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Midseason NFC Playoff Standings Predictions


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yeah, ok lmao Bottom line you said "YOU WON'T BE WRONG" and you couldn't have been more wrong


I wont be wrong about games being staged. Again, you over look the absurdity of a team winning 2 games in shut out/blow outs and then losing a home game to a team with a bunch of back ups and neither team scoring a TD.


just because the nfl wants you to believe "anything can happen" doesn't mean you should so readily.

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I wont be wrong about games being staged. Again, you over look the absurdity of a team winning 2 games in shut out/blow outs and then losing a home game to a team with a bunch of back ups and neither team scoring a TD.

just because the nfl wants you to believe "anything can happen" doesn't mean you should so readily.

you said you wouldn't be wrong about the giants getting in the playoffs, also the 49ers would be the only team from the nfc west, about the cards missing the playoffs the browns would make the playoffs You were in fact wrong about all of those things. You are also wrong about the nfl being staged. Any person with half a brain could figure out that it isn't staged. Ex players could make millions for outing a conspiracy theory of that magnitude. Get real and lose the tin foil hat

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wrong about game ? sure.


I however am not wrong about games being staged. That's just how good and throw in your face absurd they are about deception.

What is exactly about this season that seems so random? The Cards were a 10-6 team last year and most expected them to improve and make the playoffs this year. Most had the Eagles and Giants favored to win the East and most had Detroit and GB fighting it out for the North. The only real surprise this year in the NFC is how bad the South is but if the NFL was really staged then they would stop a division like that from happening as it is a bad product overall to have a team below .500 make the playoffs and get a home game.


In terms of the AFC, there are no surprises at all except maybe Cleveland but it looks like they may miss the playoffs anyways.


I just don't see this big drama or conspiracy that you are alluding to this year at all. All your "surprise" picks were wrong.

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you said you wouldn't be wrong about the giants getting in the playoffs, also the 49ers would be the only team from the nfc west, about the cards missing the playoffs the browns would make the playoffs You were in fact wrong about all of those things. You are also wrong about the nfl being staged. Any person with half a brain could figure out that it isn't staged. Ex players could make millions for outing a conspiracy theory of that magnitude. Get real and lose the tin foil hat


care to show me where the Browns are disqualified yet ?


yes, that's wonderful. You can point out I made some predictions that didn't pass. That in no way, shape or form proves games aren't staged. You are focusing on me instead of the issue.

  again, I was wrong about a certain outcome and yet you don't question a team with 11 wins with a bunch of back ups and a team winning a game without scoring a TD  against a team that blew out teams the 2 previous weeks along with beating Denver whom beat the Cards. But the objective is still met a  Cardinals team being weak in the playoffs so they don't advance.

  I'm investigating detail while you struggle with generalities.


oh and the Chiefs have 7 wins...without a single TD pass to a wide receiver in 13 games.

really? really? LOL

and blew out the Patriots...really?



Ex players could make millions for outing a conspiracy theory of that magnitude. Get real and lose the tin foil hat



every media source  works for the NFL. Ex players are a bunch of dumb thugs lucky enough to make a couple million for being physically gifted and then they just go on their merry way. Millions? plenty of ex players have written books but that's not worth millions and only reaches so many people. 

  half the country likes football and the other half doesn't care. There will always be gullible people

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care to show me where the Browns are disqualified yet ?


yes, that's wonderful. You can point out I made some predictions that didn't pass. That in no way, shape or form proves games aren't staged. You are focusing on me instead of the issue.

  again, I was wrong about a certain outcome and yet you don't question a team with 11 wins with a bunch of back ups and a team winning a game without scoring a TD  against a team that blew out teams the 2 previous weeks along with beating Denver whom beat the Cards. But the objective is still met a  Cardinals team being weak in the playoffs so they don't advance.

  I'm investigating detail while you struggle with generalities.


oh and the Chiefs have 7 wins...without a single TD pass to a wide receiver in 13 games.

really? really? LOL

and blew out the Patriots...really?




every media source  works for the NFL. Ex players are a bunch of dumb thugs lucky enough to make a couple million for being physically gifted and then they just go on their merry way. Millions? plenty of ex players have written books but that's not worth millions and only reaches so many people. 

  half the country likes football and the other half doesn't care. There will always be gullible people

The point of staging games would be to make money, right? How does the Cards and Cleveland getting in exactly help the NFL? If they were staging, both NY teams would get in every year along with SF, Chicago, Miami, etc.

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What is exactly about this season that seems so random? The Cards were a 10-6 team last year and most expected them to improve and make the playoffs this year. Most had the Eagles and Giants favored to win the East and most had Detroit and GB fighting it out for the North. The only real surprise this year in the NFC is how bad the South is but if the NFL was really staged then they would stop a division like that from happening as it is a bad product overall to have a team below .500 make the playoffs and get a home game.


In terms of the AFC, there are no surprises at all except maybe Cleveland but it looks like they may miss the playoffs anyways.


I just don't see this big drama or conspiracy that you are alluding to this year at all. All your "surprise" picks were wrong.


the nfc south serves the purpose of making you believe any outcome they want you to. 4 teams in the same division being equally that bad is absurd foolishness to believe.

  it also serves the purpose of adding another playoff team so less teams with superior records are let out of playoffs.

  look, we are saving the day by adding an extra playoff team !

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the nfc south serves the purpose of making you believe any outcome they want you to. 4 teams in the same division being equally that bad is absurd foolishness to believe.

  it also serves the purpose of adding another playoff team so less teams with superior records are let out of playoffs.

  look, we are saving the day by adding an extra playoff team !

But why would the NFL purposely do that? That is the point you are not making. You say there is this randomness and yet what is the goal of it all for the NFL? They are not adding another playoff team or teams. Every year there is a division with a weak winner. The NFL will live with that.

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The point of staging games would be to make money, right? How does the Cards and Cleveland getting in exactly help the NFL? If they were staging, both NY teams would get in every year along with SF, Chicago, Miami, etc.


the major market teams always get in no matter what. New York has plenty of playoff appearances of course. 

 they have to throw bones to the small teams so those fans continue to have hope so the Cards and browns and kc's  and Chargers of the world occasionally get a wild card.


Miami got the ultimate record and a couple super bowls. The owner is happy constantly hosting SBs after that(they've hosted 10 as the Saints have hosted 10,thats 2/5ths all SBs)

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the major market teams always get in no matter what. New York has plenty of playoff appearances of course. 

 they have to throw bones to the small teams so those fans continue to have hope so the Cards and browns and kc's  and Chargers of the world occasionally get a wild card.


Miami got the ultimate record and a couple super bowls. The owner is happy constantly hosting SBs after that(they've hosted 10 as the Saints have hosted 10,thats 2/5ths all SBs)

What does "hope" have to do with making money?

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But why would the NFL purposely do that? That is the point you are not making. You say there is this randomness and yet what is the goal of it all for the NFL? They are not adding another playoff team or teams. Every year there is a division with a weak winner. The NFL will live with that.


LOL no ones been that weak except for the last couple years. Yes, of course they'll add another playoff team,you shall see.

( of course he's going "yeah right dude,another bad prediction" LOL)


why would they do it? I just said, they make it absurd in both directions so you believe any outcome. Everyone in the AFC north could be 9-7. But youll believe it all just naturally happened.

Like the Chiefs getting 7 wins without a single TD pass to a WR...and they blew out the Patriots

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source for what ?  no, you don't think. That's why you buy what ever the nfl sells you.


did you say something about Buffalo not making it ? oh look, that's still up in the air and Dallas winning tonight actually benefited them.


You act like upsets never happen in the NFL?!?     You act like teams clinching playoff spots in week 16 or 17 never happens?!?


How long have you been watching football??     15 minutes?


If this is so beneath you,  why do you waste a minute of your time here?

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source for what ? no, you don't think. That's why you buy what ever the nfl sells you.

did you say something about Buffalo not making it ? oh look, that's still up in the air and Dallas winning tonight actually benefited them.

how did Dallas winning benefit buffalo? are you sure you understand how this works?

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source for what ?  no, you don't think. That's why you buy what ever the nfl sells you.


did you say something about Buffalo not making it ? oh look, that's still up in the air and Dallas winning tonight actually benefited them.

Buffalo is not going anywhere. They are at NE last game. WCs will all come from the North.

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You act like upsets never happen in the NFL?!?     You act like teams clinching playoff spots in week 16 or 17 never happens?!?


How long have you been watching football??     15 minutes?


If this is so beneath you,  why do you waste a minute of your time here?


upset ? I picked buffalo to make the playoffs.obviously with that hanging in the balance of the last 3 weeks. They have to win that game. It has nothing to do with upsets. I am the only one who picked them to win in all my pools for a specific reason. It wasn't luck and it wasn't even an upset. I expected it.


I have watched football for 30 years. I am not fooled anymore by the incredibly fantastic and unlikely things that keep happening.


You act like teams clinching playoff spots in week 16 or 17 never happens?!?



and you act like its normal that only one playoff spot is taken in the nfc with only 2 weeks left. How convenient to keep people guessing and watching and hoping till the end of the year.

   under normal circumstances it wouldn't be that dramatic,that often.

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I played with the espn playoff machine and when I clicked on dallas or clicked on Eagles it moved spots/teams in the AFC ..it may have actually moved Bills from 5th to 6th which isn't really helping lol but the point is,it affected it

it had zero effect on the afc seedings

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upset ? I picked buffalo to make the playoffs.obviously with that hanging in the balance of the last 3 weeks. They have to win that game. It has nothing to do with upsets. I am the only one who picked them to win in all my pools for a specific reason. It wasn't luck and it wasn't even an upset. I expected it.


I have watched football for 30 years. I am not fooled anymore by the incredibly fantastic and unlikely things that keep happening.



and you act like its normal that only one playoff spot is taken in the nfc with only 2 weeks left. How convenient to keep people guessing and watching and hoping till the end of the year.

   under normal circumstances it wouldn't be that dramatic,that often.


If the NFL were rigging the system, as you claim,  then they certainly wouldn't have so many teams who have already clinched, and so few that have a shot to get in with only two weeks to go.    They'd want more teams trying to make the playoffs in the final two weeks.


Conspiracy theories never hold up to much scrutiny...   and yours never hold up.    Every time you surface with a new one,  you get crushed here.


And yet,  you come back for more....

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NFC playoff picture as of Dec 16th...


1.) Cardinals

2.) Lions

3.) Cowboys

4.) Saints


Wild card...






If the above rankings stay the same going into the playoffs the Saints and Cowboys have a chance to knock the Seahawks, Packers or Eagles out of the playoffs.  New Orleans is tough in the Super Dome.


Imagine that, the Seahawks, Packers or Eagles having to go to New Orleans to play the Saints if the Saints win their division?

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If the NFL were rigging the system, as you claim,  then they certainly wouldn't have so many teams who have already clinched, and so few that have a shot to get in with only two weeks to go.    They'd want more teams trying to make the playoffs in the final two weeks.


Conspiracy theories never hold up to much scrutiny...   and yours never hold up.    Every time you surface with a new one,  you get crushed here.


And yet,  you come back for more....


you are lacking in deductive reasoning skills. We just got through saying that the entire nfc is still in doubt except for the weak cardinals.

  I already explained none of my picks need to be right for games to be staged. That should be easily understood.

 I haven't surfaced with any new anything. The general premise holds. Too many last minute wins and too many unexplainable blowouts by weaker teams. They are making you believe any outcome.

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yeah ok, you are the only person on earth who thinks that


nope, you just hang in sports fan circles. only Half the country  says its seen or pays attention to football. Usually after the age of 35 people mature and realize they are seeing the same crap over and over and get bored with it.

  Theres plenty of books that completely or partially touch the topic.

  You just choose to ignore or have never looked into it.

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you are lacking in deductive reasoning skills. We just got through saying that the entire nfc is still in doubt except for the weak cardinals.

  I already explained none of my picks need to be right for games to be staged. That should be easily understood.

 I haven't surfaced with any new anything. The general premise holds. Too many last minute wins and too many unexplainable blowouts by weaker teams. They are making you believe any outcome.

Your premise makes no sense. It would be more fishy if the favored team won every time. Sports by nature are unpredictable.

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nope, you just hang in sports fan circles. only Half the country says its seen or pays attention to football. Usually after the age of 35 people mature and realize they are seeing the same crap over and over and get bored with it.

Theres plenty of books that completely or partially touch the topic.

You just choose to ignore or have never looked into it.

there are books about the existence of Bigfoot the lochness monster and Santa claus as well. It doesn't mean they aren't absurd

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you are lacking in deductive reasoning skills. We just got through saying that the entire nfc is still in doubt except for the weak cardinals.

  I already explained none of my picks need to be right for games to be staged. That should be easily understood.

 I haven't surfaced with any new anything. The general premise holds. Too many last minute wins and too many unexplainable blowouts by weaker teams. They are making you believe any outcome.




Mr. Conspiracy Theory tells me that I'M lacking in deductive reasoning. 


And did you know the U.S. staged the moon landing?    And Elvis is still alive!    


And all those shows and movies about Zombies,  those are all documentaries,  they're not for entertainment!


I'm happy you get to live in Crazy Town,  I'm just sorry you're trying to drag the rest of us there with you.....

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nope, you just hang in sports fan circles. only Half the country says its seen or pays attention to football. Usually after the age of 35 people mature and realize they are seeing the same crap over and over and get bored with it.

Theres plenty of books that completely or partially touch the topic.

You just choose to ignore or have never looked into it.

Why are you still trying to prove you're right when you've been stripped of all your credibility and laughed at on this thread for almost 3 months now... You've gone from trying to get your game picks right to trying to 'prove' that the NFL is staged, which in no ways it is (have you seen these guys act in commercials and on TV?) If you want to be right, just say that you're wrong and be done with it. All you're doing is making yourself look worse.
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Your premise makes no sense. It would be more fishy if the favored team won every time. Sports by nature are unpredictable.


what premise makes no sense ? sports is unpredictable? then why does the most fantastic stuff keep happening.


if it were unpredictable the bottom 16 teams would get into the playoffs more often and actually get to a SB. 


the Saints and Dolphins have hosted 20 super bowls and yet never got close to being in one at home.


in fact no human can predict the future, which should actually make you more suspicious as to why the betting world can predict the outcome of a game within 3 to 7 points. There is no system on earth that can make any human on earth know that and yet it happens way to often.


more often then not, the games that have the most money bet on them will have an outcome opposite where a majority of the money went. that cant be an accident. And Vegas doesn't even account for 2 percent of all the money bet on sports the entire year in the nation.


its called deception. That's why it doesn't make sense to you

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