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Greg Toler Won't Return Until He's 100 Percent


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Well RJF has what couple sacks for the season? Walden was brought here to set the edge? Cher was brought here to help with the power run game? Toler and Landry to help with the secondary? DHB stone hands? Yeah see where I'm going?

Not even remotely.

Walden has played well. As has "Cher." Landry has been solid, but nothing spectacular. RJF was playing pretty well too before getting hurt. Toler was even playing adequate before this injury. DHB can't catch, but that was his reputation.

Do you think you can just go out in FA get only the best players ever single time? You try to get pieces that can contribute and continue to build. Outside of DHB, and Toler I have no issues with our FAs.

So I ask again, what is the benefit of cutting the guys who have been contributing?

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RJF is a product of SF system he was a backup there I think. Landry you're right has been solid besides a few games where he was I injured. Cher for the amount of money he gets needs to be a lot better! Walden I don't like from the beginning maybe that's why u still don't like him. Toler is good when he is playing but what's the use if he is at 90-95 percent health wise and still can't play? The other guys we signed didn't use much cap room so I'm fine with them be role players. Grigson signed all these middle of the pack guys and I was fine with it if our record was like 8-8! But we are a better team who knew that rebuilding a team would come around so fast for us colts! So while our window for the Lombardi looks good we need guys to make immediate impact. Because when lucks contract is up guess what 100-120 mill 5 years is coming and then we have zero money and back to the manning era again. While manning was great here you see Luck evolving to a QB that can carry a team all the way to the SB?

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RJF is a product of SF system he was a backup there I think. Landry you're right has been solid besides a few games where he was I injured. Cher for the amount of money he gets needs to be a lot better! Walden I don't like from the beginning maybe that's why u still don't like him. Toler is good when he is playing but what's the use if he is at 90-95 percent health wise and still can't play? The other guys we signed didn't use much cap room so I'm fine with them be role players. Grigson signed all these middle of the pack guys and I was fine with it if our record was like 8-8! But we are a better team who knew that rebuilding a team would come around so fast for us colts! So while our window for the Lombardi looks good we need guys to make immediate impact. Because when lucks contract is up guess what 100-120 mill 5 years is coming and then we have zero money and back to the manning era again. While manning was great here you see Luck evolving to a QB that can carry a team all the way to the SB?


Tell me what's wrong with RJF's play this year. Don't talk to me about the system in SF. What has RJF done this season that makes you think he's not playing well?


It's not surprising to me that you didn't like Walden from the beginning. I'm sorry you were brainwashed by the blogosphere who told you not to like him. If you care, though, he's been playing really well.

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Tell me what's wrong with RJF's play this year. Don't talk to me about the system in SF. What has RJF done this season that makes you think he's not playing well?

It's not surprising to me that you didn't like Walden from the beginning. I'm sorry you were brainwashed by the blogosphere who told you not to like him. If you care, though, he's been playing really well.

No use this guys the new "I hate everything the colts or grigson do" posters
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Lol everybody has there opinion. Correct me if I'm wrong on this. Our D scheme is a 3/4 hybrid right? But in a 3/4 the DE's and the nose tackle takes in double teams and eats up the Oline so our LB can do thier job right? So tell me what has RJF done that's suppose to be his job? And Walden can play the run decent but he is not setting the edge like he suppose too or even getting much pressure on the QB. So either it's pur Dline not doing its job and freeing up lanes for our LB to get to the QB or stuff the run etc... So either way we need help on the Dline and LB positions. The secondary has been doing pretty good except toler because he has been hurt yeah he is good when he is in the lineup but that can be said for Bob sanders too. That's just my opinion.

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Lol everybody has there opinion. Correct me if I'm wrong on this. Our D scheme is a 3/4 hybrid right? But in a 3/4 the DE's and the nose tackle takes in double teams and eats up the Oline so our LB can do thier job right? So tell me what has RJF done that's suppose to be his job? And Walden can play the run decent but he is not setting the edge like he suppose too or even getting much pressure on the QB. So either it's pur Dline not doing its job and freeing up lanes for our LB to get to the QB or stuff the run etc... So either way we need help on the Dline and LB positions. The secondary has been doing pretty good except toler because he has been hurt yeah he is good when he is in the lineup but that can be said for Bob sanders too. That's just my opinion.

you are off some on our dline assignments
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Lol everybody has there opinion. Correct me if I'm wrong on this. Our D scheme is a 3/4 hybrid right? But in a 3/4 the DE's and the nose tackle takes in double teams and eats up the Oline so our LB can do thier job right? So tell me what has RJF done that's suppose to be his job? And Walden can play the run decent but he is not setting the edge like he suppose too or even getting much pressure on the QB. So either it's pur Dline not doing its job and freeing up lanes for our LB to get to the QB or stuff the run etc... So either way we need help on the Dline and LB positions. The secondary has been doing pretty good except toler because he has been hurt yeah he is good when he is in the lineup but that can be said for Bob sanders too. That's just my opinion.


Have you even watched a game this year? Like I said, tell me what it is about the way RJF has played that makes you say he's not doing his job.


As for Walden, you'll have to help me understand how you reach the conclusion that he's not setting the edge like he's supposed to. You obviously don't understand that he's not a significant pass rusher, nor is he expected to be. 


The problem with our defensive front is inconsistent play from the nose tackle, and inconsistent play from the inside linebackers. Walden and RJF are two of the better performers on our defensive front. But that doesn't fit the narrative.

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“He’s not 100 percent,” Pagano said. “Just don’t want to throw him out there. Obviously playing the position that he plays, you have to be able to peddle, flip, turn, run, burst, all those things. So it doesn’t make any sense to throw him out there until he’s 100 percent.”

I would like to think this would clear up any confusion with why its important for Toler to be 100% healed from this specific injury before returning to the field...but I'm sure it won't and some will still call Toler soft because they never liked him being brought in in the first place.

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I would like to think this would clear up any confusion with why its important for Toler to be 100% healed from this specific injury before returning to the field...but I'm sure it won't and some will still call Toler soft because they never liked him being brought in in the first place.

shut him down have him play 4th corner in the final game of the season , we dont want to risk an injury ,cause lord knows set backs takes him months.  play it safe i say shut him down

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Doing so would be ridiculously stupid.

i get that u is heavy pro toler, but im just saying we need to start thinking about the playoff and seing what we have on this team going into the playoffs, shut him down and let him try to practice the final week of season and maybe play a limited role 

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