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Wes Welker suspended 4 games (merge)


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Semantics. Every guy has an excuse of one kind or another. They are all equally lame

Not true. Andy Petite admitted to drug use and so did Alex Rodriguez, Jason Giambi, Jose Canseco and Rodney Harrison. There are plenty of athletes who have owned up. I guess I am guilty of expecting more from Welker.


How did you feel about Mathis' fertility reason?

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Not true. Andy Petite admitted to drug use and so did Alex Rodriguez, Jason Giambi, Jose Canseco and Rodney Harrison. There are plenty of athletes who have owned up. I guess I am guilty of expecting more from Welker.

How did you feel about Mathis' fertility reason?

I clearly stated no one except those involved in an investigation of some kind. All of the baseball players were outed in an investigation. Funny you bring up ARod. He is still denying his latest drug scandal. Canseco wanted to sell books and outed himself years after being out of the game.

The Mathis excuse is lame for one of two reasons. Either he is lying, or he is telling the truth and wasn't smart enough to know the chemical he took was on the banned list

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I clearly stated no one except those involved in an investigation of some kind. All of the baseball players were outed in an investigation. Funny you bring up ARod. He is still denying his latest drug scandal. Canseco wanted to sell books and outed himself years after being out of the game.

The Mathis excuse is lame for one of two reasons. Either he is lying, or he is telling the truth and wasn't smart enough to know the chemical he took was on the banned list

Rodney Harrison was not part of an investigation. He was caught, suspended and admitted it.


I agree about Mathis. I am not necessarily disagreeing with you about the lame excuses but Welker's honestly takes the cake. Saying he was slipped something is beyond ridiculous especially when he had months to prepare a statement.

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Rodney Harrison was not part of an investigation. He was caught, suspended and admitted it.


I agree about Mathis. I am not necessarily disagreeing with you about the lame excuses but Welker's honestly takes the cake. Saying he was slipped something is beyond ridiculous especially when he had months to prepare a statement.

Unless, of course, he honestly believes what he is saying.  


Are you saying ~ it's not a possibility..???

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I'm pretty dissappointed in the guy. To put oneself in the position to fail a test by accident or not I think was pretty careless. I typically agree with the league as they have no agenda...in fact they would likely want to COVER up drug use etc if they could so I've got to think given the evidence that he was guilty. That said I am not going to condemn the guys character or anything on this one event. It's not my place. I think he let his team down and himself (most importantly). I won't say there couldn't be a mistake made but I think its highly unlikely. Given his character I feel it is more likely he had taken something unknowing that it was on the banned list...but that still is no excuse...same as Mathis.

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lol. That's just it. Welker is not a girl. Who would slip a man a molly? Come on now.

you might be on to something....... maybe it was a female that slipped it  ;)


haha  Let the Conspiracy Theories Begin  :lol:


Goodness, is it kickoff time yet.......?????     Let the games begin  FINALLY.   :huthut:  :huthut:

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you might be on to something....... maybe it was a female that slipped it ;)

haha Let the Conspiracy Theories Begin :lol:

Goodness, is it kickoff time yet.......????? Let the games begin FINALLY. :huthut::huthut:

Well her husband can't throw, catch the ball and look like a chicken all at the sane time


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I'm sure GP appreciates your support. I think he's an awesome guy, too, but I think he's playing both sides here. That's why I asked his opinion.


The best debaters on here do that to perfection. Or at least they acknowledge their biases for or against a player or a team early & often anyway. I get your point though Superman. Eventually, a person gets backed into a corner & they have to jump off the neutral fence & take a stand 1 way or another. Where it gets tricky is when 2 debaters I respect like you & GP are not being heard or their is ambiguity in where they are coming from either in articulating exactly what they mean or a nuance vantage point that they themselves are having trouble expressing. 


Having said all that about being neutral, I love open biases too as long as a person can acknowledge them because it makes for comical interactions & if someone say me for example can admit that the Dallas o-line is improving that means something because if SW1 hates the Cowboys & I can acknowledge that I see improvement in 1 area that means that my biases can be altered which is a good thing. 

Goes without saying, there is obviously no intent or deliberate carelessness involved here. Manning is the last guy who wants Welker to get hurt. 


Supes' point is a fair one. I'm sort of playing both sides of this and am trying to be tactful in the process, as I hold Manning in very high regard. As he said himself last year (to paraphrase), "yeah I throw a lot of wounded ducks... for touchdowns." I have to believe that if a couple of these throws had a little more mustard on them, and were a bit lower instead of up around his chest and shoulders, Welker would not be dealing with his third concussion in less than a year. That's all. 

To me, you were noting a difference in ball placement between QBs Manning & Brady. My problem with what Superman was saying is that you GP were not using ball placement alone to distinguish why 1 QB was better than another 1. That's not blame just an observation in styles or technique. 


Being the good guy you are, you don't want to rustle anymore jimmies than necessary. I figured as much.

My disagreement is that I don't think the plays on which Welker was hurt were wobblers. And I know that Manning still puts a little heat on his short passes, with many of them being aimed down and away. The ones that are up high are placed where the defense can't get them, and they are dangerous. But I think all the good QBs use the seams to sneak passes in between the LBs and safeties. The question is about who those throws go to.

With the Pats, those throws went to TEs. Less likely to get hit in the head than the diminutive slot receiver.

I think the phenomenon lately is to attribute blame to Manning for many things, whether it can be proved or not. Circumstancial "evidence" is referred to as "irrefutable proof," and then anyone who disagrees is a homer. And in this case, I think it's probably more reasonable and responsible to just acknowledge that players get hit in the head, instead of blaming any QB for leading receivers into concussions. Too many variables, and as you said, no QB would want his receiver to be hurt. So the insinuation that Manning is at fault for Welker and other players is rather insidious, IMO.

I get your point Superman. A variety of reasons can lead to an incomplete pass, a dropped ball, or concussion: Where the DB or LB hits the WR at contact, If the WR crouches down prior to impact, or the WR looking downfield prior to securing the ball before running for a 1st down. I do agree Peyton takes more unfair blame on WR & TE brain trauma of his offensive players than he should. 

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Over your head. 

I took your comment to mean....


That IF someone actually did slip something in his drink  ~  That Action certainly is FAR worse than him making something up.  Meaning, that person did a horrendous thing.    


Is that what you meant?

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I took your comment to mean....


That IF someone actually did slip something in his drink  ~  That Action certainly is FAR worse than him making something up.  Meaning, that person did a horrendous thing.    


Is that what you meant?

Like I said Gramz, if it were true, Welker would be going all out to find that person for costing him the suspension and his rep. But all there is crickets ...

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Like I said Gramz, if it were true, Welker would be going all out to find that person for costing him the suspension and his rep. But all there is crickets ...

you didn't answer my question.  Is the above what you meant?



..... and maybe he is working on it... :scratch:  :dunno:

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I thought I did.    


And I've wasted enough time on this topic.

The test was failed in May. If he was really working on it Gramz. He would have the culprit by now. And by the way, he never actually said someone slipped him anything. He just said he didn't know how the drug got into his body. Lame, Lame, Lame.

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The test was failed in May. If he was really working on it Gramz. He would have the culprit by now. And by the way, he never actually said someone slipped him anything. He just said he didn't know how the drug got into his body. Lame, Lame, Lame.

sometimes things take time.....   I've been trying to help the City clean my neighbors yard of 40+ cats since June 1st.   Clearly visible, clearly a problem and nuisance, and clearly taking the "system" months to do something.  ;)     haha,  off-topic I know...  but investigations do take time,  is all I'm saying.

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The test was failed in May. If he was really working on it Gramz. He would have the culprit by now. And by the way, he never actually said someone slipped him anything. He just said he didn't know how the drug got into his body. Lame, Lame, Lame.

So all girls that have had their drinks spiked find out who the culprit was?

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sometimes things take time.....   I've been trying to help the City clean my neighbors yard of 40+ cats since June 1st.   Clearly visible, clearly a problem and nuisance, and clearly taking the "system" months to do something.   ;)     haha,  off-topic I know...  but investigations do take time,  is all I'm saying.

There is no investigation Gramz. And no one slipped him anything.

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Welker's statement. Just google it.

Welker, in the email to the Post, argued that the sample was tainted but said he does wonder whether someone put something in his drink at the Derby.


"I'm as shocked as everyone at today's news," Welker told the newspaper. "I want to make one thing abundantly clear: I would never knowingly take a substance to gain a competitive advantage in any way. Anyone who has ever played a down with me, lifted a weight with me, even eaten a meal with me, knows that I focus purely on what I put in my body and on the hard work I put in year round to perform at the highest levels year-in and year-out."

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