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The effect of fantasy football


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I don't participate because I think it's silly. I have other hobbies that are far more productive


I'm sorry I'm still trying to figure out how a hobby can be productive.  


Unless you consider work to be a hobby, that doesn't make much sense.  And I've had a lot of hobbies more then I can list, not one that I would define as "productive".  The closest one could be called to be productive would be my studies of the history of the western world.  


And even then it's only truely useful for either teaching people interesting historical facts or memorizing dates or number sequences based on dates from history.  


I suppose I could call my amateur theological studies to be productive as well.  Actually that has proved useful several times.

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Tell me how it's obnoxious to say "I don't play fantasy football because it think it's silly".


You could just say it's not your thing or something like that.


People don't tend to react well when you call their hobbies "silly".  


I mean there is very little difference between that and basically calling fantasy football players childish.

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Now think about it.


So what useful and important things do you accomplish with your hobbies?  Because I've liked a lot of stuff and tried a lot of hobbies.  


I can't say very many of them accomplished useful and important things.  


At best some of them involved exercise.  But that was far from the primary motivation behind them.  I didn't do them because they where exercise, I did them because they where fun.

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It does generally lend more weight to your argument if it has a basis that consists more of "that's what I think so it's right". See Vontae Davis debate, people bring you stats, talking head articles, you bring..... one line put downs and evade anyone who tried to engage you.

As far as an opinion of one particular player goes, in this case mine is based on watching that particular player for several years and seeing a history of underachieving mediocre play. Not just two games against weak competition.

As far as my opinion of FF goes, it's my opinion based on an understanding of how people can grow tired of something if they are over saturated with a product. As Mark Cuban says, the NFL is getting "hoggy" and eventually hogs get slaughtered. The NFL does not understand the marketing concept of " leave them wanting more".

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You could just say it's not your thing or something like that.


People don't tend to react well when you call their hobbies "silly".  


I mean there is very little difference between that and basically calling fantasy football players childish.

Political correctness is not a value I observe. I believe in telling it the way I see it.

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So what useful and important things do you accomplish with your hobbies?  Because I've liked a lot of stuff and tried a lot of hobbies.  


I can't say very many of them accomplished useful and important things.  


At best some of them involved exercise.  But that was far from the primary motivation behind them.  I didn't do them because they where exercise, I did them because they where fun.

Now it appears you are just wanting to argue for argument sake. You know full well many hobbies can be a productive use of ones time.

A friend of mine actually makes money from playing fantasy football, so with him it's a productive hobby. I suspect people here who do it, don't earn money doing it.

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I used to think fantasy football was foolish, and a waste of time. Some argue it is (and that's fine) but it's relatively fun for me.  


A bunch of my high school buddies got a fantasy league together and talked me into joining. Now that I'm doing it, it actually makes me watch more football and being more interested in what's going on around the league.


I thought fantasy football would somehow take away from my concentration of the Colts, but it didn't at all. I'm just more in tune with the entire NFL instead of just the Colts. 

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I used to think fantasy football was foolish, and a waste of time. Some argue it is (and that's fine) but it's relatively fun for me.

At least I've never claimed it is "foolish" to play fantasy football. I've never claimed people who play are dumb. I just said it think it's silly.

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At least I've never claimed it is "foolish" to play fantasy football. I've never claimed people who play are dumb. I just said it think it's silly.

1. Foolish - fatuous, silly, inane, stupid, asinine imply weakness of intellect and lack of judgment.


2. Silly - having or showing a lack of common sense or judgment; absurd and foolish

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As far as an opinion of one particular player goes, in this case mine is based on watching that particular player for several years and seeing a history of underachieving mediocre play. Not just two games against weak competition.

As far as my opinion of FF goes, it's my opinion based on an understanding of how people can grow tired of something if they are over saturated with a product. As Mark Cuban says, the NFL is getting "hoggy" and eventually hogs get slaughtered. The NFL does not understand the marketing concept of " leave them wanting more".

Both of which are wrong.

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Now it appears you are just wanting to argue for argument sake. You know full well many hobbies can be a productive use of ones time.

A friend of mine actually makes money from playing fantasy football, so with him it's a productive hobby. I suspect people here who do it, don't earn money doing it.


No I don't see how they are a productive use of one's time.  One can of course stretch their reasons as to why their hobby is productive.  But hobbies are for the most part unproductive and that is rather the point of them.  


I don't make money doing it because I don't gamble.


I don't like to try and make money doing a hobby anyways.  Because then it's pretty much work.  I go to work for money.  I do hobbies for the enjoyment of them.  If there was money on the line, not only would it violate my own personal moral values against gambling, but it would make it no longer fun for me.  


I don't want any part of a competition where winning and losing means anything more to me then simple bragging rights at most.  Because if it does mean that, then it's work and of all the reasons I work, none of them has anything to do with the personal enjoyment of working.

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Political correctness is not a value I observe. I believe in telling it the way I see it.


It's not about political correctness.  It's about not judging other people and having manners to not insult them when you have no reason to do so.  


And there are few people who arn't insulted when you call something that they enjoy doing "silly".  


Telling people you don't or wouldn't enjoy fantasy football is not asking you to lie.  But it is asking you to accept that people can enjoy or do things that are different from what you do or enjoy without those people being automatically inferior.  Or by the text book definition. . . without them lacking in common sense or judgement.


I am noticing for the record that you are purposefully staying entirely quiet about your hobbies.  Is this not an attempt by you to avoid being judged for the things you enjoy?  Because it kinda feels that way.  Because you are purposefully avoiding telling me how your hobbies are so "productive" while the rest of us waste our time with "silly things"


But see this should be your moment to knock it out of the park and explain to us your superiority with your completely non foolish productive hobbies.  

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As far as an opinion of one particular player goes, in this case mine is based on watching that particular player for several years and seeing a history of underachieving mediocre play. Not just two games against weak competition.

As far as my opinion of FF goes, it's my opinion based on an understanding of how people can grow tired of something if they are over saturated with a product. As Mark Cuban says, the NFL is getting "hoggy" and eventually hogs get slaughtered. The NFL does not understand the marketing concept of " leave them wanting more".



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As far as an opinion of one particular player goes, in this case mine is based on watching that particular player for several years and seeing a history of underachieving mediocre play. Not just two games against weak competition.

As far as my opinion of FF goes, it's my opinion based on an understanding of how people can grow tired of something if they are over saturated with a product. As Mark Cuban says, the NFL is getting "hoggy" and eventually hogs get slaughtered. The NFL does not understand the marketing concept of " leave them wanting more".


Sorry I missed this.


That's an odd statement coming from an NBA owner who's team plays 82 games in a season plus play off series not games but series of games.


An NFL team can play a maximum of 19 meaningful games a year and that's if it goes all the way to the superbowl.  


Because of the short season in terms of number of games played.  The NFL are the MASTERS of leave them wanting more.  No other major or mid major sport plays as few games per team as the NFL. 

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Sorry I missed this.


That's an odd statement coming from an NBA owner who's team plays 82 games in a season plus play off series not games but series of games.


An NFL team can play a maximum of 19 meaningful games a year and that's if it goes all the way to the superbowl.  


Because of the short season in terms of number of games played.  The NFL are the MASTERS of leave them wanting more.  No other major or mid major sport plays as few games per team as the NFL.

I think Mark Cuban has a pretty good handle on how to conduct business.

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It's not about political correctness.  It's about not judging other people and having manners to not insult them when you have no reason to do so.  


And there are few people who arn't insulted when you call something that they enjoy doing "silly".  


And calling fantasy football silly isn't an insult. If someone thinks it is, they have an odd view on what makes an insult.

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I think Mark Cuban has a pretty good handle on how to conduct business.


Pretty sure the NFL and it's owners do too.  


But saying that the NFL over-saturates itself is quite frankly hypocrisy coming from a guy who's team plays 82 games a year if you don't count playoffs while each NFL team only plays in 16 if you don't count playoffs.


If you are counting playoffs it's worse because a single series typically (unless there is a sweep) has more games then an entire NFL playoff run.  

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And calling fantasy football silly isn't an insult. If someone thinks it is, they have an odd view on what makes an insult.


No pretty much everyone see's it as an insult which is why you are getting the responses you are getting from more people then just myself.  


Calling an another adult's hobbies, work, or faith "silly" is pretty much an insult anywhere.


You are grasping for straws here. . . and still not mentioning any of your productive hobbies.  

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No pretty much everyone see's it as an insult which is why you are getting the responses you are getting from more people then just myself.  

Not everyone thinks it's an insult, but I am getting the responses I am because many of you are of the "mob mentality". You gotta jump in and give me your two cents. I really don't care. I'll continue to think fantasy football is a silly waste of time.

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Not everyone thinks it's an insult, but I am getting the responses I am because many of you are of the "mob mentality". You gotta jump in and give me your two cents. I really don't care. I'll continue to think fantasy football is a silly waste of time.

I won a 12 team $500 league last season. I pocketed $3,500. Not really a waste of time if you win

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One my hobbies is SUBA diving. Every time I dive, I bring back Rock Scallops, Dungeness Crab, Ling Cod or what ever seafood that is in season at that time.


Do you scuba dive because you like scuba diving or do you scuba dive to get the food?


If the US created a law that said you can scuba dive but you can't take the seafood, would you still scuba dive?


Because I used to ballroom dance competitively.  It's exercise and it's the only sport that's been shown to lower your risk of alzheimer's.  


I could say that I was being productive because ballroom dance has those benefits.  But I just did it because it's fun.  

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I won a 12 team $500 league last season. I pocketed $3,500. Not really a waste of time if you win


Nothing is a waste of time if you enjoy it win or lose.  As long as you arn't abandoning your responsibilities, enjoying yourself is a good use of your time.


It doesn't need to be for money.  In fact if money was required to play FF I would refuse to play.

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I have played Fantasy Football for 12 years now.   Before my sons convinced me to join their league, I really only paid attention to one or maybe two games a week.   The Colts games,  and the Bengals (a lot of family members are Bengals fans)


After joining my son's and friends in the FF world, I found myself watching a lot more games.   Now I rarely miss ANY game that is televised.   

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Not everyone thinks it's an insult, but I am getting the responses I am because many of you are of the "mob mentality". You gotta jump in and give me your two cents. I really don't care. I'll continue to think fantasy football is a silly waste of time.


I would say insulting other's hobbies and trying to be passive aggressive in claiming that calling something silly was in no way an insult is a much greater waste of time.  

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I've seen people comment that they think most people only watch because of fantasy football anymore.  It sounds to me that many don't think most people have a team loyalty they just play fantasy football..

Just to get this back on track, I agree that things are heading that way. While I don't think "most" people watch because of fantasy football, more people are doing so all the time. I believe a time is coming when most fans have no specific team they root for.

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Just to get this back on track, I agree that things are heading that way. While I don't think "most" people watch because of fantasy football, more people are doing so all the time. I believe a time is coming when most fans have no specific team they root for.

Maybe in Seattle, not most of America

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