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Pagano not ready to give Holmes a shot yet


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I didn't make that statement as a judgement, I like the acquisition. I stated it as a fact. Of course injuries happen, they're part of the risk for every player. I'm simply saying that on a pure financial evaluation we overpaid for both of them.

I'm not saying they were bad moves. But they were both very expensive on a per game basis.

We have that pin for player salaries. If you divide players salary by games played it gives you their real cost to the team. No judgement, just the facts, ma'am.

How is "we overpaid" not a judgment?

I understand what you're saying. I just wouldn't say it that way. That's just me.

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Best to worst:










I agree with your 1st 2 but boy are you off after that, Thornton is a rookie so I give him a pass for his mistakes and can't list him as worse than Satele. McGlynn is 10 times the center than Satele is and it isn't even his position. This fact alone ranks him ahead of Satele. Without doubt Satele is by far the worst of the starting O-lineman and IMO is in the running for worst in the league as far as starting O-lineman.

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I agree with your 1st 2 but boy are you off after that, Thornton is a rookie so I give him a pass for his mistakes and can't list him as worse than Satele. McGlynn is 10 times the center than Satele is and it isn't even his position. This fact alone ranks him ahead of Satele. Without doubt Satele is by far the worst of the starting O-lineman and IMO is in the running for worst in the league as far as starting O-lineman.


You can't list him as worse because he's a rookie? Why?

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You can't list him as worse because he's a rookie? Why?




Because he's still learning and adjusting to the speed and strength of the game. Rookie O-lineman struggle all the time in the NFL. On the other hand Satele is a veteran and should know what the hell he is doing, but it's obvious he doesn't have a clue and he's a 300lb weakling. Once Thornton gets a little stronger and gets his adjutments down pat, he's going to be a very good guard. I can see he has what it takes but it takes time. Satele is just worthless and after this yr. will probably be relegated to a back up or 3rd stringer for some other team in the CFL .

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Because he's still learning and adjusting to the speed and strength of the game. Rookie O-lineman struggle all the time in the NFL. On the other hand Satele is a veteran and should know what the hell he is doing, but it's obvious he doesn't have a clue and he's a 300lb weakling. Once Thornton gets a little stronger and gets his adjutments down pat, he's going to be a very good guard. I can see he has what it takes but it takes time. Satele is just worthless and after this yr. will probably be relegated to a back up or 3rd stringer for some other team in the CFL .

I get that it takes time. But if you're talkig about how they are playing this year, then Thornton has been worse than Satele and about on par with McGlynn.

Satele is a terrible center, but he's also playing on the line that currently has 2 of the worst playing guards in the NFL next to him so it's not so much as he's better than those 2 as much as it is those 2 being worse than him.

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I get that it takes time. But if you're talkig about how they are playing this year, then Thornton has been worse than Satele and about on par with McGlynn.

Satele is a terrible center, but he's also playing on the line that currently has 2 of the worst playing guards in the NFL next to him so it's not so much as he's better than those 2 as much as it is those 2 being worse than him.




I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree. IMO nobody has been worse than Satele, In fact, I think some of Thornton's problems stem from having the most worthless piece of crap center in the league next to him. It makes him look worse than what he really is.

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How is "we overpaid" not a judgment?

I understand what you're saying. I just wouldn't say it that way. That's just me.

I can respect that. I'm not making an indictment, just an observation of fact.

For example, let's say we got Cavin Johnson for $16m/year and he plays one game before being injured for the year. We obviously overpaid for that production.

I guess you can call it "Per Game Cost" if it makes you feel better.

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Your opinion, and you're welcome to it. Please see post #77, I agree with him.

One of our backups was a starter last year and played much better than McGlynn when healthy. I find it hard to believe Reitz has regressed to the point that he's not even worth being on the 2nd string. They're using him as a tight end right now. It's ridiculous. These coaches can't be using the game tape to judge who starts because guys like Reitz, and Kavell Connor on defense, would be playing over guys like McGlynn and Sheppard on most other teams. Like you said, just my opinion though. You can keep trusting that this staff isn't allowing bias and politics to come into play, but it's looking more and more like that's the case with some of the decisions made lately

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Shipley is playing worse than Satele is over in Baltimore.

He's just now cracked the starting lineup there so it's not entirely fair to say he's playing worse when his sample size is much smaller. And besides, I don't care what he's doing in Baltimore. He outplayed Satele when he was HERE


EDIT: I'd also like to add that they are playing Shipley at G right now in Baltimore

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One of our backups was a starter last year and played much better than McGlynn when healthy. I find it hard to believe Reitz has regressed to the point that he's not even worth being on the 2nd string. They're using him as a tight end right now. It's ridiculous. These coaches can't be using the game tape to judge who starts because guys like Reitz, and Kavell Connor on defense, would be playing over guys like McGlynn and Sheppard on most other teams. Like you said, just my opinion though. You can keep trusting that this staff isn't allowing bias and politics to come into play, but it's looking more and more like that's the case with some of the decisions made lately

Personally, I agree with you. I think Reitz has to be better than McGlynn. But I don't see them practice so it's only an uninformed opinion.

BTW, check out the analysis on Colts Authority. He does detailed analysis of every snap and comes up with scores. Admittedly, we don't really know assignments, but he scores what they actually do. Good stuff!

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