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Props to Pep [Merge]


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He has really transformed this offense into what it needs to be for right now -- a spread, uptempo attacking offense. Until we get the hogs to be a ground and pound team, this is who we are. I would also like to commend him on his timely play calls of late. That keeper by Luck was brilliant, and I'm willing to bet he's had some option packages in the playbook that he's had stashed just for the playoffs. They weren't expecting that play at all, and even though it only led to a field goal, it still kept us in the game and helped our confidence going forward.

I just wanted to start a thread giving him credit, because I was one of the people who have been critical of his offense early on. He's shown that's he's flexible and willing to defer from his philosophies if it makes for a more productive offense. That's the kind of coordinator we need. You build the offense around your personnel, not the other way around. Good job, Pep

Go Colts!

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That screen pass to Donald in that bunch/diamond formation was a great play call.

I was driving home from shopping for the incoming storm, and heard that play call over the radio and thought, "Man, that play must've been cool" lol I'm re-watching the game right now just so I can see it

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I will start of by saying WOW! I am NOT a Pep fan by no means but I must say of ALL the coaches on this staff PEP has shown the MOST growth and I'm starting to feel the sky might be the limit for him. As the season has progressed the offense has started to showcase the talents of the BEST AVAILABLE talent on offense and put them in the BEST position to score points. If that means going more up tempo or by changing personnel on the field (DHB out Rogers in, Whalen back, Brown over Trent), utilizing the DEEP threat known as TY and keeping the ball in Luck's hand instead of being STUBBORN to a fault forcing the power running game with Trent. I don't care what anybody says to put up 45pts on THAT defense (with all the Pro Bowlers on that side of the ball) and only having the ball 22mins on offense is saying a lot but I've been saying all along Reggie or not you have to adjust the gameplan to move the ball with others. As long as you have that SPECIAL guy named Luck you have a chance. Sure he will make mistakes but he will learn also. (he is ONLY year 2) To me it is a SCARY thought what this team can do when ALL the playmakers come back on offense NEXT year. So kudos to Pep and the offense keep attacking!! :clap:

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He's done better of late, but he still makes some head scratching calls now and then. If I live to be 438 years old I'll never understand what made a pitch to Richardson while motioning the wideout AWAY from the pitch direction seem like a good idea. Richardson isn't fast enough for pitches, nor can we properly block for them. He tried to get cute with the call, and it hurt us. More than it should have, but it was a play destined to fail. 

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Honestly, I think it was pagano not letting him open it up. Just a hunch. Pagano is now giving Pep creative freedom to call plays. That 4th down read option was a ballsy call. It seems after we got crushed by Cardinals, the play clling has been different. You almost never see Havili anymore.

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He's done better of late, but he still makes some head scratching calls now and then. If I live to be 438 years old I'll never understand what made a pitch to Richardson while motioning the wideout AWAY from the pitch direction seem like a good idea. Richardson isn't fast enough for pitches, nor can we properly block for them. He tried to get cute with the call, and it hurt us. More than it should have, but it was a play destined to fail.

Somewhere, there's probably some Saints or Eagles or Broncos fan criticizing their OC's play-calling as well. Nobody calls the perfect game. The only thing I was looking for was for him to adapt the game plan to better suit our strengths. He's done that, and the offense has stepped up of late. Nitpicking after a win like that is silly. I'll live with one Ill-timed play call over an entire games worth of them. At least he's not calling play action passes, out of I-formation, on a 3rd and 15, with 2 minutes left in the game, when we're down by 2 scores, anymore

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Honestly, I think it was pagano not letting him open it up. Just a hunch. Pagano is now giving Pep creative freedom to call plays. That 4th down read option was a ballsy call. It seems after we got crushed by Cardinals, the play clling has been different. You almost never see Havili anymore.

I agree. Pagano is a great motivator, and is our coach for the foreseeable future but he needs to keep his hands off the offense. He doesn't have a clue

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Honestly, I think it was pagano not letting him open it up. Just a hunch. Pagano is now giving Pep creative freedom to call plays. That 4th down read option was a ballsy call. It seems after we got crushed by Cardinals, the play clling has been different. You almost never see Havili anymore.

If that is the case then I must give Chuck some credit too because this offense can score points without Reggie and a shaky o-line which I must say is playing better as of late. Now as far as that defense......

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I don't know who is responsible for the conservative play calling this season. Some seem to be implying that Hamilton is some Grudenesque killer being held back by the Head Coach. But I have to assume the entire staff from ownership, management and coaching was on one accord. Especially considering that it was Hamilton's forte at Stanford. And that Irsay himself wanted to go this direction. Regardless, I was VERY pleased they had appeared to adjust to our lack of Oline talent and injuries coming down the stretch.


And the first possession last night was absolutely beautiful!!!


But the 2nd possession leading all the way through to halftime was horrible. I literally had a conniption fit (think Ramsey from the Bud lite commercials) . When I came to...I called for Hamilton's head.....something I have never done (called for one of our coaches to be fired) in the history of history.


We battled back in the 2nd half. But there is no way I am prepared to give Hamilton anything but kudos for doing the obvious in the 2nd half.


Glad I have a week to calm back down.

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This is totally uninformed.

Just my opinion. You don't have to agree with it or like it. Based off his comments in interviews, and his game management at the end of games we needed to be more aggressive, I feel his approach to offense is dated and antiquated. I like him overall as a coach, but like I said, he's not an X's and O's guy on offense. A little too conservative on that side of the ball for my liking. You're entitled to your opinion though

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I don't get why people putting so much of the blame on Pep when it was Trent fumbling and Andrew throwing risky passes that lead to two turn-overs before and after half-time that caused our offense to stall.  Pep isn't the one out there making the throws and carrying the rock.  

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I'm still not sold completely on Pep, I was ready to see him fired the first ⅔ of the season, and after the first drive when we went pathetic for two quarters.


When he let's Luck be Luck, we are a good offense, but then he'll call some outright stupid plays which fizzle drives.  Hopefully he's learned and is correcting his shortcomings.  I will give him kudos for turning Luck loose and putting the game in Luck's hands.

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Pagano is the guy that wanted a power running team, Pep said he wanted a No coast offense. We should have been playing like this from the start. Luck, the O-line, the Wr's all seem to play better when he's in shotgun. We don't have the personnel to be a power running team but we do have the horses for a high tempo offense.

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I don't know who is responsible for the conservative play calling this season. Some seem to be implying that Hamilton is some Grudenesque killer being held back by the Head Coach. But I have to assume the entire staff from ownership, management and coaching was on one accord. Especially considering that it was Hamilton's forte at Stanford. And that Irsay himself wanted to go this direction. Regardless, I was VERY pleased they had appeared to adjust to our lack of Oline talent and injuries coming down the stretch.


And the first possession last night was absolutely beautiful!!!


But the 2nd possession leading all the way through to halftime was horrible. I literally had a conniption fit (think Ramsey from the Bud lite commercials) . When I came to...I called for Hamilton's head.....something I have never done (called for one of our coaches to be fired) in the history of history.


We battled back in the 2nd half. But there is no way I am prepared to give Hamilton anything but kudos for doing the obvious in the 2nd half.


Glad I have a week to calm back down.

So true about the first possession. If a team can't stop something you HAMMER them with it and DON'T let up. On that first series it seemed to me the Chiefs couldn't stop the passing game but the next few series the Colts tried rushing instead of keeping the foot on the throttle because in the 2nd half despite the int's the Chiefs couldn't contain the passing game. There is nothing wrong with using the pass to set up the run after you have a team on it's heels. All the Colts did on that first possession was TIE the score so they should've REMAINED with the passing game SCORE for SCORE instead of falling way behind to do the obvious but a win is a win and whoever they play next week they can't afford to get down big early. The defense MUST play better next week and the offense must limit the turnovers. (which come more often from being down big and pressing to catch up)  

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And like he said, a totally uninformed one. Has nothing to do whether anyone agrees or not.

Nobody asked you. What I will ask you is, who makes you the determining factor of what is and isn't an uninformed opinion? Pretty much anything that doesn't have a positive spin on it about the team is immediately attacked around here. Ignoring weaknesses within the team and the staff doesn't make you a more informed observer of football -- it just makes you a fanatic. Now back to your Kool Aid

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The mods could probably merge our threads, blue. You could've just posted In the thread I started an hour earlier

I guess we think alike because yours wasn't posted when I started typing mine a couple hours ago. I was doing something else and finished the topic later so by the time I posted yours was a topic which brought a smile to my face.  

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I agree. Pagano is a great motivator, and is our coach for the foreseeable future but he needs to keep his hands off the offense. He doesn't have a clue



EDIT NOTE:   After writing this post, I've now gone back and read the rest of the thread.   I'll let my post stand just so I'm on the record with HBA.....    I'm not looking for a fight with anyone here....  Just wanted my response noted...



I don't mean to get into a fight with someone I like.......




Speaking of.....  "not having a clue...."


You don't know that Pagano has been restricting Pep.     If so,  offer up the proof.   Where's the link to this?


You don't know that Pagano and Pep didn't sit down a month or so ago and both decided what we were doing wasn't working with all our injuries and we had to change....


We all might find out......    and hopefully soon.


Hopefully some writer asks Pagano in a press conference about how all the offensive changes came to pass?   Who's idea was it and what his thoughts about it were.....


But, until then,  you don't know.      And to be clear,  I don't know either....    no one here does!


For all I know you might even be right!     But until someone asks and he answers,  none of us know.....   We're all guessing...


Fair enough?

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