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Grigson Swings For Fences


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Makes me glad neither of them are here anymore. I'm grateful for all the good they did for the Colts, absolutely, and character is definitely important. But sometimes, there was an insistence on choir boys, almost. We need football players. The Mewhort thing, for instance, is a complete non-issue.


I actually think it was more Dungy than Polian. After Dungy left, Polian and Caldwell brought back Ed Johnson. There were a couple other less than perfect players as well.

Yeah, I agree.  If you do your research on the guy's background, talk to him extensively to get an idea of what he's thinking, and you have a strong locker room, I don't think it's a problem.  With that said, it never hurts to have a clean-cut guy like Peyton or Luck on your team haha

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I'm not aware that Boyett had any problems in college.   Which is why his drunken rampage seemed so out of place.


But Superman reminds me that Hughes, Rogers and Purifoy would fit the bill.


And to that, I'd say, Rogers and Purifoy are free agents.    Very little risk.    They don't work out (or act up) and it's an easy cut.


And I'm OK with that.....


Hughes is the one investment that stands out for me because we paid a price (a future #4) for him.


I'm willing to take some risks on some kids.    I don't want a blanket policy, but rather a case by case consideration.


There have been lots of kids that we were in position to draft or sign the last few years that we didn't.   Their issues likely made us think they weren't worth the risk.     And I'm OK with that too....

Right I am not saying Grigson has done anything that is exactly shocking in what he's done or out of the norm.  I am just saying I don't think character matters to him as much as it did Dungy.  He values other things more which is perfectly fine.  Like I said before I'd say Grigson and Pagano are more in line with what you are going to find in the NFL in the regard than Dungy was.  However to a lot of Colts fans Dungy is what they know so having character be super important is what they know. 

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The Colts have 2 TE`s entering year 3 of their career, I doubt they drafted either so high in the draft to let either walk. But guess you never know. Mathis is 35, so Adongo makes sense to "experiment" with, I get that. If he doesn't work out then the Colts would be looking for Mathis' replacement anyways. I still don't understand the logic of Swoope, its not like bugging me or nothing lol, just don't understand it. Maybe I envision some Earl Thomas "clone" instead that Grigson comes up with at Safety, now that would be impressive and just what the Dr ordered..unrealistic yes I know

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By now?


It's been one whole year for Werner.    One.


And during that time,  he had an injury that kept him out of a number of games plus kept him at less than 100% for other games.


Plus he's learning a new position on the fly.


But one year is enough to determine he's a bust already.      Wow.


EDIT:    I've now seen a follow-up post of yours.   I'd say the slow reactions you saw were due to (A) being a rookie,  but more important (B)  changing from a 4-3 DE to a stand-up 3-4 OLB.     Not everyone can make that switch.  


You may be right.   Maybe Werner doesn't pan out.    I just think deciding that now is jumping the gun.

Just think of my comment as a prediction. I've watched this game so intently for so many decades that often, when I see a player come into the league and not make a splash, I know that often this is an indicator that their college level skills don't translate to the NFL. 


But, as you and Jason have said, and as I have admitted to, sometimes the learning curve bends certain players harder than others, and this doesn't always mean they won't get it eventually. It sure would be nice if Werner blew up in 2014. However, I will say that if he doesn't show significant improvement by seasons end, I would suppose it would be time others agree with my assessment. 

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Wanted to write a post here thanking everyone for setting me straight on the number of players Grigson has brought in with some level of character concerns.


For what it's worth,  none of them have sent up too many red flags for me....   so I'm not too worried...


But from the perspective that perhaps the Dungy/Polian team might not have taken those chances, I totally understand your perspective....


Thanks again to everyone....   and as I noted in another post,  my memory sometimes is not quite as sharp as it once was....

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - removed at poster request
Hidden by Nadine, July 11, 2014 - removed at poster request

I was surprised when I read it.. but in the IndyStar article about McNarry it says...


"There, said Grigson, who signed McNary as a fullback prospect..."

Interesting...all I ever read from day 1 was his pass rushing ability....which I had seen at Army.


I stand corrected....I think he would be a bad a** in goal line situations...


Here comes the Army!   :blueshoe:  :blueshoe:  :blueshoe: !!

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The Colts have 2 TE`s entering year 3 of their career, I doubt they drafted either so high in the draft to let either walk. But guess you never know. Mathis is 35, so Adongo makes sense to "experiment" with, I get that. If he doesn't work out then the Colts would be looking for Mathis' replacement anyways. I still don't understand the logic of Swoope, its not like bugging me or nothing lol, just don't understand it. Maybe I envision some Earl Thomas "clone" instead that Grigson comes up with at Safety, now that would be impressive and just what the Dr ordered..unrealistic yes I know


Mathis is 33, but point taken.

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