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Tom Brady: "There's No Entitlement in the NFL"


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Except BB would never allow the Patriots to be in such a situation where the backup QB is so godawful that it would result in a #1 pick. BB himself said that a few weeks ago. He was clearly alluding to the Colts.


I did catch that. I don't think Bill is fond of Polian.

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Yeah they are competitive but so is anyone who's ever made the hall of fame.  But most seem to go into broadcasting.


I think eventually they just decide that they want retirement to be an actual retirement.  And that's why they do broadcasting.  


Plus I think it's safer.  If they go into broadcasting and suck at that job, people don't remember it.  It will still be Tom Brady or Peyton Manning great player.  


But if they go into coaching or management then people remember that.  So their legacy could be hurt by coaching or managing failures.  


From what I have read Matt Millen was a pretty good player in his day.  But now the only thing people remember about him is that he was a total failure as a GM.

Matt Millen was a GREAT player...I was a huge fan of him growing up. I think there was even a 30/30 or a NFL network special on him awhile back....very good watch. It does to an extent tarnish a legacy because so many fans will only be familiar with what you did last...or you can improve on it...or extend it like Ozzie Newsome.


I disagree that there is no sense of entitlement in the NFL, but I do know that Brady is a hard worker and always prepares as if he will be battling the other guy sitting behind him. He of all people knows all about going from undesirable back-up to starter, so I'm sure he always keeps his guard up.

I agree....there are some...but good organizations don't have it...every single guy has to earn it...and they create competition at all positions..its the only thing that pushes people to work harder.


No, people remember him as a pretty good player who was a lousy GM. And I don't think that incredibly competitive people suddenly avoid challenges because they are worried about their reputation. They assume that if they work hard enough they can enhance their reputation.



Does that sound like Peyton to you?

No...but there is plenty of work involved in the preparation for these analyst now days. Peyton seems very comfortable infront of the camera...and obviously he can break down tape like probably no other person in NFL history. I agree he is incredibly competitive but I also think he is like his father....a family man...that won't let football interfere with his children...he has sacrificied so much time from his wife and children already to the sport...I don't look for him to continue that as his children enter those very meaningful years of their life. I think he wants to be there for them like his father was there for him. I could be wrong but thats my impression. I believe the tv gig would give him the best option to work in the game he loves and still spend time with the ones he loves. I'm not sure about Tom...he seems to have a lot of interests outside the game so I don't know if he would get himself tied down to anything specifically....perhaps one of our NE fans can enlighten us on his pursuits. Either way...I think Tom and Peyton are several years off from that happening....but I look forward to the day to get to hear from the likes of these two as opposed to guys like Shawn King and Trent Dilfer. I love the ensight of successful athletes...thats why I like Troy Aikmen, Steve Young, and Kurt Warner so much.


maybe he and peyton have a joint venture planned :)

Well between the two of them they certainly have enough clout if not enough money. Maybe if Gisele went in on it too they maybe could afford a team.



As for Bill not getting caught like we did I don't blame him. It cost our coach his job and the front office. I also think Bill likes to put a little doubt in the back of ALL his players minds if they don't compete and play at their best...he will replace them....even Tom (who is far and away going to win his position). I think it was good to get this kid...I like his skill set and talent...think he is a young Tom Brady in the making. That said Tom should have that job until his arm falls off.

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They both looked old and lost in their last two games.


I give them both 2 more seasons. If Manning survives all the beatings from next year, and assuming Brady don't take more injuries.


Both of them are far past their prime and haven't won a Super Bowl since Dubya was president and I highly doubt either one of them will be in the big dance again unless it's another epic blow out like the last one.

Manning lit up most of the defenses he faced this year, he just ran into a buzzsaw in the SB. Also, assuming you are a Saints fan based on the picture in your sig, that same defense also made Drew Brees look bad. Twice.

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Manning lit up most of the defenses he faced this year, he just ran into a buzzsaw in the SB. Also, assuming you are a Saints fan based on the picture in your sig, that same defense also made Drew Brees look bad. Twice.

he will never respond to this....lol

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I actually like what Brady said. 


It's the kids that are entitled nowadays. The "old timers" got it figured out.


Like that dumdum Manziel putting up his fingers like "I'm getting paid" when he got drafted....he thought he was getting the QB job handed to him with that sense of entitlement. Then after he gets on the team they must've sit him down and straightened him out because then all the sudden it's oh ya, I need to fight for my job. 


Brady is right....nothing's guaranteed in the NFL. Any player could get hurt at any time (see Lee from Cowboys) and it could end up costing someone their job in the long run. You never know. 

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maybe he and peyton have a joint venture planned :)

I'd like to see both Manning & Brady in a buddy cop action adventure comedy flick. Sort of a cross between "Diehard 1," "Ted," & "Lethal Weapon." I'd pay to see that. haha  Chris Rock must be involved too. That guy is wicked smart & he always cracks me up.  

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Tom Brady is nowhere near retirement...


Manning has 3 more years and Tom  has more than that...


....The TV heads auto matically start predicting retirement for sports stars in their mid-30s...


Its lazy thinking,....because if you keep predicting someone will retire for four or five years in a row..eventually you're right


I'm guessing both of them go into broadcasting.  


It seems like most future hall of famers go do this when they retire.  


My guess is the reason is that broadcasting is a lot less work then coaching or being a part of the front office.  


Also just because someone is a great player doesn't necessarily make them able to do those jobs.  However in broadcasting people will listen to whatever it is they have to say because they were so good when they played.  


Plus people don't usually keep score in broadcasting.  But if you go into coaching or management that W-L record is your scoreboard.  


Can you image Tom Brady and Peyton Manning broadcasting together for Sunday Night Football? Holy ***** that would be awesome!

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Can you image Tom Brady and Peyton Manning broadcasting together for Sunday Night Football? Holy ***** that would be awesome!

With Dungy and Harrison doing the pre-game show?  Colts fans and Pats fans will love the rest of the country will hate it.


I think a broadcast team of Manning and Manning couldn't be ruled out completely one day although I don't know why Peyton and Brady strike me as more of studio guys if that's what they want to do.

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