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#18 Vs #12 Rookie years through 5 weeks.


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Peytons Rookie stats look like this First 5 weeks - Total Sacks 11, Yrds 1,129, 12 int, 4 td Luck Rookie stats 5 Weeks - Total Sacks 9, Yrds 1208, 5 int, 7td Now this could mean something, or it could mean nothing. I started watching the colts when Peyton was drafted, or at least thats what I remember. So lets keep in mind that Luck has a bye week in with his stat line for the first 5 games. I only did this because we all know its going to happen and how people are going to say what ever it is they will. Just thought it was interesting to see that lucks 4 games in 5 weeks is better looking than peytons 5 games in 5 weeks. I dont think Luck will be better than Peyton..but numbers dont lie and this kid is doing some pretty amazing stuff. Just interesting to see. I will probably Do another Peyton vs luck after week 10 and another at the seasons end. Just to see for fun

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Luck is doing well. but if people are still talking about Luck is better or won't be better than Peyton need to grow up. cause why would it matter. not saying YOU are. but thats pretty dumb way too many changes, the league is different than in 1998. two different players.

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Bruce Arians said it himself, Luck is further ahead at this point than Peyton was.

I remember the '98 season well and it feels like that too as a fan. Luck just seems so much more confident. Peyton seemed like he was always analyzing things as a rookie. It worked out great for him as he took a huge leap from year one to year two.

Luck on the other hand is a superior athlete and he's just playing. The interesting thing though is you can see that Luck has the mental side down. He's comfortable in the hurry up and he is absolute money in the clutch. The key will be the difference from year one to year two. How much better will Andrew get? I can't wait to see!

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To the people saying the game is different, I agree, but aren't you also claiming Luck is clearly superior over Manning's rookie season? The game is faster than it ever was (to counteract the pass), our current run game is abysmal (mainly o-line's fault), we have tons of rookies (including the GM and head coach), our starting Center is out, and meanwhile, our real head coach is in a hospital. Despite all this, Luck is putting up better numbers.

It should be harder for the Colts to pass the ball than it was in 1998, yet Luck is doing fantastic.

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The first four or five games are no indication of what their careers will be but, with that being said I saw ever game Peyton played as a rookie and Luck looks much more comfortable and in control than Peyton did at this point of their careers, don't know how it will end up but, Luck is much more advanced than Peyton was at this point. I can remember almost feeling sorry for Peyton early in his rookie year as he sometimes looked overwhelmed. Luck looks much more relaxed and is just playing ball, where as Peyton looked like he was thinking more than just playing. (again this is no indication of overall careers) but, at this point I don't think its even close. "GO COLTS"

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The main factor is the colts have a much better TEAM

EXACTLY!!!! This debate was goin on all summer...I was def on the side saying this team is better than the 1998 team but noooooo in 1998 we had disinterested Marshall Faulk and young Marvin Harrison and suspect defense...this team is wayyy better and the strategy is more balanced...Peyton was all we had for years, thats not the philosophy for the the Joy Luck Club....

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EXACTLY!!!! This debate was goin on all summer...I was def on the side saying this team is better than the 1998 team but noooooo in 1998 we had disinterested Marshall Faulk and young Marvin Harrison and suspect defense...this team is wayyy better and the strategy is more balanced...Peyton was all we had for years, thats not the philosophy for the the Joy Luck Club....

Nope its definitely not, I can see the colts drawing up a patriots blueprint... have a franchise QB and next year stack the defense with some good players and fix up the offensive line... that is bound to win more than one Superbowl.

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Nope its definitely not, I can see the colts drawing up a patriots blueprint... have a franchise QB and next year stack the defense with some good players and fix up the offensive line... that is bound to win more than one Superbowl.

A way better approach! I think Grigs wanted that in Philly but you can't do it with Vick...Imma Vick fan but....he wont take you to the promise land.

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The game is played different now. The comparison is apples to oranges.

That and their game is different, Lucks athleticism is helping him while he learns to play at this speed. Peyton on the other hand had to take the sacks or try to throw it away, Luck extends the play and tends to complete when on the run.

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That and their game is different, Lucks athleticism is helping him while he learns to play at this speed. Peyton on the other hand had to take the sacks or try to throw it away, Luck extends the play and tends to complete when on the run.

I agree, he's a bit of a play-maker and a bit of a genius. If Peyton Manning and Ben Roethlisburger had a kid, it would be Andrew Luck.
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I agree, he's a bit of a play-maker and a bit of a genius. If Peyton Manning and Ben Roethlisburger had a kid, it would be Andrew Luck.

That's what I'm seeing too.

I hope it would be Ben carrying baby Luck, he has the child baring hips.

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As others have pointed out this comparison is a bit of a stretch. We are dealing with two different eras. This is an area where defenders have to think how they hit a WR who is catching the ball. This is an era that they are hardcore about illegal contact down the field. The game is geared towards the passing game and QBs are lightening it up more than ever.

I do not know why we have to compare these guys because just because Luck might have a better season does not automatically mean he is going to be a stud. He could come out next season and totally regress because the league caught up to him.

We just need to enjoy this ride and Luck grows and develops. I know he has far exceeded my expectations. Heck, the whole team has.

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That and their game is different, Lucks athleticism is helping him while he learns to play at this speed. Peyton on the other hand had to take the sacks or try to throw it away, Luck extends the play and tends to complete when on the run.

As others have stated, Andrew is capable of letting himself play under instinct. Peyton didn't want to play with anything other than logic. If you know everything you can't fail. That's how Peyton played, and it proved to work.

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As others have stated, Andrew is capable of letting himself play under instinct. Peyton didn't want to play with anything other than logic. If you know everything you can't fail. That's how Peyton played, and it proved to work.

That's a good point, everything Peyton did great was because of repetition and practice. Thats why they could run very vanillia passing plays without fear of the defense sniffing out the play, the Colts would simply out execute the defense. There have only been a handful of times when he broke that mold, like his slide at the 1 yard line to seal a game.

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These two will be compared to each other forever, regardless of what any of say or think. To say comparing these two is pointless because they both play in different eras or have different styles could be true, but its almost as equal to say whats the point of Keeping records. If someone breaks a single season record. That season will be compared to the season of the previous record holder, whether it be held by someone a 100yrs ago or last year, it will always be compared. So whats wrong with comparing one elite qbs year with our team to our new up and coming qbs year. Stats are stats just thought it was a nice little tid bit of information to see.

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