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Remember About Jim Irsay....he Likes Drama


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Jim Irsay wants to be the face of the organization, that is pretty apparent. So, he is going after the guy who really is the face of the franchise. He is turning into an Al Davis/ Jerry Jones type owner. That is the last thing you want your owner to become.

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Jim Irsay wants to be the face of the organization, that is pretty apparent. So, he is going after the guy who really is the face of the franchise. He is turning into an Al Davis/ Jerry Jones type owner. That is the last thing you want your owner to become.

Nonsense. Irsay is one of the best owners in the NFL. He owns the frickin team and he has the right to do and say what he wants about his team and the players he pays huge money to play for that team. Irsay is absolutely nothing like Al Davis or Jerry Jones.

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Jim Irsay wants to be the face of the organization, that is pretty apparent. So, he is going after the guy who really is the face of the franchise. He is turning into an Al Davis/ Jerry Jones type owner. That is the last thing you want your owner to become.

I don't agree he wants to be the face of the organization. I'd characterize it as regaining control, which doesn't require a Jerry Jones level of involvement. I don't think he wants to be out front, as much as he wanted to pull back the reins on what he determined to be a deteriorating situation. Some may disagree, but I believe Irsay watched the 2-14 season unfold, the lack of depth created by bad recent drafts, the perceived stagnation (perhaps) with the Polians running the show (not to mention their degree of power/control), the uncertainty in the health of and age of his HOF QB, etc.

I think if he wanted to be the face of the organization, he would have named himself GM again. That would have been the 'only I can fix this' act of a person wanting to be the face of an organization. He is hiring football people to make football decisions. I'd say he is doing exactly what an owner needs to do.

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Jim Irsay wants to be the face of the organization, that is pretty apparent. So, he is going after the guy who really is the face of the franchise. He is turning into an Al Davis/ Jerry Jones type owner. That is the last thing you want your owner to become.

This is not about taking Irsay or Manning as the face of the franchise. It is always Irsay's property. How successful his team can be without Manning is another story.

No matter how great Manning is, he cannot play forever and will retire. Eventually it is Irsay's team and he will take action when he needs a new direction and a new QB to make him money for another decade. He is making changes rather than waiting until things have to be chagned. No matter what, these are business decisions which won't be easy to handle and won't end pretty.

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I don't think we are really having that much drama. I think the media is trying to make it worse than it really is

Absolutely. The media is making things up all over the place, and it's not based on any facts, or even rumors. Pure imagination, creating drama from nothing. Sadly, it's beginning to influence the minds and speech of a lot of Colts fans on these boards. They are basically regurgitating everything the talking heads say, instead of sticking with what we know (which is very little), and what will eventually be said by the men in question.

This is not about taking Irsay or Manning as the face of the franchise. It is always Irsay's property. How successful his team can be without Manning is another story.

No matter how great Manning is, he cannot play forever and will retire. Eventually it is Irsay's team and he will take action when he needs a new direction and a new QB to make him money for another decade. He is making changes rather than waiting until things have to be chagned. No matter what, these are business decisions which won't be easy to handle and won't end pretty.

No one is asking him to play forever. Irsay hasn't asked him to play forever. Aaron Rodgers won't play forever, and he's about to enter his 9th season in the NFL. Time to move on, right?

The point is, we know where both Irsay and Manning stand on the issue. If Manning can play, he's a Colt for as long as he wants to be. They've both said it, they haven't done or said anything to contradict that, and they haven't allowed any of the new pieces to influence the matter.

Furthermore, why anyone hasn't noticed that we retained Clyde Christensen is beyond me. The guy who knows Peyton's offense is still there. He was the only coaching position NOT relieved of duty. I doubt that Grigson overlooked that position by mistake. Maybe it's a "just-in-case-Peyton-can-play" thing, but he's still there.

Irsay and Manning are just talking about Manning's health. Neither of them is mentioning him leaving, or even considering the possibility that he won't play in 2012. Why are we assuming that's the case? A healthy Manning could play until he's 40, and he'll still be the best QB in the league. If he can't come back, we will know, and he will likely retire. Until then, he's still and Indianapolis Colt. As long as he's playing, it's still his era.

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Absolutely. The media is making things up all over the place, and it's not based on any facts, or even rumors. Pure imagination, creating drama from nothing. Sadly, it's beginning to influence the minds and speech of a lot of Colts fans on these boards. They are basically regurgitating everything the talking heads say, instead of sticking with what we know (which is very little), and what will eventually be said by the men in question.

No one is asking him to play forever. Irsay hasn't asked him to play forever. Aaron Rodgers won't play forever, and he's about to enter his 9th season in the NFL. Time to move on, right?

The point is, we know where both Irsay and Manning stand on the issue. If Manning can play, he's a Colt for as long as he wants to be. They've both said it, they haven't done or said anything to contradict that, and they haven't allowed any of the new pieces to influence the matter.

Furthermore, why anyone hasn't noticed that we retained Clyde Christensen is beyond me. The guy who knows Peyton's offense is still there. He was the only coaching position NOT relieved of duty. I doubt that Grigson overlooked that position by mistake. Maybe it's a "just-in-case-Peyton-can-play" thing, but he's still there.

Irsay and Manning are just talking about Manning's health. Neither of them is mentioning him leaving, or even considering the possibility that he won't play in 2012. Why are we assuming that's the case? A healthy Manning could play until he's 40, and he'll still be the best QB in the league. If he can't come back, we will know, and he will likely retire. Until then, he's still and Indianapolis Colt. As long as he's playing, it's still his era.

Absolutely. The media is making things up all over the place, and it's not based on any facts, or even rumors. Pure imagination, creating drama from nothing. Sadly, it's beginning to influence the minds and speech of a lot of Colts fans on these boards. They are basically regurgitating everything the talking heads say, instead of sticking with what we know (which is very little), and what will eventually be said by the men in question.

No one is asking him to play forever. Irsay hasn't asked him to play forever. Aaron Rodgers won't play forever, and he's about to enter his 9th season in the NFL. Time to move on, right?

The point is, we know where both Irsay and Manning stand on the issue. If Manning can play, he's a Colt for as long as he wants to be. They've both said it, they haven't done or said anything to contradict that, and they haven't allowed any of the new pieces to influence the matter.

Furthermore, why anyone hasn't noticed that we retained Clyde Christensen is beyond me. The guy who knows Peyton's offense is still there. He was the only coaching position NOT relieved of duty. I doubt that Grigson overlooked that position by mistake. Maybe it's a "just-in-case-Peyton-can-play" thing, but he's still there.

Irsay and Manning are just talking about Manning's health. Neither of them is mentioning him leaving, or even considering the possibility that he won't play in 2012. Why are we assuming that's the case? A healthy Manning could play until he's 40, and he'll still be the best QB in the league. If he can't come back, we will know, and he will likely retire. Until then, he's still and Indianapolis Colt. As long as he's playing, it's still his era.

ESPN has an article out about christensen and peyton

basically if he is released then so is peyton

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Nonsense. Irsay is one of the best owners in the NFL. He owns the frickin team and he has the right to do and say what he wants about his team and the players he pays huge money to play for that team. Irsay is absolutely nothing like Al Davis or Jerry Jones.

Prior to peyton manning being a colt, you would not have said he was one of the best owners in the NFL

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I don't think we are really having that much drama. I think the media is trying to make it worse than it really is

You are surely correct...Supe..

I think the only reason Irsay anything.....Look at it this way....

Irsay's been trying to get t he Super Bowl here for what..4 years?

Them 10 days before the game..his Super Bowl./...and Manning understandebly talks about how the atmosphere in Colt-land is dark after all the firings..

Irsay wants the spotlight to be on the Super Bowl..because he wants more Super Bowls down the line..

Manning is standing up for the fired guys who helped make him what he is.

I dont know how much I blame either one of them......

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ESPN has an article out about christensen and peyton

basically if he is released then so is peyton

Oh of course he is because Peyton Manning has such a long history with him. He might miss questioning CC's calls after a while.

Not directed towards you but at ESPN. They want him to be a Jet so so bad

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Prior to peyton manning being a colt, you would not have said he was one of the best owners in the NFL

Irsay was the owner of the Colts for only about a yr. before Manning became a Colt. He had to spend some time cleaning up his fathers mess. So he may not have been one of the best owners back then but he's been trying pretty hard every since then to be one of the best. Your argument don't really hold much water IMO.

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Irsay was the owner of the Colts for only about a yr. before Manning became a Colt. He had to spend some time cleaning up his fathers mess. So he may not have been one of the best owners back then but he's been trying pretty hard every since then to be one of the best. Your argument don't really hold much water IMO.

Agree. I'd be interested in knowing who people think the best owners are? I think Irsay is one of the best, along with Kraft, the Rooney's, Giants owners, and a few others. All of those are dedicated to winning, spend as much as they're allowed, and leave the important football type decisions to people more wise than them.

Others, like Jones and Snyder spend foolishly. A good owner also treats their fans with respect and their players fairly.

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Irsay was the owner of the Colts for only about a yr. before Manning became a Colt. He had to spend some time cleaning up his fathers mess. So he may not have been one of the best owners back then but he's been trying pretty hard every since then to be one of the best. Your argument don't really hold much water IMO.

his dad made him President ( saw it in that ESPN interview) when he was 24 years old, so It does hold water

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his dad made him President ( saw it in that ESPN interview) when he was 24 years old, so It does hold water

You said

"Prior to peyton manning being a colt, you would not have said he was one of the best owners in the NFL"

Nothing about him being the president, as the president he didn't have final say over anything, If you knew anything about his dad you would know that.

Once again, he was only owner for about a yr. before Manning came here and that was obviously his decision, so he started out pretty good. So no, your argument don't really hold water.

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You said

Nothing about him being the president, as the president he didn't have final say over anything, If you knew anything about his dad you would know that.

Once again, he was only owner for about a yr. before Manning came here and that was obviously his decision, so he started out pretty good. So no, your argument don't really hold water.

thats silly, if your dad owns a McDonalds and you are his only living child who can run it, then it is yours too. He was obviously making more decisions at that time then his Alcholic father

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again, he was helping run the team since he was 24 years old. not much of a historian are you

Yes, quite a bit of one actually. But your comment was, "Prior to peyton manning being a colt, you would not have said he was one of the best owners in the NFL."

You didn't say anything about president(which he wasn't, he was VP), gm or anything else you stated owner. And he was only the owner for 1 year before Manning was drafted. Now, if you want to talk about some of his other roles.

General Manager - He was not good at finding NFL talent.

He was good at finding coaches, especially in the mid 90s.

He and the staff actually did a lot of good considering Bob Irsay was very cheap and did not want to spend money on coaches or players, so there were always trying to find cheap talent and they did from time to time... Harbaugh, Bailey, Tony S. The one time Irsay did open up the pocket book they got Dickerson. Also Irsay (Bob) was not big on retaining players, if they were drafted and performed well so they would want a big pay day, he let them walk. When Jim Irsay took over as owner, he had a different philosophy, he didn't and doesn't have a problem spending money for top players/coaches.

No, Jim Irsay is a great owner and he was only the owner for 1 year before he drafted Manning.

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again, he was helping run the team since he was 24 years old. not much of a historian are you

Nobody could have done well with Bob Irsay owning the team. Jim may have had a "title" but Bob ran the team and wrote the checks.. Since taking over as owner it is obvious that Jim knows that he needs football peolple around him to make descions, a trait his father didnt have..

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