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Ok, so here is my question. How come the same people that praised Polian a few years ago, now want him out?

I know that most of the fans supported Polian and worshipped him for bringing us SB win and making Colts a winning franchise.

Those same people said how great Polian was in Buffalo and Carolina.

Now why all of a sudden did you all change your mind about the guy? I understand you want Caldwell gone and you want all the coaches gone. But why be such hypocrites and wanna kick out the dude who you loved all these years?

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Ok, so here is my question. How come the same people that praised Polian a few years ago, now want him out?

I know that most of the fans supported Polian and worshipped him for bringing us SB win and making Colts a winning franchise.

Those same people said how great Polian was in Buffalo and Carolina.

Now why all of a sudden did you all change your mind about the guy? I understand you want Caldwell gone and you want all the coaches gone. But why be such hypocrites and wanna kick out the dude who you loved all these years?

Polian's record since 2006 hasn't been great.

Whiffs like Gonzalez, Ugoh, Brown, Hughes, every O-line player he has brought in and an unwillingness to correct the problems he created via free agency are starting to effect the team in a big, big way.

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The truth is, most fans don't have a clue. They have absolutely no idea what it takes to be a coach, GM, etc., but they invest far too much of their time and emotion into a sports team instead of real life. So when things go poorly, they get upset and need someone to blame. They spew the same, thoughtless water cooler sound bytes they picked up somewhere else, Google some stats to sound smart, and refuse to own up to their blatant hypocrisy.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but this the irrefutable truth with a lot of people on here.

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The truth is, most fans don't have a clue. They have absolutely no idea what it takes to be a coach, GM, etc., but they invest far too much of their time and emotion into a sports team instead of real life. So when things go poorly, they get upset and need someone to blame. They spew the same, thoughtless water cooler sound bytes they picked up somewhere else, Google some stats to sound smart, and refuse to own up to their blatant hypocrisy.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but this the irrefutable truth with a lot of people on here.


Of course you're exempt, though, right?

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The truth is, most fans don't have a clue. They have absolutely no idea what it takes to be a coach, GM, etc., but they invest far too much of their time and emotion into a sports team instead of real life. So when things go poorly, they get upset and need someone to blame. They spew the same, thoughtless water cooler sound bytes they picked up somewhere else, Google some stats to sound smart, and refuse to own up to their blatant hypocrisy.

Sorry if I sound harsh, but this the irrefutable truth with a lot of people on here.


finally a humane answer. Thank you good sir!

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What precisely did I do against the rules?

1. Absolutely no profanity or obscene, vulgar or violent photos, period.


2. Zero tolerance for personal attacks on anyone including the mods.


3. Don’t write in all CAPS! It’s “YELLING” and unnecessary.


4. No selling tickets, merch or anything else. No spamming or illegal activity.


5. No political or religious discussions.


6. No “nonsense” posts, this includes rumors.

I'm not guilty. You, however....

7. Fans from ALL NFL teams are welcome. They get along in real life and we expect the same here. No exceptions.

It would be refreshing if you WERE the fan of another team.

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Allow me to explain what Waylon was referring to. You and dn4192 are both pretty bad posters, and you both came up around the same time. Polian does not deserve a second chance you know why? Because he's had years of second chances to build an even respectable team around Peyton. He has not. Now that our quarterback is down, we're 0-7 and our defense gave up the most points in a game since 1988. A GM that builds that defense should be gone, especially one who has as much power as he does. So much power that he gives his kids jobs in the front office.

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Allow me to explain what Waylon was referring to. You and dn4192 are both pretty bad posters, and you both came up around the same time. Polian does not deserve a second chance you know why? Because he's had years of second chances to build an even respectable team around Peyton. He has not. Now that our quarterback is down, we're 0-7 and our defense gave up the most points in a game since 1988. A GM that builds that defense should be gone, especially one who has as much power as he does. So much power that he gives his kids jobs in the front office.

He's not gonna get it.

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Just because people have experienced success in the past does not exempt them from criticism today. You cannot look at the free agent moves and drafts over the past 4-5 years and say Bill has been a genius. This season is a total disaster and the front office has to carry as much burden as the coaching staff. If you do not think a lot of their decisions has played a part in this disaster then you are just being a blind homer.

I would not get rid of Polian given his past success, but I sure hope that Bill fires our entire coaching staff and just start over.

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Allow me to explain what Waylon was referring to. You and dn4192 are both pretty bad posters, and you both came up around the same time. . Polian does not deserve a second chance you know why? Because he's had years of second chances to build an even respectable team around Peyton. He has not. Now that our quarterback is down, we're 0-7 and our defense gave up the most points in a game since 1988. A GM that builds that defense should be gone, especially one who has as much power as he does. So much power that he gives his kids jobs in the front office.

Im not all over Polian. I am just asking a question.

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Just because people have experienced success in the past does not exempt them from criticism today. You cannot look at the free agent moves and drafts over the past 4-5 years and say Bill has been a genius. This season is a total disaster and the front office has to carry as much burden as the coaching staff. If you do not think a lot of their decisions has played a part in this disaster then you are just being a blind homer.

I would not get rid of Polian given his past success, but I sure hope that Bill fires our entire coaching staff and just start over.

You made some good points there. That's all I was asking. People's opinion.

I am not a Polian supporter. I just liketo expose the crap in people. That's all.

Those same people that Loved Polian, now they want him out. I just point out the crap in peoples hearts.

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Polian's record since 2006 hasn't been great.

Whiffs like Gonzalez, Ugoh, Brown, Hughes, every O-line player he has brought in and an unwillingness to correct the problems he created via free agency are starting to effect the team in a big, big way.

I am unsure why Gonzalez is considered a "whiff" The guy has talent, the problem is he can't stay healthy. I am unclear how that is the fault of Polian as I don't believe he had health issues in college and when healthy here in Indy was a vital part of the WR crew. Ugoh was a bust but I didn't hear any expert go crazy that it was a bad pick at the time, or even a reach when the Colts traded up to get him. Brown I think could be a decent back in a different system, he is just not the type of back that is able to pick up our system, but I do believe he is NFL material. As for Hughes...I am willing to give him a bit more time.

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what are you on? this is my only account. I don;t know who you are talking about. Check my IP. *.

They are speaking of me, because U have the nerve to support Polian while some here are so out of touch with reality and want a full housecleaning of the Colts administration based on nothing more then a knee jerk recation to this season.

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Allow me to explain what Waylon was referring to. You and dn4192 are both pretty bad posters, and you both came up around the same time.. Polian does not deserve a second chance you know why? Because he's had years of second chances to build an even respectable team around Peyton. He has not. Now that our quarterback is down, we're 0-7 and our defense gave up the most points in a game since 1988. A GM that builds that defense should be gone, especially one who has as much power as he does. So much power that he gives his kids jobs in the front office.

Bill Polian has not only earned a chance to make changes, he will get it. There is not 1 poster here who has the slightest clue of how to run, manage and operate a professional NFL team. What you have here are a bunch of bandwagon fans who turn on their team at the first sign of a poor season. These fans refuse to accept facts, but instead grasp to the idea that they know more then those in the position. I would love to see how many here have ever worked in teh offices of a NFL team let alone been responsible for putting together 6 SB quality teams, and an overall record that Bill Polian has. Come on..anyone...anyone?

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They are speaking of me, because U have the nerve to support Polian while some here are so out of touch with reality and want a full housecleaning of the Colts administration based on nothing more then a knee jerk recation to this season.

I don't support him, but I like to expose those people who once supported him, like that John Waylon character. Now those same people point fingers at Polian.

I agree with what you are saying tho. These are just spoiled and corrupt fans. Next year with new staff if we are winning they will lick their arses, if we are losing they will again want them out.

Here is an example for you. Let's say we get a whole new staff and win a SB in the next year or so. Then 3-4 years pass and we are back to mediocre. These same people will want all of their past heros out. LOL

fans, don't be like John Waylon, that Yankee type fan mentality is bad. Don't be like him.

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Just because people have experienced success in the past does not exempt them from criticism today. You cannot look at the free agent moves and drafts over the past 4-5 years and say Bill has been a genius. This season is a total disaster and the front office has to carry as much burden as the coaching staff. If you do not think a lot of their decisions has played a part in this disaster then you are just being a blind homer.

I would not get rid of Polian given his past success, but I sure hope that Bill fires our entire coaching staff and just start over.

It is fine to be critical, but there are those here who believe 1) They could do a better job then Bill Polian/Jim Caldwell 2) There are those here who believe that it was all luck and 3) There are those here who can't live with the thought of havig a down season or two and think their team should always win.

Be critcial if you want but within reason...

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Alright first of all, the art of GMing is not an exact science. Bill Polian was lucky to get Peyton Manning in 98. Peyton Manning has bailed our bad team out of losing records his entire career. He is the one and only reason Bill has survived all this time, and it has come out that Bill was kinda leaning towards drafting Ryan Leaf. Good thing he had the stroke of genius to go with Manning instead.

GMing is something where even if you just go with Mel Kiper's board, you're still bound to hit on some players. You'll also miss on some players. I could do a day's worth of research on the entire draft board, just reading people's opinions, and make my own board. I would still hit on some players and miss on some players. I don't fault Bill for his drafting ability. I fault him for his hiring of bad coaches/training staff, and his stubbornness in sticking to his guns....especially when those guns aren't working. By guns I am referring to our defensive schemes. I also fault him for never even trying to bring in solid contributers through free agency. This last year is the first time in many that I felt we made an attempt to help the roster in free agency, and that was more than likely Chris Polian's doing. I also fault Bill for being a pompous, self-righteous, *. Does anyone even know why he cut our second best cornerback this year? That has yet to be explained.

A little side note, I don't think John Waylon has ever been a Polian supporter. How would you know what his opinion of BP was five or six years ago anyway?

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It is fine to be critical, but there are those here who believe 1) They could do a better job then Bill Polian/Jim Caldwell 2) There are those here who believe that it was all luck and 3) There are those here who can't live with the thought of havig a down season or two and think their team should always win.

Be critcial if you want but within reason...

We can criticize anything we want and don't need to justify it to anyone. We are the customers without which the man would not be paid millions of dollars per year.

If my steak gets botched I don't have to believe I can do better to demand that it be fixed. All I have to believe is that a better one is possible. It doesn't matter how highly regarded the chef is. If this steak is bad then I'm going to expect that it be fixed and if it is part of a long decline in quality I am going to begin looking for alternatives. A professional sports franchise is no different.

However, my main complaint with the man is not the declining quality of his work but rather his horribly arrogant attitude toward the paying customers without which he would not have a job. Somewhere along the line (personally I think his media overexposure is a big part of this) he lost track of who really pays his salary.

If he goes away I will not miss him in the least.

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Alright first of all, the art of GMing is not an exact science. Bill Polian was lucky to get Peyton Manning in 98. Peyton Manning has bailed our bad team out of losing records his entire career. He is the one and only reason Bill has survived all this time, and it has come out that Bill was kinda leaning towards drafting Ryan Leaf. Good thing he had the stroke of genius to go with Manning instead.

GMing is something where even if you just go with Mel Kiper's board, you're still bound to hit on some players. You'll also miss on some players. I could do a day's worth of research on the entire draft board, just reading people's opinions, and make my own board. I would still hit on some players and miss on some players. I don't fault Bill for his drafting ability. I fault him for his hiring of bad coaches/training staff, and his stubbornness in sticking to his guns....especially when those guns aren't working. By guns I am referring to our defensive schemes. I also fault him for never even trying to bring in solid contributers through free agency. This last year is the first time in many that I felt we made an attempt to help the roster in free agency, and that was more than likely Chris Polian's doing. I also fault Bill for being a pompous, self-righteous, *. Does anyone even know why he cut our second best cornerback this year? That has yet to be explained.

A little side note, I don't think John Waylon has ever been a Polian supporter. How would you know what his opinion of BP was five or six years ago anyway?


this is the same guy that was saying how genius Polian was for what he did in Buffalo and Carolina. This is just another backstabbing wagon jumping fan. We don't need fans like this. GET OUT!!

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I don't support him, but I like to expose those people who once supported him, like that John Waylon character. Now those same people point fingers at Polian.

I agree with what you are saying tho. These are just spoiled and corrupt fans. Next year with new staff if we are winning they will lick their arses, if we are losing they will again want them out.

Here is an example for you. Let's say we get a whole new staff and win a SB in the next year or so. Then 3-4 years pass and we are back to mediocre. These same people will want all of their past heros out. LOL

fans, don't be like John Waylon, that Yankee type fan mentality is bad. Don't be like him.


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We can criticize anything we want and don't need to justify it to anyone. We are the customers without which the man would not be paid millions of dollars per year.

If my steak gets botched I don't have to believe I can do better to demand that it be fixed. All I have to believe is that a better one is possible. It doesn't matter how highly regarded the chef is. If this steak is bad then I'm going to expect that it be fixed and if it is part of a long decline in quality I am going to begin looking for alternatives. A professional sports franchise is no different.

However, my main complaint with the man is not the declining quality of his work but rather his horribly arrogant attitude toward the paying customers without which he would not have a job. Somewhere along the line (personally I think his media overexposure is a big part of this) he lost track of who really pays his salary.

If he goes away I will not miss him in the least.

Okay were you just as much outraged with Mr. Polian when we won the SB? I mean were you out there screaming for his removal and dislike then? As for his arrogance, who cares, as long as he puts a winning product on the field the majority of the time (no team wins every season) then he can be as arrogant as he wants.

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this is the same guy that was saying how genius Polian was for what he did in Buffalo and Carolina. This is just another backstabbing wagon jumping fan. We don't need fans like this. GET OUT!!

If I have ever given him credit, it's for what he did in Buffalo and Carolina, he turned them into good football teams. In Indianapolis, he's completely lost his mojo. The league changes and Polian hasn't adapted. He's old, what can you expect. Just because you were successful doesn't mean you always will be. Lawrence Taylor was a good linebacker 20 years ago, it doesn't mean I'd want him on my team now.

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this is the same guy that was saying how genius Polian was for what he did in Buffalo and Carolina. This is just another backstabbing wagon jumping fan. We don't need fans like this. GET OUT!!

Just because some of us aren't out waiving our pom poms doesn't mean we've stopped being fans. If you can't handle people being critical of the team, especially after getting depanced and violated on national TV last week, perhaps internet forums are not the place for you to spend your time.
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Okay were you just as much outraged with Mr. Polian when we won the SB? I mean were you out there screaming for his removal and dislike then? As for his arrogance, who cares, as long as he puts a winning product on the field the majority of the time (no team wins every season) then he can be as arrogant as he wants.

people had their nose in Mr. Polians butt when we won the SB. People like waylon and other backstabbers who post on this forum.

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mod edit If I have ever given him credit, it's for what he did in Buffalo and Carolina, he turned them into good football teams. In Indianapolis, he's completely lost his mojo. The league changes and Polian hasn't adapted. He's old, what can you expect. Just because you were successful doesn't mean you always will be. Lawrence Taylor was a good linebacker 20 years ago, it doesn't mean I'd want him on my team now.

you were kissing his buttocks for taking you to 2 SB's and making Colts a great team.

You loved Polian and now you backstabbed him.

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Posted · Hidden by Nadine, October 26, 2011 - quoted post that was removed
Hidden by Nadine, October 26, 2011 - quoted post that was removed

^^^^^and by fool I mean the r word. Just want you to know what I think of you. This G rated forum is kinda ridiculous.

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If I have ever given him credit, it's for what he did in Buffalo and Carolina, he turned them into good football teams. In Indianapolis, he's completely lost his mojo. The league changes and Polian hasn't adapted. He's old, what can you expect. Just because you were successful doesn't mean you always will be. Lawrence Taylor was a good linebacker 20 years ago, it doesn't mean I'd want him on my team now.

So the Colts were successfull for the past decade like no other team in NFL history in spite of him?

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It's disgusting... They will have +1'd each others posts to the 500 level by sundown.

I can just tell everyone I know to join and give me +1000.

You think I give a darn about the points system? I can be -million and still be a truer fan that all these backstabbers on here.

go keep insulting our teams and our organization

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