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Manning, Gase visit to Saban may have violated the CBA


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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 22, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Nadine, April 22, 2014 - off topic

Good point Lolly no advantage of any kind comes from this.Some people need to get a life !



Interesting. Could you please explain the Spygate advantage? You'd be the first.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 22, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Nadine, April 22, 2014 - off topic

Interesting. Could you please explain the Spygate advantage? You'd be the first.

Easy anyone who can use the ole noggin to think knows when you know a game plan of your opponent you have an advantage  conversation over :spit:

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 22, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Nadine, April 22, 2014 - off topic

Easy anyone who can use the ole noggin to think knows when you know a game plan of your opponent you have an advantage  conversation over :spit:

Please share your theory. Knew game plans? This is new...please share.  

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 22, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Nadine, April 22, 2014 - off topic

Hows the fishin been ?Lol need any help baiting your hook ? :funny:

No fishing here. I've been waiting years along with millions of others for a plausible theory regarding the advantages of Spygate. Lets hear it. This new game plan thing you brought up is intriguing as well.  

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Some of these offseason rules are NCAA-esque...


Sure does. This is kind of crazy. I understand the NFLPA wanting to protect its players but it's not like they were all that horribly oppressed prior to the last CBA. 


Players should be able to put in the extra time/work if they want to. It's not mandatory. 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 22, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Nadine, April 22, 2014 - off topic

No fishing here. I've been waiting years along with millions of others for a plausible theory regarding the advantages of Spygate. Lets hear it. This new game plan thing you brought up is intriguing as well.  

Wow Dude go back to Boston and by the way what are you on ? Lol your seeing things never said a word about a new gameplan. :36dancing: Then you will be with your millions .Oh by the way not theory its fact they got caught remember ?Or were all those that reported it throwing out theory ? rotflmao

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This rule came from the players association not the league.

I get that it came from the NFLPA. It is still ridiculous to me. I understand the reasons behind the rule but in this case, it should be a non-story. As someone mentioned earlier, this does not violate the spirit of the law.

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which is what saban said didnt happen. They can talk separately with him. They just cant see each other

Right that is why I say he was back peddling. His original comments made it sound like he spoke to Peyton and his OC together. Then he says well, they actually arrived separately and they may have left together but I don't know you will have to ask them. Seems silly to me that he would not have spoken to them together given he wanted info on their hurry up/no huddle offense.


I really don't understand why Saban talked about the meeting in the first place other than to maybe gloat? I know the guy has an ego the size of an elephant. But why say anything?

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 22, 2014 - off topic
Hidden by Nadine, April 22, 2014 - off topic

Wow Dude go back to Boston and by the way what are you on ? Lol your seeing things never said a word about a new gameplan. :36dancing: Then you will be with your millions .Oh by the way not theory its fact they got caught remember ?Or were all those that reported it throwing out theory ? :lol:



Is English your second language?

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Right that is why I say he was back peddling. His original comments made it sound like he spoke to Peyton and his OC together. Then he says well, they actually arrived separately and they may have left together but I don't know you will have to ask them. Seems silly to me that he would not have spoken to them together given he wanted info on their hurry up/no huddle offense.


I really don't understand why Saban talked about the meeting in the first place other than to maybe gloat? I know the guy has an ego the size of an elephant. But why say anything?


I thought his comments were very vague in what he spoke of with Gase.  It was manning that he primarily talked about when talking about the no huddle stuff, not Gase.

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I thought his comments were very vague in what he spoke of with Gase.  It was manning that he primarily talked about when talking about the no huddle stuff, not Gase.

Yeah, I got the sense he was name dropping. So of course he will talk up Manning and not Gase. I really don't think any of it is a huge deal but Saban really didn't need to say anything. It's not like Manning only met with him this off-season or that now somehow Alabama is going to morph into the Broncos O.

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This whole deal is just silly. I don't care if the Broncos had a full-fledged team meeting under the cover of darkness. The rule about this wasn't to prevent teams from getting a competitive advantage, it was about the NFLPA trying to make sure players aren't pressured into attending voluntary off-season meetings and whatnot. More of a labor law than a "rule" about competition. 


I'm with Nadine. Matters not in my bubble either! 

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, April 23, 2014 - questioning moderation
Hidden by Nadine, April 23, 2014 - questioning moderation

I removed an off topic exchange. Please no more of that.


Now, my thought on this issue is that it's a #RichPeopleProblem


Matters not in my little bubble



Peyton is the topic. Where did those go and why?  

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This whole deal is just silly. I don't care if the Broncos had a full-fledged team meeting under the cover of darkness. The rule about this wasn't to prevent teams from getting a competitive advantage, it was about the NFLPA trying to make sure players aren't pressured into attending voluntary off-season meetings and whatnot. More of a labor law than a "rule" about competition. 


I'm with Nadine. Matters not in my bubble either! 

"A full fledged teaming meeting under the cover of darkness."  haha SW1 loves your line there. It sounds so dubious & nefarious doesn't it? which makes this whole fake outrage thing so ridiculous. With the heat that Manning & Saban are falsely taking from this unfounded conspiracy theory, it just shows how out of touch CBA enforcers really are. Sometimes, where there is smoke there is no fire. Well said GP.  ;)

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I removed an off topic exchange. Please no more of that.


Now, my thought on this issue is that it's a #RichPeopleProblem


Matters not in my little bubble

Amen Nadine. Amen. As my stepmother always says, "Get back to me when you have a real problem." Thank you. LOL! 

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which is what saban said didnt happen. They can talk separately with him. They just cant see each other

The whole idea is just lame to me that the OC & QB can't have a chat at the same time with Nick Saban. What like 3 men in the league can't tap each other's intellect or intelligence separately & accumulate the same information that they couldn't standing in the same exact room at the same time? What like 2's a crowd & 3's a black panther militant group up to no good? LOL! If the CBA enforcers would think about the ludicrousness of this rule for a moment, they would realize how easy it is to circumvent the actual established principal. 


I am not implying that the Broncos organization would ever commit a CBA violation willingly just that the rule can be easily sidestepped or the same information desired can still be obtained through an alternate route or means, which makes the rule almost null & void in my estimation. 

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