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Change does not change tradition. It strengthens it


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OP, all I needed was to read this paragraph to determine you are an Andrew Luck fan. In the name of business and expendability you have no problem at all with kicking Peyton to the curb.

you are talking about a change? what change? It's time to get rid of a HoF QB that still has at least 3 great years left in him?

Peyton is still the best QB in the league. You will see him win another MVP in 2012. he is the best. that's all there is too it.

No, I am a Colts fan! If Andrew luck can help this team then I am all for it, but I would also be all for PM staying as well. Whatever it takes for the team to succeed I am all for regardless of what that might be. I would be for you being the QB if that would help the team but from reading some of your posts, well that just want happen. I mean there is no way you would or could " REPLACE " Manning right?

Yes, it is obvious I am a "Peyton Hater " He has done nothing for this team for the last 13 years! (sarcasm on). Some of the things being spewed over this are absolutely ridiculous, just like your post above.

Sorry to inform you but Peyton did not play last year and underwent 4 surgeries, so to say he is still the best QB in the league at this point is simply a huge stretch and homerism at it's finest.

The only thing you managed to get right in your post was this "HoF QB " the rest is just plain jibberish and speculation.

Smitto I am suprised you even have anything to say, with that constant Curtis Painter crap you spewed all of last year. I got NAUSEATED just reading about your obvious man crush on Goldie locks, how did that work out for you? The best thing for you to do is sit down and just read. Let the big boys do the typing.

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so you are saying all these fans that want Luck here are also fools? Because pretty much all the Peyton haters and the people on Andrew Luck bandwagon are all saying he is gonna be a superstar.

So basically you are bing a hypocrite. You accept when people say he will pan out to be a star and you dont accept when peopledoubt that he will?

heres some news for you...

Andrew Luck is gonna be a bust. He will never live up to the hype and the high expectations that you and the rest of your little Andrew Luck fan club has set.

Get ready to clean up after yourselves when your little precious cookie busts

Another strong testimonial to support the intelligence of the anti-Luckers. I salute you.

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First of all don't act like you know my stance mate, I've said many times that it doesn't matter what of the two QBs the colts get it would be great, I've always wanted a scrambling QB.. just cuz I won't claim Luck as a savior like some are quick to including you does not mean I'm against him.

As soon as some of his fans see him struggling they'll quickly start criticizing him. The chances of luck actually having a really stellar season is slim, its possible like cam Newton but he had a great running game to back him up, can't forget the fact that the panthers weren't starting over.

So yea lucks first season could very well be a avg one for a rookie

Fair enough. I won't pretend I know your stance, and you stop calling me 'mate'. I also agree Luck could struggle in his first season. Not sure where you got it that I thought he wouldn't.

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I really just wish this entire ordeal would hurry up and get over with so some of these absolutely ridiculous posters would go jump off a bridge or whatever they're going to do and we won't have to see the nonsense they spread on this forum an a daily basis. I have a good feeling that in less than 2 weeks after Manning is cut that most if not all of the "Manning fans" will dissappear and the rest of us won't be subjected to the absurd posts they make constantly.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 26, 2012 - personal shot
Hidden by Nadine, February 26, 2012 - personal shot

I really just wish this entire ordeal would hurry up and get over with so some of these absolutely ridiculous posters would go jump off a bridge or whatever they're going to do and we won't have to see the nonsense they spread on this forum an a daily basis. I have a good feeling that in less than 2 weeks after Manning is cut that most if not all of the "Manning fans" will dissappear and the rest of us won't be subjected to the absurd posts they make constantly.

:blah: clueless and still doesnt get the point.

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Or at least on this booard that would suggest what it has come to.

I cannot believe some of the posts on this board pitting Peyton fans and Luck fans against each other. I cannot open one thread without at least finding something, with underlying sarcasms about it.

Have we really gotten to the point where as fans we are that divided? Shouldn't we all be united as fans of a great "TEAM"?

Me personally, I am for whatever is best for the future of the team. Would I hate to see Manning go? Sure I would and no explanation is necessary. Would I like to see Andrew Luck play for this team? Yes, I sure would. He seems I like a great guy and by far one of the best QB prospects since Manning himself. It is not personal, football is a business and just like any other business things tend to change.

Just last year on my job a good friend and colleague of mine for many years was replaced. Well the new guy did not receive the best of welcomes, I was holding on to the past to tightly and felt bitter. " No way this guy could be better I told myself "

However once I got to know him, and gave him a chance he turned out to be a great person. We are now very good friends. It was because of this change that I had the opportunity, for that is what change does it presents opportunities.

All I am trying to say is change can be a very good thing. It does not have to be the "perrennial" end of the world.

"Change does not change tradition. It strengthens it."

"Change is a challenge and an opportunity; not a threat."

Sorry for the rant. Thanks for listening to an old fart. :)

wow... an adult seeking adult ,mature Colt chat on a Colt message board?


You are kidding right?

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 26, 2012 - name calling
Hidden by Nadine, February 26, 2012 - name calling

So now the poster of this thread comes out about Luck over Manning, you two Drama queens (indytrav, braveheart) feel good about yourselves now? I was right all along, guess I wasn't pushing my pro manning agenda.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, February 26, 2012 - part of the argument
Hidden by Nadine, February 26, 2012 - part of the argument

So now the poster of this thread comes out about Luck over Manning, you two Drama queens (indytrav, braveheart) feel good about yourselves now? I was right all along, guess I wasn't pushing my pro manning agenda.

Me, a DRAMA QUEEN! How dare you!!!! I am not a DRAMA QUEEN!Take that back or I'll call the president!

Kind regards,

BHC (aka: Simple Minded Tool, Sucker, Foolish, Gay and Drama Queen). And all because you misunderstood the initial post.

Well, I've been called worse.

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