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Peyton Manning - Backup Qb?


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If Peyton is not healthy by March 8, Irsay may cut him to save the $28 mil...

........cap space aside..

..The Colts would draft Andrew Luck to start and play with probably Danny Orlovsky as the backup...

..Would it be possible them to sign Manning to a minimum contract...knowing he cannot throw more than 75-80%..

to have him be the third string QB and QB coach for Luck......?

If Manning leaves..we will need a backup QB anyway...

Your thoughts?

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A backup QB who can only throw 10 yards with accuracy?

Sure he can manage the game and call audibles like no one else, but why do you insist on putting him on the field? And what happens if his neck gets broken and he's paralyzed? Wouldn't you regret wanting him on the field?

I'm all for keeping him on staff/coaching. But his playing days are over. You are still in denial, mark.

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If manning decides to hang them up I don't see him being a coach right away. I see him spending time with his family and maybe down the road getting back into football.

By making him 3rd string while he rehabs a year (he can throw..just not long)....Luck gets to srat right away and we find out about him

...with Manning in reserve if Luck fails or is hurt...

..we also keep Manning in house while he strives to return....and while we take the cap hit we would have taken anyway..

..we save real dollars...

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A backup QB who can only throw 10 yards with accuracy?

Sure he can manage the game and call audibles like no one else, but why do you insist on putting him on the field? And what happens if his neck gets broken and he's paralyzed? Wouldn't you regret wanting him on the field?

I'm all for keeping him on staff/coaching. But his playing days are over. You are still in denial, mark.

He can throw 75-80% and the 3rd stringer doenst play..

He's not in danger of breaking his nexk..its arm strength..

We dont know if he can recover yet....why try to predict the future..get the bets of both..

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No. First off, he won't be signing for vet minimum. Second, he's not going to sign for vet minimum to be a back up. Third, even if this did happen and he somehow magically was able to come back, if you yank Luck after starting all you're doing is creating a QB controversy and stunting his development.

Finally, No. Just no.

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If Peyton is not healthy by March 8, Irsay may cut him to save the $28 mil...

........cap space aside..

..The Colts would draft Andrew Luck to start and play with probably Danny Orlovsky as the backup...

..Would it be possible them to sign Manning to a minimum contract...knowing he cannot throw more than 75-80%..

to have him be the third string QB and QB coach for Luck......?

If Manning leaves..we will need a backup QB anyway...

Your thoughts?

Seriously? I mean seriously? You think there is any part of Manning that will allow himself to be a 3rd stringer? I mean you really think that is a possibilty?

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Seriously? I mean seriously? You think there is any part of Manning that will allow himself to be a 3rd stringer? I mean you really think that is a possibilty?


I do..He's rooted in Indy....and I dont think he's retirng 5 months after surgery when dloctors said there was no timetable for his return.

What would you do?

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The current contract would still have a hit on next years cap, even if he's cut. Then the next contract would count also. But it could be less of a cap hit than his current contract, it just depends on how low he would go.

I say if he's not even close to being ready, then offer him a QB coaching position for a year while he continues to rehab but at that point I think the chances of him ever playing again will be slim.

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No. First off, he won't be signing for vet minimum. Second, he's not going to sign for vet minimum to be a back up. Third, even if this did happen and he somehow magically was able to come back, if you yank Luck after starting all you're doing is creating a QB controversy and stunting his development.

Finally, No. Just no.

You wont yank Luck if Manning cant throw.....its a way to keep Manning to work with Luck..

..and reeevalutae them both in the summer of 2013.

If you release Manning..its a total loss.....and Mannng would sign for the vet minimu becaues he banked $25 mil last year for not playing...

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I would have to say he is 80% at least.

Wow. You really need to read he reports out today. Just reports, mind you, but they contradict that percentage. Not even close to 80 percent. Reports are saying he ha plateaued, he won't be getting any better than he is now. Which is not close to 80%

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Short stuff. Nerves haven't regenerated yet. Can't throw the ball downfield. We've gone over this mark. Don't lie to everyone here and tell them he is throwing long 60 yard bombs. It's not happening.

Phil..I know you dont wnat Manning back but He was throwing reportedly 80% the last week of the season..

...we've discussed that..It was reportedly in many places..

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If manning decides to hang them up I don't see him being a coach right away. I see him spending time with his family and maybe down the road getting back into football.

MP Nation is right. If Manning decides it's time to retire I don't think he'll dive right in the middle of a coaching/broadcasting career. He'll most likely spend time with his family, continue rehabbing personally, and come back to football as a coach/broadcaster in a few years.

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Wow. You really need to read he reports out today. Just reports, mind you, but they contradict that percentage. Not even close to 80 percent. Reports are saying he ha plateaued, he won't be getting any better than he is now. Which is not close to 80%


...where do you get your information... on this?

I only know what's been reported....Whats your inside.?

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You wont yank Luck if Manning cant throw.....its a way to keep Manning to work with Luck..

..and reeevalutae them both in the summer of 2013.

If you release Manning..its a total loss.....and Mannng would sign for the vet minimu becaues he banked $25 mil last year for not playing...

Why not just offer Manning the QB coach position for a year, and if he likes it, give him a extension?

Manning as a QB coach is not farfetched nor is it beyond him. I believe hes so competitive that instead of walking away from the game he would try this.

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I do..He's rooted in Indy....and I dont think he's retirng 5 months after surgery when dloctors said there was no timetable for his return.

What would you do?

You remember when I said you basically throw stuff against the wall to see what sticks? Well consider this one a fastball at a teflon coated wall.

What you suggest is just simply not going to happen. If you really think that he would be OK with backing up Luck and Orlovsky, then you have absolutely no idea of what makes guys like that tick.

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PFT. Their report based on yahoo sports, Jason cole. Check it out, I can't link, I'm posting from my iPhone

I saw that and its not encouraging.....but you saw the quotes from the guys who saw him throw in late december...

I take plateaued as meaning he's no better now than he was then, no??

///Odds of the 3rd stringer playing are astronomical.

Both QBs must go down in the dsame game..

My thought is to keep him here rehabbing....If you want to call that 'coach' I'm okay with that..

..but it would be foolish to relase him totally when doctors suggest now that recover could come in a month or a year..

vet QBs do back up rookies

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You remember when I said you basically throw stuff against the wall to see what sticks? Well consider this one a fastball at a teflon coated wall.

What you suggest is just simply not going to happen. If you really think that he would be OK with backing up Luck and Orlovsky, then you have absolutely no idea of what makes guys like that tick.

This isn't quote of the year material, but it is understatement of the year material.
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I said im all for coaching and having him be on staff. You new to read more carefully

Phil.....What's the difference between 3rd string and coach.? That's what I'm saying..

The Colts didnt even activate the 3rd stringer in many games..

Despite the 'YOU LIE' chant....we're saying the same thing

You agree with me even though you dont want to admit it :applause:

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I don't understand why anyone who likes Peyton, would want him to attempt to play if his nerves aren't completely regenerated? He would look like a fool when a wide receiver breaks free on a 55 yard attempt and he tosses it 45-50. That's all the announcers would be talking about is how he isn't what he used to be. Now, if he becomes 100% in the middle of next season or something, then you can speculate,....assuming he is in shape. But, he is obviously not ready to play football right now.

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Why not? Thats what Brady has done all season - dink it over the middle for ten and let them run. ;) Seriously though, I dont see Manning being kept on as a full time backup.

I dont either..but we're going year to year..and the 3rd stringer doesnt play unless the firts two guys are hurt in te same game.

Nobody wanst him to PLAY if he's hurt but we dont know where his arm will be in July...that's the problem...

If we release him and he's hurt././nobdoy's going to sign him..so bring him in as 3rd string/coach the old 'taxi squad'

It would help with the transition to Luck...though..agreed...

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You remember when I said you basically throw stuff against the wall to see what sticks? Well consider this one a fastball at a teflon coated wall.

What you suggest is just simply not going to happen. If you really think that he would be OK with backing up Luck and Orlovsky, then you have absolutely no idea of what makes guys like that tick.

The whole scenario is so we dont cut him and he stays and works with Luck...

You can call it 3rd string..tou can call it QB coach...you can call it 'backup' for the sake of artguing..

It comes down to Manning mentoring Luck (remember Manning said a QB should startg from day one)

..or kicking Manning out and not letting Luck get the benefit of his years...

You seem offended at the term 'backup' but that was just to draw you into the thread...

Irsay wants Manning and Luck..//How would you do it?

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