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Josh Chapman gets to "test pads"


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McKinney actually looked BETTER than Mookie in the preseason before the injury. He was constantly demanding/commanding double-teams at the NT position as is needed in a hybrid 3/4. Mookie was not in the preseason as most of us noted.

That said, Mookie Johnson has learned and has played his heart out in my opinion. I agree that Tevaseu has exceeded expectations since coming over. Chapman needs to make sure he is ready.....even though as we know and Arians said "Chapman played on one leg last year."

Would it not be great to have the draft, FA, and a healthy Johnson, McKinney, Chapman and even Tevaseu going into the signing period and with so much cap room with the needs we have? I am sooooo excited as to the present ant future of our Colts!!!! Are You???? :yes: :shoe: :helmet: :throwback: :lombardi::coltshelmet::coltslogo::colts::excited:

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Little more tidbits on Chapman.


We finally got a young buck that we drafted to finally get a guy that looks the part,” Manusky said. “He looks good right now. He’s strong, he’s physical, he’s got good feet and he can put pressure in the middle of the pocket.”

The offseason was difficult for Chapman not knowing the exact date he would get back on the practice field.

While his rookie teammates have been showing their talent on the field, it’s been a lot of classroom work for Chapman.

“I’ll tell you the guy actually studies his playbook a lot,” Manusky said of Chapman. “He spends time in it, usually the good ones do.”

It’s that drive away from the field that has Manusky excited about the future for the 316-pound nose tackle.

Back in April’s NFL Draft, the Colts addressed the offensive side of the football with eight of their ten picks. Chapman is the lone rookie defender left and Manusky is anxious to see his talents that helped Alabama to the top rush defense in college football last season.

“From watching the tape, I’m happy as heck we got him when we got him,” Manusky said “Now we’re going to try to build through him and the young guys that we get in the future.”

Just looking at some of Manuskys comments tell me what their plans are for him this year. I think he's definitely going to be on the Active roster sooner than later. IF I were a betting man, I'd go with that.

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My predictions from the time they drafted this kid,was hes going to be a monster,if not for his knee i think he was a first round pick.Most teams wont take a risk with damaged goods,IMO we got a real steal,and a real defensive gem for the long haul ! :thmsup: I can not wait to get him on the feild,he was made for this defense

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Looks like we might see Chapman back soon!

It will be great to see him in the dogfight. This is a true (NT) position for him and any playing time this season will be good for him.

I hope the same for Reitz. I thought he and Castonzo played well together in their brief pre-season op.

If Reitz IS UP TO IT, just one less draft pick/free agent we would need. Cause we MUST get the O-Line up to a very high level right Colts fans?

We just got a tiny taste watching that UNDERSIZED tackling machine Angerer. That guy sees the game in real time and moves on it. He is better than we can fully appreciate. He and Chap should go very well together. Go Colts!

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we have tons of space for free agency and I expect a heavy dose of defense in the draft.

While its true we have a lot of cap space left for next season, the question will be, do we have the right player to get for that position or are we just gonna go overpay for someone who is marginally better than what we have now? You can't just expect to get this one guy because he played so great in a different system and then expect it will translate over into ours. I think this is what bad GM's tend to do. I got money, he is a big name star so I will get him and he will work perfectly only to see failure. I want the right player who fits this scheme

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He's a Go for next week (Limited). Then as he goes along in Practice, we'll see more of him.

Remember, we have YET to see what our Defense looks like HEALTHY & TOGETHER on the Field at the SAME TIME. With that, we're Ranked 16th ( I do believe, last time I checked). So who knows where we'll be Ranked when everything comes together

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