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Fred Smoot goes off on Shanahan and RG3


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And then when the losses happen?     The finger pointing starts....       Washington will be a wonderful scenario to watch unfold.


Expectations are a tough thing to deal with, especially when SAID team's STAR QB is making documentaries and guaranteeing he will be ready week ONE>


This is the media age bro / or BROETTE..    ;) ....     Put up or shut up, and don't pad your stats after U are down 38 - 0..


Just saying.

It amazes me all the talk around this guy. I never hear him saying anything to detract from his team. He enjoys the spotlight and embraces it. I find him refreshing. The bravado is part of many of these young guys, i.e. Kaep, Sherman, Newton. They have grown up with Sports Center and the attention since they were young so there is no intimidation or shyness. I can see how it may rub some the wrong way but honestly I have always just cared if the guy can play and win. As much as I could not stand Michael Irvin and Deion when he was a cowboy they were great players and loved to watch them play.

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That Fred Davis guy is pretty good.


But the Redskins don't think so. They're already phasing him out for Jordan Reed. Most the TE targets are already going his way and Davis' playing time was going down even before being inactive Sunday with a sudden ankle injury that wasn't listed on the injury report during the week.


Still, it's not like they don't have receiving TE options now in Reed and even Paulsen. Griffin has plenty of receiving weapons...

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It amazes me all the talk around this guy. I never hear him saying anything to detract from his team. He enjoys the spotlight and embraces it. I find him refreshing. The bravado is part of many of these young guys, i.e. Kaep, Sherman, Newton. They have grown up with Sports Center and the attention since they were young so there is no intimidation or shyness. I can see how it may rub some the wrong way but honestly I have always just cared if the guy can play and win. As much as I could not stand Michael Irvin and Deion when he was a cowboy they were great players and loved to watch them play.

Sounds like you're just making excuses for hubris and *baggery

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Sounds like you're just making excuses for hubris and *baggery


Pretty much. He's just a classic attention aaah... seeker. Here's Adam Schefter interview from today about the Griffin/Shanahan/Snyder relationship. http://www.espn980.com/audiovault/#  (Can't directly link the audio because of the popup player) Considering that Schefter is known to be a Shanahan mouthpiece and has a close relationship with him, it's pretty interesting.  For him to say that Snyder playing buddy buddy with Griffin has "emboldened"  and "empowered" Griffin to force his way in the organization after one year? There's no way Schefter says any of that without Shanahan's blessing.  And hah, at Shanahan not relating to Griffin's constant need to publicize himself and attention to himself. Man... I'm so glad Andrew does not have this sort of personality. 

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Another topic full of "we hate RG3 solely because he has more commercials and awards than Luck" banter.




RG3 hasn't played all too terrible considering the lack of training camp and preseason action. 


Also considering his defense right now is the worst ever in NFL history through three games, which has forced him to throw almost 40 times a game.


I think it's evident that he's getting better and better each week as he gets his legs back under him. I'd definitely take Griffin over Kaepernick and Russel Wilson if Luck wasn't available.

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Another topic full of "we hate RG3 solely because he has more commercials and awards than Luck" banter.




RG3 hasn't played all too terrible considering the lack of training camp and preseason action. 


Also considering his defense right now is the worst ever in NFL history through three games, which has forced him to throw almost 40 times a game.


I think it's evident that he's getting better and better each week as he gets his legs back under him. I'd definitely take Griffin over Kaepernick and Russel Wilson if Luck wasn't available.

Lol...nobody even brought up commercials or awards. I love the way the Griffin fans act like it just this forum, when it's been multiple sports personalities saying similar things...from mcnabb to Wilbon to griffin's biggest fan, skip bayless. Just a bunch of haters I guess.

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Lol...nobody even brought up commercials or awards. I love the way the Griffin fans act like it just this forum, when it's been multiple sports personalities saying similar things...from mcnabb to Wilbon to griffin's biggest fan, skip bayless. Just a bunch of haters I guess.

Bottom line is that a large number of Colts fans hate RG3 because he has taken a lot of shine and national recognition away from Andrew Luck. It's just that simple, and if you can't recognize that fact, then you are in deep denial. 


This forum just magnifies the point. The Redskins are a bad team, and RG3 didnt look confident in his knee in Week 1. Aside from those two facts, RG3 has played mediocre at worse...certainly not "terrible" as many posters on this forum seem to think.


A lot of people keep comparing RG3 to Adrian Peterson, and although I hate the comparison, even Adrian Peterson had a lackluster first 4-5 games last season before he went on a historic stretch of games. Just by watching the highlights of the Redskins latest game against the Lions, I can already see vast improvements in Griffin from Week 1 to Week 3. Just look at the perfect 60 yard strike he threw to the Redskin receiver who ended up dropping the ball in the end zone. His legs even looked 10x better when he scrambled 30 yards before eventually fumbling.


RG3 will be perfectly fine, I can't say the same for the Redskins team or defense though..

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Bottom line is that a large number of Colts fans hate RG3 because he has taken a lot of shine and national recognition away from Andrew Luck. It's just that simple, and if you can't recognize that fact, then you are in deep denial. 


This forum just magnifies the point. The Redskins are a bad team, and RG3 didnt look confident in his knee in Week 1. Aside from those two facts, RG3 has played mediocre at worse...certainly not "terrible" as many posters on this forum seem to think.


A lot of people keep comparing RG3 to Adrian Peterson, and although I hate the comparison, even Adrian Peterson had a lackluster first 4-5 games last season before he went on a historic stretch of games. Just by watching the highlights of the Redskins latest game against the Lions, I can already see vast improvements in Griffin from Week 1 to Week 3. Just look at the perfect 60 yard strike he threw to the Redskin receiver who ended up dropping the ball in the end zone. His legs even looked 10x better when he scrambled 30 yards before eventually fumbling.


RG3 will be perfectly fine, I can't say the same for the Redskins team or defense though..

I stopped reading after the first paragraph.....i hate to roll my eyes that much

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Firing Shanahan would be the best move the Redskins could make.  Should have happened after he got RG3 hurt last year.


Only Dan Synder would have hired him to begin with.


One of the most overrated coaches in NFL history. Won Super Bowls thanks to a HoF QB/RB combo, and never could do it again ever since.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

Only Dan Synder would have hired him to begin with.


One of the most overrated coaches in NFL history. Won Super Bowls thanks to a HoF QB/RB combo, and never could do it again ever since.

But if Shanahan gets fired they won't be able to rename the team the Washinton Shanahanigans

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Bottom line is that a large number of Colts fans hate RG3 because he has taken a lot of shine and national recognition away from Andrew Luck. It's just that simple, and if you can't recognize that fact, then you are in deep denial. 


It has absolutely nothing to do with that and everything to do with their fans.  I don't care how well RGIII does as a football fan.  He's not a threat to us except once every 4 years and in the event we eventually see them in the superbowl.  But if I want him to do bad, it's because of their fans, constantly pushing RGIII down our throats.  "Oh look at the stats" or "Colts shoulda picked RGIII" blah blah blah. 


And everytime you would thing you're talking to a reasonable Redskins fan, somehow you make any sort of point contrary to RGIII about his success being due in large part to the Read-option/Pistol, or try to make a good point for Luck, it was back to the same nonsense. 


Here, on these boards, with you guys, I hope the kid does well.  Seems like a bright kid with a bright future.  Anywhere else with anyone resembling a Skins fan, I hope he chokes every Sunday from now until he's retired because then I'll never have to deal with one of the most irrational fanbases on the planet outside of European soccer fans.

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You know what went a long way in not endearing RG3 to Colts fans? It's not our insecurity in drafting Luck. It was the annoyance of all the, now conspicuously absent, Griffin fans who felt the need to gloat every week and every time Robert had a good game.

Constant chatter that is now deafeningly silent. Which lead to many people wanting Griffin to fail just to shut them up.

Besides if people think Colts fans are harsh to RG3, they've never met my Giants friends.

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You know what went a long way in not endearing RG3 to Colts fans? It's not our insecurity in drafting Luck. It was the annoyance of all the, now conspicuously absent, Griffin fans who felt the need to gloat every week and every time Robert had a good game.

Constant chatter that is now deafeningly silent. Which lead to many people wanting Griffin to fail just to shut them up.

Besides if people think Colts fans are harsh to RG3, they've never met my Giants friends.

It was almost as if they had so many years of mediocrity that when they finally had a reason to talk back, they just unleashed a litany of boasts and insults they had pent up for hte past 20 years.  Learn how to handle a little bit of success, ya know?  The other thing I just did not understand was how (and this really goes for anyone, not just Skins fans) people can call any QB a bust or future HOF after one year.  Every time someone said that, I just wish I could stick my hand in my computer and have it come out of their computer and slap them right in the face.

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Guest TeamLoloJones

It was almost as if they had so many years of mediocrity that when they finally had a reason to talk back, they just unleashed a litany of boasts and insults they had pent up for hte past 20 years.  Learn how to handle a little bit of success, ya know?  The other thing I just did not understand was how (and this really goes for anyone, not just Skins fans) people can call any QB a bust or future HOF after one year.  Every time someone said that, I just wish I could stick my hand in my computer and have it come out of their computer and slap them right in the face.

Sounds like Seahawks fans.

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It was almost as if they had so many years of mediocrity that when they finally had a reason to talk back, they just unleashed a litany of boasts and insults they had pent up for hte past 20 years. Learn how to handle a little bit of success, ya know? The other thing I just did not understand was how (and this really goes for anyone, not just Skins fans) people can call any QB a bust or future HOF after one year. Every time someone said that, I just wish I could stick my hand in my computer and have it come out of their computer and slap them right in the face.

I just miss being told that even though he didn't throw as much as Luck, if he had, Griffin would still have the same completion % and turnover rate.

Flash forward to this year, and him throwing so much is what everyone is blaming his struggles on, and his D putting him behind despite giving his team a 7-0 lead in two games.

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You know what went a long way in not endearing RG3 to Colts fans? It's not our insecurity in drafting Luck. It was the annoyance of all the, now conspicuously absent, Griffin fans who felt the need to gloat every week and every time Robert had a good game.

Constant chatter that is now deafeningly silent. Which lead to many people wanting Griffin to fail just to shut them up.

Besides if people think Colts fans are harsh to RG3, they've never met my Giants friends.

Right. And Colts fans never gloated about Luck's performances either. lol.  :pkb:

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I just miss being told that even though he didn't throw as much as Luck, if he had, Griffin would still have the same completion % and turnover rate.

Flash forward to this year, and him throwing so much is what everyone is blaming his struggles on, and his D putting him behind despite giving his team a 7-0 lead in two games.

Most knowledgabe people are basing his stuggles on his injury which he is not healed from and the vanilla O that Shanny is running to protect him.

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True. But apparently Skins fans are the worst offenders. Haven't had a decent QB since Theismann so who can blame them. These Colts fans have been so spoiled. ;)

Here I thought the Griffin detractors didn't like him because he was "cocky" or because he likes Hulk action figures. Who woulda thunk. But having great QB after great QB can skew one's view I guess lmao

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True...I don't think I've ever seen a fanbase that hasn't had members who gloat when they do well.

When you go to an opposing message board and gloat. It's not something that makes people love you lol. Or the guy your pounding your chest over, and then Houdini out of here when the going gets just the tiniest bit tough.

Just in the same way I'm sure I could make many teams fans in the NFL hate Luck by being over the top obnoxious. In fact I have very little doubt that that individual exists on a message board somewhere haha.

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Here I thought the Griffin detractors didn't like him because he was "cocky" or because he likes Hulk action figures. Who woulda thunk. But having great QB after great QB can skew one's view I guess lmao

It is the socks. And the way he is always smiling. After years of Manning and his ho hum attitude and dress they are shell shocked. It is to be expected. :)

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When you go to an opposing message board and gloat. It's not something that makes people love you lol. Or the guy your pounding your chest over, and then Houdini out of here when the going gets just the tiniest bit tough.

Just in the same way I'm sure I could make many teams fans in the NFL hate Luck by being over the top obnoxious. In fact I have very little doubt that that individual exists on a message board somewhere haha.

I don't remember too many Redskin fans coming on here though. The only one that stuck around is pretty knowledgeable and objective when it comes to football. But I don't think anyone could hate you guys' QB...who doesn't like that aw shucks attitude? :D  

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It is the socks. And the way he is always smiling. After years of Manning and his ho hum attitude and dress they are shell shocked. It is to be expected. :)

I don't like Manning because of all those frowns he gives...even when they are winning he doesn't ever appear pleased. I guess I am guilty of this phenomena too.  :lol: JK

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I don't like Manning because of all those frowns he gives...even when they are winning he doesn't ever appear pleased. I guess I am guilty of this phenomena too.  :lol: JK

Internally Manning is screaming his head off at his receivers and line worse then Brady but he is better at keeping to just his facial expression. Brady should ask him how he does it so he does not get ridiculed for his poor body language. lol.

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It is the socks. And the way he is always smiling. After years of Manning and his ho hum attitude and dress they are shell shocked. It is to be expected. :)

Keep sticking to your storyline as more and more people call him out for being a diva/selfish, etc....

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Internally Manning is screaming his head off at his receivers and line worse then Brady but he is better at keeping to just his facial expression. Brady should ask him how he does it so he does not get ridiculed for his poor body language. lol.

Yep. I think he'll get his receivers in line though so we won't be seeing as much frustration as the season goes on lol.

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Yep. I think he'll get his receivers in line though so we won't be seeing as much frustration as the season goes on lol.

I like Brady mad. I feel like he is speaking for me because I am mad watching the drops and wrong routes. :)  I have always liked emotion even bad emotion more than the stoic guys.

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I don't remember too many Redskin fans coming on here though. The only one that stuck around is pretty knowledgeable and objective when it comes to football. But I don't think anyone could hate you guys' QB...who doesn't like that aw shucks attitude? :D

Oh there were plenty, but by the time Griffin got hurt the herd had thinned significantly.

For the record I'm not talking about posters like "RG3", just those who came to gloat, and play the "my dad could beat up your dad" game.

All that being said, I'm speaking in general terms. If someone dislikes Griffin they have reasons all their own lol.

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Oh there were plenty, but by the time Griffin got hurt the herd had thinned significantly.

For the record I'm not talking about posters like "RG3", just those who came to gloat, and play the "my dad could beat up your dad" game.

All that being said, I'm speaking in general terms. If someone dislikes Griffin they have reasons all their own lol.

Yeah, true. No matter what those reasons may be...just the way things go I guess lol.

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