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Inside the Mind of Bill Polian.... (Teo)

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....   here's a good read from Polian and how he views Teo...


Also,  he talks about how he and his scouting staff viewed players...   how they judged them...


I note this since many here fancy themselves as a scout (me too)...   and I always think stories that show you how a professional scout thinks are good to read....






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It still amazes me that Bill Polian, who had an issue with the media if you disagreed with his overall football moves as INDY's GM, ran to ESPN & Sirus NFL Radio once Jim Irsay let him go. It still puzzles me to this day actually. :scratch::dunno: Bizarre...

At least Bill did Polian Corner, giving fans an idea of what he thinking as GM. More than I can say for Ryan Grigson...Still irritates the Hades out of me Grigs...Grrr! :rawr:

You don't work for the CIA Ryan...Sigh...There is no mandatory fan security clearance okay...Telling me after the fact is like the fire dept. showing up with marsh mallows after my house burns down.

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Maybe Ryan Grigson thinks he's Jack Ryan from a Tom Clancy espionage novel. What's the big secret? You're not monitoring the spread of nuclear weapons abroad to despots & dictators. Yes I know, some privacy is required before the draft. I get it, but Grigs is like this with every move he makes it seems like. Please release the strict security clearance Grigs...It's a bit too much IMO...


You are not an American spy Ryan Grigson named Jack Ryan please remember that. Thank you.





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Maybe Ryan Grigson thinks he's Jack Ryan from a Tom Clancy espionage novel. What's the big secret? You're not monitoring the spread of nuclear weapons abroad to despots & dictators. Yes I know, some privacy is required before the draft. I get it, but Grigs is like this with every move he makes it seems like. Please release the strict security clearance Grigs...It's a bit too much IMO...


You are not an American spy Ryan Grigson named Jack Ryan please remember that. Thank you.







I'm sorry....    I understand all the anti-polian stuff  (well, not really...  but...)    what's with the negative Grigson stuff now??


What is he doing run that you don't like??    Or, what would you like him to do that he's not doing??


Educate me.....

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Okay, I was being sarcastic in my last post, but you get the point. I detest GMs that tell you absolutely nothing. I'm not questioning Grigs superb scouting skills, just this compulsion to keep Colts fans out of the information loop that's all I'm saying. Let the ticket & merchandising blue horseshoe fan base inside behind the curtain once in awhile. If you seek out diamonds in the rough anyway, what's the harm in indicating a position of weakness that the front office plans to address down the road. We don't need individual names or college visits that are planned just the sniff of a position of need perhaps. 


That's not too much to ask Grigs. Before you act on it not afterward. Thank you. 

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I'm cutting and pasting a chunk of Polians article about Teo....    in it,  he uses his experience with the team from Indianapolis to explain his philosophy....    he says Teo is back on track to be considered in the first round...   here is the excerpt...   I think (hope?) you'll find it interesting....





As a GM with the Indianapolis Colts, we made the decision that we wanted to draft "winning" players only.  By that I don't mean players coming from successful college programs. Rather, it refers to a player's ability to dominate on the field. It's a classification we use to designate difference-makers on the field. At the college level, a winning player will make an outsized number of individual plays, even when surrounded by talented teammates.  On a less-talented roster, a winning player will be able to single-handedly raise the play of his unit. Those were the kinds of players we wanted to draft.

To identify them, we profiled winning players at the NFL level and traced them back to their performances at the combine and pro days.  Every team will have its own benchmarks based on the traits its front office and coaches choose to emphasize, and they will vary based on scheme.  For instance, a team with a 3-4 base defense will often feature interior linebackers with slower 40 times than a 4-3 team, with a Tampa 2 team placing even more emphasis on speed at middle linebacker.

If we look across the league at interior linebackers, regardless of scheme, the average 40 time for winning players was 4.66. The ceiling for what we deemed to be an acceptable 40 time for the position was 4.74.

Taken in that context, you can see why today was very important for Te'o. His unofficial time of 4.71 puts him right back into the acceptable spectrum for his position.

In the front office, if a player is outside the parameters we have set for winning players, then I'm going to question if he belongs in the first three rounds on our draft board, and I'm certainly not going to take him in the first round. The odds are against him becoming a winning player in the NFL, and we're not going to buck the odds.

Are we wrong from time to time? Yes. There are exceptions to the rule. And even if Te'o didn't run a faster 40 time, he still could succeed in the NFL. But he would be an outlier.

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I'm sorry.... I understand all the anti-polian stuff (well, not really... but...) what's with the negative Grigson stuff now??

Or, what would you like him to do that he's not doing??

Educate me.....

Frankly, I have no great fondness for Bill Polian. However, Bill always gave something for fans to chew on & mull over. Grigs doesn't come anywhere close to that & it royally ticks me off. You are the GM Grigs give me an idea of where your head & thought process are at please. Bring back some version of a question & answer media/fan session at least once a month at a bare minimum. That's where my CIA joke ties in. Grigs must believe either he knows best along with Irsay or that he has some sort of supreme authority that Colt fans are not worthy or entitled to see. Transparency is the best way to maintain a relationship with your fan base. You know the ones who help pay for your salary.

I never trust anyone completely that doesn't show me their poker hand occasionally. "Trust but verify." This blind allegiance to Ryan Grigson is very disturbing to me by many Colts fans. Yes, we had a successful year & Grigson played a key role in that, but this cloak & dagger attitude to information on an almost constant basis gives me pause. Bill Polian had a track record to lean on with Buffalo & Carolina before he got to the Colts. Ryan as head of the Eagles scouting dept. pales in comparison to that. Grigs doesn't have the career cache or longterm success to be given blind mass authority to be so secretive plain & simple. Are we letting Andrew Luck free reign of the offense similar to Peyton Manning in INDY after just 1 fruitful NFL season? Heavens no! Why are so many fans willing to do this for Grigson? It makes virtually no sense to me at all. It's ridiculous to me.

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I'm cutting and pasting a chunk of Polians article about Teo....    in it,  he uses his experience with the team from Indianapolis to explain his philosophy....    he says Teo is back on track to be considered in the first round...   here is the excerpt...   I think (hope?) you'll find it interesting....





As a GM with the Indianapolis Colts, we made the decision that we wanted to draft "winning" players only.  By that I don't mean players coming from successful college programs. Rather, it refers to a player's ability to dominate on the field. It's a classification we use to designate difference-makers on the field. At the college level, a winning player will make an outsized number of individual plays, even when surrounded by talented teammates.  On a less-talented roster, a winning player will be able to single-handedly raise the play of his unit. Those were the kinds of players we wanted to draft.

To identify them, we profiled winning players at the NFL level and traced them back to their performances at the combine and pro days.  Every team will have its own benchmarks based on the traits its front office and coaches choose to emphasize, and they will vary based on scheme.  For instance, a team with a 3-4 base defense will often feature interior linebackers with slower 40 times than a 4-3 team, with a Tampa 2 team placing even more emphasis on speed at middle linebacker.

If we look across the league at interior linebackers, regardless of scheme, the average 40 time for winning players was 4.66. The ceiling for what we deemed to be an acceptable 40 time for the position was 4.74.

Taken in that context, you can see why today was very important for Te'o. His unofficial time of 4.71 puts him right back into the acceptable spectrum for his position.

In the front office, if a player is outside the parameters we have set for winning players, then I'm going to question if he belongs in the first three rounds on our draft board, and I'm certainly not going to take him in the first round. The odds are against him becoming a winning player in the NFL, and we're not going to buck the odds.

Are we wrong from time to time? Yes. There are exceptions to the rule. And even if Te'o didn't run a faster 40 time, he still could succeed in the NFL. But he would be an outlier.

This has some value, but not much. When Grigs was hired, you could tell that he was a gym rat, film study guy that appreciated leverage, footwork, proper technique, & a relentless motor. 40 times at the Combine are pointless to me. T-shirts & shorts don't indicate vital facts to me except speed. Can this player shed blocks? Can this player motivate his team mates to focus in the huddle when they are all exhausted? How well does this player digest & apply the playbook? How well does he cope with a play or scheme he's never seen before? When plays breakdown & the wheels fall off, what does this player do? How does this player cope with stress? coordinator criticism? Being singled out in practice or film study before the entire team for a lapse in concentration? If I bench him for poor play, how will he handle it? Work harder to improve or crumble under the pressure? "Iron sharps iron" tells me nothing Grigs. Again, a great scout, but he leaves a lot to be desired as a GM in the public relations dept IMO. 

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Frankly, I have no great fondness for Bill Polian. However, Bill always gave something for fans to chew on & mull over. Grigs doesn't come anywhere close to that & it royally ticks me off. You are the GM Grigs give me an idea of where your head & thought process are at please. Bring back some version of a question & answer media/fan session at least once a month at a bare minimum. That's where my CIA joke ties in. Grigs must believe either he knows best along with Irsay or that he has some sort of supreme authority that Colt fans are not worthy or entitled to see. Transparency is the best way to maintain a relationship with your fan base. You know the ones who help pay for your salary.

I never trust anyone completely that doesn't show me their poker hand occasionally. "Trust but verify." This blind allegiance to Ryan Grigson is very disturbing to me by many Colts fans. Yes, we had a successful year & Grigson played a key role in that, but this cloak & dagger attitude to information on an almost constant basis gives me pause. Bill Polian had a track record to lean on with Buffalo & Carolina before he got to the Colts. Ryan as head of the Eagles scouting dept. pales in comparison to that. Grigs doesn't have the career cache or longterm success to be given blind mass authority to be so secretive plain & simple. Are we letting Andrew Luck free reign of the offense similar to Peyton Manning in INDY after just 1 fruitful NFL season? Heavens no! Why are so many fans willing to do this for Grigson? It makes virtually no sense to me at all. It's ridiculous to me.


I might have some level of agreement with you IF you could show me that other GM's are doing what you want....


I'm not aware of any GM's doing that.     If they are,  it's not being reported anywhere.    I'm not seeing those stories show-up anywhere...   like NFL.com or ESPN.come or Pro Football Talk, or Pro Football Weekly...   I'm just not seeing it...


So whatever Grigson is not doing...   I think all the other GM's are not doing it as well.    By nature these guys are incredibly secretive about the information they have.   I've go no problem -- really none at all -- with Grigson playing his cards close to his vest...


It's the nature of the beast...   a function of the job...  it just comes with the territory....


I'm sorry you get so worked up over it....   all I'm trying to say is...   if you were a fan of another team,  you'd still have this issue.


It's not a Grigson issue....   it's a GM issue...  and all 32 of them have it....

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I'm just amazed that INDY fans are fine with this "I will tell you nothing approach" & a significant number of fans think that this philosophy is A Okay & the best thing since sliced bread. I just don't get it. Hey, if you like it, more power to Ya I guess. I need more, I want more, & I deserve more. I won't settle for answers that are no answers at all. I'm well skilled in cryptic responses & I can spot them a mile away. I don't disappear that easily. I keep asking & asking & asking until by sheer war of attrition & exhaustion you finally answer my question. I'm not rude just precise, tenacious, & not deterred by trivial answers. It's how I was raised & educated. It's who I am at my core.


I'm not picking on Ryan Grigson; I just expect him to fulfill his GM job description as both a scout & public relations media guy that must be open & honest with his fan base. Some restrictions are necessary, but not a lockdown 24/7 IMHO. I will give Ryan time to grow into his new position. Scout=A+ Public Relations=D+   

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I'm just amazed that INDY fans are fine with this "I will tell you nothing approach" & a significant number of fans think that this philosophy is A Okay & the best thing since sliced bread. I just don't get it. Hey, if you like it, more power to Ya I guess. I need more, I want more, & I deserve more. I won't settle for answers that are no answers at all. I'm well skilled in cryptic responses & I can spot them a mile away. I don't disappear that easily. I keep asking & asking & asking until by sheer war of attrition & exhaustion you finally answer my question. I'm not rude just precise, tenacious, & not deterred by trivial answers. It's how I was raised & educated. It's who I am at my core.


I'm not picking on Ryan Grigson; I just expect him to fulfill his GM job description as both a scout & public relations media guy that must be open & honest with his fan base. Some restrictions are necessary, but not a lockdown 24/7 IMHO. I will give Ryan time to grow into his new position. Scout=A+ Public Relations=D+   



Just out of curiosity....   who says INDY fans are fine with this?    They may not be...   but I'm not sure if any are as bent out of shape about it as you are....    these are not elected officials doing the people's business...    but, they are people who are selling a product (Colt's football) and the majority of fans are paying customers to one extent or another...   so, there does have to be some outreach...    


Believe me, the Raiders spent about 10 years in Los Angeles,  and you've never seen such terrible outreach to fans as the Raiders exhibited...     but that's another story....


All I'm trying to stress is that I don't think this is a Grigson issue,  so I wouldn't hold your breath that he's going to get a lot better and satisfy your curiosity...   all GM's act this way to one extent or another....   not just Grigson...


Just my view of things....

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It's the nature of the beast...   a function of the job...  it just comes with the territory....

No, it's not. Does Grigs do anything this detailed on a weekly basis? Hades no! When the previous GM did this every week & you decide to drop the ball almost completely. I lose a ton of respect for you as a GM. Eventually, the guy in the same role must carry the Q & A torch at some point...





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Well....    I confess,  I'm stunned....


But,  I do have questions....    was that Polian's first year doing this?    Or had he done this for years?


I'm asking because the note at the top of the link says "this is Bill Polians first year as Vice Chairman after spending the previous 13 years as President."


So, I'm wondering if Polian felt he now had the time to do this in his new job that perhaps he didn't have in his old job??


I don't know,  but I'm asking....



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Just out of curiosity....   who says INDY fans are fine with this?    They may not be...   but I'm not sure if any are as bent out of shape about it as you are....    these are not elected officials doing the people's business...    but, they are people who are selling a product (Colt's football) and the majority of fans are paying customers to one extent or another...   so, there does have to be some outreach...    


Believe me, the Raiders spent about 10 years in Los Angeles,  and you've never seen such terrible outreach to fans as the Raiders exhibited...     but that's another story....


All I'm trying to stress is that I don't think this is a Grigson issue,  so I wouldn't hold your breath that he's going to get a lot better and satisfy your curiosity...   all GM's act this way to one extent or another....   not just Grigson...


Just my view of things....

I've never done a poll on this, but you are right somebody should NCF. Are INDY fans satisfied with the information Ryan Grigson reveals to fans on a weekly basis? How would you compare it to what Bill Polian did in terms of releasing crucial player & franchise information to the fans on a frequent basis? Justify or explain your perspective. Thank you. The only fans that I have ever heard raise a fuss over limited GM information on this site are BrentMc11, Lollygager8, krunk, & Jay Kirk. To be fair this small minority might have mentioned how much they miss more in depth analysis from Bill to Ryan & there is a wide difference in front office experience between the 2 men I will admit. Football stadiums get funding through state legislatures to offset the massive costs of additions, rennovations, & even whole new stadiums just look at the Minnesota Vikings in recent NFL history so I wouldn't say that football franchises, buildings, & their personnel  are free & clear of "the people's business." 


I will acknowledge that other GMs have a tight media silence approach Ozzie Newsome from Baltimore & Jerry Reese from the NY Giants. So yes, other franchises follow this method of silence sure. That's not the issue NCF. I could care less what 31 other teams do. I am only focused on the Colts. That's my team. That's what I care about. Micro management not macro management across the rest of the league. Stay with me NCF. 1 team 1 approach that's all I care about right now the Blue Horseshoe. Like my mom told me when I was little, "I don't care about what your friends think right now. I'm talking to you & you alone SW1. It's a matter of a high bar of precedence that was established in INDY & what Grigson chose not to follow. Now, that's his right not to follow precedent, but it's also a devoted fan's right to call him out on it & politely suggest that Grigs & Jim Irsay reinstate it. Nothing more; nothing less. 

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Well....    I confess,  I'm stunned....


But,  I do have questions....    was that Polian's first year doing this?    Or had he done this for years?


I'm asking because the note at the top of the link says "this is Bill Polians first year as Vice Chairman after spending the previous 13 years as President."


So, I'm wondering if Polian felt he now had the time to do this in his new job that perhaps he didn't have in his old job??


I don't know,  but I'm asking....



Ever since Bill Polian landed in INDY, he did in depth Q & A discussions like the 2 examples I showed you. So, it was a frequent occurence in INDY & yes Bill did this for years. Yes, Colts fans got spoiled & as you can imagine, our level of fan feedback & expectation is incredibly high. I don't expect Ryan Grigson to match that level of Polian detail naturally. Just make a sincere attempt. I'm a patient man & I will give a person time to feel comfortable in this new role & capacity. "Rome wasn't built in a day." I know that. 


I don't think it's a question of a job description per say NCF. Bill just has vast NFL experience & he wasn't afraid to flex his intellectual muscles. 


I'm not upset with you NCF. I enjoy all your posts & I like your take on things.


My only point is this: Polian set the bar high & Grigs chose not to even attempt a similar fan commitment. You can't just quit a vital segment cold turkey without a devoted fan's response. At some point, a tiny fraction of a "GM Corner" would be nice to see even if it was only done once a month with a annual review of the Colts year from the Combine, free agency, to  the draft, to the season, & the progress our squad has made. 

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Ever since Bill Polian landed in INDY, he did in depth Q & A discussions like the 2 examples I showed you. So, it was a frequent occurence in INDY & yes Bill did this for years. Yes, Colts fans got spoiled & as you can imagine, our level of fan feedback & expectation is incredibly high. I don't expect Ryan Grigson to match that level of Polian detail naturally. Just make a sincere attempt. I'm a patient man & I will give a person time to feel comfortable in this new role & capacity. "Rome wasn't built in a day." I know that. 


I don't think it's a question of a job description per say NCF. Bill just has vast NFL experience & he wasn't afraid to flex his intellectual muscles. 


I'm not upset with you NCF. I enjoy all your posts & I like your take on things.


My only point is this: Polian set the bar high & Grigs chose not to even attempt a similar fan commitment. You can't just quit a vital segment cold turkey without a devoted fan's response. At some point, a tiny fraction of a "GM Corner" would be nice to see even if it was only done once a month with a annual review of the Colts year from the Combine, free agency, to  the draft, to the season, & the progress our squad has made. 



The only thing I can think of...  (well as of 1:20AM)  is write the Craig Kelly weekly mailbag....   tell them how much you loved what Polian did...  and that, while you love the job Grigson is doing,  you'd love it even more if he'd do the same thing Polian did....


See if Craig Kelly gives you an answer....    go straight to the source,  and short of finding a way to talk directly with Grigson, I can't think of a more direct way to make your point with the franchise...


Keep us posted....    


For all the Polian-hate here,  I'm stunned that this is the first time I recall learning about this....  Thanks for getting me up to speed....

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Being Bill Polian?

There's only 1 Bill Polian HCF. Accept no substitutes. Bill had his faults, but he had his gift for detail & NFL insight too. :) Again, every GM is different & I am not seeking duplication here just a window into Grigs mind. See what makes him tick & how he evaluates players & positions over time. If fans can follow their GM, they know exactly what their team is doing, where they spend their money, how they bring people up from the practice squad, & when & why they release players.


Just like how Congress determines how much money to spend on which programs & for how long. Know the GM; Know the pulse of your team at any given moment. 

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The main argument against Bill Polian is that he often neglected to address glaring areas of weakness for years: poor special teams play, Curtis Painter our backup QB was simply awful, Bob Sanders injury issues since 2006, & letting our roster get long in the tooth without getting younger on the o-line & d-line especially after our 2nd SB appearance in 2009. Chris Polian, Bill's son, being promoted to GM upset a lot of people largely due to family nepotism & poor player scouting skills too. Peyton getting hurt for an entire season was just the straw that broke the camel's back.

I am grateful for the Championship he helped bring to INDY, but his promotion of his son Chris so quickly to GM was without merit & he never earned that post fairly IMO. Just my 2 cents...

Lastly, Jim Caldwell, an OC at best, had no right being elevated to HC after Tony Dungy retired from coaching. I don't blame Jim for this. Bill Polian wanted someone he could easily control & manipulate. It was nice to see Caldwell get a SB ring with the Ravens though. I will admit that. Jim tried his best as an HC in Indy, but he never grasped situational football & when to take calculated risks on the field IMO.

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There's only 1 Bill Polian HCF. Accept no substitutes. Bill had his faults, but he had his gift for detail & NFL insight too. :) Again, every GM is different & I am not seeking duplication here just a window into Grigs mind. See what makes him tick & how he evaluates players & positions over time. If fans can follow their GM, they know exactly what their team is doing, where they spend their money, how they bring people up from the practice squad, & when & why they release players.


Just like how Congress determines how much money to spend on which programs & for how long. Know the GM; Know the pulse of your team at any given moment. 


I was trying to refer to movie "Being John Malkovich", when people were able to get inside Malkovich's mind.


I failed...

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The only thing I can think of...  (well as of 1:20AM)  is write the Craig Kelly weekly mailbag....   tell them how much you loved what Polian did...  and that, while you love the job Grigson is doing,  you'd love it even more if he'd do the same thing Polian did....




For all the Polian-hate here,  I'm stunned that this is the first time I recall learning about this....  Thanks for getting me up to speed....

Thanks for the suggestion NCF! I will see what happens. Glad that I was able to provide with a slightly different "Polian Corner" perspective NCF. Take care & good night all. Okay, good morning...HA! HA! 

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I was trying to refer to movie "Being John Malkovich", when people were able to get inside Malkovich's mind.


I failed...

No, you didn't buddy. My brain is jello right now & I can't think straight. Tomorrow, later tomorrow, I will laugh hysterically at it HCF. I promise. :)

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I'm just amazed that INDY fans are fine with this "I will tell you nothing approach" & a significant number of fans think that this philosophy is A Okay & the best thing since sliced bread. I just don't get it. Hey, if you like it, more power to Ya I guess. I need more, I want more, & I deserve more. I won't settle for answers that are no answers at all. I'm well skilled in cryptic responses & I can spot them a mile away. I don't disappear that easily. I keep asking & asking & asking until by sheer war of attrition & exhaustion you finally answer my question. I'm not rude just precise, tenacious, & not deterred by trivial answers. It's how I was raised & educated. It's who I am at my core.


I'm not picking on Ryan Grigson; I just expect him to fulfill his GM job description as both a scout & public relations media guy that must be open & honest with his fan base. Some restrictions are necessary, but not a lockdown 24/7 IMHO. I will give Ryan time to grow into his new position. Scout=A+ Public Relations=D+   

I do understand where your coming from,in the PR department,give him time to grow hopefully that will improve.What I do like is the scouting as you say,and the concerns they have been addressing in the trenches so to speak,the OL,DL,D secondary,what could we have had if Bill had done the same?What could Freeney and Mathis done with good solid interior defensive linemen to go with them?But on the PR side it would be nice to know what players they target and why,and just a little outlook on what they are trying to do,but I guess im not that upset maybe I think I have a pretty good feel for whats going on,and I do have some faith in the decision making till they do something to prove I shouldnt

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The only thing I can think of...  (well as of 1:20AM)  is write the Craig Kelly weekly mailbag....   tell them how much you loved what Polian did...  and that, while you love the job Grigson is doing,  you'd love it even more if he'd do the same thing Polian did....


See if Craig Kelly gives you an answer....    go straight to the source,  and short of finding a way to talk directly with Grigson, I can't think of a more direct way to make your point with the franchise...


Keep us posted....    


For all the Polian-hate here,  I'm stunned that this is the first time I recall learning about this....  Thanks for getting me up to speed....

I read all the way through this thread.


The mailbag has replaced the Polian Corner in my observation.


Like SW, I would enjoy a Grigs chalk talk...or whatever they would call it.  Some of the Polian Corner was taken from excerpts from Polian's show with Bob Lamey that was locally on radio.  Call me stupid, but I do not know if Grigs has a radio show.  Of course again...Bill was not the GM the last year.....unfortunately Chris...but that is another story   :)


I personally would rather have Grigson with his sleeves rolled up.....the computer constantly tuned to film study to get the unknowns from Earth to Uranus!  Pluto did not qualify!!   :spit: ( I still feel bad for the lil planet wannabe :)


Also like SW, I did enjoy the Polian Corners.....made for some good debates on Colts.com and ColtsDirect.  Just my cent and a half..... :coltshelmet:  :coltshelmet:

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I do understand where your coming from,in the PR department,give him time to grow hopefully that will improve.What I do like is the scouting as you say,and the concerns they have been addressing in the trenches so to speak,the OL,DL,D secondary,what could we have had if Bill had done the same?What could Freeney and Mathis done with good solid interior defensive linemen to go with them?But on the PR side it would be nice to know what players they target and why,and just a little outlook on what they are trying to do,but I guess im not that upset maybe I think I have a pretty good feel for whats going on,and I do have some faith in the decision making till they do something to prove I shouldnt

Another thought is....Grigson is rather private.  I recall him saying he goes into say the combine or a Pro Day.....and all of the scouts are around each other.  Like Grigson, I would prefer the other teams not have a clue as to who I like.  Sure you may have a group of 'confidants,' but I think his being a 'gym rat...'  'behind closed doors' GM......he simply does not wish to tip his hand.


I for one like that philosophy.  

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Another thought is....Grigson is rather private.  I recall him saying he goes into say the combine or a Pro Day.....and all of the scouts are around each other.  Like Grigson, I would prefer the other teams not have a clue as to who I like.  Sure you may have a group of 'confidants,' but I think his being a 'gym rat...'  'behind closed doors' GM......he simply does not wish to tip his hand.


I for one like that philosophy.

Would agree with that assessment ,probably why I don't get shook about it,not to mention like his moves so far,think hes heading right direction :thmup:

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