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Change does not change tradition. It strengthens it


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Or at least on this booard that would suggest what it has come to.

I cannot believe some of the posts on this board pitting Peyton fans and Luck fans against each other. I cannot open one thread without at least finding something, with underlying sarcasms about it.

Have we really gotten to the point where as fans we are that divided? Shouldn't we all be united as fans of a great "TEAM"?

Me personally, I am for whatever is best for the future of the team. Would I hate to see Manning go? Sure I would and no explanation is necessary. Would I like to see Andrew Luck play for this team? Yes, I sure would. He seems I like a great guy and by far one of the best QB prospects since Manning himself. It is not personal, football is a business and just like any other business things tend to change.

Just last year on my job a good friend and colleague of mine for many years was replaced. Well the new guy did not receive the best of welcomes, I was holding on to the past to tightly and felt bitter. " No way this guy could be better I told myself "

However once I got to know him, and gave him a chance he turned out to be a great person. We are now very good friends. It was because of this change that I had the opportunity, for that is what change does it presents opportunities.

All I am trying to say is change can be a very good thing. It does not have to be the "perrennial" end of the world.

"Change does not change tradition. It strengthens it."

"Change is a challenge and an opportunity; not a threat."

Sorry for the rant. Thanks for listening to an old fart. :)

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Or at least on this booard that would suggest what it has come to.

I cannot believe some of the posts on this board pitting Peyton fans and Luck fans against each other. I cannot open one thread without at least finding something, with underlying sarcasms about it.

Have we really gotten to the point where as fans we are that divided? Shouldn't we all be united as fans of a great "TEAM"?

Me personally, I am for whatever is best for the future of the team. Would I hate to see Manning go? Sure I would and no explanation is necessary. Would I like to see Andrew Luck play for this team? Yes, I sure would. He seems I like a great guy and by far one of the best QB prospects since Manning himself. It is not personal, football is a business and just like any other business things tend to change.

Just last year on my job a good friend and colleague of mine for many years was replaced. Well the new guy did not receive the best of welcomes, I was holding on to the past to tightly and felt bitter. " No way this guy could be better I told myself "

However once I got to know him, and gave him a chance he turned out to be a great person. We are now very good friends. It was because of this change that I had the opportunity, for that is what changes does it brings opportunity.

All I am trying to say is change can be a very good thing. It does not have to be the "perrennial" end of the world.

"Change does not change tradition. It strengthens it."

"Change is a challenge and an opportunity; not a threat."

Sorry the rant. Thanks for listening to an old fart. :)

I hope you re read this and see that you came off like we need to be united knowing there is a divide and rift in the fan base, yet you insinuate change is good for the future. I don't think anybody is against change after a 2 and 14 season.... But you just shot out your agenda, which you are entitled to do on here, but why start a new thread and act like we need to unite and then say oh by the way I would like Andrew Luck here. Your actually choosing a side and perspective while trying to stay neutral. If you would have come out and said, guys there have been changes, there are gonna be plenty more, some we like, some we don't, but I think the franchise will be better off... Then my friend your message would be neutral and your point would be duly noted!

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I hope you re read this and see that you came off like we need to be united knowing there is a divide and rift in the fan base, yet you insinuate change is good for the future. I don't think anybody is against change after a 2 and 14 season.... But you just shot out your agenda, which you are entitled to do on here, but why start a new thread and act like we need to unite and then say oh by the way I would like Andrew Luck here. Your actually choosing a side and perspective while trying to stay neutral. If you would have come out and said, guys there have been changes, there are gonna be plenty more, some we like, some we don't, but I think the franchise will be better off... Then my friend your message would be neutral and your point would be duly noted!

I think you should re read the post. I'm pretty sure the post had a neutral edge to it. Perhaps you are just showing your pro Manning bias?

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I think you should re read the post. I'm pretty sure the post had a neutral edge to it. Perhaps you are just showing your pro Manning bias?

If you say in a post why are we divided, yet you state who you want to see as QB I'm pretty sure that's not being neutral. And my offered suggestion was neutral. Yes I am a Peyton fan, what does that have to do with my post?

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If you say in a post why are we divided, yet you state who you want to see as QB I'm pretty sure that's not being neutral. And my offered suggestion was neutral. Yes I am a Peyton fan, what does that have to do with my post?

The fact that you launch into anyone who remotely suggests that Luck COULD be a better bet than an injured Manning. Meltdown said "Would I hate to see Manning go? Sure I would and no explanation is necessary." But through your #18 spectacles you absent mindedly choose to ignore that.

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The fact that you launch into anyone who remotely suggests that Luck COULD be a better bet than an injured Manning. Meltdown said "Would I hate to see Manning go? Sure I would and no explanation is necessary." But through your #18 spectacles you absent mindedly choose to ignore that.

You don't make a statement that we should be united and neutral and choose one or the other you simple minded tool. He should have said we need to support our team no matter who is QB. Changes have happened and will continue to happen but the Colts will always be there. Not I would be cool with Luck or I want Manning. Get off me sucker.

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When luck gets into the NFL chances are he's gonna have much less of them cause I can guarantee you he's not gonna be any peyton Manning or elway... especially if the oline played how they did the start of last season.

You, nor anyone else will know how Luck will pan out. Suggesting you do know makes you look rather foolish.

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You don't make a statement that we should be united and neutral and choose one or the other you simple minded tool. He should have said we need to support our team no matter who is QB. Changes have happened and will continue to happen but the Colts will always be there. Not I would be cool with Luck or I want Manning. Get off me sucker.

Which he did, but you choose not to see it......thanks for the compliment by the way.......

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You don't make a statement that we should be united and neutral and choose one or the other you simple minded tool. He should have said we need to support our team no matter who is QB. Changes have happened and will continue to happen but the Colts will always be there. Not I would be cool with Luck or I want Manning. Get off me sucker.

"Me personally, I am for whatever is best for the future of the team. Would I hate to see Manning go? Sure I would and no explanation is necessary. Would I like to see Andrew Luck play for this team? Yes, I sure would."

Reading not a requirement in the Baltimore school system?

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Guys it is like this. I personally would love to see Manning stay and I would love to have Andrew on this team as well. I think we all feel the same way. So why the line in the preverbial sand? Why do we have pro Manning and pro Luck?

Heck it reminds me of the twilight saga. Must we choose a side and then pound one another for no reason whatsoever? We are all fans of a "TEAM" called the Indianapolis Colts. Look how this thread has turned out so far, the example is right in front of you.

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"Me personally, I am for whatever is best for the future of the team. Would I hate to see Manning go? Sure I would and no explanation is necessary. Would I like to see Andrew Luck play for this team? Yes, I sure would."

Reading not a requirement in the Baltimore school system?

That's assuming Manning is already out the door. What do you stick up for your boyfriend?

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That's assuming Manning is already out the door. What do you stick up for your boyfriend?

"simple minded fool" "Sucker" " stick up for your boyfriend"....sounds like a whiny little boy without his binky...Bmorecolt need burped ? "I cant read so Im going to whine and take it out on others.... *stamps feet...."

Pump them brakes hombre, your going to make yourself look bad. :luv:

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"simple minded fool" "Sucker" " stick up for your boyfriend"....sounds like a whiny little boy without his binky...Bmorecolt need burped ? "I cant read so Im going to whine and take it out on others.... *stamps feet...."

Pump them brakes hombre, your going to make yourself look bad. :luv:

Lol your a character

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I'll explain it to you both. If you read between the lines, he is insinuating Luck will be the QB and it won't be so bad. You two are reading at face value. He gave the reference to the new guy at work, after the Luck statement. While luck will most likely be the pick, if I was remaining neutral I wouldn't mention either name as I suggested. By no means did I bash the OP, I merely gave a suggestion as I am entitled to do. Maybe you two don't like what I post, over the years many on these forums haven't, I'm radical and to creative for you squares. Brave colt has come at me multiple times, Indy trav you two must be cool for you to come out and insult my city and me. How would you like it if i said doesIndy not teach creative thinking and that the world isn't flat?

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Me personally, I am for whatever is best for the future of the team.

Here is quit clear cut, but definition on what is best for the team varies for each person.

Would I hate to see Manning go? Sure I would and no explanation is necessary.

Here he is suggestion Manning is leaving. Which is the complete opposite of what Manning backers want. Maybe he is just suggesting he would hate to see Manning leave. The only thing is he doesn't suggest Manning being on the team in any form.

Would I like to see Andrew Luck play for this team? Yes, I sure would. He seems I like a great guy and by far one of the best QB prospects since Manning himself. It is not personal, football is a business and just like any other business things tend to change.

He is suggesting how he would like to see Andrew on the team, which I'm sure everyone could agree on. Also he is stating you can't get an emotional attachment to a player because football is a business. Meaning we shouldn't be hurt by the loss of Manning.

However once I got to know him, and gave him a chance he turned out to be a great person. We are now very good friends. It was because of this change that I had the opportunity, for that is what change does it presents opportunities.

Here he is saying us Manning supporters should just back Luck. There is no suggestion when. I'm sure everyone will be behind Luck, but at the moment we want Manning. He can be healthy, and we want to give him every opportunity like he deserves.

All I am trying to say is change can be a very good thing. It does not have to be the "perrennial" end of the world.

"Change does not change tradition. It strengthens it."

"Change is a challenge and an opportunity; not a threat."

Right here is is again suggesting change at QB in inevitable.

This is how I read it. If anyone cares.

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You, nor anyone else will know how Luck will pan out. Suggesting you do know makes you look rather foolish.

Lol its called common sense mate, look at David Carr, luck has nowhere to go but down. People are already viewing him as some kind of savior or NFL player...

I'm sure not everyone knows this but rookie QBs are EXPECTED to have a bad season their first time.

Nothing foolish about what I said at all

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Here he is suggestion Manning is leaving. Which is the complete opposite of what Manning backers want. Maybe he is just suggesting he would hate to see Manning leave. The only thing is he doesn't suggest Manning being on the team in any form.

Would=Its a possibiltiy....Will=Manning is gone...IE "When Manning goes, I WILL hate to see it" indicating Manning leaving is the conclusion. "Would I hate to see Manning go"= "If Manning does leave, I would not like that"

He is suggesting how he would like to see Andrew on the team, which I'm sure everyone could agree on. Also he is stating you can't get an emotional attachment to a player because football is a business. Meaning we shouldn't be hurt by the loss of Manning.

No he's not. He saying things change, which they do...No mention of not being 'hurt by the loss of Manning'

Here he is saying us Manning supporters should just back Luck. There is no suggestion when. I'm sure everyone will be behind Luck, but at the moment we want Manning. He can be healthy, and we want to give him every opportunity like he deserves.

No, hes saying he didnt give the guy at his work a chance, and once he did he came to like him, thru his own personal expierence. Not 'Manning supporters should back Luck'. That's how YOU took it.

Right here is is again suggesting change at QB in inevitable.

It is. Mannings not a robot, but thats not what he's saying "...a change CAN be.." he is saying there is a possibility, not the ONLY outcome as you view it.

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Lol its called common sense mate, look at David Carr, luck has nowhere to go but down. People are already viewing him as some kind of savior or NFL player...

I'm sure not everyone knows this but rookie QBs are EXPECTED to have a bad season their first time.

Nothing foolish about what I said at all

You comment doesn't mention anything about his first season. You don't know if he will a bust, and average player, or an elite QB. Just like I don't. But your anti-Luck stance is well known, and turning into a yawn fest.

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You comment doesn't mention anything about his first season. You don't know if he will a bust, and average player, or an elite QB. Just like I don't. But your anti-Luck stance is well known, and turning into a yawn fest.

Pot calling the kettle black dont you think. Just as your pro Luck stance has the same effect. Just sayin.

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Or at least on this booard that would suggest what it has come to.

I cannot believe some of the posts on this board pitting Peyton fans and Luck fans against each other. I cannot open one thread without at least finding something, with underlying sarcasms about it.

Have we really gotten to the point where as fans we are that divided? Shouldn't we all be united as fans of a great "TEAM"?

Me personally, I am for whatever is best for the future of the team. Would I hate to see Manning go? Sure I would and no explanation is necessary. Would I like to see Andrew Luck play for this team? Yes, I sure would. He seems I like a great guy and by far one of the best QB prospects since Manning himself. It is not personal, football is a business and just like any other business things tend to change.

Just last year on my job a good friend and colleague of mine for many years was replaced. Well the new guy did not receive the best of welcomes, I was holding on to the past to tightly and felt bitter. " No way this guy could be better I told myself "

However once I got to know him, and gave him a chance he turned out to be a great person. We are now very good friends. It was because of this change that I had the opportunity, for that is what change does it presents opportunities.

All I am trying to say is change can be a very good thing. It does not have to be the "perrennial" end of the world.

"Change does not change tradition. It strengthens it."

"Change is a challenge and an opportunity; not a threat."

Sorry for the rant. Thanks for listening to an old fart. :)


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Ok my perspective of Manning v Luck:



One of the Greatest QB's of all time

Quick release


Football smarts

Makes any team better


Getting old in football years

4(?) neck surgeries

Will he be the same Manning when he comes back



Considered the BEST prospect out of college in the QB since Elway.

Appears have good football smarts and accuracy


Can he make the transition to Pros

All said neither is a sure thing RIGHT now, as a business paying someone 28 million who you dont KNOW will be able to play is just not smart. I am shocked they have not redone Mannings deal yet, if for no other reason give them the ability trade him if luck did work out. IMO the best scenerio for the colts restructure mannings deal and if Luck works out or Manning comes back healthy you can trade the other for good draft picks.

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Pot calling the kettle black dont you think. Just as your pro Luck stance has the same effect. Just sayin.

Not at any point have I nailed my colours to Andrew Luck. I want a healthy Manning back. But we all can see the signs that he won't be. And I'm not for railing on Luck, just because he may 'take over' from Manning. Facts will help your arguments better.

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I think we have a lot of stanford fans who are suddenly "colts fans" and they came here on Jan 12- 17th to create an LZ for their boy in the community.

They don't post in the "how I became a colts fan" threads. They don't post in the "manning get well" threads. They only post in the manning vs luck threads.

If you remove these people, (you can just look at threads before January), this was a lot less split of a community, even though we KNEW in December we were getting the first pick.

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Posted · Hidden by Coltssouth, February 26, 2012 - calling another's views ignorant
Hidden by Coltssouth, February 26, 2012 - calling another's views ignorant

Not at any point have I nailed my colours to Andrew Luck. I want a healthy Manning back. But we all can see the signs that he won't be. And I'm not for railing on Luck, just because he may 'take over' from Manning. Facts will help your arguments better.

As you ignorant remarks dont help your reputation.

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