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Pat went a tad savage on twitter


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7 minutes ago, James said:


Yup. Look at the statistics and not one situation.


Hekker is the better punter.


I did happen to look up the stats too and they are pretty close other than the return yards which has more to do with the other players on punt coverage.  I don't believe you can definitively say one is better than the other, unless you are talking about cowering, in which case Hekker is much better than McAfee.

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On December 28, 2015 at 3:48 AM, James Harden said:

Joe and Pat freaking killed me...haha I can't stop. This stuff is gold. 

It was funny but in my opinion Pat came off worse for it.  Though funny his responses weren't a good representation of the team.  His responses were repetitive and seemed to validate that Joe was right because he had no rational retort to his tweets.   Meanwhile the Hey Joe guy showed some variety, creativity and legit criticisms in some of his tweets.  Colts have beat their chests a lot and hooped and hollered in the locker room over beating some pretty mediocre teams in a mediocre season that has been full of grit but little consistency.  Save the chest beating for when we can actually best the Patriots or Pittsburgh in my opinion.  Right now we are just a contender in a mediocre division whose playoff bubble perilously survives till Sunday but with nine more pins pointing in its direction.  

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    • Well….  The Dodgers did draft Liatu.  So they clearly wanted more DE talent.     And next season (25) I expect all DE’s back.     Liatu, Ebukam, Dayo, Paye and Lewis.  I’d be disappointed if they’re not.  
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    • And yet, didn’t the Colts pick up Paye's 5th year option?      Most posts here complain Paye isn’t a good enough pass rusher.  Now here you are saying he’s not a good enough run defender.      What do the Colts know about Paye that the fan base here does not appear to?    
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