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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, September 29, 2014 - personal shot
Hidden by Nadine, September 29, 2014 - personal shot

Whining abut someone else using quotation marks, makes you look like "whiney +"

not whining at all.  just wondering why you did it...  figured you just didn't understand and I was right.  I forgot you can't fix stupid though.

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I personally think Moncrief can be a beast in this league. I just hope we don't see a silly suspension for him putting pics of himself and his buddies on Twitter holding up what could be perceived as gang signs. That would suck.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>AC cooling with my boys.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GOGA?src=hash">#GOGA</a> <a href="http://t.co/8zqwFvMCPo">pic.twitter.com/8zqwFvMCPo</a></p>— Donte Moncrief (@drm_12) <a href="https://twitter.com/drm_12/status/514887558619496448">September 24, 2014</a></blockquote>
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I personally think Moncrief can be a beast in this league. I just hope we don't see a silly suspension for him putting pics of himself and his buddies on Twitter holding up what could be perceived as gang signs. That would suck.


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p>AC cooling with my boys.<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/GOGA?src=hash">#GOGA</a> <a href="http://t.co/8zqwFvMCPo">pic.twitter.com/8zqwFvMCPo</a></p>— Donte Moncrief (@drm_12) <a href="https://twitter.com/drm_12/status/514887558619496448">September 24, 2014</a></blockquote>
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No gang signs in pic he is holding up 8 fingers in a fashion for a pic, right under that he list his 8 life morals; faith, loyalty, love, etc..  To mistake those for gang signs is borderline lahey-ism...bubbles

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Posted · Hidden by MTC, September 28, 2014 - Personal shot
Hidden by MTC, September 28, 2014 - Personal shot

not whining at all.  just wondering why you did it...  figured you just didn't understand and I was right.  I forgot you can't fix stupid though.



This site is for commenting about Colts football, it doesn't need whining about grammar, from a whiney little twerp. Grow up little boy, I'm sure you can find a message board about grammar somewhere.  (where grammar post, would actually be contributing) this one's for football.


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Posted · Hidden by MTC, September 28, 2014 - Personal shot
Hidden by MTC, September 28, 2014 - Personal shot

This site is for commenting about Colts football, it doesn't need whining about grammar, from a whiney little twerp. Grow up little boy, I'm sure you can find a message board about grammar somewhere.  (where grammar post, would actually be contributing) this one's for football.


The irony of someone whining about a post and calling someone whiney  :spit:      Better grammar will help people understand your comments about football.   I appreciate the lame name calling though.  It showed that you ran out of intelligent things to say....well you didn't really have any to begin with...   :lol:

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I really enjoyed his breakout game yesterday and I have to say that kid is quick and has good open field running ability however I can't shake the DHB comparison to him.  He catches everything with his body. I understand there is some dynamics at play as to where the pass is thrown but even things he can catch with his hands he catches with his body. I first thought this when I watched his highlight videos coming out of college and yesterday, if I remember correctly, they were all body catches.


There are plenty of receivers that have the ability to make a career in the NFL doing that, it's just not something I am used to.


Is this a just me thing or do others see this as well?


I like Moncrief when he got his hands on the ball good things happened can't wait to see more .  The comparison to  "Hands of Stone  DHB" is unfair  to Moncriefs as a Colt he has easily surpassed DHB's  lackluster stint as a Colt IMO ..

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Posted · Hidden by MTC, September 28, 2014 - Personal shot
Hidden by MTC, September 28, 2014 - Personal shot

The irony of someone whining about a post and calling someone whiney  :spit:      Better grammar will help people understand your comments about football.   I appreciate the lame name calling though.  It showed that you ran out of intelligent things to say....well you didn't really have any to begin with...   :lol:




nobody had trouble understanding my post, little boy,  your comments didn't help anybody,  better understand anything,  as far as the name calling,  when you have nothing else to say,  you started that, so I guess that makes you the ignorant one, little boy.  Most people come on a discussion board like this, to talk football, but you always have a few small minded people, who are on here not to talk football and swap opinions, but to attack other peoples post, and add absolutely nothing to the discussion.  (little boy syndrome)  It's really sad. We all have different opinions of what we see on the field, and it's fun to discuss, the difference of opinions, and it's too bad that we can't do that, without some  people wanting to nitpick. Sometimes it is helpful, but most times in situations when anybody with a half way intelligent mind can understand what is being conveyed, it's just an inferior complex, that makes a little boy feel bigger.

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