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My Thought On Fisher


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No, they weren't.

Worst in the league in 2006, below average in 2004 and 2005, below average in 2001. Very up and down. Had some really good years, most recently in 2008, but they weren't this defensive juggernaut like people like to say.

Yeah, we agree. I don't mean to nitpick. I've just been really thinking about this whole Jeff Fisher phenomena for over a year now, because people keep saying he's a great coach and we should hire him at all costs. And now, he's the first name out of anyone's mouth, and the media have made it clear that he's the #1 prospect available right now, and I just DO NOT GET IT.


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It does predate them both, but both JC and Hue deserve credit/blame for continuing the trend. As I said, the type of players Oak has v. Indy also plays a role in this...

The players have a huge part in it, absolutely.

I don't blame Hue for continuing it, because he was only the coach for one year, and like you said, the players were already there. I think it's been going on there for so long, it's kind of been indoctrinated in the team. It would probably take a good two or three years to fix.

And I don't mean to rob Caldwell of any credit he might deserve for continuing the trend, but I do think with vets like Manning and Saturday, and Bethea and Brackett and Freeney, and so on, playing "the right way" has been indoctrinated in Indy. Sort of the opposite of Oakland.

If I remember correctly, the Eagles have been one of the teams that haven't been penalized a lot over the years. So maybe some of that goes to Grigson's draft boards.

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Everyone says that Caldwell is incompetent that the players only want him as they can just do what they want. He has far more control over his team than Hue Jackson did, the Raiders couldn't of given away any more penalties. Caldwell is a good coach and a great guy who his players who know a heck of a lot more than us want because he is a good coach. The big mistakes this year were getting Collins and starting Painter and i think its more likely that those were the Polians decisions. Ok his time management isn't great but that didn't cost us the super bowl or lose us any games this year give him more time to prove himself with someone competent calling our defence ( Polians mistake again) which is what lost us that superbowl. ​Save JC he will be our savoir

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I do think that He may be waiting for the colts to call.. he loves Peyton and he knows he would have the support of the team and the town.. I would be ok with Fisher,, first choice.. Zimmer...

I am not a caldwell fan and do not believe he is a good coach .. was hoping he would bow out gracefully and give himself to Penn State... BUT

I feel that if Caldwell is kept then it is a good sign that Peyton will be back and that they do not want to have any possible interference in the way the offense runs..

I only wish we build our defense .. secondary and defintely get a G for the right side to protect him and Luck.

this team is not as bad as people think we have talent we just need coaching and more drafts picks this year and we are there or close to..

Right Coach !!!!

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Posted Today, 12:25 PM

Everyone says that Caldwell is incompetent that the players only want him as they can just do what they want. He has far more control over his team than Hue Jackson did, the Raiders couldn't of given away any more penalties. Caldwell is a good coach and a great guy who his players who know a heck of a lot more than us want because he is a good coach. The big mistakes this year were getting Collins and starting Painter and i think its more likely that those were the Polians decisions. Ok his time management isn't great but that didn't cost us the super bowl or lose us any games this year give him more time to prove himself with someone competent calling our defence ( Polians mistake again) which is what lost us that superbowl. ​Save JC he will be our savoir

Save JC

Totally disagree.. the players respect him, but ANY Coach could have made changes @ halftime and we would have won at Least 2 more games..

he is a Horiible HC.. I question if is even a good QB coach.. look at his record before he walked/given his HC job...

Deer in The Headlights Caldwell..

as I said earlier.. if he stays I think it is a very good sign Peyton will be back !!

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An interesting thought in the Palm Beach Post:

Should the Dolphins and Rams still want Fisher at this point?

The fact that Fisher has taken three full days to decide on/negotiate with the Rams and Dolphins is a clear sign that he’s no slam-dunk to land in St. Louis, as was originally assumed, and that he’s legitimately considering both teams.

But should the Dolphins or Rams even want Fisher at this point? He obviously has hang-ups about both jobs, or he would’ve taken one by now. He’s keeping everyone waiting and guessing – including owners Stephen Ross and Stan Kroenke – and a few people around the league have found it a bit off-putting.

“Rams & Dolphins should consider moving on from Fisher. He’s clearly not sold on either place,” ESPN and Sirius/XM analyst Ross Tucker said this morning on Twitter.

There’s something to be said for that. Shouldn’t the Dolphins want a coach who is gung-ho about coming here? Is Fisher really a good hire if the only way you can bring him here is to keep throwing piles of money and total organizational authority at him? And what if Fisher is simply stalling right now to see if anything develops with the Colts, who have the No. 1 pick and will decide coach Jim Caldwell’s fate today now that the team has hired a new general manager?

Fisher has the potential to make the Dolphins look really bad in the next coming days. Ross might be best-served to get out now, while he’s ahead.


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I just caannot understand why Fischer was not considerd at all by Irsay- He knew he was out there and could have fired Caldwell last wek. If Caldwell stays, goes to show the new era story at Irsay's press conference was all hot air

Strange and illogical conclusion. He just hired a GM who is THIRTY YEARS younger than Polian. If that isn't a new era, please tell me what you were expecting.

There are a couple of ways of looking at Fisher and the coaching situation:

1) Irsay has no interest in looking at any coaches without the new GMs input. It's entirely possible that Fisher is holding off on signing elsewhere to see what happens. He might well get an interview if Caldwell is fired.

2) Irsay feels that Caldwell is a good coach, and will only fire him if he and the new GM can't get on the same page.

3) Irsay isn't interested in Fisher regardless of what else happens. Fisher will demand more control, and be the "star" behind the scenes. It appears that Irsay doesn't want any stars behind the scenes at this point. He also may feel that there are better candidates out there, and or prefer a younger coach.

You have no idea whether Irsay has considered Fisher or not, and regardless - just because YOU think that Fisher is the only choice to be coach and you are dissapointed that Irsay hasn't complied with your wishes, doesn't equate to Irsay lying.

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Going to make a BOLD PREDICTION here....Fisher hasn't decided and it's late afternoon on January 12th. Has he been talking to the Colts today??? I think he might end up in Indy.

You saw it here first...I needed witnesses :0)

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The point of new GM being 30 years younger is taken, maybe Irsay is morphing into B. Polian and new GM is the Chris Polian figure as may be same age. New GM nice start withe NEW ERA, will be NEWER ERA if get a new coach. I have a feeling Irsay will block a new coach and want to keep his buddy Caldwell around.

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" throw total orginizational control at him"

Not going to come close here. Irsay wants a traditional front office. I seem to remember Fisher bumping heads with the Titans FO, not that it was uncalled for.

Yes, but wasn't that over the owner's undeniable love for VY?

If you're not confident in the QB, and the owner forces you to play him, isn't there a conflict (internally, or externally)?

The worst thing (for Fisher) that could have happened when the owner told Fisher to start VY was that they win (because of, or in spite of VY). They won, but that doesn't make the owner right.

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That is correct, playoffs with Collins in 06 or 07

In 2008. Really good year, 13-3. One of few. And they got bounced in the first round.

Which is something else I don't get about Colts fans' fascination with him. We're pretty intolerant (as a whole) of first round losses. They could call him First Round Fisher. Hasn't been out of it since 2003, and in those seven years, hasn't even made the first round five times.

It might seem like I dislike him. I don't. All said, I could be okay with him. I just don't understand what makes him so great. His record and accomplishments are barely average.

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my theory is hire anybody that knows how to coach a defense. if this team had a defense that matched the offense these last 10 or so years the whole manning brady conversation would mean nothing because the colts would have 5 rings by now. so if you can coach a defense i am for anybody they bring in.

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Earlier there was a short article, according to Fisher was about to sign to Dolphins. But today it seems he is still in negotiation with both Rams and Dolphins.

There do seem to be lots of hints that he is hoping for something better to come along, and that might well be the Colts. The Dolphins are a dysfunctional mess that he probably would prefer to avoid, and the Rams might be moving - just the thought of which will create endless headaches for any head coach. And he reportedly doesn't want to move. He already went through that situation with Houston/Tennessee, and that was probably enough. I could certainly understand why he would prefer the Colts, or just staying away for awhile longer.

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I don't see anything in Irsay's latest tweet that has anything to do with the Colts.

I'm hearing lots about FISH and TEBS...but STING just called and said.."4get the weather,we will always be together!"..............That's the tweet I was referring to. See the connection.(I assume FISH is Fisher) The weather is always changing. Sounds like Irsay doesn't want to change coaches right now.

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With Irsay, the tweets could have various meanings- I too, have feeling JC back,as it will be a cowardly act if no coaching changes across the board are made- If Irsay wanted a new coach, it probably would have been done by now- Guess it came down to the Polians or JC regrading who had to go. Irsay knows Fischer out there, and many other cordinators who can do better.

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I'm hearing lots about FISH and TEBS...but STING just called and said.."4get the weather,we will always be together!"..............That's the tweet I was referring to. See the connection.(I assume FISH is Fisher) The weather is always changing. Sounds like Irsay doesn't want to change coaches right now.

Very cryptic. Some of Irsay's stuff I just brush off. Can't be bothered with decoding his stuff. I'll leave that up to you.

But yeah I think it's obvious he doesn't want to change coaches. But I do think he could be talked into it by Grigson. Thing is, Grigson doesn't seem like the "change for the sake of change" type of person, which is good. I do want a new coach, but if there's been a handcuffing over the last couple of years, it could be that Caldwell's coaching hasn't been the issue. Doesn't explain the lack of adjustments or the bad timeouts (I'm not really worried about the latter, but I do have a big problem with the former).

I'm content to see what happens. Caldwell has one year left on his deal. If we let him finish his contract, I could understand the rationale behind that. I'd be disappointed, but the only way I'll be really upset is if we extend him right now.

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If Caldwell gets an extension that will be it for alot of fans to remain on board. He stays, and is given more pieces, what would the excuse be then for keeping him when the team folds like a cheap suit. If i was Luck's agent, and see him remaining, I would pull an Elway and Eli and look to go to another team.

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Very cryptic. Some of Irsay's stuff I just brush off. Can't be bothered with decoding his stuff. I'll leave that up to you.

But yeah I think it's obvious he doesn't want to change coaches. But I do think he could be talked into it by Grigson. Thing is, Grigson doesn't seem like the "change for the sake of change" type of person, which is good. I do want a new coach, but if there's been a handcuffing over the last couple of years, it could be that Caldwell's coaching hasn't been the issue. Doesn't explain the lack of adjustments or the bad timeouts (I'm not really worried about the latter, but I do have a big problem with the former).

I'm content to see what happens. Caldwell has one year left on his deal. If we let him finish his contract, I could understand the rationale behind that. I'd be disappointed, but the only way I'll be really upset is if we extend him right now.

Good post. If we do have to start with Luck next year we will struggle a bit regardless because all QB's do in their first year. Might not be a bad thing to let Caldwell have one more year and then think about making a change.

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This could be another Mangini situation when Browns GM who came on board to review him then kept him on after going 5 and 11, then fired him after another 5 and 11 season. Do we really want to go through that for a season?

I don't. But we were 14-2 with a Super Bowl trip in his first season, and 10-6 in his second season. I don't think we're talking about the same scenario.

I'm not defending Caldwell. I'm ready for him to go. But it's different than Mangini and the Browns.

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