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Al Jazeera sued over HGH report


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5 hours ago, Nadine said:

Why are you using a Colts fan username?


When we closed the HGH topic we did so because there were no new stories and pat fans had had their opportunity to express how hopeful they were that the story about manning was true.


This is new news so it's fine.  However, if it starts to go in circles again with pat fans being gleeful at the prospect of potential scandal involving peyton manning then we'll have to reevaluate.


Sorry but this is a common theme with some pat fans here.  They cannot stand manning and seem to enjoy topics like this on our boards, where there are a lot of manning fans.......rather than on pat fan boards


mystery of the universe



Finding this story disturbing with some of the facts that have been revealed does not make me a Pats fan, I have rooted for and followed the Colts my entire life and I have a tremendous amount of respect for Manning and what he did for the Colts organization.  If this story is proven true, I'll still view him as one of the best to ever play the game but it would be incredibly disappointing


I didn't start this topic, and I in no way am "gleeful" that Manning's name was dragged into this mess, but as a football fan I want some answers because this is bigger than just him, it implicates dozens of athletes and there were even comments from Sly about like half of the packers team visiting his clinic and possibly using HGH as well. 


When this story first broke I defended Manning but said that if the stories about his wife receiving the HGH shipments proved to be true then it would make him look very bad in this thing.. and its starting to look like that part of the story was 100% true... so I'm sorry but I can't just ignore that, its the same song and dance that has happened with countless athletes over the last 20 or so years that were implicated in things like this.


Some other big names were Clay Mathews and Julius Peppers on the Packers.. Who are players that are paid to hunt down and pummel QBs... guys like that taking PEDs is not only a huge advantage, it puts Luck in jeopardy of getting another serious injury and missing games, which is devastating to a franchise as we have all witnessed TWICE now losing Manning in 2011 and having a 2 win season, then losing Luck this year and missing the playoffs because of it


Right now this doesn't pass the smell test, there is a rotting stench emanating from this story that could be huge and span across multiple sports.. As a sports fan I think its a very big deal to investigate this properly and ensure that there isn't some doping ring going on behind the scenes, because right now there is enough evidence to at least ask some hard, hard questions to a lot of different people.  I want to know that when I'm investing my time and money watching on Sunday, spending money on tickets to attend games, participating in fantasy football leagues for money, betting on vegas sites for money and buying merchandise that it's legitimate and that the guy coming after my QB isn't roided up and turning himself into a deadly weapon, or that a wide receiver who beats Davis for a TD isn't getting a performance advantage physically


Thinking that I'm gleeful about this is pretty hurtful, I hope that absolutely none of this is true because I don't want to have to explain to my impressionable 13 year old why some of his favorite sports heroes were using performance enhancing drugs..  that is NOT a conversation I want to have, but if this is actually a thing that is going on then it needs to be exposed because that is worse than having to explain to a young teenager that someone made a bad mistake

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1 minute ago, HiltonTD said:

I want to know that when I'm investing my time and money watching on Sunday, spending money on tickets to attend games, participating in fantasy football leagues for money, betting on vegas sites for money and buying merchandise that it's legitimate and that the guy coming after my QB isn't roided up and turning himself into a deadly weapon


Here's the answer: yes they are. 90% of them. You don't need an investigation to know that.

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23 minutes ago, Jules said:


Say what you want about Tom Brady, most of us have. But, at least he never let a woman in his life take the blame for anything or get involved in his scandals.

Not sure what you mean about blame.  If Manning's wife ordered it and took it, saying anything else would be a lie.  Its not his scandal just because a news report accuses him of something.  


It sounds like you've already determined that Manning took HGH and used his wife for cover, just based upon a few dubious reports from a news agency that continues to use a name that's associated with hatred for Western values. 


If a person has the belief that people who say that they live according to the rules are hypocrites, then that person would immediately believe that Peyton is guilty and would put the onus on him to convince them otherwise...which is impossible since they already choose to believe it. 

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37 minutes ago, Jules said:


Always nice to throw the women under the bus. Even my mom commented on that a week ago to me. "Why do these men not want to stick up for their wives and the mother of their children more?".

Yes. It is disgusting. Their wives are used and abused for the sake of their careers.

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5 minutes ago, HiltonTD said:


Finding this story disturbing with some of the facts that have been revealed does not make me a Pats fan, I have rooted for and followed the Colts my entire life and I have a tremendous amount of respect for Manning and what he did for the Colts organization.  If this story is proven true, I'll still view him as one of the best to ever play the game but it would be incredibly disappointing


I didn't start this topic, and I in no way am "gleeful" that Manning's name was dragged into this mess, but as a football fan I want some answers because this is bigger than just him, it implicates dozens of athletes and there were even comments from Sly about like half of the packers team visiting his clinic and possibly using HGH as well. 


When this story first broke I defended Manning but said that if the stories about his wife receiving the HGH shipments proved to be true then it would make him look very bad in this thing.. and its starting to look like that part of the story was 100% true... so I'm sorry but I can't just ignore that, its the same song and dance that has happened with countless athletes over the last 20 or so years that were implicated in things like this.


Some other big names were Clay Mathews and Julius Peppers on the Packers.. Who are players that are paid to hunt down and pummel QBs... guys like that taking PEDs is not only a huge advantage, it puts Luck in jeopardy of getting another serious injury and missing games, which is devastating to a franchise as we have all witnessed TWICE now losing Manning in 2011 and having a 2 win season, then losing Luck this year and missing the playoffs because of it


Right now this doesn't pass the smell test, there is a rotting stench emanating from this story that could be huge and span across multiple sports.. As a sports fan I think its a very big deal to investigate this properly and ensure that there isn't some doping ring going on behind the scenes, because right now there is enough evidence to at least ask some hard, hard questions to a lot of different people.  I want to know that when I'm investing my time and money watching on Sunday, spending money on tickets to attend games, participating in fantasy football leagues for money, betting on vegas sites for money and buying merchandise that it's legitimate and that the guy coming after my QB isn't roided up and turning himself into a deadly weapon, or that a wide receiver who beats Davis for a TD isn't getting a performance advantage physically


Thinking that I'm gleeful about this is pretty hurtful, I hope that absolutely none of this is true because I don't want to have to explain to my impressionable 13 year old why some of his favorite sports heroes were using performance enhancing drugs..  that is NOT a conversation I want to have, but if this is actually a thing that is going on then it needs to be exposed because that is worse than having to explain to a young teenager that someone made a bad mistake

Such a huge colts fan,  you don't post in the Colts section.  Your identity is so obvious it's pathetic 

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5 minutes ago, HiltonTD said:


Finding this story disturbing with some of the facts that have been revealed does not make me a Pats fan, I have rooted for and followed the Colts my entire life and I have a tremendous amount of respect for Manning and what he did for the Colts organization.  If this story is proven true, I'll still view him as one of the best to ever play the game but it would be incredibly disappointing


I didn't start this topic, and I in no way am "gleeful" that Manning's name was dragged into this mess, but as a football fan I want some answers because this is bigger than just him, it implicates dozens of athletes and there were even comments from Sly about like half of the packers team visiting his clinic and possibly using HGH as well. 


When this story first broke I defended Manning but said that if the stories about his wife receiving the HGH shipments proved to be true then it would make him look very bad in this thing.. and its starting to look like that part of the story was 100% true... so I'm sorry but I can't just ignore that, its the same song and dance that has happened with countless athletes over the last 20 or so years that were implicated in things like this.


Some other big names were Clay Mathews and Julius Peppers on the Packers.. Who are players that are paid to hunt down and pummel QBs... guys like that taking PEDs is not only a huge advantage, it puts Luck in jeopardy of getting another serious injury and missing games, which is devastating to a franchise as we have all witnessed TWICE now losing Manning in 2011 and having a 2 win season, then losing Luck this year and missing the playoffs because of it


Right now this doesn't pass the smell test, there is a rotting stench emanating from this story that could be huge and span across multiple sports.. As a sports fan I think its a very big deal to investigate this properly and ensure that there isn't some doping ring going on behind the scenes, because right now there is enough evidence to at least ask some hard, hard questions to a lot of different people.  I want to know that when I'm investing my time and money watching on Sunday, spending money on tickets to attend games, participating in fantasy football leagues for money, betting on vegas sites for money and buying merchandise that it's legitimate and that the guy coming after my QB isn't roided up and turning himself into a deadly weapon


Thinking that I'm gleeful about this is pretty hurtful, I hope that absolutely none of this is true because I don't want to have to explain to my impressionable 13 year old why some of his favorite sports heroes were using performance enhancing drugs..  that is NOT a conversation I want to have, but if this is actually a thing that is going on then it needs to be exposed because that is worse than having to explain to a young teenager that someone made a bad mistake



The NFL...its all HGH.  And so is major college football....also, most of them don't actually get a major in anything anymore.  There are no heros in sports.

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1 minute ago, DougDew said:



The NFL...its all HGH.  And so is major college football....also, most of them don't actually get a major in anything anymore.  There are no heros in sports.

So you are on board now with everyone cheats? Good to know ...

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I am glad to see the folks sue although they do have a heighten standard of proof to establish as they are a public figures.  It will be interesting to follow.


As for Peyton suing I think he is going to have a very difficult time in doing so as AlJ indicated that they were not alleging that Peyton took HGH but "merely" that HGH was shipped to his wife.  If true, and it has not been denied, all we have is AIJ conveying the truth about a shipment of drugs from a company to a person.   Not sure what the basis of a suit would be in this fact patterned, especially when the person is a public figure and truth is one defense.


Surely, they may be some who may garner that Peyton was taking the HGH and perhaps that was AIJ secret back door plan, but as there official stance is that drugs went to Ashley Manning, which they expressed via their reporter on the Monday after the release on national TV, makes for an uphill battle for a law suit.    

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2 minutes ago, amfootball said:

So you are on board now with everyone cheats? Good to know ...

Yeah, over HGH.  College football too.


Not feigning injuries to get the clock stopped, videotaping practices, or purposely deflating footballs to fraudulently inflate stats and wins........only one organization does those rather childish things on a regular basis...then giggles about it.

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Just now, DougDew said:

Yeah, over HGH.  College football too.


Not feigning injuries to get the clock stopped, videotaping practices, or purposely deflating footballs to fraudulently inflate stats and wins........only one organization does those rather childish things on a regular basis...then giggles about it.

Oh boy. PEDs and illegal drugs are Ok even though they carry a much harsher penalty by every single sports league but gamesmanship is not. The double standard here is stunning. But please carry on.

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1 minute ago, amfootball said:

Oh boy. PEDs and illegal drugs are Ok even though they carry a much harsher penalty by every single sports league but gamesmanship is not. The double standard here is stunning. But please carry on.


Yes, there's nothing wrong with players taking illegal drugs or PEDs. I don't why people pretend to care if they do. 

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Just now, Dustin said:


Yes, there's nothing wrong with players taking illegal drugs or PEDs. I don't why people pretend to care if they do. 

LOL!  Perhaps because it is illegal and against the rules and provides a huge competitive advantage which is why it carries such a harsh penalty across all sports leagues?


Or are we going with everyone does it so it is ok?

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17 minutes ago, amfootball said:

Yes. It is disgusting. Their wives are used and abused for the sake of their careers.

You know what Tom Brady did to his first wife, right? You don't know that his wife isn't using HGH. You also think she cares to take blame if she lives the baller life? Please get real.

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Just now, amfootball said:

LOL!  Perhaps because it is illegal and against the rules and provides a huge competitive advantage which is why it carries such a harsh penalty across all sports leagues?


Or are we going with everyone does it so it is ok?


The latter. 

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3 minutes ago, Dustin said:


At least you didn't try to deny it. 

Of course not just like all 32 teams received the memo about video taping signals from sideline because it was rampant league wide and countless QBs said they messed with air ball pressure and even paid ball boys to doctor their balls prior to a Super Bowl.


Just want to make sure we are consistent with how we view this "cheating."

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1 minute ago, amfootball said:

Of course not just like all 32 teams received the memo about video taping signals from sideline


And which team continued to do it?


2 minutes ago, amfootball said:

with air ball pressure and even paid ball boys to doctor their balls prior to a Super Bowl.



I'm not doing deflategate again, but you know it was about more than just "messing with the air pressure".

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2 minutes ago, Dustin said:


And which team continued to do it?




I'm not doing deflategate again, but you know it was about more than just "messing with the air pressure".

I agree. And athletes continue to do PEDs don't they even though it is illegal and against the rules and provides a much bigger competitive advantage.


You can't have this both ways. Sorry.

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1 minute ago, amfootball said:

I agree. And athletes continue to do PEDs don't they even though it is illegal and against the rules.


You can't have this both ways. Sorry.


I don't know what point you are trying to make. I don't think you even actually have one. 

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Just now, Dustin said:


I don't know what point you are trying to make. I don't think you even actually have one. 

I will spell it out. PEDs is a violation of every single sports league and carries the harshest penalties because it provides the biggest competitive advantage. Saying it is ok because everyone does it, is first NOT true and second does not make it ok or not cheating.

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4 minutes ago, amfootball said:

I will spell it out. PEDs is a violation of every single sports league and carries the harshest penalties because it provides the biggest competitive advantage. Saying it is ok because everyone does it, is first NOT true and second does not make it ok or not cheating.


I don't deny that it's not cheating, but nobody actually cares about it unless it helps them push an agenda against a certain team or player. 


Btw, there's nothing wrong with taking HGH to heal an injury. You may feel morally superior to somebody else because you look down on them for trying to improve their quality of life, but I'm not that type of person.

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Just now, Dustin said:


I don't deny that it's not cheating, but nobody actually cares about it unless it helps them push an agenda against a certain team or player. 


Btw, there's nothing wrong with taking HGH to heal an injury. You may feel morally superior to somebody else because you look down on them for trying to improve their quality of life, but I'm not that type of person.

Gee, that first sentence about agendas sounds sooo familiar. lol


You can say there is nothing wrong to take HGH but every single sports league has outlawed it for a reason. There are other alternative methods for healing injuries that are not against the rules and plenty of players practice those.

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2 minutes ago, Dustin said:


Yes, there's nothing wrong with players taking illegal drugs or PEDs. I don't why people pretend to care if they do. 


Perhaps there are some "well he is doing it so its okay defense" regarding certain rule breaking.   But that does not change the fact that it is a violation of a rule. 


Rodney Harrison was justly punished 4 games for taking HGH back in 2007 I believe.   In the end of the day it still is what it is, a violation of a rule which may occur more than just an isolated incident and by more than one person or team.        

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5 minutes ago, amfootball said:

You can say there is nothing wrong to take HGH but every single sports league has outlawed it for a reason. There are other alternative methods for healing injuries that are not against the rules and plenty of players practice those.



They outlawed it because a lot of players abuse it for the sake of a "competitive edge" (which i disagree with because it's not really an edge if everyone is doing it but w/e), the problem comes when people put up this fake moral outrage over it. As if taking something to heal an injury and improve their quality of life is "morally wrong" and somehow makes them a bad person or some other negative connotation against their character. 


Yeah, so if Peyton did take HGH (which i doubt he did), I wouldn't care, because I don't look down on some guy who can't feel his fingers for trying better his quality of life. 

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2 minutes ago, Yehoodi said:


Perhaps there are some "well he is doing it so its okay defense" regarding certain rule breaking.   But that does not change the fact that it is a violation of a rule. 


Rodney Harrison was justly punished 4 games for taking HGH back in 2007 I believe.   In the end of the day it still is what it is, a violation of a rule which may occur more than just an isolated incident and by more than one person or team.        


Again, where have I said that taking PEDs is ok by the rules? Hint: I haven't. 

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7 minutes ago, Dustin said:


I don't deny that it's not cheating, but nobody actually cares about it unless it helps them push an agenda against a certain team or player. 


Btw, there's nothing wrong with taking HGH to heal an injury. You may feel morally superior to somebody else because you look down on them for trying to improve their quality of life, but I'm not that type of person.


To the contrary there is something wrong with taking HGH in sports in which it is outlawed.  Surely there is a "good" reason for taking it to heal faster.  But there is lies the competitive advance. 


If player A is playing by the rules and waiting until he or she heals using allowed methods and player B is getting back to the field faster using illegal methods via HGH, player B, and by extension his team, gains the advantage of getting back on the field sooner.  


So yes I was not overly upset at Rodney Harrison taking HGH back in 2007, but I fully understood at the time that the 4 games suspension was justified and understood the point that Harrison, and by extension the Pats, very likely gained an advantage as he very likely was back on the field faster than he would have been otherwise doing things the straight way.


There are some recent players in football, namely, Ray Lewis, Wes Welker and Adrian Peterson that healed faster than what one might expect, maybe they did it the legal way, maybe not.  


If the Pats get Wes Welker back in week 1 of the 2010 season when he should of been back say week 8 and other teams had to wait for their Wes Welkers till week 10, you see the advantage no?



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1 minute ago, Yehoodi said:


To the contrary there is something wrong with taking HGH in sports in which it is outlawed.  Surely there is a "good" reason for taking it to heal faster.  But there is lies the competitive advance. 


If player A is playing by the rules and waiting until he or she heals using allowed methods and player B is getting back to the field faster using illegal methods via HGH, player B, and by extension his team, gains the advantage of getting back on the field sooner.  


So yes I was not overly upset at Rodney Harrison taking HGH back in 2007, but I fully understood at the time that the 4 games suspension was justified and understood the point that Harrison, and by extension the Pats, very likely gained an advantage as he very likely was back on the field faster than he would have been otherwise doing things the straight way.


There are some recent players in football, namely, Ray Lewis, Wes Welker and Adrian Peterson that healed faster than what one might expect, maybe they did it the legal way, maybe not.  


If the Pats get Wes Welker back in week 1 of the 2010 season when he should of been back say week 8 and other teams had to wait for their Wes Welkers till week 10, you see the advantage no?




I would tell player A he should have taken something to make him heal faster. 


I don't know why you and am keep reiterating to me that it's against the rules, I already know that. What I have a problem with is people looking at it like an issues of morality. 

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11 minutes ago, Dustin said:


Again, where have I said that taking PEDs is ok by the rules? Hint: I haven't. 


You know you are playing cute and do not want to admit it.  Your statement that there is "nothing wrong" with players taking illegal drugs or PEDs in a sport which makes it wrong (i.e. against the rules wrong) shows that you are only trying to derail this thread.  


I am not going allow you to continue to do and do not expect any more responses from me.


If you wish to discuss the law suits, so be it, I will respond, but otherwise I am done responding to you, I have said my peace.   

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1 hour ago, amfootball said:

Oh boy. PEDs and illegal drugs are Ok even though they carry a much harsher penalty by every single sports league but gamesmanship is not. The double standard here is stunning. But please carry on.


If Manning broke the rules, he should be punished to the extent of the rules.  And if he broke the law, he should be punished according to the laws. Its his life and I don't care, since the Colts did not sanction the rule breaking or tried to conceal anything.  I have no heros in sports.  Manning is just a jock, as is Andrew Luck.


But laws and rules are not morals, so I leave judgment how those are broken to others....I certainly would not expect the Commissioner to do it!.

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15 minutes ago, Yehoodi said:


You know you are playing cute and do not want to admit it.  Your statement that there is "nothing wrong" with players taking illegal drugs or PEDs in a sport which makes it wrong (i.e. against the rules wrong) shows that you are only trying to derail this thread.  


I am not going allow you to continue to do and do not expect any more responses from me.


If you wish to discuss the law suits, so be it, I will respond, but otherwise I am done responding to you, I have said my peace.   


You responded to me my man. Thanks for not responding with one of your classic 15 paragraph responses though.

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1 hour ago, HiltonTD said:


Right now this doesn't pass the smell test, there is a rotting stench emanating from this story that could be huge and span across multiple sports.

OK, so you've made up your mind, are are quite convinced.  I find that interesting


Where you from by the way?

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2 hours ago, ColtRider said:

I'll take Peyton Manning's word. Never, ever, have known him to lie or fabricate anything. The man tells it like it is. Until I see 100% unequivocal proof of wrongdoing, I take him at his word. The fact that Al-Jazeera has recanted parts of their story regarding Peyton tells me something is array.


Fishing without a pole means noodling. Fishing without fish is just plain ridiculous.

I can think of a particular issue that he lied about and then was taken to court for that lie.. And then paid that person for his dishonesty.

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19 hours ago, oldunclemark said:

Ryan Zimmerman and Ryan Howard are suing the news network over the Dec 27  HGH report about 'doping'

Its a tough suit because I believe you have to prove that the network intended to hurt the reputation of the players..

But the cases reportedly have been filed...which indicates that the attorneys believe there is some merit...


,.....or that they can get a retraction or apology


The topic here is ^^^^


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