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Skip Bayless


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1 hour ago, OffensivelyPC said:

I just dont enjoy feeling dumber when someone talks, so if I have a say so, I turn it off.  I suppose if there was another acceptable reason to watch him, it's to laugh at idiocy at its finest. But for me, I feel like it's Beavis and Butt-Head with microphones and they're throwing out names of people they see on TV.

PS the skidmark remark was quote from the movie Dodgeball. Funny, funny movie.

I watch it when I can but sometimes go to bed when it's on because I work nights. When I do watch it, it is more for entertaining purposes than anything because both guys are full of nonsense half the time and it's funny. At least Stephen A does think Andrew is Very Good and he likes him.

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3 hours ago, OffensivelyPC said:

Oh I don't think all tv has to be smart. Dodgeball for instance. But there is a line I draw,  and Skip just doesn't make the cut for me. My guilty pleasures include crappy horror , action and even chick flicks, so believe me, I'm not trying to be a TV snob or anything.

I wasn't targeting you specifically when I said "I chuckle at the notion some people have that all TV viewing has to be smart, illuminating, & sophisticated in nature." I merely meant that some form of tabloid TV is a necessary release valve for everybody once in awhile.

If I was aiming my argument in your direction specifically, I would have used your name OPC directly. But, I can see now how what I did might lead you to believe I was. My mistake. Nothing personal. I created confusion & ambiguity here. You didn't. My apologies.

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3 hours ago, 2006Coltsbestever said:

I would love to see a First Take with Suggs, Sherman, and Cuban on it at the same time haha 

Watching 3 strong willed guys who never back down from anything would be a mesmerizing experience indeed. Suggs is going to own a major film studio someday, Sherman has the smoothness to be a Senator someday, & Cuban strikes me as a future TV tycoon like Ted Turner who started CNN.

I don't see Mark in the news business perse but whatever his network produces, he will be impossible to ignore.  The man has no PC filter & he always says what he thinks from a blunt & yet eloquent perch.

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18 hours ago, southwest1 said:

Yes, Skip slams Andrew every chance he gets with his "Andrew Lock" [premature HOF coronation jokes] which do tick me off. I won't lie CTE, but when Chewbacca wins a SB & he will win a SB we will all laugh our cabooses off because just like when LeBron won his 1st ring with the Miami Heat Stephen A Smith won't let his partner in crime skate on all the times he undercut Luck's NFL successes or tried to diminish them. He will hold Skip's feet to the collective fire. I can promise you that. 

Just keep slamming him Skip because 1 day you will be compelled to eat a not a piece but an entire humble pie & that day will indeed by a joyous & glorious one for all INDY fans. Chewy's day will come as will yours Mr. Bayless. Pride always goes before the fall Skippy.

And don't get me started on how Skip devalues Eli Manning's 2 rings calling him "Rain Man" as if to imply Eli has no skill & it was pure luck that NY beat NE twice under the bright lights. End rant.

Andrew needs to do it while Brady is still relevant.  If not Skip will just say that the only reason Andrew won Super Bowl(s) is because Brady either retired or is no longer in his prime.  God forbid Luck throws an interception or two in a winning effort...then Skip will just focus on how the Colts won a title in spite of "Mr. Lock, first ballot Hall of Famer". Lol. Skip's obsession to twist facts to position himself to always appear to be right knows no bounds.   If he continues to find ways to rag on some one like Aaron Rogers, then he certainly won't ever give Andrew any due props regardless of his accomplishments.

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1 hour ago, Coltsman1788 said:

Andrew needs to do it while Brady is still relevant.  If not Skip will just say that the only reason Andrew won Super Bowl(s) is because Brady either retired or is no longer in his prime.  God forbid Luck throws an interception or two in a winning effort...then Skip will just focus on how the Colts won a title in spite of "Mr. Lock, first ballot Hall of Famer". Lol. Skip's obsession to twist facts to position himself to always appear to be right knows no bounds.   If he continues to find ways to rag on some one like Aaron Rogers, then he certainly won't ever give Andrew any due props regardless of his accomplishments.

Skip will always find a way to undercut or dismiss Luck's achievements no matter what. It just kills him that RG3 is irrelevant now since he used to pretend that 1 sensational rookie season meant that INDY made a mistake going with Luck as opposed to the former Baylor superstar.

Personally, I don't mind if Andrew wins a ring after Brady retires just as long as INDY gets one hopefully 2 in the Luck era. I agree 100% though. Skip's mission in life is to deflate Luck's QB skill set & playoffs record CM1788.

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5 hours ago, Nadine said:

his wrongness hasn't shamed, embarrassed or made him contrite at all.  Hence, he's irrelevant to me.  He's just there so people can love to hate him

Exactly Nadine & that's where his appeal comes from. I kind of like that he has no shame in being wrong. It's a combination of moxy, stupidity, & overflowing ego all rolled into one.

Besides, where's the fun in hosts who are civil & agree on everything? Tension & chaos = ratings.

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On ‎12‎/‎5‎/‎2015‎ ‎3‎:‎46‎:‎00‎, southwest1 said:

Skip will always find a way to undercut or dismiss Luck's achievements no matter what. It just kills him that RG3 is irrelevant now since he used to pretend that 1 sensational rookie season meant that INDY made a mistake going with Luck as opposed to the former Baylor superstar.

Personally, I don't mind if Andrew wins a ring after Brady retires just as long as INDY gets one hopefully 2 in the Luck era. I agree 100% though. Skip's mission in life is to deflate Luck's QB skill set & playoffs record CM1788.

RG3 is better than Andrew Luck, I mean afterall he was ROYL over Luck.  There, point proven!!  Just another example of how Skip is actually a genius.

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I'm in the minority here that I do not hate the Patriots but he really annoys me with the Andrew Luck stuff. He gives Luck absolutely no credit for having played with a sub-par supporting cast over his first 3 seasons where as he gives Brady all the credit in the world when he feels Brady's supporting cast isn't impressive. He also still insists that even in hindsight the Colts were wrong go with Luck over Peyton, even though his reasoning is just that for a 3 year window they'd have a better shot at winning a championship. Yet Peyton didn't win a super bowl with a more talented Broncos team, so why would he have won a super bowl with the Colts? Bayless doesn't care. Anything to make Luck worse. He liked RG3 more coming out of college, and he's still sour he botched it. 

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He will bore us again today with things like , "how boring of a game the colts steelers were", "how terrible is that Colts defense", blah blah blah. "how terrible are the quarterbacks for the Indianapolis Colts", blah blah blah. 

If he says one nice thing about the Colts today, Please let me know because I am tuning him out today and I would have to pinch myself to make sure it was real.

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19 hours ago, USAFHoosier said:

I've pretty much stopped watching ESPN because of people like Bayless and them getting political.  It use to be a sports channel.

I really don't know how people can pretend with a straight face that sports & politics don't collide with one another Remember, in the aftermath of 911 & how football returning on TV a week later helped citizens start to feel normal again? Our routines & our rituals all provide us with some form of comfort & peace of mind so let's not act like sports, watershed historical events, & discussing social matters in a larger context never intersect. Thank you.

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On December 4, 2015 4:41:11 AM, coltsfeva said:

Thought I'd use this opportunity to vent a little on someone who is obviously prejudice against our Cotls: Skip Bayless


Wouldn't it be nice to see Skip's face should his beloved "Pycho Tom" get beat in the playoffs? Especially, if it is at the hands of what he calls the "whistle blowers" (Colts).

He is smug, arrogant and biased for the Cowboys and his man-love; "Tom Terrific"

He sarcastically calls Andrew Luck; Andrew "Lock".

Can't stand the guy but I do love it when he has to eat crow. Like when the Pats lost last week, he blamed the refs.





If you look at his twitter. He only follows 2 people. Tony Romo and Dez Bryant...

no need to explain there. 

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15 hours ago, southwest1 said:

I really don't know how people can pretend with a straight face that sports & politics don't collide with one another Remember, in the aftermath of 911 & how football returning on TV a week later helped citizens start to feel normal again? Our routines & our rituals all provide us with some form of comfort & peace of mind so let's not act like sports, watershed historical events, & discussing social matters in a larger context never intersect. Thank you.

Sorry when I get up in the morning for work and I flip on ESPN I want the sports scores and news, not someone with a sports journalism degree giving me their opinion on political topics.  If I want someones political opinion ill watch one of the major news networks.  After 9/11 football on TV didn't do anything to make me feel normal again...  Deploying to the desert to help kill the people who attacked us made my family try to be normal again.  And I wouldn't even put that in the political spectrum, it was a national tragedy that no matter your political thought process brought us together.  Just like I don't watch MTV anymore because guess what its no longer Music Television, its reality show television.  Their is zero reason to mix every aspect of our lives and many people are realizing that as can be seen by ESPN's ratings.  They lost 3.2 million viewers over the last year, about the same time their journalists started giving their political opinions on air.

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Liberals are using sports just as they do the news, public schools and universities to indoctinate. If you disagree thats your opinion, but when you can`t comment on certain topics on the likes of ESPN or B/R because is might go against what they believe that sums it up for me rather easily.

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On 12/6/2015, 8:23:37, USAFHoosier said:

I've pretty much stopped watching ESPN because of people like Bayless and them getting political.  It use to be a sports channel.


13 minutes ago, MPStack said:

Liberals are using sports just as they do the news, public schools and universities to indoctinate. If you disagree thats your opinion, but when you can`t comment on certain topics on the likes of ESPN or B/R because is might go against what they believe that sums it up for me rather easily.


I don't know how a skip bayless thread went this way

Reminder, NO POLITICS on the boards

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