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Colts' future not as bright as it seems


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I'm not sure what metric should be used to compare team success here.

I mean, every team with a big $$ qb has had huge holes on one side of the ball in recent memory. The only exception being NE (who cheat) and maybe the Manning-lead Broncos, who knew they only had a few years to win it when they signed his contract...

What will Seattle look like after Wilson's contract? Panthers? Look at GB's defense....

I don't see the point of this article, really. Of course Indy had to draft well to win... so does everybody else.

Stop with the voice of reason...some fans think we have a limitless cap and can sign top freeagents every year. ;)

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Yes, I meant the public. He will be ultimately judged on how well the class does over the next few seasons.


BTW, has there ever been more pressure on a #1 pick than Dorsett other than Manning and Luck of course.


This mystic pressure that Dorsett is supposed to feel is a mystery to me. 


The short answer is yes - in virtually every draft - there are multiple players who have more "pressure" on them than Dorsett.  Like every QB picked in the top 5 who are now supposed to turn their team around to name just one instance. 


But more important - as soon as they get to training camp, Dorsett will sink or swim because of his talent and not because of who they did not take at his spot. 

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This mystic pressure that Dorsett is supposed to feel is a mystery to me. 


The short answer is yes - in virtually every draft - there are multiple players who have more "pressure" on them than Dorsett.  Like every QB picked in the top 5 who are now supposed to turn their team around to name just one instance. 


But more important - as soon as they get to training camp, Dorsett will sink or swim because of his talent and not because of who they did not take at his spot. 

Sure, I was more talking about perception. Because of the previous top picks by Grigson and then taking the WR instead of defense specifically because Grigson said Dorsett was BPA makes the pressure greater. Greater on Grigson than Dorsett IMO.

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This is exactly right.  I didn't say Luck was as bad as Cutler and Sanchez, but he does turn the ball over at a rate that is comparable to those guys.  It's like there is no middle ground with Luck.  If you don't consider him elite, you just hate him.  Andrew Luck is a stud but he is not elite at this point.  Stop turning the ball over and then we can discuss it.  

During year 2 he only had 9 interceptions but then threw 8 in the playoffs.  He has thrown alot of interceptions and fumbled alot though.  I also put some blame on the OL, because he was one of the most hurried/hit QB's several years in a row.


I think he is an elite QB because he has the Knowledge Skills and Abilities to be there.  I think the reason he had so many turnovers is the lack of experience/maturity.  I don't really fault him for trying to make plays, but he throws the football while going down or trying to force something that's clearly not there.  I love the confidence, but he needs to be patient and take his shots when he has them. 


Luck has put the Colts on his back and won games himself.  He has also had multiple comebacks and clutch moments.  He puts up big numbers.  That's why I say he is elite, but the last characteristic he needs to have is efficiency.  Completion % needs to get a little better, and definitely limiting the turnovers.  That would separate him from an elite QB, to a legendary one like Brady or Manning!

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I have no issue with saying Luck should cut down his turnovers. That said, statistics say he actually is doing very well: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/pass_int_perc_career.htm. But hey, don't let the truth get in the way of your agenda or perception. 

I think this only includes the regular season for his first 2 seasons.  In which, his first year was somewhat bad but the 2nd was great, until playoff time!  If you look at an updated version of total career stats, it probably wouldn't look too favorable for him! 

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I think this only includes the regular season for his first 2 seasons.  In which, his first year was somewhat bad but the 2nd was great, until playoff time!  If you look at an updated version of total career stats, it probably wouldn't look too favorable for him! 

It includes 2012, 2013, and 2014. 

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Sure, I was more talking about perception. Because of the previous top picks by Grigson and then taking the WR instead of defense specifically because Grigson said Dorsett was BPA makes the pressure greater. Greater on Grigson than Dorsett IMO.


Yeah, your explanation does not help or prove the point.  Dorsett will feel no more or less pressure to perform than he would have otherwise.  Grigson's job is to draft players he sees best fit the team but it is not an exact science.  Of course he will eventually be jusdged by how well his teams & picks do but that come with the territory and does not add extra pressure to him or Dorsett.

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I don't think we have to worry about Castanzo getting top 3-5 LT money. He's good, but he's not that good. He'll likely get top 8-10 LT money and we can afford that. We can afford the money we're going to pay Hilton. Vonte already got his deal, so he's factored in already.

But, overall, yes.... we're going to have less money for free agency in the future than we have had the last few years. And we're going to have to do a better job in the draft. No argument on that....

The Colts have picked up his 5th year option and that's big money right there. Maybe it's a one year deal to say show us even more and we will give you big money, it's a stop gap until they can work out the 4-5 yr deal this offseason or they will simply let him walk if he asks for more money than they are willing to spend. Replacing him with who?

My money says we sign him top top 5 OT money because he is good enough that he is just under the elite level of OT that's currently in the league and unless there is a better option to choose from next offseason, you pay for your known quantity because you are between a rock and a hard spot. IMO

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I wouldn't say I'm concerned. But I said a couple months ago, they were obviously the right guys for the rebuild, but it's possible that they aren't the right guys for the long term. Not saying that's how I feel about them, but they aren't proven in that regard. This year is a big deal for both of them. I think the personnel staff has had a pretty good offseason, even if it's not what I expected them to do. Now the coaching staff is on the clock.

I hope they continue to prove themselves capable. We'll see how it works out.

"This year is a big deal for both of them."

True. Not denying that at all. Pagano, IMO, needs to become a bit more aggressive and demonstrative regarding his staff. Instead of pulling back on the bit, so to speak, his charging abilities need a little more polish & shine. Demanding that is a good thing. Creating that, is more challenging. Combining that, leads to authoritative control and leading by example. I have no doubt that Chuck can do this.

He just needs to convince himself of that 100% and let the chips fall where they may. It's just a minor directive that can lead to huge results, IMO. Chuck is a great coach and cheerleader. Putting a little more emphasis on producing those results, by way of "Hard Knocks" could only benefit him in the long run.

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Andrew Luck is not in the elite category.


He's close.  Luck was the best play-action QB in the NFL last year, and I have the statistics to prove it.


That's pretty impressive.  Dude's only be in the league 3 years.

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This mystic pressure that Dorsett is supposed to feel is a mystery to me. 


The short answer is yes - in virtually every draft - there are multiple players who have more "pressure" on them than Dorsett.  Like every QB picked in the top 5 who are now supposed to turn their team around to name just one instance. 


But more important - as soon as they get to training camp, Dorsett will sink or swim because of his talent and not because of who they did not take at his spot. 

What? Players feel pressure simply because they are in the NFL and not the slot they were taken?


Get out....




"Pressure is when you don't know what in the hell you are doing"...(Peyton Manning)

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