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NT Looking Thin! What could our options be?


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If your definition of typical 4-3 is a Cover 2 coverage behind that 4 man front, you will see that fewer times. My definition of a 4-3 is fluid, in the sense that you will see 4 man fronts but those LBs or safeties are not going to sit back and will add to the pressure, ala Bears or Saints' SB winning style.

There will be instances where, on 3rd and long, we will see that dreaded Cover 2 coverage where we swarm to the ball after conceding a 4 or 5 yard pass when they have to make 3rd and 12 plus :). But mixing it up is the key and that is what we need to expect. There will be some plays that will resemble a typical 4-3 but it wont be for THE ENTIRE GAME like the past. :)

That might also help us get the most out of Nevis, who is our best UT pass rusher for the 1-gap. Remember when Warren Sapp was asked to play 3-4 DE with the Raiders, he was washed out as well as a 5-technique. We will get the most out of Nevis in the 4-man front, IMO, with or without Cover 2 in the backfield.

Yes. When I see posts saying, "were only going to be playing a 3-4 however much percentage people put on it", that just simply isn't right. Our base will always be a 3-4, but like you said mixing it up with different looks up front, but still a 3-4 base. This is how I look at it I guess. Some people see 4 guys up front and think were in a 4-3 base defense again, but its not.

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I wouldn't be against trying Hampton out. I mean I know he is old, but theres no way he could be any worse than Johnson is.

I always wonder why did not we not pull the trigger on Alameda Ta'amu then by moving down from where we would have drafted Dwayne Allen when we were in the market for an NT and were going to draft Josh Chapman taking a flier on his health anyway?

It could have allowed us to gain an extra pick that we would have evened out when we moved up to get T.Y.Hilton at the end of the 3rd.

Now, Ta'amu is supposed to be Hampton's successor that the Steelers got in late round 3, around the low 20s where they picked.

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Yes. When I see posts saying, "were only going to be playing a 3-4 however much percentage people put on it", that just simply isn't right. Our base will always be a 3-4, but like you said mixing it up with different looks up front, but still a 3-4 base. This is how I look at it I guess. Some people see 4 guys up front and think were in a 4-3 base defense again, but its not.

That is going to be fluid, with Pagano's defense. A guy goes from LB to DE in a matter of seconds, that is why most of us are not pigeon holing it to be one kind, and are calling it "hybrid" like we should. :)

The base, 3-4 or 4-3 does not matter to me, that is just a technicality. How it evolves into different fronts and formations from play to play and the results derived from it is all that matters to most of us.

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Haaa, I thought you were about to go into a Lecture. lol

But that's just me, I honestly don't think he's Good. But he must be doing something cause he's started 3 Pre-Season games in a row. Idk what Pagano & them are doing, but we need someone like Hampton from the Steelers. We don't need him, but we need someone to play like him or close to it. And Johnson just isn't doing it

Good 4-3 DT. Bad 3-4 NT.

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That is going to be fluid, with Pagano's defense. A guy goes from LB to DE in a matter of seconds, that is why most of us are not pigeon holing it to be one kind, and are calling it "hybrid" like we should. :)

The base, 3-4 or 4-3 does not matter to me, that is just a technicality. How it evolves into different fronts and formations from play to play and the results derived from it is all that matters to most of us.

I guess I just have a problem with the terminology some people use.

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Good 4-3 DT. Bad 3-4 NT.

It requires a lot to be a 3-4 NT, & he just doesn't have it. Shirley should be the 3-4, then when we go 4-3 it should be (From left DE to Right DE) Redding, Nevis, Johnson, &........ idk, cause I'm not to sold on Moala either. So maybe put Freeney there & let Hughes take the other OLB spot or something idk

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Thanks Stewie. I figured that when I witnessed him be pushed back to where Angerer & Connor start the play off at smh

haha You are welcome.

I thought since he got so much bigger, he may end up being decent at it. I guess he just doesn't have the pure strength to take up 2 blockers. This is why we needed Chapman to be healthy, but oh well it happens.

Our defense line is going to probably be poor outside of Redding.

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When some of you talk about "play like Casey Hampton' what exactly does that mean?

To make it known that you're there. I'm not asking Johnson to blow the play up everytime (that'd be nice, but unlikely to happen). But get a push, draw a Double team or something that allow our LB's to roam free & deliver the Boom Stick. We've all seen Connor & Freeman hit, something we'll be getting used to for a little while while Angry Pat is out. If we can get this to happen, no question we can get Fumbles. Connor & Freeman are hitting machines!

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haha You are welcome.

I thought since he got so much bigger, he may end up being decent at it. I guess he just doesn't have the pure strength to take up 2 blockers. This is why we needed Chapman to be healthy, but oh well it happens.

Our defense line is going to probably be poor outside of Redding.

I like Nevis, but Pagano doesn't seem to see his Performance. I think Nevis has been a monster this Pre-Season. Aside from the Skins game, cause he was missing a few tackles. But I'll take Nevis over Moala at the 3-4 DE & Shirley over Johnson until Chapman or someone comes to save us. Our run defense has to be on point for the 1st 3 weeks. Forte & Bush in Chi Town, Gerhart (Don't see Peterson Playing. He rushed his Return), & Maybe MJD come Week 3

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I like Nevis, but Pagano doesn't seem to see his Performance. I think Nevis has been a monster this Pre-Season. Aside from the Skins game, cause he was missing a few tackles. But I'll take Nevis over Moala at the 3-4 DE & Shirley over Johnson until Chapman or someone comes to save us. Our run defense has to be on point for the 1st 3 weeks. Forte & Bush in Chi Town, Gerhart (Don't see Peterson Playing. He rushed his Return), & Maybe MJD come Week 3

I hate to say it, but I think we get ran all over the first 3 games. I like Nevis too, but without a good NT we are not built to stop the run. It wouldn't shock me if those teams run 150+ yards on us those games.

I really hope I am wrong, but a 3-4 defense without a good NT usually gets ran all over. And we don't even know (outside of Redding) how our DE's will fare either.

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I hate to say it, but I think we get ran all over the first 3 games. I like Nevis too, but without a good NT we are not built to stop the run. It wouldn't shock me if those teams run 150+ yards on us those games.

I really hope I am wrong, but a 3-4 defense without a good NT usually gets ran all over. And we don't even know (outside of Redding) how our DE's will fare either.

I hope not. I really hope Manusky or Pagano realize that Johnson just isn't doing it. Hope they look at the film & realize it

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I hope not. I really hope Manusky or Pagano realize that Johnson just isn't doing it. Hope they look at the film & realize it

I hope so too. But who knows, they may surprise us and do better than originally thought. But it is very likely our d line will be poor most games.

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I hope so too. But who knows, they may surprise us and do better than originally thought. But it is very likely our d line will be poor most games.

I think we're excellent when it comes to Pass Rush. But I'm sure a team will have a lightbulb over their head & ask "Why Throw the ball, when we can just run it?" smh

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I think we're excellent when it comes to Pass Rush. But I'm sure a team will have a lightbulb over their head & ask "Why Throw the ball, when we can just run it?" smh

I do believe our pass rush will be pretty good. Especially with the amount of blitzes being added in with our new system. But yes teams will probably be able to run all over us in some games. The way our run defense played in the first half of the Redskins game will probably be what the run defense will look like more often than not.

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I do believe our pass rush will be pretty good. Especially with the amount of blitzes being added in with our new system. But yes teams will probably be able to run all over us in some games. The way our run defense played in the first half of the Redskins game will probably be what the run defense will look like more often than not.

That hit that... was it Freeman or Connor?? put on RG3 was CRUCIAL!!!! Sent chills down my Spine watching it haha

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To make it known that you're there. I'm not asking Johnson to blow the play up everytime (that'd be nice, but unlikely to happen). But get a push, draw a Double team or something that allow our LB's to roam free & deliver the Boom Stick. We've all seen Connor & Freeman hit, something we'll be getting used to for a little while while Angry Pat is out. If we can get this to happen, no question we can get Fumbles. Connor & Freeman are hitting machines!

Did you see what he did to O Lineman Chris Montgomery on the 2nd play of the game? he completely removed montgomery out of the play and squashed him, Mookie wasnt in the game every play in the 1st half. Or what about when he beat Montgomery and forced Robert Griffin to get rid of the ball early or the play after that where Mookie wrapped Morris up on a minimal gain and brought him down, I can go on, It wasnt Mookie that was the problem in was our gap control by or defensive ends and Outside Linebackers (Morris's long run of the day 24 yards came on an outside run where Hughes and a couple others whiffed on a tackle)
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Did you see what he did to O Lineman Chris Montgomery on the 2nd play of the game? he completely removed montgomery out of the play and squashed him, Mookie wasnt in the game every play in the 1st half. Or what about when he beat Montgomery and forced Robert Griffin to get rid of the ball early or the play after that where Mookie wrapped Morris up on a minimal gain and brought him down, I can go on, It wasnt Mookie that was the problem in was our gap control by or defensive ends and Outside Linebackers (Morris's long of the day 24 yards came on an outside run where Hughes and a couple others whiffed on a tackle)

Idk, I'm just not sold on the dude. But he's started 3 straight games.... so I guess he'll be the start come Sept. 9

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Idk, I'm just not sold on the dude. But he's started 3 straight games.... so I guess he'll be the start come Sept. 9

Oh Im certainly not saying hes great but he certainly isnt the problem, Hes actually done good I think if you slow the game down and just watch him
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Did you see what he did to O Lineman Chris Montgomery on the 2nd play of the game? he completely removed montgomery out of the play and squashed him, Mookie wasnt in the game every play in the 1st half. Or what about when he beat Montgomery and forced Robert Griffin to get rid of the ball early or the play after that where Mookie wrapped Morris up on a minimal gain and brought him down, I can go on, It wasnt Mookie that was the problem in was our gap control by or defensive ends and Outside Linebackers (Morris's long run of the day 24 yards came on an outside run where Hughes and a couple others whiffed on a tackle)

Good observations!!! :)

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Why? Because we have yet to see it in preseason. Now would be the time to use it if we were going to and yet, they haven't.

No it wouldnt not in meaningless games teams almost always stick to the base defense and are very plain in the preseason. They will mix it up a bit more once real games start. I don't know how much better if at all it will make the defense but you can't fully judge any defense on the preseason.
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I hope not. I really hope Manusky or Pagano realize that Johnson just isn't doing it. Hope they look at the film & realize it

Well i dont think theyll come to that realization because i dont think its true. Mookie has been facing his double teams and is holding his ground much more often than not. In the type of 2gap scheme we're trying to run, all 3 down linemen need to take on double teams and matthews more than anyone isnt getting that done. Moala has at times as well but not as consistently. So far though i really think matthews has been the weakest link in our dl

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Oh Im certainly not saying hes great but he certainly isnt the problem, Hes actually done good I think if you slow the game down and just watch him

I think like most things in football it's complex and not just one guys fault so to put all the blame On Johnson's shoulders is unfair but to say he has had nothing to do with it is false as well. He has struggled at times this pre-season as well.
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If he keeps playing this great in the regular season, it will be interesting to see what may happen with Angerer next off season. They can't keep 2 very talented players in the same position.

If anything, Connor would be the one he contends with. I don't think Pat's going anywhere

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If anything, Connor would be the one he contends with. I don't think Pat's going anywhere

Thats a good point too. I really like our linebackers right now. It could be better, but we do have decent players there. We just need some depth.

And of course, we don't really know how Mathis or Freeney will do either. But the talent is there.

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Thats a good point too. I really like our linebackers right now. It could be better, but we do have decent players there. We just need some depth.

And of course, we don't really know how Mathis or Freeney will do either. But the talent is there.

From what I've seen, Mathis is doing Fine. He seems like he's getting what Pagano is asking of him. Now Freeney.. like I said before, I feel like he's just out there Going Through the Motions

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From what I've seen, Mathis is doing Fine. He seems like he's getting what Pagano is asking of him. Now Freeney.. like I said before, I feel like he's just out there Going Through the Motions

Yeah Mathis has looked good. I hope you are right about Freeney. I know he is known to not like the preseason much. Maybe thats why he hasn't really shown much.

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Yeah Mathis has looked good. I hope you are right about Freeney. I know he is known to not like the preseason much. Maybe thats why he hasn't really shown much.

Well, when you're a Veteran... things like that do get Old. But that's just Peyton rubbing off on him lol. No one on the starters took Pre-Season seriously in the Peyton Era

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Conner and Freeman are two different Linebackers

Freeman is a roamer and good in coverage

Conner is a run stuffer and a heavy hitter at close range

Angerer is the same as Freeman but not as good in coverage

I can see Pat and Freeman splitting time at ILB at least until the coaches feel Angerer is back to 100%

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