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Archie Manning's Take On Andrew And Peyton Co-Existing (Merge)

Hoosier Colts Fan

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If anyone thinks this wasn't contrived, you're being a bit gullible. Archie Manning has set a precedent with the entire Eli situation when he was drafted. There was an ulterior motive to these comments. Maybe he's saying what Peyton feels but cannot come out and say. But there's absolutely plenty of evidence out there to suggest that Archie never says anything like this without an MO.

This simply comes down to one of 2 things happening "IF" Manning can play in the future.

1. If healthy and playing for Indy, the Colts "will have to trade the pick" for a lot of desperately needed help to aid Peyton Manning..


2. If Indy plans on drafting Luck or whoever.... Manning will demand to be released, or traded.

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Amen....and I'll go a step further.

I'm a Colts fan before I'm a fan of ANY player that plays for them. I'm pretty sure most of us are.

It might a bit abstract for some folks to tell whether Archie is playing some kind of surrogate PR game for Peyton...but I sure as heck don't like the smell of it. And at this point Archie would do well to put some serious clarification to his comments. If this IS a case of Archie inserting himself, with Peyton's blessings, into the situation we have...by all means they have the right to do so.

And the team in turn has a perfect right to decide accordingly.

IMO, if the Manning family pulls any of this "tail wags the dog" Draft Day-type crap that Archie pulled in the past....then I'd release Peyton Manning and draft Luck with the #1 overall pick, or trade the pick if the front office so chooses, and begin the rebuild of the Colts.

I don't expect and I'd be surprised at (sort of) this kind of outcome to Peyton's career in Indianapolis....but the business of a player orchestrating his career wind-down DOES NOT include influencing or manipulating that team's front office decisions regarding his successor. Those decisions are and should be solely conducted by team management and ownership.

IMO....the organization overrides the player and comes first in that kind of situation EVERY time.

If the team doesn't put itself and its long-term interests first and stand rock-solid....then trust me, they are sowing seeds they'll later regret.

You are one of the few voices of reason on this forum pa, but I have to disagree with the highlighted portion of your comment. It has become very obvious to me that the majority of posters here are Manning fans and not Colts fans. Its one of the reasons I don't post here very often anymore, because I just don't have the tolerance for people that pull for a team because of 1 player. Were better off without fans like that in my opinion.

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You are one of the few voices of reason on this forum pa, but I have to disagree with the highlighted portion of your comment. It has become very obvious to me that the majority of posters here are Manning fans and not Colts fans. Its one of the reasons I don't post here very often anymore, because I just don't have the tolerance for people that pull for a team because of 1 player. Were better off without fans like that in my opinion.

Trust me I think alot of this is just talk and some of it just for fun. The Colt fans that survived the Pagel, George days will also survive the post Peyton era. I think alot of the fans including myself feel changes have to be made and FO just has it head in the sand and seeming not to care and Peyton will don the helmet and all will be good and that is just not the case. SHOE FAN 4 LIFE.
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This simply comes down to one of 2 things happening "IF" Manning can play in the future.

1. If healthy and playing for Indy, the Colts "will have to trade the pick" for a lot of desperately needed help to aid Peyton Manning..


2. If Indy plans on drafting Luck or whoever.... Manning will demand to be released, or traded.

That's my take on it as well.

I think, with Manning back and healthy enough to play, that an infusion of talent at certain positions, and/or a nice package of draft picks, makes the Colts an instant contender again. So trading the pick and getting as much back for it as possible makes sense in that regard. He's got at least three years left if his health holds up, so there's a window of opportunity there.

If he's not healthy, or if his physical skills are diminished due to his injury, the practical and non-emotional decision would be to trade him to the highest bidder and bank your future on Luck. It sounds cold given everything that Manning has done for the team and for the region, but ultimately the Irsays and Polian have a team to run, and they'll still have a team to run after #18 is done playing.

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Sorry not sure I agree with you on that one. Just like when their children were born they were not saying anything then Peyton's mother posted on facebook about the twins and I'm not too sure that was taken well since it was being kept such a closed topic. So I 'm not sure Peyton is 100% on board with Archie talking to the media but I could be wrong or you could be wrong so we just have different opinions and that's what a forum is for. Right ?

I would guess that Archie got a hone call from Indianapolis telling him to take that statement back...

That's why Archie's comments were walked back 24 hours later :shout:

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You are one of the few voices of reason on this forum pa, but I have to disagree with the highlighted portion of your comment. It has become very obvious to me that the majority of posters here are Manning fans and not Colts fans. Its one of the reasons I don't post here very often anymore, because I just don't have the tolerance for people that pull for a team because of 1 player. Were better off without fans like that in my opinion.

Well....you're right.

There certainly is a healthy number of posters who seem to be Peyton fans before Colts fans.....some have come right out and said so. I suppose that if they're maybe 15-20 years old, and Peyton Manning and 12-win seasons are all they remember then you'll have some of that.....but they're sure in for a period of disappointment when he either retires, gets traded, released or whatever.

Unless of course....they're willing to be a little patient and see if Andrew Luck or whoever the next QB is can join 52 other players and lead a rebuilt Colts team into a successful future.

If not....then I guess ping-ponging around the NFL and latching onto whoever their favorite individual player is will be their preference.

They have to right to do so....but isn't that what sports like golf and MMA are for? :scratch:

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I dont think Archie checked with Peyton before he made comments....

....and you dont speak for your son when he's 35

I don't think he was speaking for his 35 year old son. I think he was offering an opinion on the possible situation and I believe he's right. They can co-exist, both financially and they both will be professional, but it's not the best case scenario for any entity involved. Colts, Manning or Luck.

Archie is far too smart and has dealt with the media far too much to do anything that Peyton isn't fully aware of.

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