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Just Some Perspective and a Little Hope


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TL;DR - Colts still got a bright future, the right coach, the right GM, and lots to look forward too, this season and next. 


Yeah that was bad. Yesterday was not a good football game. There was no reason for the Colts to lose to the Kessler led Jags. I understand fully why some of us are down on this Monday. But that's done now. Time to move on. And I don' just  mean to next season.

Cause it's not done yet. The Colts very much can make the playoffs. It's gonna be tough, but they can absolutely do it.


I know losing to the Jags like that makes it seem like there's no way they're gonna run the table. But does yesterday's loss not seem like an outlier? The team was exposed for it's weaknesses offensively (mainly the lack of outside weapons besides TY). But the Colts have been torching good defenses all season in spite of that. Buffalo (2nd in total defense) for 37. Tennessee (at the time was number 1 in scoring defense) for 38. Jacksonville is bad, but they've still got a talented defense. The Colts got punked, but that Jags D has been great at home this season (go look what they did to Tom Brady and Ben Roethlisberger this year). It grosses me out that Andrew Luck just lost to Cody freakin Kessler of all people, but sometimes it happens. Aaron Rodgers just lost to the Cardinals AT HOME. Luck is gonna bounce back. He's not suddenly bad at Quarterback. 


Frank Reich is taking lots of blame for yesterdays loss. And rightfully so, he needed to be better. But guess what? He's a rookie too. So is our OC and DC. Most of the coaching staff is new. They're going to get better with time. These guys have still only been together a few months. We know who Frank Reich is. He's aggressive and he's gonna go for the win. It cost us today. It cost us week 4. But being aggressive late also HELPED us beat Oakland. It helped us comeback vs Miami (compare Gases' late game play calling to the Colts and tell me who you'd rather have). It helped us blowout Tennessee and Buffalo (nobody is gonna remember those 4th downs early in both those games that we went for AND got). Frank Reich helped win a Superbowl in PHILLY of all places by being aggressive. It's not always gonnna work. Soon, he'll learn to pick his spots better. Bet your bottom dollar the Colts are gonna come out hungry and ready against Houston next week.


That being said, it's gonna be hard to go into Houston and win. The Colts truly got to run the table. Let's be real, it's prolly not gonna happen. But even if it don't, this season is still a success, with lots of important things accomplished. 


A very young team bounced back from 1-5 and into the playoff discussion in December. You know who the other 1-5 teams were this season? Like, Oakland, Arizona and I think San Fran. Where they at right now? Our Quarterback has not just returned, he's returned to elite form. We have an offensive line that's still young and talented. We got some running backs that have potential. We got a building block piece on defense in Darius Leonard. Our DLine has some talent and will only improve with another draft and FA. We have a GM and coach who are finally on the same page. We know what holes we need to fill on the roster and I'm confident that Ballard and his crew (which is touted for being world class around NFL circles FWIW) will be able to build it up. Oh, and there's about 120 million in the bank to spend (or something like that).


Now flashback to February on the day McTrashniels backed out. We had no Oline, no exciting young players to look forward to, and a Quarterback who many thought wasn't even gonna play another snap again. If I told you on that day that we would be 6-6 in December with all the things I listed above to look forward to, you'd take it, nah? Heck when we were 1-5 and someone told you all that stuff, you'd take it, right?


Now I was gonna go post some playoff scenarios and what not but this post is already like the longest thing I've ever posted here so maybe I'll do that later. I gotta get back to studying for finals haha 


Enjoy the week everybody. The Holidays are nearly upon us (even though i don't do Christmas lol).


Brighter days ahead. Win or lose, I love my Colts gang :thmup:

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27 minutes ago, NorthernBlue said:

Cause it's not done yet. The Colts very much can make the playoffs. It's gonna be tough, but they can absolutely do it.


Unfortunately, it's not in their hands, though.  Even if they do run the table, I'm gonna say they don't make it.  


But, at least they have a chance.  They still have something to play for.

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8 hours ago, #12. said:


Unfortunately, it's not in their hands, though.  Even if they do run the table, I'm gonna say they don't make it.  


But, at least they have a chance.  They still have something to play for.

You really think the Ravens can beat the Chargers and the Chiefs 

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8 hours ago, #12. said:


Unfortunately, it's not in their hands, though.  Even if they do run the table, I'm gonna say they don't make it.  


But, at least they have a chance.  They still have something to play for.

If we run the table and finish 10-6 we will be in more than likely, have you seen the Ravens schedule? They will lose at KC and at Chargers. 

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Pretty much over it now. Went to the casino for a few hours, only played Blackjack, and had a slight gain. Profited $10 and a pizza from them, so it helped me get over the game and focus on something different. I don't think we make the playoffs this year, but we are in great shape GM-wise, coach-wise, and in certain areas team-wise. The draft and FA should be fun and we'll see if the young guys on our team can accomplish something in the last month that makes us happy. Ready to move on from this debacle of a game now. Good thread @NorthernBlue :thmup:

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17 hours ago, horseshoecrabs said:

I really liked what we have done this year,  but I never thought making it to the playoffs would have been a giving . and if it did well, I didn't expect to much yet  

This team has feasted on some bottom feeders but the boys are getting experience. This team isn't ready for playoff ball. No need to go to the playoffs and get roasted,. Best that we get top 12 talent in each round of the draft and get two quality FA.  

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