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An Idea Just Crossed My Mind

pizza guy

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If Stanford lined up primarily in 1 back sets with multiple WR's, then I would agree that your theory would likely be correct. However, they line up in goal line type formations all over the field. I've watched them run a full drive from a 3 TE/2 RB set without a single WR on the field. They are a power running team first and a passing team second.

Rodgers was a very different scenario. He was not considered pro-ready coming out of college. He had some work to do on his mechanics (footwork, throwing motion, etc). THAT is why Green Bay was able to draft him at the end of the first round. If he had been as pro-ready as people claim Luck to be then he would have also gone in the top 5 and would have been likely starting from day 1.

This is simply not true. The Stanford offense is nothing like the Colts offense...in fact they are about as opposite as you can get. Stanford has Jason Whitten type TE's who are big, strong and are great blockers but are also good receivers. Our primary TE's are more finesse guys who are often described as oversized WR's. They are receivers first and blockers second. Stanford runs out of multiple power sets using multiple blocking TE's and multiple backs. The Colts run mostly out of 1 back sets. When we use 2 TE sets it's usually 1 blocking TE (Eldridge/McNeill) and one receiving TE (Clark/Tamme). I am not in any way saying Luck couldn't come in and run our offense, but to say he's the most likely to be able to step in and run our offense is simply not true.

The type of offense we run is closer to a college spread offense. Yes the Colts are trying to establish more balance, but with the type of receivers and TE's we have, we will always be more of a finesse team than a power running team. Therefore imo guys like Landry Jones or Nick Foles would be a better fit because they're used to running a more pass-oriented, spread style offense.

I was not comparing the offeneses lol I was referring to the intelligence of a Stanford Quarterback. You have to be very intelligent to be there. Luck has got it all. But dont worry, there were plenty of detractors just like you who wanted to take Ryan Leaf over a More intelligent QB many moons ago. We all know how that has turned out.

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I was not comparing the offeneses lol I was referring to the intelligence of a Stanford Quarterback. You have to be very intelligent to be there. Luck has got it all. But dont worry, there were plenty of detractors just like you who wanted to take Ryan Leaf over a More intelligent QB many moons ago. We all know how that has turned out.

Well I'll take your word for you weren't comparing the offenses but that's definitely how it sounded. IMO putting Luck into our offense is no more a risk than putting Landry Jones (who runs more of a spread offense in college) into a pro style offense. There is no guarantee either way that the change will work.

However, you were referring to the intelligence of a Stanford QB correct? So if Stanford QB's are that much more intelligent than QB's from other schools then Stanford must have a rich history of sending Quality QB's to the NFL right? Yeah, except they haven't:

From this link..http://blogs.mercurynews.com/collegesports/2010/04/21/pac-10-football-quarterbacks-in-the-nfl-draft-past-present-and-future/ (and if the information from this link is incorrect then by all means let me know...I'd be surprised, though, if they couldn't accurately put together a list of QB's that came from Pac-10 schools. Also I've only pasted the QB's that have come from Stanford, not the other Pac-10 teams)


round 3 – Trent Edwards, Stanford


round 5 – Randy Fasani, Stanford


round 6 – Todd Husak, Stanford


round 4- Steve Stenstrom, Stanford

The best case could be made for Trent Edwards, people seem to like him. However the fact remains that in his 5th year he has yet to amount to anything. Therefore, you're "I was referring to the intelligence of a Stanford Quarterback." holds no water.

Also to disprove another statement, I am not a Luck detractor. I am a "Colts drafting a QB #1 overall" detractor. If Luck has an off year or Landry Jones has a monster year and Luck is no longer the #1 prospect, we trade down and pick him up a couple of picks later but still acquire additional picks in the trade, then fine, I have much less problem with that. The one concern I have about Luck is that his arm strength is a question.

Luck's Weaknesses (in buzzwords):

Not the best poise in the pocket

Off of play-actions, he panics sometimes and resorts to scrambling to fast if his 1st/2nd read is not open

Throws off balance on occasion and does not always set his feet

Deep balls (over 40 yards) leave a lot to be desired

taken from http://www.mockingthedraft.com/2011/5/7/2158523/andrew-luck-player-profile

And I'm not even going to address the Manning/Leaf situation because that was an incredibly different scenario. First, there will be as many quarterbacks drafted in rounds 1 & 2 as there were drafted in all 7 rounds the year Manning/Leaf came out. Also, when we had the #1 pick back then and were trying to decide between Leaf and Manning, we didn't have a future HOF QB on the roster who, by all current accounts, still has 3-4 years left in him. As I and others have stated numerous times, this is all we have to go by right now and Manning's future should be much more clear by draft time. If Manning is not able to return, then things change but I still wouldn't take Luck #1 overall....unless we drafted Luck, then wait to see who takes Landry Jones and once Jones is drafted, offer a trade with that team, Luck for Jones + multiple picks.

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I would bet you're wrong! It may not happen in the 1st rd., but we'll draft one.

Agreed. Something a lot of people are missing is, Polian was looking at QB's last year. He had pretty much made up his mind that he would take Andy Dalton if he fell to us in the second round. So he was more than happy to draft a QB in the second round but now people think that priority goes from a late 1st to early 2nd round pick to the #1 overall? The only way that even comes close to making sense is if Manning can never play again. However, even if he can't I still don't think #1 overall is where we need to go for a QB considering the number of talented prospects coming out.

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Another option just occurred to me...go ahead and draft Luck at #1 with the intention of using him as trade bait later on. You could pay close attention to the teams that draft Landry Jones, Nick Foles, Matt Barkley etc and see what other players they're able to acquire.

As an example (an unlikely one but possible), we draft Luck #1 overall whoever is drafting #2 takes Landry Jones....now the rest of the first round picks are made and surprisingly, Brandon Thompson DT and Manti Te'o MLB have both slipped because teams have taken more DE, OL, WR and QB than expected. So it comes back to us at #1 in the second round and both Thompson and Te'o (both considered top 15 talent) are available. We draft one of them and then call up the #2 team and offer Luck in exchange for Landry Jones, their second round pick which they're currently on the clock for and I think it is not unreasonable to think we could also squeeze at least their next year's first round pick also. Then we get Landry Jones (imo probably a better fit for us than Luck anyway) and then 2 top 15 talents in Te'o and Thompson.

Just another thought I had and figured I'd share...I'm honestly not sure which way gives us more control between this scenario and just outright trading down. Thoughts?

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Well I'll take your word for you weren't comparing the offenses but that's definitely how it sounded. IMO putting Luck into our offense is no more a risk than putting Landry Jones (who runs more of a spread offense in college) into a pro style offense. There is no guarantee either way that the change will work.

However, you were referring to the intelligence of a Stanford QB correct? So if Stanford QB's are that much more intelligent than QB's from other schools then Stanford must have a rich history of sending Quality QB's to the NFL right? Yeah, except they haven't:

From this link..http://blogs.mercurynews.com/collegesports/2010/04/21/pac-10-football-quarterbacks-in-the-nfl-draft-past-present-and-future/ (and if the information from this link is incorrect then by all means let me know...I'd be surprised, though, if they couldn't accurately put together a list of QB's that came from Pac-10 schools. Also I've only pasted the QB's that have come from Stanford, not the other Pac-10 teams)


round 3 – Trent Edwards, Stanford


round 5 – Randy Fasani, Stanford


round 6 – Todd Husak, Stanford


round 4- Steve Stenstrom, Stanford

The best case could be made for Trent Edwards, people seem to like him. However the fact remains that in his 5th year he has yet to amount to anything. Therefore, you're "I was referring to the intelligence of a Stanford Quarterback." holds no water.

Also to disprove another statement, I am not a Luck detractor. I am a "Colts drafting a QB #1 overall" detractor. If Luck has an off year or Landry Jones has a monster year and Luck is no longer the #1 prospect, we trade down and pick him up a couple of picks later but still acquire additional picks in the trade, then fine, I have much less problem with that. The one concern I have about Luck is that his arm strength is a question.

taken from http://www.mockingthedraft.com/2011/5/7/2158523/andrew-luck-player-profile

And I'm not even going to address the Manning/Leaf situation because that was an incredibly different scenario. First, there will be as many quarterbacks drafted in rounds 1 & 2 as there were drafted in all 7 rounds the year Manning/Leaf came out. Also, when we had the #1 pick back then and were trying to decide between Leaf and Manning, we didn't have a future HOF QB on the roster who, by all current accounts, still has 3-4 years left in him. As I and others have stated numerous times, this is all we have to go by right now and Manning's future should be much more clear by draft time. If Manning is not able to return, then things change but I still wouldn't take Luck #1 overall....unless we drafted Luck, then wait to see who takes Landry Jones and once Jones is drafted, offer a trade with that team, Luck for Jones + multiple picks.

a link to fan post? really??

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Ok let me start by asking..can luck play dt, lb, or cb?(sarcasm) cuz if he cant and manning can come back 100% healthy we are wasting our time with luck. In my opinion luck would be a wasted pick unless we knew peyton would never be the same. And I will also state if we take luck and he rides the bench behind peyton. Peyton will never get another ring. We need impact players on d right now. My perfect senario is to.trade that pic for clevlands two firsts. Why would clevland want luck? He fits their power run mode plus the have a strong oline. They will finish picking in the top ten. And atlanta will pick around twenty. With our first pick we take michael floyd wr nd. Big play reciever and ima make a statement that he'll be the best wr since cj jr came out. When our second pick we take either burfict lb arizona st. or manti teo lb nd. Both are big strong hard hitters. Those two picks will set this team up. 2nd round we take peter konz c wisc. Jeff saturday its time to hang em up. For my third round im gonna say we also aquired and extra one in the browns trade(maybe not possible but oh well its fun to think about). with our pick I take the best cb left. There should be.a talented one here. With the browns pick I take harrison smith s nd. This guy.has an eye for the.ball and is good in run support. 4th I take short nt purdue(not sure if this is too high or low for him). After this round.we just.pick to fill any need

We could trade down and still get a quarterback. I know everyone is high on Luck, but I love Matt Barkley. Kellen Moore should be good. Kirk Cousins should be good. In the right situation (riding the bench behind Manning for up to four years), any of those guys would be able to develop and take the reins down the line. So taking your idea and trading for Cleveland's two first rounders, we could still get a highly rated quarterback, and a linebacker or a corner or a receiver. As an aside, I don't think Cleveland would be receptive, since they traded down last year, and they seem to like McCoy.

Oh, by the way, look at what Atlanta did for the rights to Julio Jones at #6 in the 2011 draft: a first, second and fourth in 2011, and a first and a fourth in 2012. That's one heck of a haul for a top 6 pick. Using that formula, and assuming we were to get the #1 pick, we could trade down ten or fifteen spots in the first round, still draft a highly rated quarterback, grab an additional second rounder, an additional fourth rounder, and a couple picks in the next draft also. If that means we get Matt Barkley instead of Andrew Luck, but we also get several other draft picks in year one, and a couple more in year two, it might even be smarter than just taking Luck.

This is all very premature. Assuming Manning doesn't come back this year, we're probably a four win team. Probably a top five drafter. Tons of possibilities there.

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a link to fan post? really??

Yeah somehow I thought the source of the information might be the only thing you respond to. *rolls eyes* If you feel the information is unreliable then by all means feel free to check nfl.com or another more reputable site but I have a feeling that even the most untrustworthy of sites can still muster an accurate list of QB's drafted to the NFL from Stanford.

your post here..

I agree about Cleveland probably being unlikely to trade up for Luck. However, they might be willing to trade up for Alshon Jeffrey or Justin Blackmon to give McCoy a legitimate target. There may also be a defensive player they covet like Quinton Coples. If we wind up #1 overall (which I doubt we will but I do think top 5 is probable) then we could trade down to the 3-5 area with someone so in love with Luck that they have no problems moving up only a few spaces to get him. In the process we swap first round picks and move down to 3-5 in the first round but also acquire most likely at least a 2nd and 4th in the process but probably even more than that. Then, in the 3-5 spot we could see if Cleveland is willing to package their 2 picks to move up for that elite WR or maybe an OT or defensive player. This would be contingent on Cleveland winding up with around the 8-10 pick overall. Then we have the additional picks from the first trade coupled with 2 mid to late first rounders from Cleveland and we can now pickup a lot of talent.

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I agree about Cleveland probably being unlikely to trade up for Luck. However, they might be willing to trade up for Alshon Jeffrey or Justin Blackmon to give McCoy a legitimate target. There may also be a defensive player they covet like Quinton Coples. If we wind up #1 overall (which I doubt we will but I do think top 5 is probable) then we could trade down to the 3-5 area with someone so in love with Luck that they have no problems moving up only a few spaces to get him. In the process we swap first round picks and move down to 3-5 in the first round but also acquire most likely at least a 2nd and 4th in the process but probably even more than that. Then, in the 3-5 spot we could see if Cleveland is willing to package their 2 picks to move up for that elite WR or maybe an OT or defensive player. This would be contingent on Cleveland winding up with around the 8-10 pick overall. Then we have the additional picks from the first trade coupled with 2 mid to late first rounders from Cleveland and we can now pickup a lot of talent.

We haven't drafted that high in like, ever, so I don't know what the front office would be willing to do. Polian isn't a "trade out of the top" type guy, especially when his team needs a quarterback. I'd love to see it, but I don't think what you're proposing, with multiple first round swapping, is likely, even if we're picking #1.

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We haven't drafted that high in like, ever, so I don't know what the front office would be willing to do. Polian isn't a "trade out of the top" type guy, especially when his team needs a quarterback. I'd love to see it, but I don't think what you're proposing, with multiple first round swapping, is likely, even if we're picking #1.

True, but...has he ever been in a position to be drafting #1 overall with such a talented team already at his disposal? I honestly don't know the answer to this. I'm hoping that he's learned from what the Pats have done in recent years through the draft.

How much we need a QB obviously depends on where Manning is at come draft time next year as well as how well Painter plays from here on out. One thing I said before (not sure if it was this thread or another) is that just last year they were also looking at QB prospects. They were looking at guys like Kaepernick and Dalton, guys that might still be available by our time in the second round. Granted, the surgeries to Manning change things but until we know how well he's recovered by the end of the year and by the time the draft comes around, we won't know how much more urgent the QB position becomes. If Manning makes a full recovery, then I'd find it hard to believe Polian all of a sudden goes from scouting late second round QB's to the #1 overall.

Ultimately it all comes down to your first statement..."We haven't drafted that high in like, ever, "...it will be very interesting to see how things play out. Although another thing to consider is we're going by Bill Polian's previous drafts and tendencies...he's no longer in charge of day to day operations. So it's also a matter of "What will Chris do?" and "Will Bill pull rank if he strongly opposes what Chris plans to do?"

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Yeah somehow I thought the source of the information might be the only thing you respond to. *rolls eyes* If you feel the information is unreliable then by all means feel free to check nfl.com or another more reputable site but I have a feeling that even the most untrustworthy of sites can still muster an accurate list of QB's drafted to the NFL from Stanford.

I agree about Cleveland probably being unlikely to trade up for Luck. However, they might be willing to trade up for Alshon Jeffrey or Justin Blackmon to give McCoy a legitimate target. There may also be a defensive player they covet like Quinton Coples. If we wind up #1 overall (which I doubt we will but I do think top 5 is probable) then we could trade down to the 3-5 area with someone so in love with Luck that they have no problems moving up only a few spaces to get him. In the process we swap first round picks and move down to 3-5 in the first round but also acquire most likely at least a 2nd and 4th in the process but probably even more than that. Then, in the 3-5 spot we could see if Cleveland is willing to package their 2 picks to move up for that elite WR or maybe an OT or defensive player. This would be contingent on Cleveland winding up with around the 8-10 pick overall. Then we have the additional picks from the first trade coupled with 2 mid to late first rounders from Cleveland and we can now pickup a lot of talent.

oh no u rolled your eyes!!! i am shamed. and i was talking about your link that focused on luck's positives and negatives, not whatever list you are talking about...duh.

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oh no u rolled your eyes!!! i am shamed. and i was talking about your link that focused on luck's positives and negatives, not whatever list you are talking about...duh.

Actually I thought your reply was from Xfiles....and don't know what your problem is with mockingthedraft.com (is that "Fan Post" that you're referring to?) I've agreed with everything I've read about different prospects that I've been watching so far. And I fully agree with what they said about Luck's tendency to panic under pressure and throw ill advised passes of his back foot. He needs to either scramble earlier or just throw the ball away. He gets away with it at Stanford but a lot of those passes will get intercepted in the pros.

Oh and glad to see you brought the timeless classic "duh" back...very nice. :thmup:


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Sorry but if the Colts have the #1 pick they must take Luck, no questions asked. Any other move would be sheer stupidity.

"must take" ... IF Mannings career is over, then I would agree they must take a QB. IF Manning will be back and has 4-5+ years left - then I would say NO its not a "must", least not with the first overall pick.

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Well I'll take your word for you weren't comparing the offenses but that's definitely how it sounded. IMO putting Luck into our offense is no more a risk than putting Landry Jones (who runs more of a spread offense in college) into a pro style offense. There is no guarantee either way that the change will work.

However, you were referring to the intelligence of a Stanford QB correct? So if Stanford QB's are that much more intelligent than QB's from other schools then Stanford must have a rich history of sending Quality QB's to the NFL right? Yeah, except they haven't:

From this link..http://blogs.mercurynews.com/collegesports/2010/04/21/pac-10-football-quarterbacks-in-the-nfl-draft-past-present-and-future/ (and if the information from this link is incorrect then by all means let me know...I'd be surprised, though, if they couldn't accurately put together a list of QB's that came from Pac-10 schools. Also I've only pasted the QB's that have come from Stanford, not the other Pac-10 teams)


round 3 – Trent Edwards, Stanford


round 5 – Randy Fasani, Stanford


round 6 – Todd Husak, Stanford


round 4- Steve Stenstrom, Stanford

The best case could be made for Trent Edwards, people seem to like him. However the fact remains that in his 5th year he has yet to amount to anything. Therefore, you're "I was referring to the intelligence of a Stanford Quarterback." holds no water.

Also to disprove another statement, I am not a Luck detractor. I am a "Colts drafting a QB #1 overall" detractor. If Luck has an off year or Landry Jones has a monster year and Luck is no longer the #1 prospect, we trade down and pick him up a couple of picks later but still acquire additional picks in the trade, then fine, I have much less problem with that. The one concern I have about Luck is that his arm strength is a question.

taken from http://www.mockingthedraft.com/2011/5/7/2158523/andrew-luck-player-profile

And I'm not even going to address the Manning/Leaf situation because that was an incredibly different scenario. First, there will be as many quarterbacks drafted in rounds 1 & 2 as there were drafted in all 7 rounds the year Manning/Leaf came out. Also, when we had the #1 pick back then and were trying to decide between Leaf and Manning, we didn't have a future HOF QB on the roster who, by all current accounts, still has 3-4 years left in him. As I and others have stated numerous times, this is all we have to go by right now and Manning's future should be much more clear by draft time. If Manning is not able to return, then things change but I still wouldn't take Luck #1 overall....unless we drafted Luck, then wait to see who takes Landry Jones and once Jones is drafted, offer a trade with that team, Luck for Jones + multiple picks.

You are making a comparison of Quarterbacks who are not percieved to have nearly the skill set that Luck does, and they obviously dont. It sounds like you have your mind set on them drafting Jones. I wouldnt reject that out of hand, but why wouldnt they consider Luck? Of course they will, if they have the ability to draft a difference making QB, isnt this season without Manning the perfect example of why they should get another one if they believe that is what he is?

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You are making a comparison of Quarterbacks who are not percieved to have nearly the skill set that Luck does, and they obviously dont. It sounds like you have your mind set on them drafting Jones. I wouldnt reject that out of hand, but why wouldnt they consider Luck? Of course they will, if they have the ability to draft a difference making QB, isnt this season without Manning the perfect example of why they should get another one if they believe that is what he is?

Exactly,i love how some posters say trade down get picks and draft another qb later.Let the colts scouts and polian decide,they know we just think we know.if we pass and he is the next peyton we will regret it for a long time.I do believe we will be in the top 3,unfortunately.

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Exactly,i love how some posters say trade down get picks and draft another qb later.Let the colts scouts and polian decide,they know we just think we know.ifwe pass and he is he next peyton we will regret it for a time.I do believe we will be in the top 3,unfortunately.

If they let him go IF they had an opportunity to get him....especially if he wound up in our conference. Nothing is Guaranteed and we have seen plenty of Busts from the first round, but I havent seen anything From Barkley or Jones that makes me believe they would be such a better bargain later in the rounds.

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I hate to be Debbie Downer but there is still the possibility that Peyton doesn't come back at all. We will have a much better idea of his status come draft time. If Peyton looks like he might not make it back and we have the no. 1 pick then Luck is a no brainer. Agreed??

Take Luck period. I think Manning will be cleared to play again but the FO should have the attitude that PM is now playing on borrowed time and that he can go down at anytime. Keep Luck for a couple of years and if Manning is showing no signs of retiring, then trade him for draft picks. We don't have to trade Luck ASAP, remember the Colts would also have first choice in every round to get good players at other positions.

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If we get the #1 pick...

1) Manning is out for good. Take Luck.

2) Manning comes back, take Luck and groom him

3) Manning comes back, and we get enough proven players and picks in a trade to build a SB team. Yay us.

4) Manning is out for good, we get a good enough trade package and either a young QB from them or draft one (Cousins, Barkelly, Moore, Lance, etc)

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Actually I thought your reply was from Xfiles....and don't know what your problem is with mockingthedraft.com (is that "Fan Post" that you're referring to?) I've agreed with everything I've read about different prospects that I've been watching so far. And I fully agree with what they said about Luck's tendency to panic under pressure and throw ill advised passes of his back foot. He needs to either scramble earlier or just throw the ball away. He gets away with it at Stanford but a lot of those passes will get intercepted in the pros.

Oh and glad to see you brought the timeless classic "duh" back...very nice. :thmup:


oh ok..no problem. i was going to go with durrr, but like you said duh is timeless.

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Sorry but if the Colts have the #1 pick they must take Luck, no questions asked. Any other move would be sheer stupidity.

completely disagree,

Manning has 3-4 years minimal left. If use that high pick to draft guys who can help the team now, we could win 3-4 SuperBowls when he returns.

This team needs players who can help NOW, not 4 years from now. I understand we want to be good in the far off future, but not at the price of a weak team when manning is still with us.

Also, what is the point of having Luck, if the rest of the team around him stinks? If manning can't win Multiple superbowls with a poor supporting cast, then a freakin rookie QB can't.

*obviously if manning retires this year, then that changes things

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I really foresee the Colts finishing in the bottom three record wise in the NFL. The defense played surprisingly better against the run, but this was a Steelers team with back up of backups in on their line, and it was a prime time game, Colts were playing with extra incentive to prove they can win without Manning. Bottom line Colts need help, since there is all this Luck drooling, if the Colts get one, I say trade him for lots of picks, there are teams San Fran (Stanford connection) Miami, KC, Seattle.. all teams who will be in the bottom five (excluding 49ers) who would want Luck. Trade back, acquire lots of picks, look what the Browns got for the 6th overall pick this year, and draft Matt Kalil LT USC, this moves Castonzo to RT, and Ijalana to G, this puts young book ends at tackle and strengthens the interior of our line from one draft pick! With the two second rounder’s take Alameda Ta'Amu DT and either Matt Barkley or Landry Jones, or Floyd if he is still available, may slip because of character issues. You get a big run stuffing DT, a possible heir to the QB position who can sit and be groomed, without having to take Luck.

I know a lot like Burfict as do I, problem is he plays MLB and I like Angerer much better at MLB then OLB. We could use the later picks we have and acquired (3 and 4 rounder’s) to possibly move back up in the second and take a player like Manti Te'o OLB(FREAK). This would give us a scenario like:

Round 1- Matt Kalil LT

Round 2- Alameda Ta'Amu NT

Round 2- Landry Jones QB

Round 2- Manti Te'o OLB

Colts could cut Brackett to free up money to resign Mathis/ Wayne, move Angerer to MLB where he excels, Conner and Te'o the OLB's! Have the future bookends at Tackle, Our two dominant DE's, two young powerful OLB's, while pairing Nevis and Ta'Amu to bolster the interior, having the heir to Manning in the Landry Jones and picking for need the rest of the draft! All by trading back and passing one of the most anticipated QB's out of college, to play to our advantage!

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I really foresee the Colts finishing in the bottom three record wise in the NFL. The defense played surprisingly better against the run, but this was a Steelers team with back up of backups in on their line, and it was a prime time game, Colts were playing with extra incentive to prove they can win without Manning. Bottom line Colts need help, since there is all this Luck drooling, if the Colts get one, I say trade him for lots of picks, there are teams San Fran (Stanford connection) Miami, KC, Seattle.. all teams who will be in the bottom five (excluding 49ers) who would want Luck. Trade back, acquire lots of picks, look what the Browns got for the 6th overall pick this year, and draft Matt Kalil LT USC, this moves Castonzo to RT, and Ijalana to G, this puts young book ends at tackle and strengthens the interior of our line from one draft pick! With the two second rounder’s take Alameda Ta'Amu DT and either Matt Barkley or Landry Jones, or Floyd if he is still available, may slip because of character issues. You get a big run stuffing DT, a possible heir to the QB position who can sit and be groomed, without having to take Luck.

I know a lot like Burfict as do I, problem is he plays MLB and I like Angerer much better at MLB then OLB. We could use the later picks we have and acquired (3 and 4 rounder’s) to possibly move back up in the second and take a player like Manti Te'o OLB(FREAK). This would give us a scenario like:

Round 1- Matt Kalil LT

Round 2- Alameda Ta'Amu NT

Round 2- Landry Jones QB

Round 2- Manti Te'o OLB

Colts could cut Brackett to free up money to resign Mathis/ Wayne, move Angerer to MLB where he excels, Conner and Te'o the OLB's! Have the future bookends at Tackle, Our two dominant DE's, two young powerful OLB's, while pairing Nevis and Ta'Amu to bolster the interior, having the heir to Manning in the Landry Jones and picking for need the rest of the draft! All by trading back and passing one of the most anticipated QB's out of college, to play to our advantage!

Outstanding post. I agree with all. When there is a consensus number one that every team with the QB need is drooling over, the Colts have to use it to thier advantage. I don't see the point in drafting him with the possibility of trading him in a couple years if Manning is OK. We could be using multiple picks to help this team immediately instead of holding onto a guy we won't use then trade out for players in Manning's later years. If Manning is healthy by the draft, there is now way we can not trade this pick off to pick up multiple picks from a desperate team. Too much good can come from this one pick to let it pass by. There are a lot of QBs coming out now that can polish their skills in the next 4 years behind Manning and become a good QB instead of picking up the guy who seems to be ready now. In reality, I would be shocked if we are picking number one over all. I guess the answer will come when we play KC but I think we will be at pick 2-5 when all is done.

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completely disagree,

Manning has 3-4 years minimal left. If use that high pick to draft guys who can help the team now, we could win 3-4 SuperBowls when he returns.

This team needs players who can help NOW, not 4 years from now. I understand we want to be good in the far off future, but not at the price of a weak team when manning is still with us.

Also, what is the point of having Luck, if the rest of the team around him stinks? If manning can't win Multiple superbowls with a poor supporting cast, then a freakin rookie QB can't.

*obviously if manning retires this year, then that changes things

That is possibly the biggest reason I see to trade out of the #1 pick if we get it. We are not a team that has to completely rebuild starting with a QB like Detroit when they took Stafford. We have a team that still has a lot of talent, but some serious holes. We're in a unique position to go from one era of Title contention to another without the complete rebuild if we play the cards right. By that, I mean we can acquire multiple picks to solidify this team from top to bottom while Manning finishes out his career, and grab another QB in the next couple years, granted not Luck, that will have a complete team to back him up.

Look at Joe Flacco in Baltimore. Take away their incredible defense and Ray Rice, and Flacco would've been a bust. But, because he had a solid team to help him while he learned the ropes, he's a decent QB now. Same goes for Roethlisberger and even Brady. Those two obviously stepped into very good teams that won Super Bowls right away. But had they been drafted by a team with no supporting cast, who knows if they would've ever amounted to anything.

If we end up with the #1 pick, we've got to use it to our greatest advantage. And as great as Luck might be, he could also be an equally tremendous bust. If you trade for multiple picks, you give yourself more chances to get them right (this is something the Patriots have been very good at lately). Then, you take a QB in a later round, or more ideally in the next two or three years and still allow them to learn under Manning, then step into a more solid team overall.

I really foresee the Colts finishing in the bottom three record wise in the NFL. The defense played surprisingly better against the run, but this was a Steelers team with back up of backups in on their line, and it was a prime time game, Colts were playing with extra incentive to prove they can win without Manning. Bottom line Colts need help, since there is all this Luck drooling, if the Colts get one, I say trade him for lots of picks, there are teams San Fran (Stanford connection) Miami, KC, Seattle.. all teams who will be in the bottom five (excluding 49ers) who would want Luck. Trade back, acquire lots of picks, look what the Browns got for the 6th overall pick this year, and draft Matt Kalil LT USC, this moves Castonzo to RT, and Ijalana to G, this puts young book ends at tackle and strengthens the interior of our line from one draft pick! With the two second rounder’s take Alameda Ta'Amu DT and either Matt Barkley or Landry Jones, or Floyd if he is still available, may slip because of character issues. You get a big run stuffing DT, a possible heir to the QB position who can sit and be groomed, without having to take Luck.

I know a lot like Burfict as do I, problem is he plays MLB and I like Angerer much better at MLB then OLB. We could use the later picks we have and acquired (3 and 4 rounder’s) to possibly move back up in the second and take a player like Manti Te'o OLB(FREAK). This would give us a scenario like:

Round 1- Matt Kalil LT

Round 2- Alameda Ta'Amu NT

Round 2- Landry Jones QB

Round 2- Manti Te'o OLB

Colts could cut Brackett to free up money to resign Mathis/ Wayne, move Angerer to MLB where he excels, Conner and Te'o the OLB's! Have the future bookends at Tackle, Our two dominant DE's, two young powerful OLB's, while pairing Nevis and Ta'Amu to bolster the interior, having the heir to Manning in the Landry Jones and picking for need the rest of the draft! All by trading back and passing one of the most anticipated QB's out of college, to play to our advantage!

If this year's draft works out like that, Chris Polian will become my new favorite person ever. He'd be GM of the Year. I have no idea what the likelihood of that scenario would be, but wow...that would be incredible. The great thing is there seems to be great diversity in this year's draft. After Luck, I don't think there's a clear cut #2 pick. With the WRs available and some of the LBs out there, it will just depend on who drafts where, which increases the chances of a tremendous prospect dropping lower than his talent would suggest, which in turn increases our chances (given extra picks via trading down) to get multiple impact players this year.

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I'm totally torn at the moment with this issue. First off, we are going to have to wait and see what the status is of Peyton by draft day. I think that is a big reason why we are keeping him on the roster and not moving him to IR. We want to see what he can do in practice, and ensure he still can throw the ball later in the year. His health is the number one factor that will effect this situation. If he appears to be a shadow of his former self, I think it is obvious that we would take Luck IF we have the #1 overall pick.

After the Steelers game last Sunday, I am not confident that we will have the #1 overall pick. I think our defense really showed me something, and we might be able to beat Cincy, KC, and maybe Jax once or twice. That might potentially put us in the #3-#5 spot.

If we do decide to trade The #1 pick away, a lot will come into play. Primarily, what will our needs be by the end of the season? With the poor performances from Wayne and Garcon (when compared to Manning numbers), we should be able to re-sign them for cheaper than if they put up monstrous numbers. That, and the likely release of Collins after this season will give us some spending money for re-signings and free-agents. I think we definitely need a CB. Other than that, I'm not entirely sold on what holes we will have on our team. Our young LB core is really showing me something. We are actually stopping the run now, so I'm not sure a first round DT is needed. Maybe a safety but even still safeties are usually grabbed 2nd round and later because skilled positions are usually picked first.

If there were teams looking to trade, I say take a proven vet and a few draft picks to bolster our team. Mebane and a few picks from Seattle, Willis and a few picks from SF, Heck maybe a corner from NYJ and a few picks, etc would all be enticing as long as we improve our defense. Also, I would prefer to trade him to the NFC, so that we would not have to deal with him in the playoffs until it would be in the SB if he becomes as good as people are saying.

There is a lot of uncertainty right now, and it is very premature to speculate. Right now I am saying that if Manning is healthy, we need to surround him with as much talent as possible. I would much rather see Peyton win another SB or two because quite frankly he deserves it more than any other person IMO. Once he retires, I'm sure we will take a step back and be put in this position again where we can draft another QB down the road.

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If this year's draft works out like that, Chris Polian will become my new favorite person ever. He'd be GM of the Year. I have no idea what the likelihood of that scenario would be, but wow...that would be incredible. The great thing is there seems to be great diversity in this year's draft. After Luck, I don't think there's a clear cut #2 pick. With the WRs available and some of the LBs out there, it will just depend on who drafts where, which increases the chances of a tremendous prospect dropping lower than his talent would suggest, which in turn increases our chances (given extra picks via trading down) to get multiple impact players this year.

The draft won't work out the way BmoreColt said so you won't need to worry about Chris becoming your new "favorite person". For one thing we wouldn't draft another 1st rd. OT seeing how we just drafted 2 in the 1st and 2nd rd. this yr. Secondly, Landry Jones will be a top 15 pick and the other 2 guys won't be around in the 2nd rd. either.

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You are making a comparison of Quarterbacks who are not percieved to have nearly the skill set that Luck does, and they obviously dont. It sounds like you have your mind set on them drafting Jones. I wouldnt reject that out of hand, but why wouldnt they consider Luck? Of course they will, if they have the ability to draft a difference making QB, isnt this season without Manning the perfect example of why they should get another one if they believe that is what he is?

No. First you said that Luck is the best QB to come in and run 'our' offense. I pointed out that I disagreed due to the overwhelming differences between Stanford's offense and the Colts offense. You replied by saying that a Stanford QB is an intelligent QB and can come in and run any system. I pointed out that Stanford has not produced a QB that has done a single thing in the NFL in over a decade. Now you say I'm comparing Luck to QB's with less talent. I can't have an actual discussion about this if you keep changing the point you say you were trying to make after I prove you wrong. ;)

Also, no I am not dead set on drafting Jones. I'm not dead set on any particular QB however the 2 I like the most so far and I think would be the best fit for our offense are Landry Jones and Nick Foles. Incidentally, during the Arizona/Oregon game, one of the commentators quoted a Stanford coach (can't remember the name) as saying that Nick Foles was the most underrated QB in college football. I don't have a link to the direct quote so take this for what you will.

Exactly,i love how some posters say trade down get picks and draft another qb later.Let the colts scouts and polian decide,they know we just think we know.if we pass and he is the next peyton we will regret it for a long time.I do believe we will be in the top 3,unfortunately.

I think it's pretty obvious the final call will go to the Scouts and the Colts front office. This entire thread is based around the idea of the many different directions the Colts could go in. It is pure speculation. If you don't wish to partake in the speculation then no one is forcing you to.

I know a lot like Burfict as do I, problem is he plays MLB and I like Angerer much better at MLB then OLB. We could use the later picks we have and acquired (3 and 4 rounder’s) to possibly move back up in the second and take a player like Manti Te'o OLB(FREAK). This would give us a scenario like:

Round 1- Matt Kalil LT

Round 2- Alameda Ta'Amu NT

Round 2- Landry Jones QB

Round 2- Manti Te'o OLB

Colts could cut Brackett to free up money to resign Mathis/ Wayne, move Angerer to MLB where he excels, Conner and Te'o the OLB's! Have the future bookends at Tackle, Our two dominant DE's, two young powerful OLB's, while pairing Nevis and Ta'Amu to bolster the interior, having the heir to Manning in the Landry Jones and picking for need the rest of the draft! All by trading back and passing one of the most anticipated QB's out of college, to play to our advantage!

Obviously I love the idea of trading down, but not of the picks. We have already used 1st and 2nd round picks on our bookend tackles in Castanzo and Ijalana. Unless Ijalana winds up a bust, we have no reason to draft another T. A top quality G can be easily had in the 2nd or 3rd round.

Manti Te'o is a MLB in the purest form. I'm not saying we should not take him because of this, but either he or Angerer would have to play the OLB which is not their 'natural' position. I've been as high on Te'o as anyone but after Angerer's play so far this season, I think I'd rather hold off on MLB and use a 3rd or 4th round pick on an OLB like Nigel Bradham of FSU or Keenan Robinson of Texas. I love what I've seen from Conner so far and Wheeler as well. Bringing in another good OLB would at the very least provide us with additional depth and either could compete for a starting spot which will either give us a better starter at one of the OLB positions or will push Conner or Wheeler to be even better than they are. Either way it's a win-win and won't require a first or second round pick. That said, I still wouldn't be upset to take Te'o...if anything he and Angerer could split time between MLB and OLB. Let them take turns. :)

Landry Jones is right now the #2 QB prospect and #4 prospect overall. He will most likely be taken in the top 5 picks but regardless no way he slides to the second round unless he has a terrible year. If you want a similar type of QB who might slide to the 2nd round then Nick Foles is the guy. :)

Alameda Ta'amu....watch as many Washington games as you can. This guy is an UT with the size of a NT. He is not a run stuffer by any stretch of the imagination. His best chance for success is dropping about 20 lbs, improving his speed and becoming an UT. The best NT's so far that I've found that would do well in our system, imo, are Brandon Thompson Clemson (probably a top 20) or we can wait till the 3rd and go for Jaye Howard of Florida. A couple others I'm going to keep my eye on are Kendall Reyes of UConn and Kawann Short of Purdue.

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The draft won't work out the way BmoreColt said so you won't need to worry about Chris becoming your new "favorite person". For one thing we wouldn't draft another 1st rd. OT seeing how we just drafted 2 in the 1st and 2nd rd. this yr. Secondly, Landry Jones will be a top 15 pick and the other 2 guys won't be around in the 2nd rd. either.

Agreed...Te'o could possibly slip to the top of the second round. Right now he's projected in the 1st or 2nd. The reason I say he could slip is that Burfict will likely be the first MLB taken due to everyone comparing him to Ray Lewis. Then there are top MLB/OLB's in Courtney Upshaw and Donta Hightower from Alabama. These guys have been used as DE's, OLB's and ILB's so they have a lot of versatility. If any 3-4 team is drafting for a LB I think they'd take one of these guys instead of Te'o. Te'o looks and plays like your prototype cover 2 MLB so teams may not think he's as versatile as the other guys I mentioned which could possibly work out in our favor. Unless Detroit, Minnesota, Tampa or Chicago are looking for their stud MLB. I wouldn't be surprised to see Detroit go this way.

Personally I would rather take Brandon Thompson NT from Clemson in the first round if we trade down. If we acquire an extra late 1st round or early 2nd round pick or 2 then we could go with CB Morris Claiborn LSU or CB Stephon Gilmore South Carolina and then Te'o if he does slip. Though I still think they will draft a QB either in the late 1st or somewhere in the second round. Nick Foles, Kellen Moore and Ryan Tannehill should be available in these spots and I'd rather give up Te'o unfortunately than the CB. With the right trade or trades we could work it out to where we get each of them though. :)

Oh yeah, I also wanted to add that an early draft prediction...I think Ta'amu slides considerably and winds up either a 3rd or 4th round pick at best.

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TC knows what I am talking about! I agree that we used our first two picks last year on "Tackles" but correct me if I am wrong Ijalana was prospected to be a better fit at guard and has not seen much action at RT. Tyron Smith RT-USC drafted by Dallas this year played RT, thought to be very athletic and could transition to LT, also was the #1 draft O-Linemen, HE DIDN'T GET TO PLAY LT BECAUSE OF KALIL! He is the highest rated LT heading into the draft, yes although that could change, presuming he stays the stud he has been, this one pick would really solidify the line for years to come! It would address LT,RT,RG from one pick!

I understand Landry Jones is good, there is no guarantee he goes top 4, Carson Palmer is said to be available next year, possibly Kyle Orton, they could end up in Seattle (Palmer) and Miami (Orton) respectively leaving only KC (Not as pressing) and San Fran teams needing a QB, one of which we could trade with for Luck and picks, that means unless a wildcard team (Washington)(Oakland) are interested, most teams are set at QB... therefore the Colts would actually have a legitimate shot at Jones/Barkley/Foles.

Manti Te'o plays both OLB and ILB depends on the package he is more of coverage linebacker, as previously mentioned, most teams play the 3-4.. unless Chicago, Detroit (Both solid at LB) Tampa want him... when Chicago, Detroit, Tampa all have glaring needs at O-line, I think he could also fall to the second round, as was mentioned because of what his fit is and lack of versatility. Even if he and Angerer split time or one was forced to make the transition, this would bolster the play of the LB's with some physicality and run support!

I actually gave my post lost of thought before posting it of where people would fall, the scenarios I just gave are actually very realistic, based on team need. So these players could fall despite them being a first round talent. This happens all the time in the NFL draft, and I could also be completely wrong and they all go in the first round, throwing my scenario out the window!

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TC knows what I am talking about! I agree that we used our first two picks last year on "Tackles" but correct me if I am wrong Ijalana was prospected to be a better fit at guard and has not seen much action at RT. Tyron Smith RT-USC drafted by Dallas this year played RT, thought to be very athletic and could transition to LT, also was the #1 draft O-Linemen, HE DIDN'T GET TO PLAY LT BECAUSE OF KALIL! He is the highest rated LT heading into the draft, yes although that could change, presuming he stays the stud he has been, this one pick would really solidify the line for years to come! It would address LT,RT,RG from one pick!

I understand Landry Jones is good, there is no guarantee he goes top 4, Carson Palmer is said to be available next year, possibly Kyle Orton, they could end up in Seattle (Palmer) and Miami (Orton) respectively leaving only KC (Not as pressing) and San Fran teams needing a QB, one of which we could trade with for Luck and picks, that means unless a wildcard team (Washington)(Oakland) are interested, most teams are set at QB... therefore the Colts would actually have a legitimate shot at Jones/Barkley/Foles.

Manti Te'o plays both OLB and ILB depends on the package he is more of coverage linebacker, as previously mentioned, most teams play the 3-4.. unless Chicago, Detroit (Both solid at LB) Tampa want him... when Chicago, Detroit, Tampa all have glaring needs at O-line, I think he could also fall to the second round, as was mentioned because of what his fit is and lack of versatility. Even if he and Angerer split time or one was forced to make the transition, this would bolster the play of the LB's with some physicality and run support!

I actually gave my post lost of thought before posting it of where people would fall, the scenarios I just gave are actually very realistic, based on team need. So these players could fall despite them being a first round talent. This happens all the time in the NFL draft, and I could also be completely wrong and they all go in the first round, throwing my scenario out the window!

I'm not saying you didn't give it a lot of thought....yours was one of the better scenario's that have been presented. I still don't think we go OL in the first round, not even if we somehow wind up with 2 first round picks. Kalil could actually be good trade bait for a team wanting to move up for that blind side protector (that we already have). I get where you're going and the thought behind it, I really do...you can't go wrong by shoring up the offensive line. I would much prefer though if they were going to take a best OL available then take the best guard in the middle of the first round or wherever he's projected. Drafting a LT at the top of the round with Castonzo and Ijalana just added to the roster would be right up there with drafting Luck while we still have Manning.

As for Ijalana and Castanzo, the way I remember it (and this could be wrong, I'm going strictly on memory without any links or quotes as proof) that they were both natural OT's that had the ability to slide inside if needed, but that inside is not their natural position or where you'll get the best value out of them.

My "Te'o is a MLB in the purest form" was a bit short-sighted on my part. I've watched several of their games and in Nickel situations he does also line up at OLB, just like Angerer does. For the most part, anytime there are 3 LB's though he's the MIKE. That's not to say I wouldn't still take him...quite the contrary. Te'o, Angerer and whoever steps up to win the other starting spot would be a great LB core. :)

IMO, there are going to be more teams looking for a QB than you're accounting for. I think Fitzpatrick will have to have a great year for Buffalo not to consider an upgrade. Minnesota is also going to be looking for their QB of the future because I don't think McNabb is their long-term solution. I agree with Oakland and San Fran...the thing about San Fran is they might be willing to work a package to trade up for Luck and include Kaepernick in the deal. Kaepernick is one of the QB's Polian heavily scouted last year. I'm also not sure how the Chicago/Jay cutler marriage is going. Seems to be some dissention there and I would see Cutler going before Mike Martz. Miami will be looking, which you mentioned in them getting Orton. If they're in one of the top positions though I think they'd probably go QB in the draft and not through FA. If memory serves, the reason they went after Orton was because they weren't able to get a QB they wanted in the draft.

I also think Denver will be looking. Orton isn't the long term and he may not be back after this year anyway if his contract is up. The FO has shown no real dedication to either Tebow or Quinn. I know a lot of people expect Tebow to be the guy, but he was drafted by the old staff of the Broncos..the new staff hasn't really shown that they're invested in him as their future.

I also think, and many may disagree, that Dallas could be looking. The Dallas/Romo combo has been shaky from the start. Romo has a ton of heart and I can't help but cheer for the guy, but he's made a lot of mistakes that have cost the team in crucial situations.

One other surprise team could be the Saints. Brees is 32 so they might be thinking about his successor. For some reason, Kellen Moore seems like a natural fit here.

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Fitzpatrick is off to an amazing start thus far, I think Chan Gailey likes what he has there, not that they couldn’t groom someone, but again they have more pressing needs in the first round then QB. Minnesota may not like McNabb but he is there to groom first round pick Christian Ponder, so there won’t be another QB taken there. Oakland was the wildcard team I talked about, I really see them using their pick on a wide receiver i.e. Floyd, you know how Al Davis loves his fast, big players! San Fran seems very logically as I mentioned, and we both agree would be pretty realistic, unless they are giving up Willis, Whitner, Justin Smith, or Crabtree and picks, I wouldn’t want anyone else from them, Willis would be amazing but highly unlikely, I screamed for the Colts to get Whitner in free agency! Justin Smith could play either spot at DT since he is great interior pass rusher and against the run! Crabtree would be a solid receiver, and again picks picks picks! Sporano is on the hot seat so I would have to see what head coach comes in and what system, cause Henne has the potential, so they may go Orton, stick with Henne or possibly draft. Same with KC, Todd Hailey is on the hot seat, so it would depend on who came in and what system like Henne, Cassel is serviceable. Agree 100% about Denver, Tebow was not that new FO’s pick, so they could stick Orton or seek an option elsewhere. I think Dallas and Chicago are a little bit of a stretch but that’s your opinion, the other wild card team here is Washington. So there are a few possibilities, but there will be free agent QB’s available after this season, Palmer’s return, Vince Young, possibly Orton, and if Miami and KC go different directions Henne and Cassel, so teams could go that way. I think its very realistic to think a college QB like Landry or Barkley could be around round 2. So lets say Colts get #1 trade back and get a top 10 pick and a second and third this year as well (strictly this year) who could you see them drafting based on need and position so let call it, Round 1-Pick7, Round 2-Pick 1, Round 2-Pick 7, Round 3-Pick 1, and Round 3-Pick 7 include trade ups, just curious on who you think would be available and who would fit based on need since you follow college closely.

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Minnesota may not like McNabb but he is there to groom first round pick Christian Ponder, so there won’t be another QB taken there.

Before I get to putting in who I'd pick I want to apologize for that one. Mentioning Minnesota was a total brain fart because I forgot all about Ponder. lol So yeah scratch them from the list or sure. I also agree that Chicago and Dallas are a stretch...just wanted to throw them out there because I do think the possibility might be there. :)

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Round 1-Pick7, Round 2-Pick 1, Round 2-Pick 7, Round 3-Pick 1, and Round 3-Pick 7 include trade ups, just curious on who you think would be available and who would fit based on need since you follow college closely.

There are 2 scenarios based on the first round pick. I've color coded them so that one scenario is in blue and the other is in red. Hopefully that makes it easier. :)

With these picks I'd go with:

Round 1, pick7: Dre Kirkpatrick, CB Alabama...honestly I think #7 might be a stretch but if he's there, I take him.

alt: Brandon Thompson, DT Clemson...if Kirkpatrick is gone then this is my backup pick

Round 2, pick1: Nick Foles, QB Arizona

**note: my ideal pick here would be Te'o so if he were available then it's him. If he's not then I'd go with one of the 2 below:

Round 2, pick7: Jeff Fuller, WR Texas A&M or Greg Childs, WR Arkansas....if Kirkpatrick is first round pick

alt: Morris Claiborn, CB LSU...if Thompson is the round 1 pick

Round 3-Pick 1: Jaye Howard, DT Florida (he's ranked lower now but I think he'll move up and others like Devon Still and Alameda Ta'amu will drop....if Kirkpatrick was first round pick

alt: Mark Barron, SS Alabama or Coby Fleener, TE, Stanford (he is very reminiscent of Jason Whitten)....if Thompson was first round pick

Round 3-Pick 7: Best OG/C available

Round 4-Pick 1: Nigel Bradham, OLB, FSU

Round 5-Pick 1: Jack Crawford DE Penn State

Round 6-Pick 1: Derek Moye, WR, Penn State....we could also go best OL here again or take another CB or DT

Round 7-Pick 1: Best player available

These are just the first 2 player combos that came to mind but I could put together about a handful of different combinations that would all work and fill our biggest needs. :)

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one more thing to add....I didn't include any trade up scenarios because we'll be drafting at the top of the round for a change instead of the bottom so I don't really see any areas where we'd need to trade up for someone.

However, if we're at #7 in the first round and Kirkpatrick is already off the board, I would try to trade down one more time to around 10-13 and get an extra 2nd, 3rd or 4th (or some combination thereof) because Brandon Thompson would proabably still be there at 10-13.

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No. First you said that Luck is the best QB to come in and run 'our' offense. I pointed out that I disagreed due to the overwhelming differences between Stanford's offense and the Colts offense. You replied by saying that a Stanford QB is an intelligent QB and can come in and run any system. I pointed out that Stanford has not produced a QB that has done a single thing in the NFL in over a decade. Now you say I'm comparing Luck to QB's with less talent. I can't have an actual discussion about this if you keep changing the point you say you were trying to make after I prove you wrong. ;)

Also, no I am not dead set on drafting Jones. I'm not dead set on any particular QB however the 2 I like the most so far and I think would be the best fit for our offense are Landry Jones and Nick Foles. Incidentally, during the Arizona/Oregon game, one of the commentators quoted a Stanford coach (can't remember the name) as saying that Nick Foles was the most underrated QB in college football. I don't have a link to the direct quote so take this for what you will.

I think it's pretty obvious the final call will go to the Scouts and the Colts front office. This entire thread is based around the idea of the many different directions the Colts could go in. It is pure speculation. If you don't wish to partake in the speculation then no one is forcing you to.

Obviously I love the idea of trading down, but not of the picks. We have already used 1st and 2nd round picks on our bookend tackles in Castanzo and Ijalana. Unless Ijalana winds up a bust, we have no reason to draft another T. A top quality G can be easily had in the 2nd or 3rd round.

Manti Te'o is a MLB in the purest form. I'm not saying we should not take him because of this, but either he or Angerer would have to play the OLB which is not their 'natural' position. I've been as high on Te'o as anyone but after Angerer's play so far this season, I think I'd rather hold off on MLB and use a 3rd or 4th round pick on an OLB like Nigel Bradham of FSU or Keenan Robinson of Texas. I love what I've seen from Conner so far and Wheeler as well. Bringing in another good OLB would at the very least provide us with additional depth and either could compete for a starting spot which will either give us a better starter at one of the OLB positions or will push Conner or Wheeler to be even better than they are. Either way it's a win-win and won't require a first or second round pick. That said, I still wouldn't be upset to take Te'o...if anything he and Angerer could split time between MLB and OLB. Let them take turns. :)

Landry Jones is right now the #2 QB prospect and #4 prospect overall. He will most likely be taken in the top 5 picks but regardless no way he slides to the second round unless he has a terrible year. If you want a similar type of QB who might slide to the 2nd round then Nick Foles is the guy. :)

Alameda Ta'amu....watch as many Washington games as you can. This guy is an UT with the size of a NT. He is not a run stuffer by any stretch of the imagination. His best chance for success is dropping about 20 lbs, improving his speed and becoming an UT. The best NT's so far that I've found that would do well in our system, imo, are Brandon Thompson Clemson (probably a top 20) or we can wait till the 3rd and go for Jaye Howard of Florida. A couple others I'm going to keep my eye on are Kendall Reyes of UConn and Kawann Short of Purdue.

Isnt it obvious that Luck is a great College QB? And you have to be very intelligent to go to Stanford in the first place and Major in Architectual Design, so isnt that a given? Look Jason, just because I choose to post less than 800 paragraphs in a post, doesnt change the given factors in an argument. You dont think we should go with Luck, and you have stated why you wouldnt. That is great. No problem with that. I have stated why I think you cant let him pass IF you could draft him. I think both arguments have very valid points to be honest. I could totally see the point of addressing other needs when we already have a franchise QB on the roster. But I would hate to see luck go to the Dolphins and watch them dominate the AFC for the next 10 years if we could have had him.

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I like the idea of making a trade, however I think that the best option in a trade is Miami. With their current start they are certainly in the Luck lottery and their organization feels like they are a QB and a coach away from being competitive in the east. They probably will finish the season with 6 or 7 wins and would certainly look to make a trade. Lots of good young options that could strengthen the Colts and could be a big upside to trade first rounders and pick up a corner and Matt Moore.

Other major option is the Cincinnati Bengals. Dalton is not a great long term option there and I see a coaching change as eminent. Mike Brown would certainly look to make a deal and they have a lot of defensive options that could help us out on that side of the ball. Strengthening the O-line could be huge and they drafted a fourth rounder Clint Boling last year who was great at Georgia and we could potentially get our hands on.

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