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Lovie Smith First to Interview for Texans Job


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okay lovey won Super Bowl made another Super Bowl one of the best defense in the league for how long he got fired on a 10 win season.what makes him a bad option.do you remember who his quarterbacks were

Yeah, Lovie gets to the Superbowl with a pretty good Defense & Rex Grossman...

might be Texans line of thought, Defense has some good pieces, maybe they plan on keeping Schaub & bringing in Lovie...

If he can get to the Superbowl with Rex, why not Schaub...

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Yeah, Lovie gets to the Superbowl with a pretty good Defense & Rex Grossman...

might be Texans line of thought, Defense has some good pieces, maybe they plan on keeping Schaub & bringing in Lovie...

If he can get to the Superbowl with Rex, why not Schaub...

That would be absolutely setting up for failure. Not to mention the fanbase would revolt.
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Daniel Manning already played for Lovie with the Bears, Brooks Reed has played 4-3 OLB before, Cushing has played in a 4-3 next to Demeco Ryans, Antonio Smith thrives when he slides inside to DT in the nickel packages, Mercilus played DE in College if I'm not mistaken. Watt plays DT and they draft Clowney to play the other DE. They have the players. And their corners need to play a little more zone as much as they get beat


J.J.Watt will be a UT with the same 1-gap principles that Wade Philips had him playing but he will be doing so in a 4-3.


Antonio Smith, though smallish, can play NT in a 4-3.


Mercilus did play DE in college and he will be alongside Clowney in a 4-3 end situation.


Brook Reeds and Brian Cushing will be 4-3 OLBs with Demeco Ryans as 4-3 MLB or Cushing might be MLB given his better range than Ryans in TE coverage.


If they sign a good safety in free agency and another NT, they will be in business big time by drafting a QB and a TE for the future, who will be the new QB's best friend. So, they can run and pass out of 2 WR, 2 TE formations consistently and that will make them more potent offensively, IMO, if their running game continues to operate at a high level of efficiency with Arian Foster.

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J.J.Watt will be a UT with the same 1-gap principles that Wade Philips had him playing but he will be doing so in a 4-3.


Antonio Smith, though smallish, can play NT in a 4-3.


Mercilus did play DE in college and he will be alongside Clowney in a 4-3 end situation.


Brook Reeds and Brian Cushing will be 4-3 OLBs with Demeco Ryans as 4-3 MLB or Cushing might be MLB given his better range than Ryans in TE coverage.


If they sign a good safety in free agency and another NT, they will be in business big time by drafting a QB and a TE for the future, who will be the new QB's best friend. So, they can run and pass out of 2 WR, 2 TE formations consistently and that will make them more potent offensively, IMO, if their running game continues to operate at a high level of efficiency with Arian Foster.




...and how would they pull this off with almost virtually no cap space? People continue to over rate the Texans. They are not that good and do not have many good players. Their offense is putrid and will probably get worse considering Johnson probably won't be back, Foster might not be back, Tate is a FA. Their defense has Watt and nobody else that I would get too excited about. Cushing will be coming off his 2nd season ending serious injury, their secondary is horrible and like I said, they have virtually no cap space to fix their problems. Even if they do draft Clowney(and they may well not) he hasn't been impresive this yr. at all and I don't see him having a huge impact in the pro's. 

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...and how would they pull this off with almost virtually no cap space? People continue to over rate the Texans. They are not that good and do not have many good players. Their offense is putrid and will probably get worse considering Johnson probably won't be back, Foster might not be back, Tate is a FA. Their defense has Watt and nobody else that I would get too excited about. Cushing will be coming off his 2nd season ending serious injury, their secondary is horrible and like I said, they have virtually no cap space to fix their problems. Even if they do draft Clowney(and they may well not) he hasn't been impresive this yr. at all and I don't see him having a huge impact in the pro's. 


That, I don't know. I don't know much about their cap space or how well they are capable of managing it. Their O will still stink for a few years, IMO, before they can turn it around, that is how I see it. But it would be easier for them to make a turnaround defensively than offensively, IMO.

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That, I don't know. I don't know much about their cap space or how well they are capable of managing it. Their O will still stink for a few years, IMO, before they can turn it around, that is how I see it. But it would be easier for them to make a turnaround defensively than offensively, IMO.




Thats true, but I've seen quite a few posters here that continually talk as if the Texans are just this awesome team that are just waiting to pounce on the rest of the football world and take over the league. A couple here even said they had a top 5 roster, they are just short a QB. Thats laughable and absurd! Top 5 rosters don't lose 12 games in a row, I don't care if Curtis Painter was their QB, if they were top 5 talent, they would still win games. That team is a mess and is much worse off than just being short a QB.

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They just fired a guy using the exact same systems as Shanahan. They want a different direction offensively. Mike Shanahan is definitely on their do not want list.


Mike Shanahan is better than Kubiak, so I don't necessarily agree. But the Texans already said they wouldn't be interested in Shanahan, so your point stands.

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Mike Shanahan is better than Kubiak, so I don't necessarily agree. But the Texans already said they wouldn't be interested in Shanahan, so your point stands.

Shanahan is definitely better, Houston has just made it abundantly clear they want an entirely different direction on offense, which eliminates him as hes just an upgraded Kubiak.
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They should hire this guy:


Jim Caldwell will probably get another shot at a HC someday, the man knows his offense and QBs, he should have learned from his head coaching woes from his stint with us(time management and all that other stuff).

Still don't get how Caldwell was the one who wanted to change the offense for Painter/Orlovsky but Polian and co. Wouldn't let him. I can see him with another head coaching job just not next year but soon.

Kind of wish we kept him and moved him to our OC for Luck

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Jim Caldwell will probably get another shot at a HC someday, the man knows his offense and QBs, he should have learned from his head coaching woes from his stint with us(time management and all that other stuff).

Still don't get how Caldwell was the one who wanted to change the offense for Painter/Orlovsky but Polian and co. Wouldn't let him. I can see him with another head coaching job just not next year but soon.

Kind of wish we kept him and moved him to our OC for Luck

It's not like he's doing a bang up job in Baltimore tho. His play-calling during their playoff run wasn't anything special. It was pretty much Flacco chucking it up and hoping for the best.

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It's not like he's doing a bang up job in Baltimore tho. His play-calling during their playoff run wasn't anything special. It was pretty much Flacco chucking it up and hoping for the best.

They were pretty balanced with him calling plays, just Flacco chucking it to Boldin and Jones were the most memorable plays
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@McClain_on_NFL: Story: #Texans interview former #Bears coach Lovie Smith for head coaching position. Smith is first to interview. http://t.co/JtV3rTVvhp



@McClain_on_NFL: Story: #Texans interview former #Bears coach Lovie Smith for head coaching position. Smith is first to interview. http://t.co/JtV3rTVvhp

I think Lovie Smith would be a better fit in Dallas.....that 'D' is sorry

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I think Lovie Smith would be a better fit in Dallas.....that 'D' is sorry

Lovie to the Cowboys would make a degree of sense if Jerrah wasnt the owner. Jason Garrett will get a pass because he was Jones's hand picked guy, even though that entire roster needs blown up and rebuilt.
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Lovie to the Cowboys would make a degree of sense if Jerrah wasnt the owner. Jason Garrett will get a pass because he was Jones's hand picked guy, even though that entire roster needs blown up and rebuilt.

I was think that....Lovie's a 4-3 tampa 2 coach


..and Dallas runs a 4-3 with some Tampa-2...right?


But you make a good point..I'm not sure Lovie could last under Jerry's multi-media meddling

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This would make no sense if they did it. McNair wants offensive innovation and the development of a new QB. Lovie brings neither of these things while also setting the defense back. The only way Smith gets the job is if they decide to go full rebuild mode, which McNair already said shouldnt be necessary.

I just dont see the fit. Am I missing something?

They need to interview Lovie Smith before they can hire the coach they really want. Smith will end up interviewing for several jobs.
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Thats true, but I've seen quite a few posters here that continually talk as if the Texans are just this awesome team that are just waiting to pounce on the rest of the football world and take over the league. A couple here even said they had a top 5 roster, they are just short a QB. Thats laughable and absurd! Top 5 rosters don't lose 12 games in a row, I don't care if Curtis Painter was their QB, if they were top 5 talent, they would still win games. That team is a mess and is much worse off than just being short a QB.


You're preaching to the choir here, brother.


I find it utterly baffling that there are still those on here that tout the Texans high talent level, despite the mountains of evidence that has proven otherwise.


As i've said before, i'm not sure what more it would take to convince these people that the Texans are marginally talented.  1-13 record?  0-14 record?

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Jim Caldwell will probably get another shot at a HC someday, the man knows his offense and QBs, he should have learned from his head coaching woes from his stint with us(time management and all that other stuff).

. IStill don't get how Caldwell was the one who wanted to change the offense for Painter/Orlovsky but Polian and co. Wouldn't let him can see him with another head coaching job just not next year but soon.

Kind of wish we kept him and moved him to our OC for Luck


I remember reading/hearing about Coyer complaining that he wasn't allowed to run the defense the way he wanted, but don't remember hearing anything about Caldwell not being allowed to change the offense.  Do you remember where you read/heard that?  Seems kind of odd especially considering they did wind up changing the offense drastically once they made Orlovsky the starter.

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