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The ability to review short balls and bad calls...


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There HAS to be something done about this. I remember seeing the Bills, Jaguars London game and i think it was a hold or some call that wasnt the proper call. It honestly costed the bills the game and Jaguars shouldnt have won. There are various instances and i think it would really help the NFL to keep corruption away. We all know the situation with the NBA years back. Its honestly becoming a problem here.



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It'll be discussed this off-season I think. A few announcers have brought the fact up. You can thank the bad call in the Detroit game for that. You can no longer say that one call doesn't lose a team the game because it actually can.

Maybe give each coach 2 "penalty" challenges.

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It'll be discussed this off-season I think. A few announcers have brought the fact up. You can thank the bad call in the Detroit game for that. You can no longer say that one call doesn't lose a team the game because it actually can.

Maybe give each coach 2 "penalty" challenges.

You know what, Defjamz26? That is a really GREAT idea. Seriously. I like it. A lot.

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It'll be discussed this off-season I think. A few announcers have brought the fact up. You can thank the bad call in the Detroit game for that. You can no longer say that one call doesn't lose a team the game because it actually can.

Maybe give each coach 2 "penalty" challenges.

No, just give a coach 1 penalty challenge & if the call is reversed, you automatically earn a 2nd one to use during the game. I say that because most controversial calls only come down to 1 game deciding play. 

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It is next to impossible to get all the ref calls right. There is way too much going on with 22 men on the field for the refs to catch it all. There is more than likely a penalty on every play made if you watched it on tape at a later time. Some don't want too many replays because of the time it takes. I really don't care how long it takes if a bad call is over turned and made right. The coaches have challenges but the NFL will only allow those to be made on certain plays. I say why? If there is any play that is wrong it should be available for challenge. There is too much on the line for a bad call to determine the outcome of a game. No need to go into detail about past plays that were bad, we all have seen them. There are some good ideas already made, I just hope something will be done about it.

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No, just give a coach 1 penalty challenge & if the call is reversed, you automatically earn a 2nd one to use during the game. I say that because most controversial calls only come down to 1 game deciding play.

Or at least give them a guaranteed one for the 4th quarter. That's when plays really start to matter. Maybe like you said, start off with one but be able to earn one more, but give them a 4th quarter only challenge. But restrict it so if you don't use your 1st penalty challenge you only get the reserve one in the 4th.

I think that would be fair and not slow up game time too much. You can challenge up to 2 penalties, but you have to use them before the 4th quarter.

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It is next to impossible to get all the ref calls right. There is way too much going on with 22 men on the field for the refs to catch it all. There is more than likely a penalty on every play made if you watched it on tape at a later time. Some don't want too many replays because of the time it takes. I really don't care how long it takes if a bad call is over turned and made right. The coaches have challenges but the NFL will only allow those to be made on certain plays. I say why? If there is any play that is wrong it should be available for challenge. There is too much on the line for a bad call to determine the outcome of a game. No need to go into detail about past plays that were bad, we all have seen them. There are some good ideas already made, I just hope something will be done about it.

And that's what the limit would be. You can't challenge that a penalty should be called because like you said, they don't catch everything and it's sometimes subjective. Different refs call things differently.

But a bad penalty should be reviewable if it's a ruling on the field, just like turnovers, catches, TDs, etc...

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There were two calls in college ball this weekend that after further review were up held when the film shows clearly the officials and reviewers got it wrong and the broadcaster expressed concern about how obvious the film showed it to be. One, the receivers foot is clearly on the white chalk on the endzone ruling him out but he was ruled to be in and so a TD. Disturbing.

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Every single play should be able to be reviewed IMO and that includes penalties. Still give coaches the same number of challenges but let them challenge all calls.

Been thinking this for years.


The most common criticism is that it would extend the length of the game too much, but if you factor penalty challenges as regular challenges there's no reason not to allow it. Too much on the line for one zebra to potentially decide games based solely on first glance at full speed.

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