimpses this past year. I will not argue Cyrus Gray....but Benson is like Addai to me. Too many nagging injuries....yes a tough guy.
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While I am not saying you are wrong, I am saying you are missing a key component. I'll draw an example:

Brandon McKinney (BAL) - DT

This name has been brought up on these boards for a while now. At 6'2", and about tree fiddy, he is a mammoth at NT. But, he has had little on field exposure. Pagano knows him from his years at Baltimore.

So, you take that kid, and the Colts offer him a 650k dollar contract for 1 year. And the Raven offer him 700k. Which team does he choose?

Personally, my guess is that he takes the Colts' offer. For one, simple reason... OPPORTUNITY.

If he stays in Baltimore, he's behind Ngata and Terrance Cody, and perhaps a handful of others.

On the Colts, he's behind... no one. He'll know Pagano's system, his methodology, which puts him ahead of the current defensive linemen the Colts employ. He also has size to fit a position that Ngata/Cody currently fill for the Ravens.

The opportunity he gets on the Colts will give him future opportunity to sign a larger contract, because he'll get a better chance to display his talents on the field.

Now, granted, the most likely scenario is that the team with the greatest need (thus giving him the biggest opportunity) will most likely make the highest offer. But that doesn't necessarily mean that his only motivation is money at this point. He still has much to prove to sign that big deal he'll be hoping for. His best bet is to get somewhere where he has the opportunity to stand out. At this point, I don't see the Ravens being that team.

I think money is always a key component in a players personal decisions on where to play but every situation is different, and should be judged as so. Imo most of the time its money, some opportunity to start and others just sign because no one else will give them a chance.

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I would rather go new than old...and Benson has had some nagging injuries. I like the smile at the end btw...I just wish DB would reach his supposed potential. He did show glimpses this past year. I will not argue Cyrus Gray....but Benson is like Addai to me. Too many nagging injuries....yes a tough guy.

I agree. At some point, like most of us here, it would be nice to have a 3rd down RB that has an additional gear once he makes a man miss in the passing game. One cannot count on both hands how many first downs Kevin Faulk picked up for the Pats just making that one man miss. I just do not think DB is that 3rd down back, neither is Carter. I dont see that 3rd down back on our roster.

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Well said Brent. No State Penn Bengals applicants needed. [sarcastic checkered past, criminal record Bengals player likelihood reference] Forget Cederic Benson. Besides, Carter & Brown as our running backs will be perfectly fine to carry the rock next season.

Cyrus Gray was actually a nice thought from A&M as a 3rd RB and even in the slot as a Sproles-esque weapon. He is actually bigger than the pesky water-bug, but could be a big time weapon for Luck out of the backfield.....we need so much before that unless FA gets us more, Just say no....to Cedric Benson.
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I agree. At some point, like most of us here, it would be nice to have a 3rd down RB that has an additional gear once he makes a man miss in the passing game. One cannot count on both hands how many first downs Kevin Faulk picked up for the Pats just making that one man miss. I just do not think DB is that 3rd down back, neither is Carter. I dont see that 3rd down back on our roster.

See my not to Southwest....I agree. Where do you think Gray would be available? Round wise? 3rd?
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See my not to Southwest....I agree. Where do you think Gray would be available? Round wise? 3rd?

I think he might last till our 4th but not the 5th. I'd say go D-line in free agency, CB with round 2, WR in round 3 and Cyrus Gray in round 4.

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I think he might last till our 4th but not the 5th. I'd say go D-line in free agency, CB with round 2, WR in round 3 and Cyrus Gray in round 4.

I think Redding is on board and Solai not far behind on the DL, I will go with the best available in round two,(may be a WR) DB (best available) in 3, and I would be fine with Gray in 4. I am still a firm believer in BEST available in our range of needs. I think I will never waver on that philosophy. I truly believe Grigson knows our board and the Eagles. He compares and contrasts with Pagano to meet the 3-4 Pagano defense and Arians offense. Good stuff Chad72.
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I honeslty dont see why a big name player would want to come here and rebuild, specially one that was mid to late in their career. HEck we have dropped 85%+ of our offensive production.

85% from 3 years ago? Garcon dropped his contract....I loved Dallas...he got injured. Addai....addied 2 years ago? Give me that 85%/Peyton Manning does not count either. This is a rebuild. I am not arguing...85%? give me some idea where. Reggie is here, Collie is here...Tamme can play if re-signed....Help me get to your 85%
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See my not to Southwest....I agree. Where do you think Gray would be available? Round wise? 3rd?

Pagano is a teacher of football fundamentals, which our squad really hasn't had since Tony Dungy. We don't need any running backs. If we do select one, wait until the 4th or 5th round in my humble opinion.

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Pagano is a teacher of football fundamentals, which our squad really hasn't had since Tony Dungy. We don't need any running backs. If we do select one, wait until the 4th or 5th round in my humble opinion.

Arians has his smash mouth back in Carter......not a Jerome Bus Bettis by any means but the kid is tough if he hangs onto the ball. Brown showed some dicy moves last year behind a line inferior to what we will have. We had Saturday and injuries. Pollak is more than likely gone...Saturday too.

Who is our third back? Are we relying on fullbacks again? I vote for keeping 1 fullback and getting young talent.....'somewhere in the draft.' Just say no to Cedric Benson!

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85% from 3 years ago? Garcon dropped his contract....I loved Dallas...he got injured. Addai....addied 2 years ago? Give me that 85%/Peyton Manning does not count either. This is a rebuild. I am not arguing...85%? give me some idea where. Reggie is here, Collie is here...Tamme can play if re-signed....Help me get to your 85%

ESPN put up the stats ... at the time it assumed Wayne was a gonner too - my post was made before he resigned. Manning would count in that figure! The stat showed Manning, Addai, Clark, Wayne ... I have no doubt their numbers were correct.

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ESPN put up the stats ... at the time it assumed Wayne was a gonner too - my post was made before he resigned. Manning would count in that figure! The stat showed Manning, Addai, Clark, Wayne ... I have no doubt their numbers were correct.

I love these guys....I wanted to know 85% This is a MASH unit based upon 85% I am not arguing...just sayin....those stats are based upon healthy players. We let go of un-healthy players.......18 too. That is a stat from 2 years ago.....85% is not from this past year. Who is coming out from Iowa that the Colts need?
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let's face it, we're not as attractive to free agents as when peyton was here. Sure, the potential of luck may get some notice, but I think several things have hurt us recently.

1. The way the "Peyton thing" went down and removing him from team. (the "circus" atmosphere)

2. Actually not having him on team anymore.

3. new coaching, Gm, etc. (this will hurt with veterans trying to get a ring)

4. The "trailer sale" of Addai, Clark, etc.

5. The 2-14 season

I could see us having inside track on perhaps ravens defensive guys or maybe Eagles guys but our front office will have to do some "selling".

I saw yesterday on NFL Network that players will want to go play with RG3. Kinda like how players wanted to play with Vick in philly. I haven't heard that about Luck. The are different type of players and I understand the difference but that made me think of the other "issues".

I think we'll survive but i don't expect us to land the "big fish" free agents unless we pay a boat-load.

We'll get no "discount" contracts because they wanna come play here, for a while at least.

No WOOL..we have JOBS to offer...

..If you are an O-lineman or a 3-4 linemen....or a QB...you need to 'wander Indiana'

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Arians has his smash mouth back in Carter......not a Jerome Bus Bettis by any means but the kid is tough if he hangs onto the ball. Brown showed some dicy moves last year behind a line inferior to what we will have. We had Saturday and injuries. Pollak is more than likely gone...Saturday too.

Who is our third back? Are we relying on fullbacks again? I vote for keeping 1 fullback and getting young talent.....'somewhere in the draft.' Just say no to Cedric Benson!

Your point is a valid one Brent. We do need a thumper running back. One of that moves piles with constant churning feet, a lower center of gravity, nice fluid change of direction speed, excellent vision, & one who craves contact like a MACK truck slamming into a concrete wall at over 90 MPH. Agreed, pick him in the April draft not free agency. Benson would be a colassal locker room chemistry mistake no question.

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not as attractive? Try least attractive in the nfl. Dude unless Luck is an exact Manning clone it's gonna be dead. the horse. it'll be dead. by next christmas.

No, Luck does not need to be an exact Manning clone. All Luck has to do is be successful in his own way. Nothing attracts more than success.

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