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I need to stop watching First Take


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At what point did anyone mention Wilson apart from you?

This person did.........

He also once said Russell Wilson was better than Aaron Rodgers. But that's skip. There are probably some cheerleaders with higher football I.Q. than him.


Plus he's been know to love gimmick QBs (Tebow, RGIII, Manziel).

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Skip has nothing against Andrew..Skip just loves Skip's opinions

He spent a year building up Robert Griffin....saying he would eventually be better than Luck..

Now that 'eventually' is a long way off in the distance..

..he just cant admit he's wrong...

He talks about interceptions..not wins and losses..

..when the facts arnt on your side..argue the law

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Skip has nothing against Andrew..Skip just loves Skip's opinionsHe spent a year building up Robert Griffin....saying he would eventually be better than Luck..Now that 'eventually' is a long way off in the distance....he just cant admit he's wrong...He talks about interceptions..not wins and losses....when the facts arnt on your side..argue the law

If someone was really high on Griffin, I can certainly understand that. That kid has undeniable talent. He's physically gifted.

Still I have not witnessed this disrepect some here say he has for Andrew Luck. What I think the problem may be, is that some here think talking up another is hating on Luck. Maybe some here expect Andrew Luck to be part of every conversation about a quarterback.

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If someone was really high on Griffin, I can certainly understand that. That kid has undeniable talent. He's physically gifted.

Still I have not witnessed this disrepect some here say he has for Andrew Luck. What I think the problem may be, is that some here think talking up another is hating on Luck. Maybe some here expect Andrew Luck to be part of every conversation about a quarterback.



Skip Bayless' version of talking up one player IS to rip on a player he does not like.  I have never seen him do one without the other.


As other posters have stated, for example, he tries to make RG3-13 look better by criticizing Luck and comparing certain stats he manages to skew or misrepresent. 

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Skip Bayless' version of talking up one player IS to rip on a player he does not like. I have never seen him do one without the other.

As other posters have stated, for example, he tries to make RG3-13 look better by criticizing Luck and comparing certain stats he manages to skew or misrepresent.

I think some people tend to see things which aren't there, or the way they wish them to be. Bayless inspires that type of thought.

I wish someone could show an example of Bayless doing these things. Of course they won't, but thats a different issue.

I'm not a fan of Skip Bayless, but at least I can save the criticism for the things has actually does say.

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I watched some of those.  Nowhere did i see Bayless say he was a "ho hum. Pedestrian" QB.  I did however hear him say a few times that Luck is a very fine young QB, who has demonstrated great poise for such a young QB.


I also heard him say he believes Luck was overhyped when he was a rookie and it is very unfair and ridiculous to compare him to Michael Jordan as someone did.


Clearly Bayless is not as enamored of Luck as some, but he certainly wasn't denying Luck is a talented young QB.  But then you only see what you want to see.


Nothing said By Bayless was inflammatory or disrespectful.  I know the one that ticked you off the most was when he brought up the playoff INT's as compared to another young QB from that same draft.

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Out of likes,

But nice...

Think all next week im just gonna respond to crazy posts with random song lyrics...

Just to entertain myself...


Now, that does sound fun.

Especially, when things get a bit 'testy' around here.

Though, the danger is being accused of being Mr. Irsay.

It'd be difficult proving you don't have gobs of money in your pockets over the internet.

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Out of likes,

But nice...

Think all next week im just gonna respond to crazy posts with random song lyrics...

Just to entertain myself...


Oh, and, you won't just be entertaining yourself.

You can count me in, and I've seen others chime in on lyrics as well.

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