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Can we stop blaming everyone now?


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Move on and get on to football. Whalen did this, grigson that, pagano that, irsay this....

The team is in a great position with a lot of talent. I wouldn't change anything for it because Anderson, perry, lowery, adams, and gore have been great pickups so far. Vontae best of all. None of this would've happened without grigson scouting nor paganos coaching.

They obviously almost went through a huge hump being close to the pats with 7 points.

Seeing belichicks face all game and after Whalen scored that touchdown showed that the team is doing their jobs. He was like, "sh**! The colts are figuring us out!"

The fact that brady didn't go for it on 4th and 1 says A LOT! They would go for that on any day and make it with no problem.

So excited for the team and replacing management might reset everything and go back to hit and miss. Like the niners organization is a MESS! They were powerhouses just 2 years ago.

What have some of the great coaches that have looked bad on new teams: Andy Reid, luvie Smith, John fox, Joe Gibbs, bill Parcells.

You can't just say harbaughs or paytons system will automatically fit with the colts. The city was really a big part of the saints success. They played with heart for the most part. If Sean payton is so great, why is he not consistent the past few years?

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Move on and get on to football. Whalen did this, grigson that, pagano that, irsay this....

The team is in a great position with a lot of talent. I wouldn't change anything for it because Anderson, perry, lowery, adams, and gore have been great pickups so far. Vontae best of all. None of this would've happened without grigson scouting nor paganos coaching.

They obviously almost went through a huge hump being close to the pats with 7 points.

Seeing belichicks face all game and after Whalen scored that touchdown showed that the team is doing their jobs. He was like, "sh**! The colts are figuring us out!"

The fact that brady didn't go for it on 4th and 1 says A LOT! They would go for that on any day and make it with no problem.

So excited for the team and replacing management might reset everything and go back to hit and miss. Like the niners organization is a MESS! They were powerhouses just 2 years ago.

What have some of the great coaches that have looked bad on new teams: Andy Reid, luvie Smith, John fox, Joe Gibbs, bill Parcells.

You can't just say harbaughs or paytons system will automatically fit with the colts. The city was really a big part of the saints success. They played with heart for the most part. If Sean payton is so great, why is he not consistent the past few years?



Even Bellichick got ran out of Cleveland.

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Move on and get on to football. Whalen did this, grigson that, pagano that, irsay this....

The team is in a great position with a lot of talent. I wouldn't change anything for it because Anderson, perry, lowery, adams, and gore have been great pickups so far. Vontae best of all. None of this would've happened without grigson scouting nor paganos coaching.

They obviously almost went through a huge hump being close to the pats with 7 points.

Seeing belichicks face all game and after Whalen scored that touchdown showed that the team is doing their jobs. He was like, "sh**! The colts are figuring us out!"

The fact that brady didn't go for it on 4th and 1 says A LOT! They would go for that on any day and make it with no problem.

So excited for the team and replacing management might reset everything and go back to hit and miss. Like the niners organization is a MESS! They were powerhouses just 2 years ago.

What have some of the great coaches that have looked bad on new teams: Andy Reid, luvie Smith, John fox, Joe Gibbs, bill Parcells.

You can't just say harbaughs or paytons system will automatically fit with the colts. The city was really a big part of the saints success. They played with heart for the most part. If Sean payton is so great, why is he not consistent the past few years?


I just made a big post about Payton in the Head Coach thread before you wrote this.

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Move on and get on to football. Whalen did this, grigson that, pagano that, irsay this....

The team is in a great position with a lot of talent. I wouldn't change anything for it because Anderson, perry, lowery, adams, and gore have been great pickups so far. Vontae best of all. None of this would've happened without grigson scouting nor paganos coaching.

They obviously almost went through a huge hump being close to the pats with 7 points.

Seeing belichicks face all game and after Whalen scored that touchdown showed that the team is doing their jobs. He was like, "sh**! The colts are figuring us out!"

The fact that brady didn't go for it on 4th and 1 says A LOT! They would go for that on any day and make it with no problem.

So excited for the team and replacing management might reset everything and go back to hit and miss. Like the niners organization is a MESS! They were powerhouses just 2 years ago.

What have some of the great coaches that have looked bad on new teams: Andy Reid, luvie Smith, John fox, Joe Gibbs, bill Parcells.

You can't just say harbaughs or paytons system will automatically fit with the colts. The city was really a big part of the saints success. They played with heart for the most part. If Sean payton is so great, why is he not consistent the past few years?


The Saints have struggled because front office financial mismanagement forced them to either trade away or cut lots and lots and lots of very good players over the past 2-3 years.


That's why they traded away Darren Sproles,  not because they wanted to.


They now have roster issues to deal with. 


This is NOT a Sean Payton issue.     No one thinks he got stupid overnight.    This is an organizational issue that he's had to deal with.....

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Yeah really!  Taking several areas:


The players:  I see a lot of talent on this team.  More importantly if sound bites are to be believed at all, I hear no one talking about a lack of work ethic or energy or desire on the part of anyone.  I believe that is a culture among the players on this team, and I for one love it.


Chuck:  This man will make mistakes from time to time.  Who doesn't.  What he does do is create an atmosphere where the players give a rip.  This is not an easy task when dealing with a large group of wealthy young men.  He talks about team, pride, team, responsibility, team, respect, team, loyalty.  I tell you that this is what coaching should be about.  If its not, I want no part of it.  I think the boys would run through a brick wall for him for the most part.


Mr. Grigson:  If I might be permitted to go to some of my old military-speak, Mr. Grigson came into this job as a boot.  A well-trained, well-skilled, well-intentioned, football-loving boot.  The guy has made some, of what we used to call, boot moves.  I think ya pays ya money, ya takes ya chances is a good philosophy for a GM.  Not a riverboat gambler, but a guy who will take what he thinks is a good bet.  He seems to take care of the money-end well.  I also like that I think I see a bit of a tough guy (football player type).


Pep:  This guy could draw up any play that could be thought of.  He's doing a good job of learning how good opposing defensive coordinators in the NFL are.  He wants to beat them.  He has the roots at Stanford to realize the importance of running the ball.  You cannot win without it.  He is making progress.  The job he did with Matt during Andrew's absence showed that he can coach.


Greg:  Look at his face during the games.  This is a guy that loves good defense.  With his resources he gets nearly the max.  Enough said.


Having run on enough, I will simply say a disruption in this group could easily throw the team back for years.  You see it all the time.  Leave them alone and let them do their jobs.  The media is crazy (you know, like loony-tune nutball).



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Yeah really!  Taking several areas:


The players:  I see a lot of talent on this team.  More importantly if sound bites are to be believed at all, I hear no one talking about a lack of work ethic or energy or desire on the part of anyone.  I believe that is a culture among the players on this team, and I for one love it.


Chuck:  This man will make mistakes from time to time.  Who doesn't.  What he does do is create an atmosphere where the players give a rip.  This is not an easy task when dealing with a large group of wealthy young men.  He talks about team, pride, team, responsibility, team, respect, team, loyalty.  I tell you that this is what coaching should be about.  If its not, I want no part of it.  I think the boys would run through a brick wall for him for the most part.


Mr. Grigson:  If I might be permitted to go to some of my old military-speak, Mr. Grigson came into this job as a boot.  A well-trained, well-skilled, well-intentioned, football-loving boot.  The guy has made some, of what we used to call, boot moves.  I think ya pays ya money, ya takes ya chances is a good philosophy for a GM.  Not a riverboat gambler, but a guy who will take what he thinks is a good bet.  He seems to take care of the money-end well.  I also like that I think I see a bit of a tough guy (football player type).


Pep:  This guy could draw up any play that could be thought of.  He's doing a good job of learning how good opposing defensive coordinators in the NFL are.  He wants to beat them.  He has the roots at Stanford to realize the importance of running the ball.  You cannot win without it.  He is making progress.  The job he did with Matt during Andrew's absence showed that he can coach.


Greg:  Look at his face during the games.  This is a guy that loves good defense.  With his resources he gets nearly the max.  Enough said.


Having run on enough, I will simply say a disruption in this group could easily throw the team back for years.  You see it all the time.  Leave them alone and let them do their jobs.  The media is crazy (you know, like loony-tune nutball).

Good comment IMO. I have said in the past and will say it again. Fan is slang for fanatic. This forum right along with all forums have more than their share. I don't see where firing everyone will solve anything. This team is still in the building mode and to start over I feel would not be a good thing. Are we a championship team? More than likely NO. But we are close and some fine tuning is all that is needed. The old saying is the grass is always greener on the other side. But it could be full of crab grass when you get there. Sounds old and goofy but it still tells the truth.

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I don't blame anyone.

Sometimes trying new things results in screwups.

We'll get there.

I very much enjoyed the first half of the pats game.  We're starting to look like a team.......some of the time.

I don't believe in knee jerk reactions when you are trying to build something.


At least I don't see an upside to it. and I see possibly huge downsides


People get angry and I understand that.  But calmer heads are responsible in the end.  This constant talk of firing people does nothing for me.  It's just venting imo

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Move on and get on to football. Whalen did this, grigson that, pagano that, irsay this....

The team is in a great position with a lot of talent. I wouldn't change anything for it because Anderson, perry, lowery, adams, and gore have been great pickups so far. Vontae best of all. None of this would've happened without grigson scouting nor paganos coaching.

They obviously almost went through a huge hump being close to the pats with 7 points.

Seeing belichicks face all game and after Whalen scored that touchdown showed that the team is doing their jobs. He was like, "sh**! The colts are figuring us out!"

The fact that brady didn't go for it on 4th and 1 says A LOT! They would go for that on any day and make it with no problem.

So excited for the team and replacing management might reset everything and go back to hit and miss. Like the niners organization is a MESS! They were powerhouses just 2 years ago.

What have some of the great coaches that have looked bad on new teams: Andy Reid, luvie Smith, John fox, Joe Gibbs, bill Parcells.

You can't just say harbaughs or paytons system will automatically fit with the colts. The city was really a big part of the saints success. They played with heart for the most part. If Sean payton is so great, why is he not consistent the past few years?

"This team is in great position"

Sitting at 3-3 where in 2 of the losses offense got shutout for the most part

A coaching staff that won't commit to the run when it's working

A coaching staff that called the dumbest play ever in the history of the NFL

Only "great position" this team is in is the AFC South. Who's masking our flaws for the most part

We can stop blaming people, but at the end of the season the one's we're blaming will be unemployed

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If they run the table the rest of the way i thing all feelings would be mended. But grigs need to let Chuck hire his own staff.

No, Chuck needs to go. Manusky isn't a problem. It's Pagano

And Pep.... still 50/50. He called a great first half on Sunday. Pagano made him change the playcalling. We won't know what all Pep can do until Chuck shuts up and leaves him alone

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No, Chuck needs to go. Manusky isn't a problem. It's Pagano

And Pep.... still 50/50. He called a great first half on Sunday. Pagano made him change the playcalling. We won't know what all Pep can do until Chuck shuts up and leaves him alone



True but what If chuck had the guy he wants instead of the guy Grigs want him to have.  For the sake of luck Pep needs to stay instead of the offense having to learn a new scheme.

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True but what If chuck had the guy he wants instead of the guy Grigs want him to have. For the sake of luck Pep needs to stay instead of the offense having to learn a new scheme.

Chuck isn't a good HC. He needs to stay as a DC and accept it. Leave the offense alone. Go ear talk Manusky. Help out with the secondary.

I just for one game wanna see Pep call an entire game on his own to see what he can do

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Chuck isn't a good HC. He needs to stay as a DC and accept it. Leave the offense alone. Go ear talk Manusky. Help out with the secondary.

I just for one game wanna see Pep call an entire game on his own to see what he can do


LOL  really?  you don't think Pep has ever called an entire game on his own?  I'd be willing to bet that Luck is more of a problem in terms of poor playcalling than Pagano is.  


I just listened to Pagano's press conference.  He said he told Pep he wanted to up the tempo and get the ball down the field in a hurry. Never did he say, "yes I told Pep not to call any running plays."  Honestly, this sounds more like he's trying to cover for Pep and/or Luck and take the blame himself because that's what a good HC does, regardless of what the truth is.  The same thing happened in the Bills game and the Jets game...the Colts didn't stick to the run....did Pagano order them not to run the ball in those games either?  

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Move on and get on to football. Whalen did this, grigson that, pagano that, irsay this....

The team is in a great position with a lot of talent. I wouldn't change anything for it because Anderson, perry, lowery, adams, and gore have been great pickups so far. Vontae best of all. None of this would've happened without grigson scouting nor paganos coaching.

They obviously almost went through a huge hump being close to the pats with 7 points.

Seeing belichicks face all game and after Whalen scored that touchdown showed that the team is doing their jobs. He was like, "sh**! The colts are figuring us out!"

The fact that brady didn't go for it on 4th and 1 says A LOT! They would go for that on any day and make it with no problem.

So excited for the team and replacing management might reset everything and go back to hit and miss. Like the niners organization is a MESS! They were powerhouses just 2 years ago.

What have some of the great coaches that have looked bad on new teams: Andy Reid, luvie Smith, John fox, Joe Gibbs, bill Parcells.

You can't just say harbaughs or paytons system will automatically fit with the colts. The city was really a big part of the saints success. They played with heart for the most part. If Sean payton is so great, why is he not consistent the past few years?

Yes let's continue to celebrate all of last week's moral victories.


The Saints are bleeding talent because of their horrible cap management. 20% of the cap is dead money, which is why they have to rid themselves of good players like Jimmy Graham.

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Good comment IMO. I have said in the past and will say it again. Fan is slang for fanatic. This forum right along with all forums have more than their share. I don't see where firing everyone will solve anything. This team is still in the building mode and to start over I feel would not be a good thing. Are we a championship team? More than likely NO. But we are close and some fine tuning is all that is needed. The old saying is the grass is always greener on the other side. But it could be full of crab grass when you get there. Sounds old and goofy but it still tells the truth.

or its the grass is always greener on the other side because its fertilized with *

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