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Satele getting mad on twitter?


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Toler should stay when healthy he played well. I can just feel it Satele is going to stay!


I have serious concerns about Toler.

He was burned too many times, and even before he got hurt Toler showed he was a terrible tackler.

My feeling is, if he is retained, Greg Toler will be a huge liability, and end up being cut or benched in 2014.

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I have serious concerns about Toler.

He was burned too many times, and even before he got hurt Toler showed he was a terrible tackler.

My feeling is, if he is retained, Greg Toler will be a huge liability, and end up being cut or benched in 2014.

I guess I missed that guy, yes he got burned in the KC game but honestly he looked hurt & should have NEVER been out there that IMO is the coaches fault. As far as earlier in the year I thought he played very well! He tackles well which was stated when we signed him he is a willing hitter. In the defense we play we expose our CB's to a lot of 1 on 1's they will get beat some times. What I saw was a guy who is EXTREMELY AGGRESSIVE. When you play like that you usually win more than you lose, but you will lose some. Played DB in college I watch the DB's a lot & honestly he is pretty good!. I am more worried about his health issues he was injured some in Arizona as well.

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Toler should stay when healthy he played well. I can just feel it Satele is going to stay!


Toler was good for the first couple weeks, that was it. I'd rather have a guy that can stay on field. We can find a different #2 for 4-5 million that we would be paying him.

I have the same terrible feelings about Satele.

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I had hopes when Satele first arrived that he could be the guy to anchor the line.  As it turns out he just really isn't that good.  


I find it comical that people take to this forum and will use it to bash certain players (Satele being a favorite whipping boy), but then get their underwear in a bunch when somebody replies to his tweet saying similar stuff that a lot of people around here are guilty of saying.  He (eblack) hid behind an avatar, just like we are all behind an avatar.  He was being an internet tough guy, just like some on here are internet tough guys.  Some have justified actions taken on this board because it's a forum, and give it a pass compared to twitter.  IMO, any time that you put anything on social media you are opening the door for comments (good or bad) from those who have access to it, and make it an opportunity to have banter back and forth (much like a forum).  Nobody is to blame for any of this but Satele himself.  He decided to have a twitter account, he decided to tweet about this, his garbage play on the field subjected him to ridicule, and he decided to engage in a back and forth when he got called out.  Eblack said to him what a lot of people on here feel.  Was it the exact words you or I might have used? Probably not.  Is he any more wrong for saying it on twitter than we are for saying it here on the forum?  IMO, no.

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I had hopes when Satele first arrived that he could be the guy to anchor the line.  As it turns out he just really isn't that good.  


I find it comical that people take to this forum and will use it to bash certain players (Satele being a favorite whipping boy), but then get their underwear in a bunch when somebody replies to his tweet saying similar stuff that a lot of people around here are guilty of saying.  He (eblack) hid behind an avatar, just like we are all behind an avatar.  He was being an internet tough guy, just like some on here are internet tough guys.  Some have justified actions taken on this board because it's a forum, and give it a pass compared to twitter.  IMO, any time that you put anything on social media you are opening the door for comments (good or bad) from those who have access to it, and make it an opportunity to have banter back and forth (much like a forum).  Nobody is to blame for any of this but Satele himself.  He decided to have a twitter account, he decided to tweet about this, his garbage play on the field subjected him to ridicule, and he decided to engage in a back and forth when he got called out.  Eblack said to him what a lot of people on here feel.  Was it the exact words you or I might have used? Probably not.  Is he any more wrong for saying it on twitter than we are for saying it here on the forum?  IMO, no.

The difference is EBlack was on Satele's twitter feed, we are fans in a forum, discussing amongst other fans. We're not on players twitter feeds telling them how terrible they are, which would *jerk move.

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The difference is EBlack was on Satele's twitter feed, we are fans in a forum, discussing amongst other fans. We're not on players twitter feeds telling them how terrible they are, which would *jerk move.

Once you put something out for the public (social media of any type) you are opening yourself for this type of thing.  Once you open that door you shouldn't be upset with who or what decides to walk through it.


The fact that people think it's ok to trash him on one outlet (this forum), but all of a sudden another outlet (twitter) is off limits, to me, is laughable.


Would I have taken to Satele's twitter and do what eblack did?  No I probably wouldn't.  But I'm not going to condemn him for talking smack about Satele's play on there because I have talked smack about Satele's play here. 


We'll have to agree to disagree on this one

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I had hopes when Satele first arrived that he could be the guy to anchor the line.  As it turns out he just really isn't that good.  


I find it comical that people take to this forum and will use it to bash certain players (Satele being a favorite whipping boy), but then get their underwear in a bunch when somebody replies to his tweet saying similar stuff that a lot of people around here are guilty of saying.  He (eblack) hid behind an avatar, just like we are all behind an avatar.  He was being an internet tough guy, just like some on here are internet tough guys.  Some have justified actions taken on this board because it's a forum, and give it a pass compared to twitter.  IMO, any time that you put anything on social media you are opening the door for comments (good or bad) from those who have access to it, and make it an opportunity to have banter back and forth (much like a forum).  Nobody is to blame for any of this but Satele himself.  He decided to have a twitter account, he decided to tweet about this, his garbage play on the field subjected him to ridicule, and he decided to engage in a back and forth when he got called out.  Eblack said to him what a lot of people on here feel.  Was it the exact words you or I might have used? Probably not.  Is he any more wrong for saying it on twitter than we are for saying it here on the forum?  IMO, no.

Dude, were on a message board of course were going to say if we think a player is bad. Why does that mean were some fake internet tough guy? That doesnt mean I would walk up to them on the street though and say hey man you suck, or twitter for that matter. You draw the line, and its a lot different talking about it here than telling him he sucks straight to him thats cruel.

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Dude, were on a message board of course were going to say if we think a player is bad. Why does that mean were some fake internet tough guy? That doesnt mean I would walk up to them on the street though and say hey man you suck, or twitter for that matter. You draw the line, and its a lot different talking about it here than telling him he sucks straight to him thats cruel.

To each their own

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To each their own

Does this mean if I say something some how not positive about a member of the colts I am a fake internet tough guy? I dont see why anyone would be here just to say how great EVERY player is, I think that would get old pretty fast. 


I guess not, you have a lot of posts.  I'm sure if I looked through em all I would never find one negative post where you string up and flog (say something critical) the colts, the coaches, or the fo (sarcasm). 

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Does this mean if I say something some how not positive about a member of the colts I am a fake internet tough guy? I dont see why anyone would be here just to say how great EVERY player is, I think that would get old pretty fast. 


I guess not, you have a lot of posts.  I'm sure if I looked through em all I would never find one negative post where you string up and flog (say something critical) the colts, the coaches, or the fo (sarcasm). 

I'm not sure what you're not understanding.


I feel that if you can get on one type of outlet and bash a player for his horrendous performance, then why is it all of a sudden unacceptable to do it on another outlet?  Evidently you don't feel the same....to each their own.


I have said plenty of times that Satele stinks as Center and I wouldn't be upset at all if he's gone, actually I would be thrilled if he gets shown the door.  Not every post I've made or will make is all rainbows and flowers.


I also don't know why you are taking the internet tough guy comment so personal.  I never called you out by name as being one, so if it struck a nerve with you maybe that's something you need to deal with on your own.  I don't know what else to tell you.

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I think that the comments in his twitter feed were gleefully malicious and flat out ugly. Kind of like bullying


I don't blame him for saying something about it


It's one thing to dislike play on the field and it's another to take joy in attacking someone via social media


It reflects poorly on anyone who posts like that.

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I think that the comments in his twitter feed were gleefully malicious and flat out ugly. Kind of like bullying


It's one thing to dislike play on the field and it's another to take joy in attacking someone via social media


this. if your a teacher and have a student who is failing miserably it is one thing to tell the parents at a conference, but another to shout hey your kid is a failure hes failing at them on a street corner. We can pretend context doesn't matter in which we say things all we want, but it does. People have feelings, and anyone that is looking to hurt them is wrong. A person isnt asking to get their feelings hurt because they created a twitter account or stepped out the door. Satele was asking for it by making a twitter? Is the kid who gets made fun of at school asking for it because he doesn't just drop out? 


I guess I take it personal, because I hate comments on forums I frequent that discourage people from intelligent conversations a la "some of you talk bad about the colts, but you wouldnt say it to their faces youre a fake internet tough guy"  Well why are we fake internet tough guys for saying Satele should be gone and not you? How were you able to convey that same message, but not be labeled the same as everyone else? 

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Mark J. Rebilas-USA TODAY Sports

Satele is arguably the worst center in the league and will cost Indianapolis over $5 million if he remains on the roster next year. Releasing him would bring a charge of just $1 million, so he absolutely needs to go.

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