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The Colts FO


Have they failed us?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. In the last 5 years has the FO failed the Colts?

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They have failed us this year. Its a slap in the face to put Kerry Collins out there. Its painful to watch this year. If we cant win, I would rather lose with Painter. Give him a chance and see what he can do. I live near Philly so I only get the Eagles on tv. I have hated it for the last ten years. Its not so bad this year though. Id rather not watch Collins do a poor job.

Im hoping the front office will push for Painter. He was the back up to Peyton for a reason. Get rid of Collins. Like I said before, its a slap in the face to the fans to see Collins at the helm!

The ONLY thing I'll come close to agreeing with is that if we had known in advance that Peyton would be out for the majority of or even the entire season then I agree that there was no point to bring in Collins. I'd have been find with sticking with Painter and Orlovsky if Peyton is going to be out all year. There is still a lot of work to be done with the OL and the defense and without Peyton for the first time in years we are not a legitimate contender. However, they didn't know the extent of Peyton's injury at the time they brought Collins in. I believe they were expecting Peyton to miss probably no more than 4 games and they felt Collins would give us a better chance than Painter in the short time Peyton would be out so that when Peyton came back we would still have a chance. If Peyton truly is going to be out for the full season then I say go ahead and make Painter the starter...not because of anything against Collins but that would give Painter time to try and build some continuity and gain valuable experience

As for everything else you said...well the first amendment clearly affords you the right to express your wrong opinions. :clap: :clap: :clap:

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Agree that the last five years drafts have not been as great as previous years, however, I do believe this year could end up being a great draft if Ijalana gets on the field and is productive. AC has played very well to date and Nevis has been very productive as well. Depending on how Link plays this next game we may find out how good our second round draft player is.

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This poll should've been done on a grade scale. As with many things, this issue isn't black and white. The FO has failed us in some regards, and succeeded in many others. If I were to grade them out as a whole, I would grant them an A- for the Polian era.

Solid drafting combined with an all out blind eye in respect toward FA acquisitions to shore up the gamble that is the draft. People tend to forget poor draft picks much quicker when they are distracted by shiny objects like FA veteran stars.

It is done on a grade scale. A,B,C,D=Pass F=Fail

Don't you dare be logical about this!

Whats illogical about asking if the Colts FO has botched the last few years? (In mid July, before all the Peyton stuff). Not only that gut listing nearly all the players acquired in the questioned time span. if I recall i wasnt able to find a source for some years, I'd have to look back thru.

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The Colts have had 52 draft picks in that span (although 2010 is still up in the air):

Pro Bowlers-

Joesph Addai- 2007

Antoine Bethea 2007, 2009


Hayden CB-2005 2nd Rd

Hayden was actually a very good player, he just had 2 issues. One was that he was getting paid way too much, the second was that he was pretty injury prone. When healthy, he was a very good corner

Addai RB- 2006 1st Rd* Pro Bowl

Bethea FS- 2006 6th Rd* Pro Bowl

Charlie Johnson OL- 2006 6th rd

Charlie Johnson was very good. He played very well at LT when we were desperate for a stop gap. He got the job done. Again, one of the issues with him was pay. He wanted more money than (some would argue) he deserved, so we let him go. I see nothing wrong with that.

Pollak OL- 2008 2nd RD

Garcon WR- 2008 6th rd

Pollak and Garcon both have lots of potential. Pollak seems to get a little better every year, which is good to see. I've also heard that his best position is center, so he get a chance to show if he was really deserving of being a team's first pick. As for Garcon, he was a 6th round pick, but is a starter. He has tons of potential, but he needs to work on catching the ball. Not having Peyton around won't help, but when he has all the physical tools to be a very good WR.

Powers DB- 2009 3rd rd

Collie WR- 2009 4th rd

Nothing needs to be said about Addai, Bethea, Powers and Collie. All of those were great picks.

Colts 1st Rd picks since 05

05 Marlin Jackson

Very good player, just very injury prone

06 Addai

07 Gonzo

See Marlin Jackson

08 None

09 Brown

This is the pick many people aren't happy about. This is his make or break year and if he doesn't perform, many (including myself) wouldn't be upset to see him off the team

10 Hughes

He deserves more time before we can correctly judge how good he is

As for free agency, Bill didn't like to dip into free agency very much. Many successful teams don't dip into the FA market (Packers, Steelers) and instead grow from within. This year though, Chris signed a number of free agents and while some worked out and some didn't, we can't give him any heat for not trying.

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As for free agency, Bill didn't like to dip into free agency very much. Many successful teams don't dip into the FA market (Packers, Steelers) and instead grow from within. This year though, Chris signed a number of free agents and while some worked out and some didn't, we can't give him any heat for not trying.

just seems like our tiny players are always hurt

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One, there are a lot of people saying the first. 2nd, no one, at least not me, is saying anything about free agency being the devil, Mrs Boucher <img src='http://www.colts.com/forums/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/99FBsmiley.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':FBsmiley:' /> but there is no reason to go crazy either and sign free agents because: a, other teams are or b, because the fans think you should.

Manning, or any player for that matter gets younger, so that is a pretty lame excuse.

There are a handful or less of free agents out there that would come and make an immediate impact for the Colts and they may or may not sign them. Signing them has nothing to do with the salary cap... the salary cap has never stopped a team from signing a player they wanted to sign. The reasons may be the player wants more money than the Colts want to spend at that spot. It may be because the player wants to go to a team where he has some connection (happens most of the time in free agency, especially for the free agents that work out long term for a team) or sometimes a player, when they have a choice, picks a team based on geographical location.

Fact is that fans operate on about 10% of the information that an organization has available and then fans get upset because the team doesn't make decisions based on that 10%.

where did i say the colts should go crazy and sign a bunch of free agenets because of a or b? a careful/prudent approach was what i was trying to imply..

a lame excuse? i'm not even sure what u are trying to say. my point was with manning in the latter stages of his career and the colts missing on some their high draft pick lately the colts should dip into free agency if they want to improve the team. i mean, u never know peyton could get injured...oh wait...

i know it's an old post, but better late than never.....

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where did i say the colts should go crazy and sign a bunch of free agenets because of a or b? a careful/prudent approach was what i was trying to imply..

a lame excuse? i'm not even sure what u are trying to say. my point was with manning in the latter stages of his career and the colts missing on some their high draft pick lately the colts should dip into free agency if they want to improve the team. i mean, u never know peyton could get injured...oh wait...

i know it's an old post, but better late than never.....

top free agents cost money and we dont manage our cap very well

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No drafts. WHY, WHY would you draft 2 RBs and 2 OLmen in the last firsts?!? No offseason acquisitions, they have failed horribly

the front office noticed that some of the top picks were busts and this is going to be corrected next year, they are looking at some more undrafted players they will sign for less and help our cap, we may trade our top picks for low picks and then the fans wont expect so much from them

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yes the fo failed us and yes we were the best reg season team of the decade playoffs a whole differnt story our small defence gets pounded every year.

and i have yet to see the front office correct the problem

we cant run the ball but yet polian keeps drafting 200 and 75 pound lineman who can only pass block

our defence is always injured cuz there small and weak they cant even control the line of scrim

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we cant run the ball but yet polian keeps drafting 200 and 75 pound lineman who can only pass block

Ok here are the offensive linemen drafted since '09, which was the year Dungy retired and Caldwell took over:


Jamie Thomas 6'4 330 lbs


Jacques McClendon 6'3 324 lbs


Anthony Castonzo 6'7 305 lbs

Ben Ijalana 6'4 317 lbs

I was going to comment on the defense too, but I'm not doing all your homework for you. I've just proved your statement about the OL wrong so needless to say your statement about the defense is wrong too. The small but fast philosophy belonged to Dungy...not Caldwell and not Polian. Polian simply, imo, went out and found players that fit the mold Dungy was looking for. Since Caldwell took over there has been a more than noticeable effort to bring in guys who are bigger and stronger.

Incidentally, even going back to the '08 draft, 3 offensive linemen were selected and they ranged from 295 to 300 lbs

***edit, just for nonsense 's and giggles I took a look at the colts depth chart on colts.com. The smallest offensive lineman, Jamie Richard, weighs 295 lbs. The rest are over 300. Do me a favor and know what you're talking about before you post.

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I am not sure how to respond to that question.

On one hand, the Colts have only won one SB and lost many playoff games they should have won. One and done, too many times in the playoffs.

On the other hand, we have won ten or more games for ten years in a row (think)? We would have set the record for consecutive playoff appearances if we make it this year.

So did they do a good job or a bad job? Duh. I don't know.

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I am not sure how to respond to that question.

On one hand, the Colts have only won one SB and lost many playoff games they should have won. One and done, too many times in the playoffs.

On the other hand, we have won ten or more games for ten years in a row (think)? We would have set the record for consecutive playoff appearances if we make it this year.

So did they do a good job or a bad job? Duh. I don't know.

I also think they either tied or broke the record for most consecutive 12+ win seasons. I'm thinking they tied it and last year would have broken the record if they'd made it to 12 wins but can't say that for sure.

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