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Brady = MJ according to Skip Bayless

Shane Bond

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This is one of those head scratchers.  I don't think anyone should be compared to Jordan especially from another sport.


I don't like when people try to put Brady on Mt Rushmore.  He's a very good QB but not perfect.


As a Patriots fan I got some gripes that I have with Brady...


He's not maneuverable or fast.  He can't scramble like a Steve Young to avoid the rush when the O'line fails him.

When he faces pressure up the middle it really bothers him.  That's why a team with a good 4-3 D usually beats the Pats.

He falls to the ground when no one touches him.

He throws tantrums.  After he gets tackled he sits there on the ground looking around to blame someone.

He begs the refs for a flag.


Perception does matter.

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This is one of those head scratchers.  I don't think anyone should be compared to Jordan especially from another sport.


I don't like when people try to put Brady on Mt Rushmore.  He's a very good QB but not perfect.


As a Patriots fan I got some gripes that I have with Brady...


He's not maneuverable or fast.  He can't scramble like a Steve Young to avoid the rush when the O'line fails him.

When he faces pressure up the middle it really bothers him.  That's why a team with a good 4-3 D usually beats the Pats.

He falls to the ground when no one touches him.

He throws tantrums.  After he gets tackled he sits there on the ground looking around to blame someone.

He begs the refs for a flag.


Perception does matter.

Wow, you are on a roll. Two posts today that make no sense.

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Wow, you are on a roll. Two posts today that make no sense.


It makes a lot of sense, basic simple things seem to go over your head.  I'm not going to sit on this thread and just post things to kiss Brady's or Peyton's as%.  It's called being objective with a little trash talk.  And if you don't like what I post then don't read it. I'm not here for you and I'm not going to censor or post things for your comfort.


You're obviously a Pats or Brady homer because every time some pundit or character who works in the media says something positive about Brady you add it to your signature.  What Skip said would have made sense if this was 2005.  It's 2013.

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This is one of those head scratchers.  I don't think anyone should be compared to Jordan especially from another sport.


I don't like when people try to put Brady on Mt Rushmore.  He's a very good QB but not perfect.


As a Patriots fan I got some gripes that I have with Brady...


He's not maneuverable or fast.  He can't scramble like a Steve Young to avoid the rush when the O'line fails him.

When he faces pressure up the middle it really bothers him.  That's why a team with a good 4-3 D usually beats the Pats.

He falls to the ground when no one touches him.

He throws tantrums.  After he gets tackled he sits there on the ground looking around to blame someone.

He begs the refs for a flag.


Perception does matter.

A few points.

I agree with your mt rushmore statement. No QB fits that. Brady is good and that's good enough.


Maneuverable? Well we can draft a runner if that's what you want. He's a pocket QB- of course he doesn't run. (they also tend to last longer.


Pressure up the middle? Nor can Manning or any other pocket QB. Nothing knew there- its called defense.


Fall to the ground when no one touches him? Don't see much of that except a couple times when he KNOWs he's going down for a sack. So he should fight it like big Ben and get injured ? brilliant.


Begs refs for flags. This is funny. You're not doing you job if you don't. Any sports player or coach plays the ref.


Brady's not god but your Brady bitter sweet pill is a bit off too.:)

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It makes a lot of sense, basic simple things seem to go over your head.  I'm not going to sit on this thread and just post things to kiss Brady's or Peyton's as%.  It's called being objective with a little trash talk.  And if you don't like what I post then don't read it. I'm not here for you and I'm not going to censor or post things for your comfort.


You're obviously a Pats or Brady homer because every time some pundit or character who works in the media says something positive about Brady you add it to your signature.  What Skip said would have made sense if this was 2005.  It's 2013.

Don't take my word for it just watch the responses to your posts ...

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Don't take my word for it just watch the responses to your posts ...


Yeah from weekend warrior sports fans who never played football.  lol  As if this forum has football "experts."  I don't need to have a forum of regular Joe's to agree with me to make me feel I need to fit in.  lol  It's a silly sports forum.


It was Ron Jaworski who said Brady struggles when he faces pressure up the middle.  Other QB's can avoid it better like Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees and Tony Romo.  Tony Romo's problem is he throws that INT at the worst possible time.  But we're talking specifically about maneuverability as it cost Brady and the Pats many games.  Many other QB's can do things in the pocket and avoid the rush better than Brady can.


Take it up with most sports fans.  Brady is consistently ranked as one of the most hated players in the NFL and it's not due to his success or hair.  One year he was ranked above Big Ben in being more hated in a poll.  lol  (Brady Rule)

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A few points.

I agree with your mt rushmore statement. No QB fits that. Brady is good and that's good enough.


Maneuverable? Well we can draft a runner if that's what you want. He's a pocket QB- of course he doesn't run. (they also tend to last longer.


Pressure up the middle? Nor can Manning or any other pocket QB. Nothing knew there- its called defense.


Fall to the ground when no one touches him? Don't see much of that except a couple times when he KNOWs he's going down for a sack. So he should fight it like big Ben and get injured ? brilliant.


Begs refs for flags. This is funny. You're not doing you job if you don't. Any sports player or coach plays the ref.


Brady's not god but your Brady bitter sweet pill is a bit off too. :)


"Maneuverable? Well we can draft a runner if that's what you want. He's a pocket QB- of course he doesn't run. (they also tend to last longer."

Naw, just work on leg and foot work and don't be the slowest guy in the NFL every year like Drew Bledsoe.  It could have helped against teams like the Giants.  And many pocket passers are quick on their feet.  It's not so black and white.  There's a massive shade of grey.  I'm not asking for Brady to be Michael Vick or Cam Newton.
"Pressure up the middle? Nor can Manning or any other pocket QB. Nothing knew there- its called defense."
I can post the quotes from many NFL players on this if you'd like who game plan against this weakness of Brady's more than they do on other QB's.
"Fall to the ground when no one touches him? Don't see much of that except a couple times when he KNOWs he's going down for a sack. So he should fight it like big Ben and get injured ? brilliant."
Or stand there like a statue and plant your feet and have Bernard Pollard blow out your ACL and MCL in 2008.  If Brady was quicker on his feet he could do a better job at avoiding hits to his legs and also not fall down untouched.
"Begs refs for flags. This is funny. You're not doing you job if you don't. Any sports player or coach plays the ref."
"Take off the skirt Brady" 

Rodney Harrison and Ray Lewis diss Tom Brady...



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Yeah from weekend warrior sports fans who never played football. lol As if this forum has football "experts." I don't need to have a forum of regular Joe's to agree with me to make me feel I need to fit in. lol It's a silly sports forum.

It was Ron Jaworski who said Brady struggles when he faces pressure up the middle. Other QB's can avoid it better like Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees and Tony Romo. Tony Romo's problem is he throws that INT at the worst possible time. But we're talking specifically about maneuverability as it cost Brady and the Pats many games. Many other QB's can do things in the pocket and avoid the rush better than Brady can.

Take it up with most sports fans. Brady is consistently ranked as one of the most hated players in the NFL and it's not due to his success or hair. One year he was ranked above Big Ben in being more hated in a poll. lol (Brady Rule)

Yet the Patriots have a better record than the teams listed above over the past decade.

Did Brady do something to you to make you QQ this hard? Lol

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I get that. But it was good defense. That's what you have to overcome in order to come back at the end of the game. The QB doesn't get credit for a failed comeback just because the other team played good defense. And after that, Brady throws a pick. That's a classic example of "all the credit, none of the blame."


As for Flacco a couple years ago, that's entirely different. First of all, Lee Evans drop was an entirely different story than the Amendola pass. But beyond that, when your kicker misses a makeable kick at the end of the game, that's way different from you throwing an interception. And even then, we don't give Flacco credit for "almost" getting the win. 


regardless of how you spin it , a stripped ball by a defender is a stripped ball by a defender . . . it is the same thing, Sterling Moore reached in and stripped the ball from Evans prior to it being a completion in the end zone, similar the Mia player stripped the ball from Amendola prior to it being a completion in the end zone . . .


and yes there were a lot of people who stated that Flacco did his job by putting it in the bed basket of Evans, like he did his job "but for" his WR not doing his . .. . and the fact that you seem still not to see the similarities between the two strips is an indication that some how what Evans did was different than Amendola . . .


Flacco did not have to throw a ball on 4th down as they were down by three . . . and so the two are equal on the first three downs . . . . and yes Brady threw a pick on 4th down, but like a said it is the same as an incomplete pass, which most would not find as harmless . . .


My only point was sometimes you can qualify a play by a player . . . I remember I was on this board last year on when Decker tripped over the 40 yard line then Peyton throws a pick six the next play . . . and remember talking with someone on this board, I forget who, but he or she was trying to qualify the pick six in that "but for" decker tripping over the 40 yards line,

peyton would not have been in the position to have to throw that extra pass . . . I agree with him/her on this point but only qualified it by saying it was a blown coverage and had there not been he would of tackle there anyways, meaning a bad play be the D and bad play be decker kind of cancelled each, but regardless we agree on the "but for" aspect . ..


too bad brady did not make a better throw . . . we'll see if this is a foreshadowing of the playoffs, only time will tell . . .

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Do better. I don't care what color jerseys they have on. Amendola's play, he had a defender draped all over him, he tried to make the grab over his head, and the defender knocked it away before he had a chance to secure it.


Lee Evans had the ball in his chest, cradled, and while the defender also made a good play, I think Evans' had a much greater chance of finishing the play than Amendola did.


This has nothing to do with Brady's throw. He found a window and gave his guy a chance to make the play. That's his job. Good on him. But the play wasn't made. He doesn't get credit for it just because the play was almost made.



None of that is really relevant. What's relevant is that Brady doesn't get credit for an almost comeback, especially not when he threw the game-ending interception. Again, I'm not trying to take Brady to task over it; it happens, even to the best. But it takes a major homerific twist to take a game in which Brady throws an interception at the end of the game and spin it into something to praise him over. The article should have left that game out, seriously. There are other examples from this year, like New Orleans, that speak to Brady's ability to make big plays with the game on the line. That's not one of them. 



Brady didn't do what he needed to win. With the game on the line, he threw a pick. Flacco, with the game on the line, got his team into field goal range. Set aside the Evans drop, the 32 yarder should have been made. It's two separate situations, and giving Flacco credit has nothing to do with Brady's recent game. You're asking for a consistent standard to be applied when the situations are entirely different. Brady doesn't get credit just because Flacco's team only needed three points. 



They're not the same.


Sorry but I don't know how to quote multiple times so will just response with one. . . just to repeat my last point, the ball where thrown to a spot where the WR could secure it and the defender made a play, so for me it is a wash that is all . . . if we are going to be consistent we need to understand that a strip is a strip . . . both Evans and Amendola could of each secure the ball . . . and more importantly there was really no better placed the QB could of thrown the ball to help the WR, so both QBs did their jobs equally well  . .. . we will have to agree to disagree . .. fair enough


I have not problem with the author stating the game as he did frankly, for me there are wins, and there are times in which you play well and one can take this into consideration . . . of the three late game picks, I have much more problems with Cinn and Carolina . . .  the Cinn pick was horribly underthrown and the Carolina pick was underthrown also . . . so I got no problem with taken him to task for these . . . but if one is trying to develop a body of work and/or how someone performed I am going to take into consideration things that happened outside the QB control that might require him to make more throws . . . its like my Manning/Decker point, Decker trips over the 40 yard line preventing a TD, thereby requiring another throw by manning and we have a pick-6 . . . not going to totally absolved Manning but Decker tripping is a factor when one considers Manning contribution on that drive . . .


and lastly, for me as a interception and incomplete pass are the same thing at the point in Brady's game the former does not have the same impact for me that one that killed a drive with plays on the board . . . it is as bad as an incomplete which is bad enough, but it does not carry the traditional interception moniker . . . my two cents . . .


again given the three late game picks, we will have to wait and see if the same will happen in the playoffs, only time will tell, but if there are telling, then the pats could very easily loose a playoff game in the same manner as those three game . . .

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Sorry but I don't know how to quote multiple times so will just response with one. . .


It's really very easy.


Next to the "quote" button, you will find a "MultiQuote" button.


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It makes a lot of sense, basic simple things seem to go over your head.  I'm not going to sit on this thread and just post things to kiss Brady's or Peyton's as%.  It's called being objective with a little trash talk.  And if you don't like what I post then don't read it. I'm not here for you and I'm not going to censor or post things for your comfort.


You're obviously a Pats or Brady homer because every time some pundit or character who works in the media says something positive about Brady you add it to your signature.  What Skip said would have made sense if this was 2005.  It's 2013.


Again, what a breath of fresh air. That last sentence right on the money.

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It's really very easy.


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Click on the "MultiQuote" button for each post that you would like to respond to in your post.


To the right, you should then see a black box that will contain the words . . . Reply to 2 (or 3, or 4, etc.) post(s).


Click on that black box and the multiple quotes should appear for your reply.


Thanks shecolt  :thmup:  . . . this is a big help . .. and also I forgot to thank your for showing me how to post pictures a few days back . .. thanks again for both . . . and hope you enjoy and have great Holidays . . .

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Thanks shecolt  :thmup:  . . . this is a big help . .. and also I forgot to thank your for showing me how to post pictures a few days back . .. thanks again for both . . . and hope you enjoy and have great Holidays . . .


You're welcome! I enjoy being able to help others and thank you for not being upset with me for the "pic" I gave for you to practice posting pics.  That was very ornery of me.  :nono:


I also hope that you and yours have a very, Merry Christmas.

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