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David Garrard no longer plans to be with Jets


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@AdamSchein: Text from Garrard: "Having to call it quits. My knee is not holding up. Continuing to swell after practices. Limiting what I can do."

and he couldnt have realised this before he actually signed with the jets? 


surely he knew

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So it's basically official. Smith will be the starter. Should be interesting to see how the Jets offense functions this year lol.

Do they have anyone that can implement the zone read or wildcat? I mean Smith is not a traditional QB. If they could not do it for Tebow not sure what they will do with him.

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Do they have anyone that can implement the zone read or wildcat? I mean Smith is not a traditional QB. If they could not do it for Tebow not sure what they will do with him.

Yeah I have no idea. I'm not sure of the state of their RBs or what their new OC's history with different offenses is, either. But I doubt they will be using Sanchize again, I was thinking that Garrard might be their starter for a year before putting Smith in but now it seems they have no choice.

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Do they have anyone that can implement the zone read or wildcat? I mean Smith is not a traditional QB. If they could not do it for Tebow not sure what they will do with him.

Smith is a pure pocket passer.

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So it's basically official. Smith will be the starter. Should be interesting to see how the Jets offense functions this year lol.

And here I thought the Circus of Incompetence was leaving town for at least 1 season. haha  Personally, I would have started David Gerrard. But Rex Ryan needs to win now at least 10 games or he will be fired. That's what I'd tell Rex if I was Woody Johnson the owner anyway. Rex is a great DC, but he's not HC material IMO. He simply sucks at offense. 

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And here I thought the Circus of Incompetence was leaving town for at least 1 season. haha  Personally, I would have started David Gerrard. But Rex Ryan needs to win now at least 10 games or he will be fired. That's what I'd tell Rex if I was Woody Johnson the owner anyway. Rex is a great DC, but he's not HC material IMO. He simply sucks at offense. 

I don't even think 10 games would save RR now. Playoffs and a playoff win or nothing I think. This little experiment with Smith could be the turnaround that the Jets need or a colossal crash and burn.

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@AdamSchein: Text from Garrard: "Having to call it quits. My knee is not holding up. Continuing to swell after practices. Limiting what I can do."

I wonder what that means exactly? It is puffy or inflamed with liquid? Does that text mean he can't put any weight on it? Cryptic texts like that raise more questions than answers to me. Bad knees seems to derail or end the career of most NFL athletes. David hasn't been playing actually football on a professional level in a very long time. Perhaps his body isn't used to OTA activity anymore. I think David is throwing in the retirement towel way too quick, but it is his body, his health, & his life I guess. 


At 1 point recently, I heard David say in the Jets locker room that he didn't need the money. Okay, they why show up & compete for a job in NY at all then? Competitive juices? Team chemistry? I always thought that was an odd statement. Why land an NFL QB job then give up so soon? Something fishy going on there if you ask me. JMO. 

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Yeah, I was going to say... Smith is about a traditional pocket passer as it gets.

I'm always wary of guys like Smith who played in those texas spread offenses employed by Dana Holgorsem, Art Briles, Mike Leach, U of Houston etc....seems like every Tom, Dick and Harry puts up big numbers under those type of guys.

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I don't even think 10 games would save RR now. Playoffs and a playoff win or nothing I think. This little experiment with Smith could be the turnaround that the Jets need or a colossal crash and burn.

Yeah, I agree QuizBoy. But their new OC Marty Mornhinweg is not taking that sad excuse for an offense to the Playoffs in 1 season. Marty is better than their old OC Tony Sparano, but that's like rooting for Gangrene over pancreatic cancer because 1 condition will be slower & less painful to endure in the longrun.


You are absolutely right though. This rookie experiment must succeed very quickly or Rex Ryan is done. I'm not sold on Geno Smith making an immediate impact myself. Russel Wilson, RG3, or Andrew Luck he is not or nowhere near IMO. 

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He could easily start on the Jaguars still.

LOL! Man, that accurate statement speaks volumes about the poor performance standards of that NFL franchise doesn't it? If they actually believed in tackling, I'll bet teams in the CFL could beat the Jaguars too minus a healthy MJD at RB that is. It's always nice to have 1 pin cushion team in your division that you can stomp on. We have Jacksonville & NE has Buffalo. 

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Smith is a pure pocket passer.

Maybe I have him confused with someone else. Michael Smith on Numbers Never Lie said Smith threw more than 30 percent of his passes behind the line of scimmage which is what made me think he was a read option/wild cat type of QB. Maybe it wasnt Smith he was referencing. I will look it up.

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Maybe I have him confused with someone else. Michael Smith on Numbers Never Lie said Smith threw more than 30 percent of his passes behind the line of scimmage which is what made me think he was a read option/wild cat type of QB. Maybe it wasnt Smith he was referencing. I will look it up.

Oh that's true. He ran some weird madden like offense that let him rack up video game #s. But as far as his style of play is concerned he's about as mobile as Tom Brady.

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Oh that's true. He ran some weird madden like offense that let him rack up video game #s. But as far as his style of play is concerned he's about as mobile as Tom Brady.

No kidding? No mobility? Wow. I would have thought the opposite. I am glad to know I was not losing my mind. I believe it was Jon Gruden that was interviewing him asking him about the unorthodox offense on Numbers Never Lie. It will be interesting to see how the Jets build the O around him.

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I'm convinced that the Jags fully intend on throwing the season.  

If that is the case i have no objections, two easy wins for us.


But i would prefer it if they did both, got Garrard and threw the games. Then imo Garrard will either retire a Jag or mentor the next rookie QB. Which i think will be Manzeil, got a feeling about it. Its probably wrong but its just my opinion at the end of the day.

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If that is the case i have no objections, two easy wins for us.


But i would prefer it if they did both, got Garrard and threw the games. Then imo Garrard will either retire a Jag or mentor the next rookie QB. Which i think will be Manzeil, got a feeling about it. Its probably wrong but its just my opinion at the end of the day.


Given he's planning on retiring because of knee problems, my guess is that he might sign a 1 day contract with the Jags and just retire outright.


I don't see him playing again.  


And to me it's obvious their front office is throwing the season.  They had a shot at Geno in the 2nd round and a shot at Matt Barkley in the 4th and passed on both in favor of "building around Blaine Gabbert".  


No one could be so stupid as to think Blaine Gabbert still has Franchise QB potential.  

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Given he's planning on retiring because of knee problems, my guess is that he might sign a 1 day contract with the Jags and just retire outright.


I don't see him playing again.  


And to me it's obvious their front office is throwing the season.  They had a shot at Geno in the 2nd round and a shot at Matt Barkley in the 4th and passed on both in favor of "building around Blaine Gabbert".  


No one could be so stupid as to think Blaine Gabbert still has Franchise QB potential.  

No that is true about him retiring, probably will happen.


Plus i honestly think they should give Jordan Rodgers a chance. Can't get much worse than Gabbert haha

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