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2014 Make-or-Break List


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Oh, now I am advised? The same could be said about what I say or any opinion I give. It's funny that the sarcastic comment I made was taken way out of context by you and Jason. Not so much with 21 isSuperman. I think he knew I made a sarcastic comment and took it as such. But not you two. Now you have yourself a wonderful day.


Sarcastic comment?


So when I asked what you were talking about, why not just say it was a sarcastic comment? All this outrage that someone would dare to comment on your post without your permission is ironic, if it was really just a sarcastic comment.

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Sarcastic comment?


So when I asked what you were talking about, why not just say it was a sarcastic comment? All this outrage that someone would dare to comment on your post without your permission is ironic, if it was really just a sarcastic comment.

So now you are calling me a liar? Outrage? You suffer from misapprehension. I usually don't explain  something that is apparent. For a moderator you sure are struggling.

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So now you are calling me a liar? Outrage? You suffer from misapprehension. I usually don't explain  something that is apparent. For a moderator you sure are struggling.


I think you're being a little sensitive about this. I didn't call you a liar. If you were just being sarcastic to begin with, you could have just said so, instead of all the chiding other posters about daring to stick their nose in your business (on a public forum). 


But that's fine. I hope you understand that I mean you no ill will. Go Colts, right?

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This thread is the Puppy Who Lost Its Way and the boy - "Colts Forum Members" - don't have a clue where to find it.  So how about we all get our _______ out there and find that _____________ dog, eh?


On that note, I like the mid-season review.  I don't really know what to make of Jackson.  He's been a liability in pass coverage, but playing constant Man, we're just asking for our ILBs to be picked on.  Hakeem has been a disappointment - even if better than DHB.  I mean, I never expected him to come in and light teams on fire, but I still expected better production than he's given.  You figure even a guy who played at a pretty high level before all his injuries would be doing better than this.  Thankfully we're deep at WR.  Laron Landry is so meh that I couldn't that I coudln't possibly be any more indifferent.  Out of all the Cotls signings I've been excited about since the new regime came in, this is the one I'm most disappointed in.  I had in mind a healthy slash poor man's Bob Sanders.  Boy, that coudln't have been more wrong.  I'ts going to take a monumental finish to the season to really win me back over.

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This thread is the Puppy Who Lost Its Way and the boy - "Colts Forum Members" - don't have a clue where to find it.  So how about we all get our _______ out there and find that _____________ dog, eh?


On that note, I like the mid-season review.  I don't really know what to make of Jackson.  He's been a liability in pass coverage, but playing constant Man, we're just asking for our ILBs to be picked on.  Hakeem has been a disappointment - even if better than DHB.  I mean, I never expected him to come in and light teams on fire, but I still expected better production than he's given.  You figure even a guy who played at a pretty high level before all his injuries would be doing better than this.  Thankfully we're deep at WR.  Laron Landry is so meh that I couldn't that I coudln't possibly be any more indifferent.  Out of all the Cotls signings I've been excited about since the new regime came in, this is the one I'm most disappointed in.  I had in mind a healthy slash poor man's Bob Sanders.  Boy, that coudln't have been more wrong.  I'ts going to take a monumental finish to the season to really win me back over.


I will note that Toler who is #6 on this list has stayed healthy and played well for us as a #2 CB thus far.

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I will note that Toler who is #6 on this list has stayed healthy and played well for us as a #2 CB thus far.

Actually that has been a pretty good surprise (and a big help).  Was a shame to see how bad things went last week.  A lot of it was the our game plan going into the game, but he just got abused by Antonio Brown.  He can certainly play better, but it's not often we're asking Toler to cover someone as good as Antonio.

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Actually that has been a pretty good surprise (and a big help).  Was a shame to see how bad things went last week.  A lot of it was the our game plan going into the game, but he just got abused by Antonio Brown.  He can certainly play better, but it's not often we're asking Toler to cover someone as good as Antonio.


He had a couple of really bad calls where he was covering Brown and then he just stumbled.

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Actually that has been a pretty good surprise (and a big help).  Was a shame to see how bad things went last week.  A lot of it was the our game plan going into the game, but he just got abused by Antonio Brown.  He can certainly play better, but it's not often we're asking Toler to cover someone as good as Antonio.


I wouldn't even pin much of that on him.  Pass rush was non existent even with the blitz . . . if receivers didn't get open on their normal routes they all had more then enough time to come back to Ben and get the ball.  


Not sure what it was but it was like Todd Haley was in Manusky's head, their offense always seemed to know when we would blitz and where it was coming from because they always picked it up extremely well.  

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He had a couple of really bad calls where he was covering Brown and then he just stumbled.



I wouldn't even pin much of that on him.  Pass rush was non existent even with the blitz . . . if receivers didn't get open on their normal routes they all had more then enough time to come back to Ben and get the ball.  


Not sure what it was but it was like Todd Haley was in Manusky's head, their offense always seemed to know when we would blitz and where it was coming from because they always picked it up extremely well.  


Yeah, it was just a bad game all around.  Everything went their way and nothing went ours.  It happens.  Thankfully we had a nice comeback win last night.

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  • 2 months later...

Time for an end of the year re-evaluation!


1. Greg Manusky - At this point, I think he needs to go.  I don't think he will go, but I think he needs to.  I think his scheme is easy to figure out and that's why better QBs/coaches end up torching him (Romo/Garrett, Brady/Belichick/McDaniels, Roethlisberger/Haley).  I do give him credit for maintaining a decent pass rush with the loss of Mathis, but I think we need to find someone better for the DC position.  Previous verdict: making it. Final verdict: 2014 should have been a break year for him, but I think he returns


2. Mario Harvey - He's long gone.  Previous verdict: Broke.  Final verdict: broke it 


3. LaRon Landry -  I think his struggles are well documented.  Previous verdict: breaking it.  Final verdict: broke it, cut him and move on


4. Hakeem Nicks - He really turned it on towards the end of the year and in the playoffs.  I'm all for keeping him at the right price, but I think another team will offer him more money.  I believe he has stated that he wants to return to Indy, so we'll see how it all turns out.  An incentive-laden contract would be perfect.  Previous verdict: breaking it.  Final verdict: A decent year overall.  He didn't emphatically make it or break it, but he's slightly towards the make it side of middle.


5. Trent Richardson - Like Landry, his struggles are well documented.  He didn't play in our 2 most important games of the year.  Previous verdict: making it.  Final verdict: broke it.  Cut him and move on


6. Greg Toler - He showed that he can be a solid #2 CB when he's healthy.  I wouldn't mind restructuring his contract so we can have more health and performance based incentives, but I think he had a good year.  Previous verdict: making it.  Final verdict: made it


7. Fili Moala - Meh. Previous verdict: I'm indifferent.  Makes it if we need depth, but I like Quarles. Final verdict: I'm still indifferent.  I would only bring him back on a 1 year, vet min deal.


8. Stanley Havili - I don't remember the last time he made a play for us.  Previous verdict: broke.  Final verdict: broke it.  Not currently on the roster.


9. Khaled Holmes - We finally got to see Holmes play!  I was impressed.  I think he needs to get stronger, but he showed some ability.  With that said, he hasn't shown that he can stay healthy.  I like him, but we need a good backup. Previous verdict: I don't even know what's going on with this guy.  Final verdict: made it


10. Donald Thomas - He hasn't played a snap for us in quite some time.  He's talented, but can't stay healthy.  Previous verdict: will make it if he is willing to restructure. Final verdict: I'd be willing to keep him if he restructures to make his cap hit as low as possible, but I think a more realistic expectation is to cut him.


11. Da'Rick Rogers - Hasn't been on the roster for quite some time.  Previous verdict: broken.  Final verdict: broke it


12. Griff Whalen - I don't think he's outstanding at anything, but he's decent at many things.  I'd be worried if he were to get significant snaps on offense, but I greatly prefer him to Cribbs as a returner.  I think the best scenario for our team is to go out and find a returner in free agency or the draft because I'm not a fan of Whalen's or Cribss'.  Previous verdict: making it.  Final verdict: currently making it by default as a result of the guy ahead of him on the depth chart making many costly mistakes, but I think we can find a better player that can do what Whalen does


13. Ahmad Bradshaw - Another year, another season-ending injury for Bradshaw.  But I think we all saw how much importance he had to our offense.  Previous verdict: making it!  Final verdict: I would like to see him back on the team, but he can't be relied on to play 16 games.  Bring him back on a cheap, incentive-laden deal, and find another good RB for insurance


14. D'Qwell Jackson - He had a decent year.  I'm glad he was able to make the playoffs.  I hate seeing great talent go to waste and he was one of the best players on Cleveland's roster for quite a few years, but they were never able to make the playoffs.  However, I don't think he should be a starting or every down LB. Final verdict: I think he'll be back on the team next year, but we need to bring in more talent to the ILB group


15. Gosder Cherilus - He had a bad year, possibly due to injury.  I remember him playing well in 2013 and he had a good game against Denver's pass rush in week 1, but it was all downhill after that.  His cap hit next year isn't too bad, but it goes up quite a bit for 2016 and 2017.  Final verdict: I wouldn't be opposed to bringing him back, but only if he restructures to lower that cap number.  But I think the smart thing to do would be to cut him and look for a younger, more talented option


16. Erik Swoope - He didn't do anything on the field for us this year.  He's taking up a practice squad spot.  If he doesn't show some good ability to the coaches, I think we might have to move on.  Final verdict: I think he'll be back as a practice squad or special teams player next year, but he really needs to show great strides in his development.  If he doesn't, I think it's time to move on and use the roster spot for someone we can develop that can actually contribute.


Other guys I think had a break year in 2014:

17. Xavier Nixon/Lance Louis - I keep mixing these guys up.  I remember one of them playing decently and the other being awful.


18. Reggie Wayne - Towards the end of the year, he started playing very poorly.  Even before that, he was having some difficulty getting separation from DBs.  Time might be catching up to him now


19. Josh Chapman - He didn't really do anything spectacular to get noticed


20. RJF - I think he played better than people give him credit for, but that doesn't mean he played all that great.


21. Shaun Phillips - He has some leadership ability, but he shouldn't be back in Indy next year


22. Ballard - Is gaining the injury prone label


23. Cribbs - Cut him and move on


Guys I think had a make year in 2014 (keep in mind this isn't just for guys who played well, it's for guys who played well when we weren't really sure on how they would do):

24. Mike Adams - Earned a Pro Bowl nod and I think he led the NFL (or was near the top of the league) in takeaways, despite his age


25. Vontae - We were looking for more consistency from him and we got it.  He was a top 2 corner in the NFL this year, along with Revis


26. Herron - Carried the load when Richardson's ineptitude finally reached a breaking point with the coaches


27. Zach Kerr - For a rookie to play as well as he did was very impressive.  I think he has great potential.


28. Moncrief - Like Kerr, he showed a lot of ability as a rookie.  I'm expecting some good things from him next year


29. Walden - I think he quietly had a very good year for us


Still undecided:

30. Ryan Grigson - He needs to have an excellent offseason.  We really need another good draft to infuse the team with more talent and we need better free agent signings.  This team needs a strong infusion of talent.


31. Chuck Pagano - I think he really needs to show more.  At times, his loyalty to guys can hurt the team.  I think his role on the team the last few seasons has been more of an anchor in that he's stabilized the team after a brutal 2011 year.  But now he needs to be more of a propeller and take this team to the next level.  All those penalties, drops, and games where we looked unprepared indicate a need for better coaching, in my opinion.

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