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Deshaun Watson


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On 12/8/2018 at 3:57 PM, krunk said:

Just looking over some of these highlights from the previous matchup.  I sort of feel like we ought to pressure him a bit more to take him off of his predetermined reads.  He sort of knows how things are going to play out when we are just sitting back rushing 4 and he's surveying and sitting back waiting for things to open up.   I think we should blitz a bit more than we did in the first match up.  Or do more blitz simulating. 

Good call, the blitzes were effective.


One other thing the Colts did when they rushed 4, is they didn't all get bunched up in the middle and allow Watson to roll out and complete a pass.  he was forced more to stay in the pocket.

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On 12/10/2018 at 12:26 PM, jameszeigler834 said:

He will miss a full season like Luck did very soon if they don't get him an o-line and better running game.

they are actually third in team rushing yards, though he has 269 yards himself


it does feel like hes going to get hurt again imo

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On 12/7/2018 at 9:39 AM, Peterk2011 said:


They were not actually. Since 2010, they had only 2 negative season, just like the Colts had.


The Texans are a strange team for me. Their top 5-6 players are probably as good as any teams, but behind them, there is a big gap between their best and the remaining of their roster. So, I don't think they are as good as the real contenders. Their 9-3 record is overarchievement, they won games they should've lost. However, they are way more consistent than the Colts (or the Titans) this year, so they deservedly the team to beat in the south.


(Btw, if the Colts won't make the playoffs, I don't mind if the Texans will. They won't go far, and them making the playoffs will mean O'Brien will stay. :) )


Regarding Watson, he is not a 35+ attempts/game type of QB yet. At least not behind this oline, and with O'Brien. But he is talented, so if they use him the right way (good rushing game, 20-25 attempts/game, taking care of himself), he is a fine game manager, with big play ability. He is a threat.


This was an excellent synopsis.  Well done.


Too many people preseason were making Watson out to be some once in a century talent, based on a handful of meaningless games against garbage defenses in 2017.  I heard one radio guy here, in June of 2018, actually say that Watson is "the top NFL commodity on the planet earth."  


He is not an elite, top tier qb.;  your description of him is the best and most reasonable i've seen anywhere.

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26 minutes ago, MacDee1975 said:


This was an excellent synopsis.  Well done.


Too many people preseason were making Watson out to be some once in a century talent, based on a handful of meaningless games against garbage defenses in 2017.  I heard one radio guy here, in June of 2018, actually say that Watson is "the top NFL commodity on the planet earth."  


He is not an elite, top tier qb.;  your description of him is the best and most reasonable i've seen anywhere.

I think Watson is pretty darn good for a 2nd year player.  I think he'll show marked improvent each season.  Right now he's got some warts here or there but overall he's a pretty good ball player.

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4 hours ago, krunk said:

I think Watson is pretty darn good for a 2nd year player.  I think he'll show marked improvent each season.  Right now he's got some warts here or there but overall he's a pretty good ball player.



I agree . He makes some really good throws ,

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On 12/11/2018 at 9:19 PM, krunk said:

I think Watson is pretty darn good for a 2nd year player.  I think he'll show marked improvent each season.  Right now he's got some warts here or there but overall he's a pretty good ball player.


If a QB is still as bad at reading defenses as Watson is in his sophomore year, he'll usually never will be good at it. He can't recognize blitzes at all. He can't read coverages. He can't go through his reads, if his first read is not available, he usually starts to step back (he almost never steps UP) in the pocket, and starts to move outside to buy time. He is dangerous if he can move out, because of his athletic ability and because he throws very good deep balls. But thats it. In my eyes, Watson is a poor man's Russell Wilson. They both throw good deep balls, with touch and good ball placement. They are both very dangerous out of the pocket, both with their feet and with their deep throws. On the other hand, neither of them have good pocket avereness, neither of them move particularly well within the pocket, and neither of them are good at reading defenses. Wilson is the better of the two, but even Wilson struggles if he has to shoot quick, timed passes, or has to go beyond his 1st target, etc.


So both of them NEED their "Lynch" (a great running game) to be really good. Without a great running game, they begin to struggle. Just watch Wilson in Seattle when they can run the ball, and watch him when they can't. Huuge difference.

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